Category Archives: Primary 1

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed having Miss Duncan join our class this week. We have been impressing her with our great attitude to learning.

2nd star – We have enjoyed writing about our likes and dislikes this week. We were learning to use connectives.

wish – To do more exercise and gym.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed writing instructions this week. We were able to write instructions about how to wash our hands.

2nd star – We enjoyed learning about schools in the olden days and comparing them to schools nowadays.

Wish – We would like to learn more about the olden days and have a look at toys from the past.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We enjoyed learning about Katie Morag. We really liked making our own maps of the Isle of Struay! We were able to plot all the places on to our maps.

2nd star – We enjoyed watching p6/5 assembly. We think it was super and they all worked hard!

Wish – We would like to learn more French next week.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed learning to add. We understand the three jobs of adding!

2nd star – We enjoyed learning about different Scottish castles. We learned different parts of a castle and were able to include these in a black line castle drawing.

Wish – We would like to read more of our class novel – ‘The Twits’. We can’t wait to find out what they get up to next week!

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We enjoyed performing our first ever class assembly. We all used a clear voice and Miss Napier was very proud.

2nd star – We enjoyed learning about Edinburgh Castle and really enjoyed making our own model castles using lego bricks.

Wish – We would like to learn more about Scottish castles and the different parts of the castle.