Sharing and showers!

What a funny week it’s been! The weather has certainly been keeping us on our toes. We hope the children enjoy filling in their weather diaries in the next few weeks, although we didnt expect snow to be there!

This week we have enjoyed –
Liam – I liked planting my bean plant.
Sarah – I enjoyed learning in my writing lesson.
Ava – I enjoyed learning songs.
Evie – I enjoyed sorting out my bean plant jar.
Keira – I enjoyed doing my subtraction work.
Emma – I enjoyed making the plant grow on the computer.
Daniel – I liked learning how to count to 20 in French.
Alysheeya – I liked learning about sharing using my playdough.
Jess – I enjoyed learning how to plant seeds.
Maddison – I liked learning the days of the week in French.
Harris – I liked watching the alphablocks.
Nina – I enjoyed learning how to say how old I am in French.
Alex – I liked doing takeaway sums.
Ryan – I liked playing on the ipad.
Leon – I liked playing with the cars.
Isla – I enjoyed playing with the farm.
Dionne – I liked doing subtraction using a number line.
Esther – I enjoyed French learning how to say how old I am.
Grace – I enjoyed how to grow a plant.
Skye – I liked playing on the ipad.
Marley – I liked playing with the cars.
Elise – I enjoyed going to the hub.

We have started learning about sharing using playdough mats and teddies.

Wishing you all a very happy long weekend!

Article 28 – the right to an education.


This week in P3.


Literacy: This week in literacy we have continued to develop our literacy skills using reading routes and  developed our spelling.

Maisey: I liked learning new blends.

Callum:  I liked doing spelling flowers.

Nathan: I liked spelling on the I-pads.

Guy: I liked going to the different stations.

Louie: I liked spelling with the blocks.


Maths: This week in maths we have looked at division and sharing objects equally. We are getting better at maths by using different strategies.

Hope: I liked doing division because it is challenging.

Nathan: Division is fun.

Isaac: Division makes maths get a little bit easier.

Lucy: I like division because it is fun.

Elliot: I liked maths because I like figuring out the answers using my times tables.

Hayley: I like maths because it’s getting a lot easier.

Guy: I liked working in my maths jotter and like learning to divide by two because it is half.

Masiey: I liked playing hit the button on the board.


LAC: Jay I liked doing PE because it was fun.

Jamie- Lee I liked indoor and outdoor PE.

Lucy: I liked PE

Nathan: I liked building stuff in the construction area because it is fun I built a farm.

Elliot: I liked practicing our song for celebrating success using the video.

Masiey: I liked making up a script I made at free choose.

Aryan: I liked drawing because I love drawing pictures and colouring in.

Oban Trip Day 3

Today at Oban we were in two groups. Groups 1&2 went on a gorge walk up and down some waterfalls wearing wetsuits and then went on to do some archery. We had targets with balloons stuck onto them to shoot at.

Groups 3&4 were canoeing on a loch and went and did some bushcraft . When they were there they created some shelters and built up some fires to toast marshmallows.

We are having loads of fun and cant wait for tomorrow’s activities.

By Ava B & Nadia

How Did It All Begin? – P5b

This week we were sharing our ideas and opinions on how life on Earth began. We had a fascinating discussion where some people shared their religious beliefs, others shared knowledge they had gained from books and the internet and some used their imaginations as they considered how life on Earth may have begun. It was wonderful to hear everybody’s ideas and we all met our Success Criteria by treating the views and opinions of others with respect.

We’re looking forward to exploring this fascinating topic further!

There was a big bang in space.
There was a big bang in space.
God made life on Earth.
God made life on Earth.
Life on Earth began when it was hit by a meteor. Life has evolved over millions of years.
Life on Earth began when it was hit by a meteor. Life has evolved over millions of years.
A giant meteor exploded making lots of planets including Earth. Earth already had life on it.
A giant meteor exploded making lots of planets including Earth. Earth already had life on it.
Earth was created from the Big Bang. Life began in the sea and has evolved over millions of years.
Earth was created from the Big Bang. Life began in the sea and has evolved over millions of years.
A meteor struck Earth causing a huge fire. When the fire died, life on Earth began.
A meteor struck Earth causing a huge fire. When the fire died, life on Earth began.



From the Blog Post Box:

                              impressed me this week by……………


Katie impressed me this week by doing so well in Reading Routes.             Fiona

My sister impressed me this week by doing well in her exam.  Michelle

My sister impressed me this week by coping well with her braces.    Lewis

Skye impressed me this week by never giving up and being a great team member in PE. Emma

Maisie and Tamsin impressed me with their amazing Tadpole Rag. Tobin

My brother impressed me at the Tadpole Rag. Go Shaun!        Steven


Pupil of the Week: Aidan

Oban Day 1

Firstly we got on the bus and set off for a long journey ahead. On the bus some people played games while some others chatted among themselves. We took a break for a snack before we arrived at our destination.

