Author Archives: Mrs Thacker

Primary 5 Two Stars and a Wish

Star:  We have really enjoyed learning about how plants grow and reproduce this week.  We have been doing lots of practical experiments with real flowers so that we can see for ourselves how plants grow.  We are looking forward to reviewing and finishing our experiments next week.

Star:  We have been having fun learning about percentages in maths.  We now know how to work out 50%, 25% and 10% of amounts and can use these facts in word problems.

Wish:  We are really hoping that we can achieve our dream next week and make a brand new world record at our drumming event at Livingston Stadium.  We have been working really hard to learn the rhythms and are confident that we can do it!  Remember you are all welcome at the stadium on Thursday morning to cheer us along.

Primary 5 Science

Primary 5 have been learning all about human senses.  This week they have investigated the sense of taste and sight.  They are realising just how important our senses are, how they work and what it would be like if any of them were impaired.

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Science in Primary 5 – The Ear

Primary 5 have been enjoying learning about human sensory organs this week and what functions they perform.  Their focus yesterday was the ear.  They looked at an anatomical diagram of one and labeled all the correct parts.  They also took part in some fun experiments all about hearing.  Primary 5 can now tell you why we have 2 ears and not just one!  Next week they will be learning about taste and smell


Drumming Crazy!

Primary 5 had their first drumming session with Joe from West Lothian Council’s Cultural Arts services this week.  They are learning to play the Djembe drums, Dom Doms and other percussion instruments.  We are going to be part of a drumming ensemble in June which will attempt to break the world record for the most amount of drums played at once.  We loved it!


Primary 5 Two Stars and a Wish

We have had a very busy first week back after our Easter Holidays.  This week our highlights have been:

Star: Playing the djembe drums in music.  We are hopefully going to break a world record in June!

Star: Learning about the story of Rama and Sita and why it is important to Hindus.  We also got to make diva lamps out of clay.

Wish:  We would love to do some cooking!

MSP Juniors!



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Primary 5 had a fantastic day out at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.  They took part in interesting workshops where they learned all about the history of Scottish politics.  After that primary 5 were taken on a tour around the Parliament building and given special access into the debating chamber.  Finally we were given  an audience with two local MSP’s – Fiona Hyslop and Neil Findlay.  Primary 5 asked super questions!

They had a brilliant day and learned a lot.

Minecraft in class????

As part of Primary 5’s work on the Scottish Parliament, they took part in a heated debate.  There was a Proposing team, an Opposing team, a Chair person and an audience who voted.  Pupils researched both in school and at home evidence to back up their arguments.  The topic – should Minecraft be used in class?

After both teams had made fantastic, well informed points we went to a vote.  The results overwhelmingly showed that Minecraft should not be used in class.

Well done Primary 5
