
Well done to our Junior Choir for fabulous singing this morning in Church (also to the primary seven choir helpers)!

Senior Choir members were given letters out this week about our next project. This will involve pupils staying in school from 12.15 – 2.30p.m. every Friday afternoon. This will begin on Friday 15th April.

Update from P7b

This week we have been learning about perimeter. The perimeter is the distance around a shape and to calculate the perimeter of a 2D shape, you have to measure all the lengths and add them together. We challenged ourselves by finding the perimeter of shapes with missing lengths. Therefore, we had to use the lengths already given to find the missing length before calculating the perimeter. We learned some strategies to quickly find the perimeter of regular polygons. For example, to find the perimeter of a pentagon, times the length by 5. After the Easter break we are going to explore the concept of area.

In art we looked at the work of Dali. His work is ‘surrealist’. This means that his work is unusual. He created images of two things that you wouldn’t expect together e.g. dinner utensils on a beach or an elephant transforming into an instrument. We then created our own surrealist pieces in the style of Dali. Our work will look fantastic on display.

In drama we have been learning slapstick. This is violence without pain. In other words, it looks like you may be hitting someone but it’s fake. Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chapman were famous for their slapstick performances. We have worked in teams of 5/6 to create our own story lines containing slapstick. We will perform our scenarios in front of the P6’s next term.

Have a lovely and safe Easter Holiday,

P5b Enter the Dragons’ Den

This week we completed our class talks where we had to argue the case for the Victorian invention we considered to be the most important. We rounded off this part of our context for learning with a Home Team Challenge. Working as a team, we had to design an invention, advertise our product and present a pitch to the Dragons’ Den.

We came up with some very interesting ideas:

The Marvellous Messis invented 'The Scavenger', a drone-like device which nature lovers can use to obseve wildlife.
The Marvellous Messis invented ‘The Scavenger’, a drone-like device which nature lovers can use to observe wildlife.
The Demolishing Stars invented 'The Little Oven for Little Monsters'.
The Demolishing Stars invented ‘The Little Oven for Little Monsters’.
You'll never have marks on your page caused by a dirty rubber with Hogwart Island's 'Squeaky Cleaner'.
You’ll never have marks on your page caused by a dirty rubber with Hogwart Island’s ‘Squeaky Cleaner’.
You'll only have to carry one ball on holiday with you if you purchase The Ninja's 'Multiball'.
You’ll only have to carry one ball on holiday if you purchase The Ninjas’ ‘Multiball’.
Up all night with a crying baby? The Brillian Brain's Baby Care System will let you check up on your baby while it sings a gentle lullaby.
Up all night with a crying baby? The Brilliant Brains’ Baby Care system will let you check up on your baby while it sings a gentle lullaby.

The Marvellous Messis were the overall winners of the challenge, gaining the highest score with their excellent team work.

The Brilliant Brains were the winners of the Best Invention, receiving the largest investment from the Dragons for their Baby Care product.

The Demolishing Stars won the award for Best Business Brains by successfully predicting the success level of each invention and making sensible investments.

Wouldn’t it be great if a pupil, 100 years from now, presents a class talk on one of these wonderful inventions?!

From the Blog Post Box:

This term was                                     because………………………..


epic                        because I liked the Victorian tea party.                   Callum

exciting                                because we went to New Lanark.             Lewis

excellent              because we had amazing class talks and I loved our Dragons’ Den.          Jack

‘fantabulous’    because of our Victorian topic. I really love learning about the past and I enjoyed hearing all the class talks.     Lauryn

epic        because I have the best teachers in the world – Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs McClafferty and Miss McClements. I’m so sad that Miss McClements is leaving.                Emma


Pupil of the Week: Jamie


Danger in Class G!!!!!

Last week Class G came to class to discover their classroom door taped up and a danger sign. Once inside the class they found it a mess. They began to look for clues and discovered Nine was missing and all that was left was his shoe. Class G then began to investigate and were writing about what had happened and creating missing person posters. We also had great fun at swimming as it was the last swimming of the term which means one thing……..FUN SESSION!

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Jake – I enjoyed swimming because we got to play with some floats.


Gabriel – Nine is gone! The Mystery Bandit has taken him. A crazy thing has happened. In our class there was lots of mess.


Lewis – At swimming I was pretending there were volcanoes. We were swimming away from the volcano.


Logan – I liked when the classroom was messy. Nine was away. I think he is away swimming.


Cameron – I enjoyed swimming. Swimming lessons were fun. Playing with the floats was fun.


David – I liked swimming. I liked going under water and going on the float.

This week …

We are on the last week of term. It is busy because we have our excursion tomorrow to South Queensferry Visitor Centre.