When we arrived we finnished off our lunch and got into our groups for our rooms. We cmpleted some activities such as Smelly Swamp, Magic Stick, Golden Egg and Rope and Blindfold.

For dinner we had Chicken Korma and pudding. We then began our adventure by walking to an old castle and played some games on the way.

We then had some snacks then went to bed. Once we had all woken up we headed downstairs for breakfast.
Activities today ready to start at 9.30am

Speak later !

Written by Emma.B and Erin.M xx

Junior and Senior Choir

Hi there,

The Junior Choir will continue to build up our repertoire of songs about the body. We have begun to use percussion instruments too. Our aim is to showcase this work for parents and friends on Tuesday 21st June during choir time – this will need to be confirmed with Mr Welsh and Mrs Hay.

The Senior Choir – what an amazing group!
Yesterday the children were given their parts and scripts for our showcase, which will take place on Friday 24th June. The first dance routine has been completed too – a massive thank you to Pamela Logan for giving up her time to choreograph all of the dance routines.
*I hope to begin promptly at 12.30 so that both Craig and Josh can take part. (They are heading to Forres in the afternoon for the Pipe Band Championship, but are keen to take part in our showcase too!)
I promised the children that I’d blog parts as there was some confusion yesterday, however I’ve made copies to be put up in the classrooms when I come in on Tuesday.
Any of the senior choir who want to practise during breaks can meet me in the hall during morning breaks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’ll also be in the hall on Tuesday at lunch time and in primary 4/3 on Wednesday and Thursday.
Have a great weekend!

P7a and P7b

On Wednesday 20th April P7a and P7b received visit from members of the Ancre Somme Association. They shared information and artefacts relating to the First World War. We discussed local regiments during the war and some of our local heroes whose names you can find on local war memorials.

They showed us video clips of different uniforms throughout World War 1 and how and why they developed. Jamie and Travis dressed up as soldiers from the First World War. They were able to feel how uncomfortable and heavy the uniforms were.

We watched video clips about the different weapons used in World War 1 including different rifles and machine guns. They video compared the weapons used by the German and British forces. We also looked at the how the gas masks also developed to protect the soldiers. Originally they had to use a cloth and dip it in a bucket of urine and use that to cover their face to protect from the poisonous gas. Yuck!

We really enjoyed the visit and handling some of the artefacts.




In P1c we were really pleased to see the sunshine this week and to enjoy some time outside with Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Collings.

In writing we looked at a picture and had to identify something which made us think, something we could see and something which made us wonder what might be happening!

In maths, we started talking about sharing things into equal groups. We used teddies and counters and learnt to share them into groups of 2,3 and 4.

In our science work, we planted some slices of tomato. Mrs Collings sliced up the tomato and then we put the slices into the soil. We covered them up with soil and we are going to see what happens next!



We also enjoyed our third Big Balbardie Blether today. We talked about the house system and how it could be changed. We thought about interhouse competitions and how these might work in our busy terms.

We enjoyed our first outdoor P.E. on Wednesday and we are looking forward to many more sunny days to get outside.

Just a wee reminder that outdoor PE is on a wednesday now and reading books will go out on a Thursday.

Wishing you all a happy weekend.

Article 28 – the right to an education.

P4b 18.4.16

Demi: I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether this week. We were discussing the house team system.

Finn: I enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing castles and it was fun!

Arran: I enjoyed ordering numbers to 1000 in maths.

Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week. Especially painting Van Gogh sunflowers.

Eva: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 2.

Isla: I enjoyed painting Van Gogh sunflowers.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed reading.

Keira: I enjoyed adding numbers to 1000.

Breanna: I enjoyed learning about measure.

Grace: I enjoyed P.E. and learning about Van Gogh.

Rachael: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. this week.

Ava: I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether.

Kelsey: I enjoyed P.E this week.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed paiting Van Gogh’s sunflowers.



Class O explore movement and shaddows.

This week Class O enjoyed using sensory room and the park to explore movement and shaddows. We made lots of shapes using our bodies in natural sunlight and the coloured lights. We tried hard to use our bodies in lots of different ways to help us do things.

Cody: I liked working with cameron and Callum to try new things at the park. Some things were hard to do, like the bouncy thing.

Cameron: I really enjoyed using my muscles to hang on to the bar and swing.

Callum: I loved bouncing high with Cody and camern on the big bouncer.

Yolie: I tried the pole slide. I was a bit scared to start with but Mrs O’Neill helped me try it. It was fun.

