
Here are the highlights of the week from P3.

Language: We wrote our final version of our take on George’s Marvellous Medicine. It seems that P3 are all budding chemists and their stories are fantasticIMG_0049 .IMG_0051 IMG_0063 IMG_0069

We made an acrostic poem of our spelling words (Rose) and we got our new reading books.

Katie liked her new book the invisible dog and liked when the main character took her invisible dog for a walk down the street.  Callum liked spelling this week because I built the words with cubes.

Maths: In maths we have practiced our times tables. We have used equal groups, repeated addition and arrays to help us we could also use number lines (Hope).

Charlotte –  I like that I get to learn new stuff. I liked the 5 times table and other times tables.

Guy – I think I achieved something in maths because I did times tables work that I hadn’t done before.

LAC: PE has proved to be a very popular subject this week in Primary 3.

Callum -We have learned how to do a long jump in PE.

Katie – We have learned high jumps in PE.

Maisey – I liked doing PE. I liked it because we got to do long jump.

Emma – I liked doing the high jump.

Isaac – I liked playing tig and dodgeball in PE.

Louie – I like PE because we played dodgeball.

Hope – I liked doing long jumps in PE.

Rose – I liked doing PE because we are doing long and high jumps.

As well as PE two pupils brought in fantastic projects about our topic the body! They are so good they had to show Mrs Hay! Mr Cunningham was very proud.

Jacob – I learned how to use a computer to make my project at home on the body.

Lucy – I liked doing my project.



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