We have the Church service on Thursday morning and we have the Golden Club event for many of the class on Thursday afternoon.What an excitng last week of term…

Our comments:-

Teighan,Megan,Robert,Alfie B., Sophia, Ben, Denholm, Kay – We can’t wait until we go to The visitor centre at South Queensferry tomorrow

Connor, Euan- We are looking forward to the trip tomorrow and having lunch in the Rail Bridge restaurant in South Queensferry

Jason-I can’t wait to see the bridges tomorrow

Kiara,Sam-  We’re excited for the church service this Thursday

Ava,Sophie, Alfie G.- We can’t wait to sing “As one” in the church on Thursday

Erin, Liam, Jess- We’re looking forward to the Golden Club event on Thursday afternoon

Mia, Lauren, Suvi, Emma-We’re looking forward to singing the Easter songs at the church on Thursday

Oliver- I ‘m looking forward to Parents Evening







Primary 4a trip

Grace – Last week we went to the National Museum of Scotland
Kayleigh – We watched a video that told us all about inventors. Some of them we knew about, others we didn’t.
Demi Leigh – We learned that John Logie Baird invented the TV and we got to see TVs from the past that were different shapes and sizes.
Aaron – We learned that Alexander Fleming invented pencilin from rotting food.
Ellis – Alexander Fleming gave gifts of pencilin to people
Annabelle – Penicilin is used as medicine.
Grace – When we went to the Victorian exhibit they had lots of old things and we seen what they used instead of a computer.
Ben – We got to see what clothes the Victorians wore
Mya – I learned about the steam engine and we saw the houses from the past.
Annabelle – Our group learned that people from the cold lands use intestines to make waterproof jackets.
Reece – I also enjoyed looking at the dinosaurs
Robyn – I liked the space room because I could see the planets
Leia – I enjoyed weighing ourselves. I know that I weigh the same as koala and my whole group (with the help of Mrs Paradies!) weighed the same as a polar bear.
Annabelle – I enjoyed the space room too because you got to see giant rocks from space.
Kayleigh – I also enjoyed the weighing. My group weighed the same as a blue shark.
James – I enjoyed all of it! It all inspired me

Primary 2b


In literacy we have been developing our Higher Order Reading Skills and can now use connections to make predictions.  Mrs Mansfield says she is very impressed with how good we are at making connections! Especially because we can sort connections into three categories: text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world!

We have been learning to continue story writing when provided with story starters and have been using our imagination in lots of different ways too – even managing to create stories about adventures we have been on with our pet dragons!!



In practical maths Miss Brown has been teaching us about how to tell the time.  We have practised reading o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.  Some of the class have also been learning how to count on time in hours and have enjoyed playing ICT games to consolidate this learning.


Dungeons and Dragons

This was a very exciting week for our Learning Across the Curriculum context as we finished off our learning with a Medieval Banquet.  We got to try lots of foods including pancakes, tomatoes, grapes, pork pies, honey, bread, apples, strawberry juice, bananas, cheese and ham.  We discovered that lots of us liked honey (especially when it was on our pancakes!)  We also showcased our dances that we have been working on in PE with Mrs Mansfield and got to watch a short clip of a film.  Lots of us enjoyed pretending to be jesters and telling lots of jokes to entertain people.  We also liked playing the game ‘Bow to the King’ to finish our banquet!  We have learned lots and lots about castles, dungeons and dragons through our Learning across the Curriculum focus!


Thanks for reading!

From Primary 2b

Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog is about keeping safe when your outside🚶🏻


1. If a unknown person asks you to go in there car say no because the can do anything to you.

2. Do not leave anyone behind even when it is still day light.

3. Hang about with a bunch of people  not just one person.

4. Be careful when crossing roads.

5. Try and bring a phone so that someone at home can get in touch.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about the POD🤑


1. There is 8 people in the pod 2 adults 8 children.

2. It is a lot of fun to GO to.

3. The pod only one in the afternoon except Friday.

4. In the pod we play the wii and teamwork games.

5. We learn about emotions.

Jamie’s Football Facts

My blog is going to be doing Jimmy Johnson.


1. His full name is James Connolly Johnstone.

2. He didn’t were shinpads. 

3. He scored 129 goals for Celtic in 515 appearances.

4. He was born on the 30th of September 1944.

5. The place of birth Viewpark in Scotland. 

Jay’s Dino Facts

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

This week my blog is about the dangers of smoking 

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1.Smoking makes your lungs go black. 

2.Smoking makes your heart beat faster.

3.Smoking makes your teeth turn yellow.

4.If you have 1 you want more.

