Digiweek- Boghall shares how they use digital technology to enhance learning.

A new National Digital Learning Week is taking place this week from 2nd to theĀ  6th March. This is to encourage schools to get involved and share how they are using digital technologies to support learning in the classroom and at home.Digi-week wants to encourage everyone in school to have a go with digital technologies!We love technology in Boghall Primary and are always trying new and exciting things.

We had a special visit in school today from West Lothian Council’s Education Head of Service Mr Jim Cameron, John Low (IT services- education development officer) and John Sexton and Pam McDowall from Glow @ Education Scotland. We shared how we use digital technology in our learning from using Ipods at Stirling Castle, using powtoons, spreadsheets and cameras in Business enterprise to applying for jobs in the technical team.

Pupils from P3 and P4/3 ran a glow meet broadcast to the whole school via glow and pupils from P3-P7 took part in a Question and answer session with our visitors. Our visitors also got to see our chicks (There are 7 and counting!) Blair and Katie from P7 also shared how they used digital technology in their Civil Rights Class talks.

Our visitors were interested and very impressed with what we have been doing and will be sharing what they saw on the digiweek blog. Log in to glow to find out more.

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