Belgium update 3

Hello from a sunny and warm Blankenberge. 🙂

Last night we enjoyed a dinner of soup, roast turkey, potatoes, carrots and creme caramel for dessert. We then journeyed to the beach for more fun and devoured loads of waffles, ice cream, candy floss and frites.

Today we have travelled into Holland where we met the clogmaker Boyd who gave us a demonstration of traditional clog-making and also modern machinery. We visited his gift shop and he kindly engraved little clogs for us to bring home. We can’t wait to give you them!

After lunch we visited Sun Park De Haan and had a great time on the different flumes, wave pool, jacuzzis and river rapids. It was a fantastic afternoon.

Hope everyone is well back home. We’re enjoying reading your comments.

Belgium update 2

Hello from Blankenberge.

Last night we enjoyed a tasty dinner of soup followed by pork, potatoes and vegetables then finished with ice cream. We then headed down to the beach where we had loads of fun, the sun was out and the wind was gine so it was lovely. Our last adventure of the day was to visit the waffle stand or frites shop. 22 pupils chose waffle stand and only 13 went for frites…I wonder what the split will be tonight! We all slept like logs and caught up on our missed sleep from the previous night.

We’re just back from a lovely day out in Brugge. The weather has been really sunny and bright. Breakfast was a selection of cereals and rolls with jam or chocolate spread, all washed down with tea or juice.
Then we headed on the bus to Roose’s Chocolate World where we learned how chocolate is made before doing lots of sampling. We spent lots of our money on presents for our loved ones back home then headed off to the local park for some fresh air and a run around. After lunch we headed in to Brugge town centre and visited the Beguinage nunnery, the Market Square and we took a ride on a canal boat.

More from us tomorrow! 🙂

P4m 20.4.15

Cameron: This week I have enjoyed learning about lots of different countries in the world from our new story book- “Around the world in 80 days”

Gary: I liked constructing different objects from London (the city that Phileas Fogg began his journey) with my group.

Luca: I enjoyed going outside to play with my friends

Noah: I liked practicing my spelling this week using lots of different strategies

Steven: I enjoyed making a palace guard in my group for art

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Fiona: I liked learning about tally marks and bar graphs in maths

Jack: I liked our last day of NYCOs because we got to play lots of games like categories.

Article 31: we have the right to play and rest

Belgium update 1

Greetings from Blankenberge!

We have all arrived safely after our bus and ferry journey. The weather here just now is sunny but with a chilly wind. We’ve stopped off in Dunkirk and Oostende and are now busy unpacking before heading for a walk around the town before dinner.

Down on the farm with Class M

This week we started our new topic Farming. We tried to think about all the things we know about farms already and what we would like to learn.

Our activity corner has been turned in to a farm shop, and we painted a huge cardbard box to make a stable for some of the animals. We all had fun climbng inside the box and sitting on the straw!

Jayden – Milk comes from cows. Our new topic is about the farm.

Joe – We were tasting but we couldn’t see it because our eyes were covered. We were guessing which animal it came from.

Gabriel – I tried to eat my food without looking. We tasted some sausages.

In the sensory room we learned that some food comes from animals and we had a taste of some different things such as sausages.

We also played a game to match farm animals to their babies, and tried to learn the baby names. Do you know what a baby goat is called?


This week we completed our Journey through the Nile topic. Our last activity was to design a travel leaflet about Egypt. We wrote facts about modern Egypt.

Here is some information we included:
– ladies wear long black dresses that cover their knees and shoulders and a veil to cover their face.
– traditional men wear long, cotton robes.
– the Egyptian flag is red, white and black
– in Egypt today you can visit the ancient pyramids
-Egyptian currency is Egyptian pounds.
-The population is 69 million.
-the weather is very hot!

Well- done to everyone who completed an Egyptian home project. They were all fantastic! Everyone revived a certificate for their efforts and Arran won the overall prize for working extremely hard to complete an information book with activities inside. Next week we will begin our new topic ‘Farm to fork’.

We also learned about similes. A simile is when an author uses the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ to compare two things. E.g. as slow as a snail and
up and down like a yo-yo. We worked in groups to read a passage and highlight the similes.