5.Smoking makes your hair smell bad.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

This week my blog is about the worlds fastest cars.


1. This is one of the top 10 fastest cars in the world and its called the  Hennessey venom GT. 

2. SSC ultimate Aero can go very fast and it went 256mph in 2007.

3.  The McLaren p1 is in the top 10 but is not the fastest.

4. Ferrari La Ferrari has the same recovery system as a race car.

5. The Bugatti veyron supe sport cost $1.7 mllion.

James’ Radical Blog

This week my blog is about Wayne Rooney.


1. He is a great football player.

2. Wayne Rooney was born in Croxteth.

3. He was 16 when he started football. 

4. He is the best in his football team.

5.He was not that good this year. 

Greig’s Amazing Info

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


P4b 14.3.16

Breanna: I enjoyed our school trip to the Museum!

Freya: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor P.E.

Baillie: I liked learning about lots of different animals in the animal world room at the Museum.

Lucy M: I liked learning about Victorian life and inventions at the Museum.

Olivia: I liked learning about multiples of 10 this week in maths.

Liam: I enjoyed outdoor P.E this week.

Aidan: I enjoyed dressing up at the Museum.

Rachael: I enjoyed Class M, O and G’s assembly this morning.

Arran: I liked revising numbers bonds to 10 this week in maths.

Lucy R: I enjoyed reading this week.

Robbie: I really enjoyed the school trip- it was fun!

Brodie: I enjoyed the living lands room at the Museum.

Sophie: I liked Nycos this week.

Demi: I enjoyed the space room at the Museum.

Emma: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Finn: I enjoyed everything this week!

Isla: I enjoyed the Victorian room in the Museum.

Ava: I enjoyed the Museum trip and presenting my class talk.

Eva: I enjoyed reading this week.

James: I enjoyed writing my Lost and Found story.

Karys: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk.

Kelsey: I enjoyed practising times tables in maths.





Zzzzzz! That’s the sound of us snoring after a hectic week!  A huge thank you to everyone who came along to our show.  We all had an amazing time and want to do it all over again.  We have lots of photographs and comments which we will upload over the coming weeks – and don’t forget to catch our display at Parents Night!

Straight after the show we were back at the Academy for a Basketball and Hockey Festival.  We found yet more energy and all enjoyed ourselves, we even got a certificate for taking part.  Then this morning we had the ARB assembly which was fabulous guys! Followed by our After Show Party.  Hot Dogs, Coke Floats and lollies were on the menu as well as lots of dancing!  We really need a quiet weekend to recover!

Stone Age Living

This week we have been learning more about the Stone Age. With Mrs Laidlaw, we made stone age jewellery. We used string and giotti to make necklaces, bracelets and headbands.
We talked about what Stone Age people would have eaten and how some of their foods are food we eat today. Stone age people had to hunt or gather their food from their local area. They ate meat, nuts, berries, fish, seafood, woolly mammoth and seals. Some of their food was cooked using large stones and some was eaten raw. We tried a stone age stew made of blueberries, blackberries, honey and nuts.
Some children really like the stew and even had seconds but some didn’t like it.
Nina – I liked the blueberries.
Alysheeya – I didn’t like the nuts.
Grace – I liked it because of the berries.
Ava – I didn’t like it because of the honey.
Evie – I didn’t like it because it had blueberries and nuts in it.
Jess – I liked it because I liked the berries.
Liam – I liked the blackberries.
Article 28 – the right to an education


This week we learned about fables. A fable is short story containing a moral (A story with a lesson). First of all, we watched a video of the fable ‘The Lion and the Mouse’. The moral in this story is don’t judge a book by it’s cover. We also listened to the story ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf’ where we learned that honesty is the best policy.
In writing, we worked hard to create our own fables. We had to include; a short story with a moral, a good character and a foolish character, a setting, a problem and a solution.
Next week we are going to re-draft our story then read it to our buddies.
In art we examined the work of Quentin Blake-the illustrator of Roald Dahl books. We noticed that Quentin Blake likes to draw with lines using ink and then uses water colour to bring his illustrations to life. He does this very quickly.
We had a go at creating our own images using Quentin’s style. We were very pleased with the results and our work will look amazing on display.

Article 28- Right to an Education
Pupil of the Week- Travis

Lots of learning in Primary 1a

We have learned lots of things this week and would like to share with you our highlights of the week!

