Author Archives: Miss Heenan

P3A TVs of the Future

After learning about the inventor of the television, John Logie Baird, P3A were set the challenge of working in teams to produce a TV of the future!  They had to work collaboratively to build a 3D model and use their imagination to think of special features TVs might have in the future.  There were lots of creative ideas! 

French Twinning News

The RRS group met with Mrs Kerwin from the Bathgate Cran-Gevrier Twinning Association.  They told Mrs Kerwin all about the work of the RRS group and they shared letters that they had written to our twin school in France.  Mrs Kerwin then spoke about the work of the Twinning Committee and the pupils had an opportunity to look at photographs and leaflets.

Merci beaucoup Madame Kerwin!


P3 Snow day suggestions


If you’re looking for something to do indoors on this snowy day then here are some suggestions;

-Design a front cover for the programme of the school show (The Little Mermaid) Remember not to include any words if you want to enter the ‘Design a Programme’ competition.

-Design a poster to encourage people to support Fairtrade.

-Practise your maths by logging onto Sumdog, Education City and

-Read your favourite book (or books)

-Write a story and try to include as many of your boost words as you can.

-As P3A have been looking at the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, create another picture in the style of Rennie Mackintosh


P3A Outright Campaign

After hearing the RRS group speak about the UNICEF Outright Campaign at assembly a few weeks ago, P3A listened to the story of Paddington Bear. They then found out about the refugee crisis and talked about how children sometimes have to leave the country they are from to escape things like war and natural disasters.  P3A know that these children still have rights even if they have to live in a different country.