P5 weekly update :)

Star 1:  We all absolutely loved the whole school trip to the Vue cinema in Livingston to watch the ‘Good Dinosaur’!  Miss Preston was accused of crying at a few points during the movie … she obviously just had something in her eyes 😉 😉  We did a fantastic job representing our school in a very busy Livingston Centre.

Star 2:  We loved the excellent Enterprise Gifts and events that the P7s have been doing and look forward to this week’s too.  You are doing a fab job P7!

Wish for next week: To do science activities relating to our IDL learning on Natural Distasters.

Class News

Star of the Week was Nicole.  Daisy nominated Nicole for demonstrating increased resilience when facing challenge.  Well done Nicole! 🙂

Class Lottery winner was Zak.  Congratulations Zak! Our jar is empty again … remember the more tickets you have in the jar the higher your chances of winning!

Miss Preston Special Awards

Hannah for consistently handing in homework of a high standard.  Well done Hannah! 🙂

Imogem for working extremely hard to improve the presentation of her work.  You are making fabulous progress.  Keep it up! 🙂

Darren for always having beautiful manners to both his peers and adults throughout the school.  Your manners make me smile everyday! 🙂

Zak for consistently giving 100% and demonstrating a ‘Give it a Go!’ attitude to improving both literacy and numeracy. You are doing a fab job Zak and should be so proud of yourself! 🙂

Well done to everyone who won an award this week!  Our prize box will be empty in no time if you all keep working so hard 🙂 🙂


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