All posts by Lauren Bryce

Sport Relief – Friday 23rd March

On Friday 23rd March Blackburn Primary School will be fundraising for Sport Relief.  Each child is invited to wear sportswear and donate £1 to this worthwhile charity.  Each class will be participating in a health promoting activity within their own classroom and the day will end with a whole school cyber aerobics session led by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach.

We hope you will all join us in this event!

A Special Visitor!

Miss Clarkson and Mrs Bryce had a very special visitor in the office today … The Easter Bunny!

The Easter Bunny came to tell us that he will be visiting the boys and girls at Blackburn Primary School and Hopefield Nursery Class before the Holidays and who knows he might even bring an Easter treat to those who have been good!

Parent Consultations March 2018

Thank you to all our parents and carers who came to hear about their child or children’s progress this session.  It was so lovely to catch up with so many of our families.  We are so grateful to everyone who wrote comments to help us with our ongoing self evaluation.  Your ongoing support is much appreciated!

We would also like to thank West Lothian Food Bank, Community Action Blackburn, Scripture Union, Child Smile, Credit Union and Blackburn Primary School’s Parent Council for giving up their time to share information with us.