Liam: I was chasing my shaddow in the playground and in sensory room. The lights made different shapes. I was pretending to be different things to make different shaddows.

P4/3 are active

We are active learners in P4/3.

This week we have been learning about A magic door in creative writing. We have been a quality audience for our presentations on Sport. Some pupils had powerpoints designed with superb animations to help in the delivering of their Sport. Others had detailed notes and equipment to pass round the class. Well done if you have already been picked to present. We all look forward to listening to the rest of them. We have worked hard for Mr Jeffries  on Wednesday and Mrs Innes on Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday has been extremely busy.  We have worked hard at BBB3 discussing our Houses and new challenges we might like. We have had our Active Sports hour in the upper hall. It was tiring but lots of fun.

Here are our comments:-

Ava- I liked passing round my little ballet shoes during my presentation

Erin -I liked PE this week

Sophie, Suvi, Gemma, Lauren, Jess -We enjoyed Sports with  the Xcite  staff today

Ben, Mia, Teighan, Sophia, Liam- We liked writing “The door” story this week

Oliver- I liked everybody singing Happy Birthday to me in the upper hall today

Sam -I liked doing my presentation on football to the class

Kiara- I liked doing my presentation on horse riding this week

Euan- I enjoyed doing my talk about Ju jitsu to the class

Jason- I loved presenting on Rugby to the class. I had all my kit with me

Denholm- I enjoyed my Sport talk to the class yesterday

Kay- I can’t wait to do my presentation on Sport to the class

Alfie G., Alfie B. ,Robert, Connor-I enjoyed doing pattern work with Mrs Innes in Art

Emma- I liked showing my powerpoint  on Sport to the class this week

Well done if you have been Special Person already. Hope you’ve had a fun time sitting beside a good friend and choosing any job from the helpers chart.

Have a super weekend everyone and I ll see you in a week. I m off to Oban with P7 for their Residential week from Monday 25th to Friday 29th April.



We have written our own song for the Celebrating Success Assembly and we are looking forward to performing it to you all.

We started our Living and Growing this week too, and looked at how our bodies changed during Puberty.

In maths this week we have been learning about volume, and have had lots of fun measuring different liquids and sharing strategies, and we are excited about next week when we have to use our measuring and budgeting skills to design a Lunar Theme Park.

Well done to Iona, Polina, Meg, Kari, Aiden, Jack, Reiss and Ryrie who will be representing us at the West Lothian Cross Country competition,


P1a are learning about ‘Seasons’

This week we were reminding ourselves of all the months of the year. Miss Wilson muddled them up on the whiteboard and we had to put them in the correct order. Then we discussed how many seasons we have in the year and put the months into the correct season. We found out that some months were overlapping two seasons!
Finally, we talked about what the seasons would look and feel like. We used some fantastic describing words.
Winter – snowy, cold, icy
Spring – rainy, wet, sunny
Summer – warm, sunny, cold in Scotland
Autumn – orange and brown, windy, yellow
Then we got a picture of 4 blank trees and we had to show the difference on the trees in each season. We know that in the summer the trees were very green and had flowers and grass at the bottom, and we know that in Winter the trees were very bare and had nothing on them! We created some fantastic pointillism seasonal trees and really enjoyed comparing how they looked.

Article 28: We have the right to an education


For the next few weeks we have Miss Brown with us and we are very excited about that!


Building on what we have already learned about fractions we are now able to find a fraction of an amount. We definitely realise now just how important it is that we can multiply and divide!

Miss Brown taught us a new game that will help us with our recall of division and multiplication facts. The game is called ‘exterminate’ and we think it’s one of the best games yet!

Ty- the exterminate game made me try harder to get the answer right.

Megan- I really understood the fractions lesson and I know how to find a fraction of an amount you just divide.


Mrs Drummond set us a challenge this week to write a persuasive letter to a boy (fictional) who doesn’t like the Gala Day. We had to use exciting vocabulary and make sure that we included our opinions. Some of us had forgotten the conventions of letter writing so we will re-visit this again before the end of term.


We have learned about the Hindu creation story this week and we compared it with the Christian creation story.

Harvey- Vishnu was on a snake and a Lotus flower grew from his stomach and Brahma was sitting on the flower.

Sam – Vishnu told Brahma to create the world.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 2b Blog

Wow!  We have had an amazing week!  This is what we have enjoyed learning about.


Alexander – I have learned how to write neater

Alfie L – I have got better at reading this week and liked making words using magnetic letters

Jay – I have learned how to make my wriitng better

Alistair – I really enjoyed when I challenged myself when we were counting with actions

Brandon – I was really excited to hold a sword on our school trip

Bryce – I liked it when I got to hold the chainmail, it was very heavy!