In writing, we wrote a recount of our Easter holiday. We had to include an introduction information about our favourite day (who, what, where, when), feelings and a concluding sentence.
We also had to write in the past tense. It was quite tricky but we did a great job!

Bye for now,

Article 28- We have the right to an education


We have a had busy first week back! We found out our new topic is going to be all about farming and where food comes from. We discussed what we already know about farming during a carousel activity. We all worked really well as a team to write down as many ideas as possible. We know quite a lot about farm animals but we have lots more we want to find out. We also decided we want to turn our role play area into a farm with a farm shop.

In grammar we have been learning about the present and past tense. We had to sort verbs into the right tense. We found this tricky at first but we worked hard and helped each other out. We also learned that some verbs you can just add ‘ed’ on the end to put them into the past tense. We read a story about Uncle Ed to help us remember this rule.

In writing this week, we have been learning to write a personal story. We wrote about our Easter holidays. Everyone got up to lots of different fun and exciting things.


Pupil of the Week: Kai

Class Dojo: Ava



We can’t believe we are into our final term in P6! Where has the time gone?

We came back and got straight on with our learning, starting with Area in Maths.

Jordan – I liked counting up in halves and quarters to find the area of different shapes.

Rachel – I liked learning how to find the area of a right-angled triangle using a formula.

Megan – I enjoyed learning about area – it was easier than I thought!

We also drew our Float Portraits –

Erin – I used all the skills I have been learning about tone and shade to do my portrait.

Eve – I learned about Frozen because I have never actually seen the film!

We  started our new science topic this week with the help of Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore wrote to us and we also came up with our very first spell!

Jamie – I used lots of verbs and adjectives and learned some scientific words for my spell.

Sophie – I liked naming our groups as the names we came up with are really cool.

We learned how to have a positive mental attitude and also had a debate on homelessness this morning as well!   Phew we are ready to relax this weekend!

Mrs Haddifon has been really pleased with how quickly we settled into our new term and how hard we all worked this week.

Have a great weekend!




Weather report

This week we have been learning about the weather and seasons. We were in groups of 4 and worked together to discuss different types of weather at different times of the year.

FIRST, we were given questions such as “What time of year do the leaves fall?” and we had to stick them onto the right season. The answer is AUTUMN.

NEXT, we stuck pictures of things we do at certain times of year onto the right seasons too. We had pictures of things like Santa Claus (WINTER), lambs (SPRING), flowers (SPRING and SUMMER), etc.

We all worked very well in our groups and made sure to include everybody so that we all participated!



NEXT TIME we are going to be learning about the months of the year and putting them in order in our groups. We are then going to stick the months of the year onto the correct seasons to show our understanding.

We are also very excited that we have our very own Weather Forecast Station and we can do our own weather charts and talk about the different clothes we wear for the weather.

Home learning task: Can you watch a weather forecast at home and try to do your own?

Have a lovely weekend and we hope the weather is beautiful!
-Primary 1w & Miss Wilson

Article 28: The right to a good quality education

P1L’s First Week Back

We’ve been bees in P1l!  Below are some comments from the children about what they have enjoyed about school this week or about school in gerneral.


I like doing Maths, we’ve been learning to take away (Rory).

I like doing Maths too, continuing a shape and colour pattern is fun (Ammie-Leigh).

I like phonics, we were learning the ‘sk’ sound in my group this week (Brandon).

I like the activities we do in phonics, like jumping into the hoops and saying the sound (Mia).

I like practising the letter shapes in phonics (Charlie).

I like working in school (Zara).

I enjoy P.E. with Mr Jeffries, I like playing tig (Liam).

I enjoy Drama with Mrs Innes (Keilija).

I like phonics and Maths (Jamie).

I like P.E the most (Ruby).

I like going outside for P.E. with Mrs Laidlaw (Cameron, Shelbi, Callum and Alistair).

I like my teachers (Ruby-Anne, Annie and Owen).

I like lunch time and play times the most (Charlotte).

Golden Time is my favourite (Kyle).

Doing aerobics in the classroom on a rainy day is fun (Brooke).

I like lunch time the most (Jackie).

I like home time (Lucas).


