Author Archives: Miss Preston

P5 Update

We have had a very busy week in P5.

Star 1 – Getting to know and beginning lessons with Miss Hoggan

(We are extremely lucky to have Miss Hoggan with us at the moment.  Miss Hoggan is a 3rd Year student teacher from Stirling University.  The children have made her feel very welcome!)

Star 2 – Taking our learning outside!  We made the most of the dry and mild weather and took our measurement lesson outside.  We were able to estimate and measure much larger items and areas,  We have learned that it is really tricky to estimate big areas!

Wish – More ICT in class!  We have recently been using the school iPad minis to develop our internet search and independent research skills.   We have been creating a fact file on Robert Burns.

Miss Preston, Miss Hoggan and P5 x




Primary 5

We have had a very busy week in P5.  We had Hop Skotch in on Tuesday to perform Aladin.  We all really enjoyed the panto.  We also had an opportunity to watch the infant nativity on Wednesday.  All they children were extremely cute and did a fantastic job!  Well done to all the P1, P2 and P3s.

Star 1:  Using our ICT and research skills to find out information about Christmas traditions around the world.  We have really enjoyed using the new iPads minis 🙂

Star 2: Using our creativity to design and make 3D diarama models.

(Charlie’s wish was for EVERYONE to have a Happy Christmas!)

Wish:  To do some Christmas cooking/baking.

Miss Preston and P5


P5 weekly update :)

Star 1:  We all absolutely loved the whole school trip to the Vue cinema in Livingston to watch the ‘Good Dinosaur’!  Miss Preston was accused of crying at a few points during the movie … she obviously just had something in her eyes 😉 😉  We did a fantastic job representing our school in a very busy Livingston Centre.

Star 2:  We loved the excellent Enterprise Gifts and events that the P7s have been doing and look forward to this week’s too.  You are doing a fab job P7!

Wish for next week: To do science activities relating to our IDL learning on Natural Distasters.

Class News

Star of the Week was Nicole.  Daisy nominated Nicole for demonstrating increased resilience when facing challenge.  Well done Nicole! 🙂

Class Lottery winner was Zak.  Congratulations Zak! Our jar is empty again … remember the more tickets you have in the jar the higher your chances of winning!

Miss Preston Special Awards

Hannah for consistently handing in homework of a high standard.  Well done Hannah! 🙂

Imogem for working extremely hard to improve the presentation of her work.  You are making fabulous progress.  Keep it up! 🙂

Darren for always having beautiful manners to both his peers and adults throughout the school.  Your manners make me smile everyday! 🙂

Zak for consistently giving 100% and demonstrating a ‘Give it a Go!’ attitude to improving both literacy and numeracy. You are doing a fab job Zak and should be so proud of yourself! 🙂

Well done to everyone who won an award this week!  Our prize box will be empty in no time if you all keep working so hard 🙂 🙂


P5 have had an extremely busy week!

We have had an extremely busy week in P5 planning and practicing for our assembly.

We also had some visitors 🙂 …. We had the P5s from Mrs Wiliamson’s class spend time with us.  We have been sharing our learning of Diwali and letting them participate in activities relating to our T1 topic.

We have been learning all about Armistice Day and the poem ‘In Flander’s Field’ by John Macrae.

It has been a busy, busy week!

This week we have 3 stars and 1 wish ….

Star 1:  Basketball with Mrs Lloyd

Star 2: Art work for our assembly

Star 3:  Sharing our learning with Mrs Williamson’s P5s

Wish for next week: Cooking!!

P5 and Miss Preston would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of you who came to our assembly today!  We were overwhelmed by the number of parents, family and carers that took time to come along.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and well earned rest P5!

Miss Preston xx 🙂 🙂

Hello from P5!

We have had another busy week in P5.

Our two stars for this week are:

Star 1 :  Designing Mehndi hand patterns as part of our learning about the Hindu festival Dawali! 🙂

Star 2:  Learning about the Hindu story of Rama and Sita. 🙂 🙂

Wish for next term:  To do some more Haiku poems.  🙂

Weekly Awards

This week’s Star of the Week is Sophie Kirkwood.  Sophie was nominated by Jenna-Leigh for always putting 100% into her work and having lovely manners.  Well done Sophie!

Our Class Lottery winners were Morgan (on holiday!), Freya (on holiday!) …. we finally got a winner who was in class today!  Well done Ellise! 🙂  Morgan and Freya will get to choose a prize when they return to class.


A reminder that our Class Assembly is on Friday 4th November.  We hope you can come along to share our learning from term 1.

I hope you all have a fantastic October break!!  STAY SAFE P5!!!!

Miss Preston x 🙂 🙂

P5 News

Hello from P5!

We have had a very busy week in P5.  We had lots of suggestions for our Two Stars and a Wish!

Star 1:

Writing Haiku’s as part of National Poetry Day (6th October).  We came up with some fabulous Haiku’s.  Ask your child to explain what a Haiku is and share their’s with you!

Star 2: 

Playing our own games in PE.  Mrs Lloyd set us a challenge to create a game, including rules.  In PE this week we played two of the games.  Well done to Darren, Finlay, Zander and Mark (game 1) and Emma, Lauren and Sophie (game 2) for creating such fun games!


Our class wish for next week is to have another chance to use Incredibox!  This is an ICT application to create pieces of music. This week we focused on beat and tempo.

Class Awards

Star of the week:  Imogem Henderson:    Lauren nominated Imogem for always being ready to learn!

Class lottery winner: Zander Park

Well done to you both.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston and P5

P5 Update

Happy Friday from P5! 🙂

Star number 1 – Mad Maths Minutes 

This is our new daily challenge to develop our mental maths and recall speed.

Star number 2 – Oral communication activity

As part of our Communication lessons we were given a challenge that tested not only our ability to give clear and concise instructions but also our listening skills.

Our wish for next week – Number Talks

We are sharing the strategies we use during our maths lessons.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Preston and P5!

Hello from P5 :)

We hope you all enjoyed your long weekend last week.  We have been busy in P5 since we returned on Wednesday 🙂

We have been reflecting as a class and have decided that our two stars from this week are:

*.    PE with Mrs LLoyd

*.    Continuing with our learning of place value within a million!!

Our wish for next week is:

*.  To have more opportunities to play Popcorn, our mental maths active game!

We would like to wish you all a lovely weekend.

Miss Preston and P5 🙂 🙂