Lois – Learning about cavemen
Teigan – Playing with my friend, Zoe
Lily – I liked learning about dinosaurs
Eden – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Akasha – I liked learning about cavemen. I also liked when I made my Spring flowers
Isla – I liked when we were writing about what we want to learn about the Stone Age
Elena – I liked when we drew pictures of what cavemen used to wear
Lexi – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Tiana – I liked learning Art. We made Spring flowers

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Pr 6A

What a busy week we have had! The children attended Bathgate Academy on Tuesday for the final rehearsals of, ‘The Rocky Monster Show’. All of us thoroughly enjoyed performing on the academy stage. It was such a fantastic experience. Please read our magic moments.
Casey – My magic moment was when I first started saying my lines as the Inspector, because I felt really proud of myself for learning my lines and that I remember them all!
Ellie – My magic moment was when I had to dance at the front of the stage and I completed my part four times.
Jessie – My magic moment was ALL OF IT! On Wednesday I didn’t want it to end and wanted to do it over and over and over again.
Kiera H – My magic moment was when I had said my first two lines, because during the interval before Act 2, i was panicking like mad and once I’d said those two lines it gave me some sort of confidence boot. I felt as though I could do anything – like I was on top of the world! I was sad when the second show ended!
Clara – My magic moment was ALL OF IT! On Wednesday Lexis and I turned Elvis into Justin Bieber and on Tuesday when ‘Castles in the Sky’ stopped my whole line froze with the music.
Scott – My magic moment was when I stepped onto the stage for the first time as Professor Fenton and started singing ‘Professor of Rock’n Roll’. The feeling was indescribable!
Sarah – My magic moment was at the beginning of the show when we all do Evolution. This is when we set the scene for the show.
Annie – My magic moment was when I did my round-off back flip on Tuesday. No-one was expecting it!
Andrew – My magic moment was…. THE END…. because I was terrified all the way through!
Cameron B – When I cam on stage and everyone laughed. I felt my life was complete! (Elvis)
Madeleine – My magic moment was when we went on for Evolution.
Lexis – My magic moment is before Elvis came on and Clara and I were acting saying, ‘No, it can’t be Michael Jackson’…. and when Elvis came on, we were saying,’Oh it’s Justin Bieber!’
Roan – My magic moment was when I went on stage for ‘Evolution’.
Ella – My magic moment was when Mungo and Elsa come in on Tuesday and we were supposed to scream, but none of us did. On Wednesday we were all scared to scream in case no-one else did …. but we did!
Louise – My magic moment was when I looked at the audience and saw my mum smiling. I just thought … I can do this. My most embarrassing moment was at the end when my Dad stood up and clapped – I looked away!
Olivia – My magic moment was when we were in the villager scene and it was about to finish and the spotight got smaller and smaller and then the only one left was on me. I felt really happy – and then the lights dimmed completely.
Geo – My magical moment was saying my (1) line. ‘I should ‘ope ee do. I’ve been your brother for nigh on fifty ears (ha, ha, ha!). The castle be no good for Arkham. People be afraid of it.’
Zoe D – My magic moment was when I fainted and someone’s mum thought I had really fainted!
Kiera B – My magic moment was when I was doing ‘The Time Warp!’
Jane – My magic moment was when I got up to speak after’Evolution’, and when I managed for the first time in my life to speak in front of an audience full of people that I didn’t know.
Gemma B – My magic moment was when i walked on stage for the first time because I was 49% nervous and 51% excited!
Cameron M – My magical moment is when the audience started to laugh.
Louisa – My magical moment was when I was dancing on the stage and during ‘Castle in the Sky’.

More still to come!
Tomorrow, Friday, we will attend the ARB assembly in the morning and complete work related to Easter….. then it will be party time!


Hi there,

A quick reminder that the Senior Choir is on tomorrow, Friday 18th March. We will be recording the songs for Church tomorrow and discussing our abridged version of ‘We Will Rock You!’.

Junior Choir is on on Tuesday, even although it’s Parents’ Evening. The Junior Choir will sing at the Church Service next Thursday.


Here are the highlights of the week from P3.

Language: We wrote our final version of our take on George’s Marvellous Medicine. It seems that P3 are all budding chemists and their stories are fantasticIMG_0049 .IMG_0051 IMG_0063 IMG_0069

We made an acrostic poem of our spelling words (Rose) and we got our new reading books.

Katie liked her new book the invisible dog and liked when the main character took her invisible dog for a walk down the street.  Callum liked spelling this week because I built the words with cubes.

Maths: In maths we have practiced our times tables. We have used equal groups, repeated addition and arrays to help us we could also use number lines (Hope).

Charlotte –  I like that I get to learn new stuff. I liked the 5 times table and other times tables.

Guy – I think I achieved something in maths because I did times tables work that I hadn’t done before.

LAC: PE has proved to be a very popular subject this week in Primary 3.

