Author Archives: Miss Armstrong

P4 Lowport 2018

Preparations are well underway getting organised for this years Residential trip to Lowport Centre.

Letters will be sent out this week with EE2 forms attached for parents/ carers of P4 children attending Lowport this year. Please complete and return as soon as possible.

There will be a meeting on 20th February to go over details and it would be great if you could attend.

Christmas Fayre

Attached are some photos from the very successful Christmas Fayre which was held on Tuesday 28th November. Thanks again to the Parent Council for organising such a fantastic night! Thanks also to staff, pupils and parents/carers for all their help and for coming along.

Extreme Reading Challenge!


As part of Book Week Scotland we are running a photo competition about extreme reading. The idea is for children to have photos taken of them reading in the most interesting/extreme places. We are then going to make a display in the school library with the photos.

Upload a photo of you reading somewhere unusual onto the Yammer page (P5-7) or upload onto the one drive and share with your class teacher. You could also print a copy and bring in or use the community wing facilities to help.

The more unusual – the more fun! Enjoy your extreme reading and remember to stay safe!

National Book Week – Library Poster Competition

Well done to Chloe Thornton (P4), Jaimie Luker (P4) and Hannah Sloan (P6) for winning the Library poster competition! We asked boys and girls throughout the school to create new advertising posters for the library in the hope for more visitors. We were overwhelmed with fantastic entries and struggled to narrow them down. In the end, we managed to choose our top 3! As a reward, the girls will get to choose their very own brand new book to keep! Well done again! Keep an eye out for your posters around the school and community wing.

Very Successful Open Morning!

Thank you to everyone who managed to pop along to our Open Morning today. It was great to see such a brilliant turn out of parents/ carers, aunties, uncles and grandparents! We asked you to describe what you could see, hear and feel as you made your way through the school and it is lovely to see such positive feedback. We really appreciate your time and your comments are extremely beneficial.