Category Archives: P6
P6/7 Learning Activities Monday 1st February
The Better Together Team has received this from Letter Paul Gorman at Hidden Giants.
Read the letter carefully and select either the spicy or hot set of questions to answer.
2nd Level February Calendar – Daily Rigour Numeracy
Day 1 – Simplifying Fractions. Watch the BBC bitesize videos to help you with this question. There is also a quiz on the website to complete.
Dates and Times for Check INs, Learning Conversations and assignment hand ins can be found in this timetable: BPSStT WB feb 1
French – Watching this French lesson will help you to prepare for Wednesday’s French lesson.
Thursday 28th January 2021 P6/7 Learning
Thursday 28th January Learning Activities
Good morning P6/7, here are your learning activities for today ^^
Have a great day
P6/7 Learning Activities
P4-7 Monday 25th January 2021 Learning
Good morning P4-7 and Happy Burns Day! Here is your learning for today ^^
P4-7 22nd January 2021 Learning
P4-7 Thursday 21st January 2021 Learning
Here is today’s learning ^^
P4-7 Learning Activities Wednesday 20th January
Click the link above to access today’s learning activities.
P4-7 Learning Activities Tues 19th Jan
Click on the link above to access today’s learning activities. We will have teams meetings at 9:30, 11:30 and 2pm today.
Monday 18th January 2021 P4-7 Learning
Here is the link for today’s learning ^^