Author Archives: Miss Preston

ECO Group Recycling Campaign

This year the ECO Group have decided to run a Christmas Card recycle campaign.  We will be recycling via the Morrisons store in Bathgate.

We encourage you to send in all your used Christmas Cards.  Why not involve your friends and family too! 🙂

The ECO Group will be going around all classes when we return after the Christmas break collecting the used cards.  The final collection date is Monday 22nd January 2018.

In ECO we trust.  Re-cycle we must!

(Congratulations to our committee member Nicola in P7 for coming up with our fantastic new ECO slogan!) 

Thank you for your support!

The ECO Committee

P4 UNCRC Outright Campaign

In class today we have been learning about refugees and their rights.  Ask your child to discuss with you the difference between refugees and migrants and to share their understanding of the rights of refugee children.

We discussed the story of Paddington Bear and how he had been sent away from Peru to keep him safe.  We also watched a short video of a young boy named Chad who had left his homeland to seek safety.

Activity 1:

We discussed and collated a list of adjective to describe the emotions that Chad and his family would be feeling.  I was extremely impressed with the fantastic adjectives the children came up with!

Activity 2:

The children were given the challenge to think of 7 items that they would take with them if they were to leave their home and be sent to another country in order to keep them safe.



Miss Preston and P4

Scottish Book Week Celebrations in P4!

We have had great fun this week celebrating Scottish Book Week.

The children were so excited to see their new library and are loving chilling out with a good book, cosy blanket and cushions!

A HUGE thank you to everyone that managed to make it along to our Open Afternoon today.  We hope you enjoyed sharing our reading with us!

P4 and Miss Preston

Here are some pictures of us enjoying our new library.




P4 Egyptian Homework Challenge

A massive well done to P4 pupils for their amazing creations for the Egyptian homework challenge.  The challenge was to design and make something to do with the Egyptians.  The were encouraged to be as creative as possible.  We had everything from fact files to newspaper reports to masks to models … even some super Egyptian jewellery that Miss Armstrong modeled for us!

I was blown away by the obvious effort and the extremely high standard of the children’s creations!  Mrs Duncan and Miss Armstrong were very impressed too!

A HUGE thank you to all Parents and Carers for supporting your child with this activity.

A reminder that we have a class assembly on Friday 27th October at 11.45am.  We hope to see you all there to share our learning across term 1!

We hope you enjoy having a wee look at the amazing creations.

Well done everyone!  I am so very proud of every one of you 🙂

P4 Two Stars and a Wish

Our 1st star for this week was learning how to play Sumdog!

Our 2nd star for this week was practicing and developing our knowledge of place value up to 4 digits!

Our wish for next week is to do some art work.

**  Congratulations to Jake for getting the first Positive Visit!  Jake went to visit P7/6 to share the fact that on the very first night of using Sumdog he answered a whopping 366 questions with 89% accuracy!! GREAT JOB Jake!!! **

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

P4 and Miss Preston


Two stars from week 1! 

  •  Welcoming our new pupil, Alexandra, to our school and our class
  • Learning a new maths game – Killer 12!

Our class wish for next week is:

  • To do some writing and maths

We all had a fabulous first week in P4 and look forward to having fun and learning lots and lots this year!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P4 and Miss Preston

P5 Class Elections

We have had lots of fun learning about the local elections and the voting process.  We split into 6 parties and created our own manifestos, went canvassing for votes, designed party logos and made rosettes, presented our proposals to other classes and carried out an anonymous vote!

Everyone participated extremely well and should be very proud of themselves!

Results are as follows:

  • Fidget Fan Pary
  • Useless Uniform Party
  • Homework Helps Party

The total number of void votes was 13.

Fidget Fans Party                                                 No Fidget Spinner Party (NFS)

Useless Uniform Party                                          Uniform United Party

Homework Hater Party                                       Homework Helps Party

Boghall Primary 5 Constituency’s Returning Officer


P5 Two Stars and a Wish

Good morning

Our stars for this week are:

  • Learning how to say and spell a range of body parts in French!
  • Seeing Miss Hoggan again – we have all missed her lots!

Wish for next week

  • To do more maths challenges on our current topic of money

A reminder that Monday is a holiday.  Due to the Scottish Elections children are not in school on Thursday either.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston & P5

P5 Update

Hi from P5

Star 1:  Carousel activities in maths during our time lessons

Star 2:  Drama with Miss Hoggan

Wish:  To do some cooking

We were all very sad to say goodbye to our student Miss Hoggan.  We have all really enjoyed having her as part of our class and would like to wish her all the very best for the future.  And who knows, we might see her again soon!!


We did enjoy Miss Hoggan’s surprise farewell party though 🙂 🙂  And even Mrs Ireland popped in to share in on the fun.

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Cheeky face pose as a final goodbye! 🙂




P5 Technology Project

P5s interdisciplinary topic for this term is Scotland. As part of our technology lessons we will be looking at the construction of the main bridges in Scotland, focusing on the Forth Road Bridges. We will be comparing the similarities and differences between the three bridges. As part of this learning the children will be working in groups to construct a model of their choice of the three bridges.

Can I please request that P5 parents send in clean recycled materials you have that might be of use – i.e. plastic bottles, egg boxes, cardboard tubes etc.

Please do not send in any materials that might cause injury, such as glass or tins.

I am really excited to see the designs and models the children create!

Miss Preston