Author Archives: Miss Heenan

P5/4 Two stars and a wish

* 1st star  We really enjoyed taking part in the West Lothian Sumdog contest this week and we are delighted that Daniels was fourth in the whole competition.  Well done!

* 2nd star We worked hard during health lessons with Miss Heenan and Miss Arkless this week.

Wish  We are looking forward to doing more maths assessments next week.

P5/4 Two stars and a wish

1st star     We really enjoyed learning about the story of Bathgate Castle and making line drawings of the Bathgate Coat of Arms.  We can’t wait until the drawings are finished.

2nd star   It was fun starting our new class novel-Mr Stink by David Walliams.

Wish         We are looking forward to finding out more local history.


As you know, Boghall Primary was awarded a second Level 2 Rights Respecting School Award a few weeks ago.  This is a fantastic achievement as not only were we the first school in West Lothian to achieve the Advanced level 2  award back in 2011,  we are now the first school in West Lothian to be awarded level 2 for the SECOND time!  We were delighted to welcome back Tam Baillie (The Children’s Commissioner)  to our school to present us with the award.  Here are some of the official photographs that were taken on the day.


P5/4 Two Stars and a Wish

1st Star: We have enjoyed watching the chicks hatch on Glow.  We can’t wait to meet them next week.

2nd Star: We are enjoying our new class novel – Billionaire Boy by David Walliams.  We can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Wish: We are looking forward to the dress rehearsal of our school show.