MacMillan Coffee Morning – Massive Success!!

Thank you to everyone who was involved in our coffee morning for MacMillan Cancer Support on Friday. It was a massive success! There were lots of yummy cakes, biscuits and pancakes, with a nice cup of hot coffee or tea to wash them down!

Also, thank you to everyone who donated delicious home-baking. The effort was outstanding and very much appreciated. Thank you to those who donated large cakes that were raffled off and went to lucky winners – Mrs Ireland, Graeme Totten and Robin Bremner’s Grandma.

These events wouldn’t be possible without the help of the brilliant Pupil Council and parent helpers. Thank you for all your help!

The children in the classes also thoroughly enjoyed tasting yummy shortbread and deciding if it was ‘faked’ or ‘baked’.

We raised a whopping £586 for such a great cause! Thanks again!

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