Our first week back in p7b

This week we did a sponsored event called Jump for Jumpers to raise money to pay for our 2015 p7 hoodies.

Antonia: “We had to do laps of a jumping circuit and it was easy at the start but then my legs started to hurt.”

Lauren U: “We had to do hopping, skipping, jumping through a hoop and bunny hops. I found it really hard.”

Paul: “I found the bunny hops the hardest part because you had to go really low down on your knees.”

Harry: “I found it really hard but I did it and I did 23 laps. I felt awesome!”

In maths this week we have been learning about area:

Kendal: “The area of a shape is the inside of it. The outside is called the perimeter.”

Jay: “To calculate the area you multiply the length and the breadth. So if you had a square which had 5cm sides, you would do 5 x 5 and the area would be 25cm2.”

This weekend, most of the class are heading off to Belgium. The rest of us are staying here and having an exciting week in school:

Flyn: “I’m excited about going to McDonalds next week and getting a hamburger and a Mcflurry and a Fanta and I’m also excited about going swimming.”

Kai: “I’m excited to be staying here because we’re going swimming and I can make my brother jealous!”

Emily: “I’m excited about going to the theme park and it’s going to be fun! I’m also excited about going to the beach.”

Paul: “I’m looking forward to learning about the history of Belgium.”

Jay: “I’m looking forward to staying here and doing the work experience day and seeing what the janitor does. Also the home economics.”

Lauren K: “I’m excited about going to the chocolate factory to see how they make all of the fancy chocolate creations.”

Isla: “I’m looking forward to the bus ride for some reason and also the theme park and the swimming.”

Antonia: “I’m going to Belgium and the bit I’m looking forward to is going to be the bus because I’m sitting with Olivia.”

Finlay: “I’m looking forward to the ferry journey and having bacon and sausages for breakfast.”

Callum:”I’m not going to Belgium and I’m looking forward to doing the work experience day and spending most of the week with Mrs Innes.”

Lauren C: “I’m looking forward to finding out who my roommates are in Belgium.”

Who has impressed?

Flyn: “Mr Welsh has impressed me because he is letting us go to McDonalds and also because he has quickly organised the work experience day for us at the last minute.”

Callum: “My buddy Kai impressed me by writing a good story and getting pupil of the week from Miss Holwill.”

Kendal: “The whole class has impressed me by doing so well with the Jump for Jumpers event.”

Declan: “Paul has impressed me by beating his Big Maths score by two points.”

Paul: “Harry impressed me by doing 23 laps in the Jump for Jumpers which was the most out of everyone.”

Jay: “Declan improved his score by 17 points in Big Maths and that impressed me!”

Lauren C: “Kendal impressed me because she worked her absolute hardest in the Jump for Jumpers even though she felt she was going to faint.”

Antonia: “Lauren K has impressed me with how well she is doing in music.”

Taylor: “Antonia has impressed me by getting high scores all the time in Big Maths.”

Mr Berginis: “I have been really impressed with how hard the class has worked this week in everything we have done and how settled and well behaved they have been. I also thought they all worked very, very hard in the Jump for Jumpers event.”




What a great week!

We had a lovely time on Monday sharing our stories about the holidays. We don’t often have the chance to share our news in-depth and we all really enjoyed it.

The great weather meant that we could take our learning outdoors and we all agree it really does feel good to work outside.

Zoe – It was so much more fun doing our anagrams challenge outside.

Valerija – I liked it when Mrs Drummond read the story to us as we sat in the sunshine.


We have begun our new topic for the term. We will be learning all about our wonderful world. Our topic begins with the two theories of how the world began – The Creation Story and the Big Bang Theory. Already we have some very challenging questions for the teacher !!!

David – I really like learning about the Creation Story and can’t wait to learn about the Big Bang theory.

Evie – I learned that in the Creation Story God created the world in 7 days.

Jamie – I like finding out about both theories and I know that the Big Bang theory is a scientific theory.

Have a great weekend !

