First star – making spooky haunted silhouette pictures in Art.
Second star – Playing dodgeball in P.E
First star – Searching for invertebrates in the garden.
Second star – P6/5’s assembly.
We wish for everyone to have a great, safe October holiday!
First * – Having Charlie join our class on Monday morning!
Second * – Hopscotch rights respecting theatre.
Our wish – To become better at stopping and listening.
First star: Presenting our puppets shows to each other in class.
Second star: Mild, spicy and hot maths.
Wish: For no-one to start a sentence with….AND!! 🙂
First star – Making our Charlotte’s web puppets!
Second star – P.E with Miss Hunter
Wish – To play rounders!
First star: Working in groups to make puppet theatres.
Second star: Team games in P.E.
Our wish: To play rounders outside in P.E.
First star – making optical illusions in Art.
Second star – team games in P.E with Miss Hunter.
Our wish – To be a quieter class!
In the run up to Christmas we have been doing lots of Christmas themed rt activities. One of the activities was using shapes and texture to create birds-eye view snowmen. We used concentric circles and smudged pastel to make it look like we were looking at the snowmen from above. The end result was really effective!
Here are some photos of a few of our completed posters advertising the Greek Olympics. We successfully managed to include a lot of the information we researched about the Ancient Olympics on to our posters. One of our favourite facts was that married woman are not allowed to attend!
P4 voted their favourite part of this week as researching The Ancient Greek Olympics, as part of their ‘Ancient Greece’ topic. They found out when, where and why the games first began in Greece and learned about some of the rules – for example, no women were allowed to attend!
They were then set the challenge of using their newly learned information to design a poster advertising the Greek Olympics – photos are to follow once they are completed!