P5 News

Hello from P5!

We have had a very busy week in P5.  We had lots of suggestions for our Two Stars and a Wish!

Star 1:

Writing Haiku’s as part of National Poetry Day (6th October).  We came up with some fabulous Haiku’s.  Ask your child to explain what a Haiku is and share their’s with you!

Star 2: 

Playing our own games in PE.  Mrs Lloyd set us a challenge to create a game, including rules.  In PE this week we played two of the games.  Well done to Darren, Finlay, Zander and Mark (game 1) and Emma, Lauren and Sophie (game 2) for creating such fun games!


Our class wish for next week is to have another chance to use Incredibox!  This is an ICT application to create pieces of music. This week we focused on beat and tempo.

Class Awards

Star of the week:  Imogem Henderson:    Lauren nominated Imogem for always being ready to learn!

Class lottery winner: Zander Park

Well done to you both.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston and P5

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