Around the World in 80 Days

Around the world in 80 Days
This week in P4g we have started our new topic of ’Around the world in 80 Days’. We are following the journey of Phileas Fogg who had a bet with some friends that he could circumnavigate the world in 80 days. Fogg did not travel by aircraft, using trains and other methods of transport instead. We will be finding out about many different countries, their customs, their landscape, their weather and traditions.
We are all planning talk about a city or country which Phileas Fogg visited on his journey – Sophie
We built models of the Eiffel Tower from art straws and salt dough. I thought it was quite hard because I’ve never done something like that before! – Abbie
When we built our towers we only had 12 art straws and a small ball of dough. It was quite hard to do because it kept falling over – Eva
Our group managed to get it standing but then I touched it and it fell down! – Jennie
I found it hard and it felt like we tried 77 attempts and it just fell over cause we had too much dough at the top and not enough at the bottom – Lennox
We tried to add detail but it just fell – Alanna
Pupil of the Week – Brooklyn for always trying her hardest and working well in every area of school life.










What’s the time Mr Wolf?

We have had a busy first week back at school with lots of new things to learn about.

In maths we have started to learn how to read a clock, we are all whizzes at this and are really enjoying it.  Miss Holwill has said we can wear our watches to school if we like.

Miss Holwill is also trying to teach us how to tie our shoe laces.  It is very tricky by Kai has got it 🙂

We have started our new learning context of Gardener’s World by looking at the Seasons and thinking about the weather.  We are all very excited about the sunny weather, in fact we have run out of suns for our weekly weather chart 🙂



New term and Chimpanzee’s tea party!


Hope everyone had a lovely holiday. It was great to see the sun shining at last.

Attached are some photos from our Victorian Afternoon Tea Party. It was great fun, but I’m not sure we had many Ladies or Gentlemen at it! Table etiquette was not up to standard at all. It was more a like a Chimpanzee’s Tea Party!!


Jessie shows us how it's done!
Jessie shows us how it’s done!


mmmm table etiquette?
mmmm table etiquette?


Victorian Afternoon Tea Party!
Victorian Afternoon Tea Party!


Mrs Noble serving tea!
Mrs Noble serving tea!

We are learning lots of exciting new things this term.

Here are some things we are looking forward to this term….


I am looking forward to outdoor PE and Sports Day. Connor

I am looking forward to learning how animal life began. Isla

I am looking What a Wonderful World. I am very excited to find out about the life cycles of different animals and about different plants. Louise

I am looking forward to our new topic and the Reading Rave and kind of Sports Day. I NEVER WIN! Jessie – Remember it’s the taking part that counts!! Mrs McClafferty

I am looking forward to the Reading Rave. Freya

I am looking forward to What a Wonderful World. I like nature. Kiera H

I am looking forward to outdoor PE. Declan

I am looking forward to the next Golden Club event and the summer holidays! Roan

I am looking forward to choosing my own reading book. Olivia

I am looking forward to imaginative writing. Gemma B



P6s – Hogwarts School of Science


We are off to a flying start after the holidays in P6s. When we got back to school on Monday we had a letter waiting for us from Albus Dumbledore! We have all been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and are feeling very excited!  We wrote letters back to Dumbledore and then made owls so that we could send them via ‘Owl Mail’.

owl mail

We then did the ‘Sorting Hat’ to decide which house we were all going to be in. We have Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. In our houses we are working hard to receive gems for our team and the winning team will get to choose a prize from the box at the end of the week.  In Writing, we looked at examples of recipes and then created our own potions. These are looking fantastic and are displayed in our ‘P6s Book of Potions’. We have also started to read ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ as our class novel.

Book of Potions

We are looking forward to finding out what our new context for learning has in store for us…

Class O….CSI


Class O came to school on Wednesday morning to find a crime scene with a body!


Cary discovered a shoe. It was in fact a size 13.5 trainer. Investigations were carried out and it is believed this is the shoe of the attacker.


Josh took some blood samples and put them in a evidence bag to be tested at the lab.


Caitlin was in charge of note-taking so she had to write down all the details found at the scene.


Geordie had to accurately take measurements from the evidence and drawing of where the body was found so we could piece together the crime.


Adam used the eqipment to look for DNA and other vital evidence.

Class O really enjoyed the invesigation and used their findings to successfully write news reports about the incident.
Well Done Class O!

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