Zzzzzz! That’s the sound of us snoring after a hectic week!  A huge thank you to everyone who came along to our show.  We all had an amazing time and want to do it all over again.  We have lots of photographs and comments which we will upload over the coming weeks – and don’t forget to catch our display at Parents Night!

Straight after the show we were back at the Academy for a Basketball and Hockey Festival.  We found yet more energy and all enjoyed ourselves, we even got a certificate for taking part.  Then this morning we had the ARB assembly which was fabulous guys! Followed by our After Show Party.  Hot Dogs, Coke Floats and lollies were on the menu as well as lots of dancing!  We really need a quiet weekend to recover!

2 thoughts on “P6B”

  1. What an amazing show!! Well done to all the staff and pupils who made sure we were engrossed from start to finish. Brilliant 🙂

  2. You are right I was so so tired I fell asleep at half two but I enjoyed every minute of it and can I just say Mrs haddafon is such a good dancer

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