Callum -We have learned how to do a long jump in PE.

Katie – We have learned high jumps in PE.

Maisey – I liked doing PE. I liked it because we got to do long jump.

Emma – I liked doing the high jump.

Isaac – I liked playing tig and dodgeball in PE.

Louie – I like PE because we played dodgeball.

Hope – I liked doing long jumps in PE.

Rose – I liked doing PE because we are doing long and high jumps.

As well as PE two pupils brought in fantastic projects about our topic the body! They are so good they had to show Mrs Hay! Mr Cunningham was very proud.

Jacob – I learned how to use a computer to make my project at home on the body.

Lucy – I liked doing my project.



Sensory Fun in Class O

This week Class O have enjoyed a variety of sensory and messy play activities. We are learning about using touch, sight, motion, hearing and motion to talk about how we feel. We discovered that everyone likes different things and has different opninions about things.
We used paint, sand, water, material and music to help us with our learning.

Cody enjoyed the soft feeling of the sand when he touched it.
Cameron liked the fuzzy feeling in his head nd tummy when he was spun around in the material.
Yolie liked painting a picture of a beach becasue the beach makes her happy.
callum loved playing with the creatures in the water becasue he could make up his own story.
Liam’s favourite was the water because the crocodile made bubbles.

A Victorian Tea Party in P5b

Here are a few of the rules we had to remember for our Tea Party.


  1. Before eating, spread your napkin out in your lap.
  2. If something is passed to you that you do not want to eat, say, “No. thank you.”
  3. Sit up straight, not too close or too far away from the table
  4. Eat and drink slowly and never fill your mouth very full.
  5. Close your mouth when chewing and do not talk when your mouth is full.
  6. Wipe your fingers on your napkin rather than the tablecloth or your clothes.
  7. Make small talk to the people beside you. Do not talk to someone across the table.


How do you think we did?

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Doing a great job there, Miss McClements! Thanks for the mini Victoria sponges - they were delicious.
Doing a great job there, Miss McClements! Thanks for the mini Victoria sponges – they were delicious.



Pupil of the Week: Jack


From the Blog Post Box:

Victorian ladies and gentlemen enjoyed having tea parties in their free time. What do the ladies and gentlemen of P5b enjoy doing?


I enjoy playing with my best friend Jack on his crash mat and trampoline. We do fun tricks.            Murray

I enjoy playing Minecraft on my Xbox and drawing cute My Little Pony pictures. I like watching Anime like Hunter X Hunter and Fairy Tale. I also like learning to cook.               Stacey

I enjoy practising my gymnastics because I have a competition called the North West on April 9th.                    Darja


I enjoy going to Judo because I go with my cousin. We learn new moves and play games.                        Gary

Sharing our home learning in P1c

This week we shared our dinosaur projects with Mrs Laidlaw. We really enjoyed finding out about dinosaurs with our families.
Keira – I really liked finding out about the Apatosaurus. If I was standing next to one, I would come up to his ankle. An adult would come up to his knee.
Evie – I liked opening the dinosaur eggs.
Isla – I liked when Alex found a stegosaurus.
Grace – I liked putting glitter on my stegosaurus.
Nina – I liked making the t rex scary!
Jess – I liked sharing my project. I liked drawing and painting it.
Alysheeya – I liked colouring in my three dinosaur pictures.
Ryan – I enjoyed painting my project.
Maddison – I liked making my project sparkle with glitter glue.
Daniel – I liked painting all the leaves on the tree and I liked making my egg.
Sarah – I enjoyed making a book about dinosaurs.

Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Collings have really enjoyed seeing all the learning that the children have done outside school about dinosaurs.




The Primary 1 projects have been displayed in classrooms and in the corridor. We hope you enjoy seeing how creative the children have been!

Dojo winners – Keira and Jess

Article 29
Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

p4b 7.3.16

Olivia, Demi and James: We enjoyed paired reading this week.

Liam: I enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing basketball.

Kelsey, Breanna, Sophie and Aidan: We enjoyed art this week. We were making symmetrical Mandala art.

Robbie and Ava:  We liked Mandala art and playing the  Wii at Golden Time.

Grace: I liked playing the Wii at Golden Time.

Emma, Lucy R and Rachael: We liked reading with our group this week.

Lucy M and Keira : We learned about the signs of spring time in RME.

Isla: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk this week.

Eva, Finn and Baillie:  We enjoyed planning our writing for next week on the book ‘Lost and Found’.

Brodie: I enjoyed learning new strategies for subtracting in maths and enjoyed playing on the ipads at Golden Time.

Freya: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk this week.

Arran and Karys: We enjoyed yoga this week.




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