Author Archives: Miss Buchanan

P1B – 2 Stars and a wish.

* Star 1: We have really enjoyed earning class Dojo points for good work and super behaviour this week.

* Star 2: We loved P6/5’s assembly about New Year and especially enjoyed holding hands when we sang Auld Lang Syne.

Wish:  We wish we could get more toys and surprises in our class next week.


P1 and P4/3 joined together  to organise a very successful stall at the Christmas Fayre.  Both classes worked hard to collect Fairtrade items for the tombola and the children helped to organise and run the stall.  It was very busy and the prizes went very quickly.  Well done to all that helped and thanks to those who came along to buy tombola tickets.

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McTivity 2015

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Primary 1 loved taking part in the McTivity, a Scottish version of the Nativity story.  They all did a fabulous job and looked very cute on the stage.  The show was a great success and we received lots of positive feedback. Thanks to all who supported us and came along.