Shaun – My favourite bit was the school trip when we got to look around the castle with the knight

Kyle – I liked it when we went searching for dragon marks around the castle.  I saw some of the ceiling and on the walls.

Noami – I liked visiting the castle the best

Rory – I learned how catapults work, it was really funny when the knight fired a boulder on one

Anna – I liked that we all got to have a picnic when we went on our trip

Ellie-Rose – I liked it when we got to dress up as the King and the Queen of Stirling Castle

Jackie – I enjoyed learning about and seeing some of the weapons in the castle

Holly – I learned that years and years ago only the Royal family were allowed to wear purple

Brooke – My favourite bit was holding the sword…but I really liked everything

Sandra – I liked holding the sword and dressing up too

Lewis – I learned about the murder holes in the castle, I didn’t know about them before

Charlotte – My favourite part was when we went into the Queen’s bedroom

Ruby – I liked it when Lord James told my mum to take off her jacket because it was purple and isn’t royal

Aaron – I liked it when the knight showed us lots of sword tricks

Orla – I have learned that Stirling Castle was very old and I liked our trip

Annie – I liked it when the Knight got volunteers to dress up in all of the Castle clothes

Liam – My favourite bit was when the knight showed us tricks and tried to teach us how to juggle

Alfie B – I thought it was funny when Jay dressed up as a jester and told us all a joke

Owen – I really liked dressing up and going to the jester room at the castle

Olivia – I learned that the King and Queen had to use hay after they had been to the toilet

Jamie – I liked it when I got to meet the people that lived in the castle!



Primary 2b


(A note from Mrs Mansfield –

Please remember that costumes for the school show need to be brought in by Monday 25th of April AT THE LATEST as we have a dress rehearsal on the Tuesday.  In case the letter has been misplaced the costumes are as follows:

Tadpoles – black t-shirt and black trousers/leggings

Frogs – green t-shirt and black trousers

Frog Spawn – white t-shirt and black trousers

Narrators – spring/summer clothes

Teacher – white school shirt and black trousers/skirt


Some children have been issued with a letter about face paint, could these also be returned ASAP.

Special Person letters should have been returned by Friday 22nd April, if you have forgotten these will be accepted on Monday 25th.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask)


Primary 6A

Scott – We’ve had a good week, we’ve been practising our Celebration Success song and started to learn our dance yesterday.
Louise – In Maths, the Hexagons were learning about adding and subtracting negative numbers. It was OK!
Lexis – We have begun working towards our class assembly. It’s going to be about our journey throughout the year and celebrating our achievements and success.
Kiera B – In art and design we used chalks to create a galaxy.
Ella – Some of us have completed our space fact files and some of us are still working on this. Mine was on the planet Venus – one of my facts was that it is the hottest planet.
Gemma B – We have completed our Planet Mnemonics – Jane us helped us remember how to spell Mnemonics: My Nan Eats Mountains Of Nachos in Chilli Sauce.
Jessie – We started our background for our space art.
Freya – We are learning about Sexual Education and our first class lesson was yesterday. It was interesting.
Lexis – I was awarded MVP for my performances in PE – Yahoo!
Louisa – The good weather this week has meant I’ve been out playing every day.
Isla – Our new style Golden Time started last week, and it was the best time ever.
Ellie – We were outside with our primary 1 buddies and we helped them to learn about number to fifty.

Pod Squad Blog

This week we have been learning about St. George’s Day as it takes place on Saturday. We’ve also been learning about the Royal Family as it is the Queen’s 90th birthday today. We used junk to create some of St. George’s armour or the Queen’s crown…

Here are our weekly blog posts:


Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog about hamsters.


1. Hamster sleep all day and are awake all night.

2. Hamster live for about 3 to 4 years.

3. Hamsters need fresh food and water everyday.

4. Usually hamster need there cage cleaned out every 3 or 4 days.

5. Hamsters like to be handled softly.

Jamie’s Football Facts

5 facts about Ter Stegen.


1. His full name Marc-André Ter stegen.

2. He was born on 30 April 1992.

3.  He is a goalkeeper his number 1.

4. He plays for FC Barcelona.

5. He lives in Germany.

Jay’s Dino Facts


All facts in this
section are accurate as of 2016

 1. The name Triceratops means three horned face.

2. The Triceratops did actually fight with the Tyrannosaurus rex as they both lived in the Cretaceous period.

3. The skull of a Triceratops alone could grow over 2 meters in length.

4. The US state of Wyoming lists the Triceratops as its state dinosaur.

5. Triceratops was represented in the popular Transformers toy line and animated series as Slag, an Autobot that could transform into a Triceratops.

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know



Primary 3 have been working extra hard since our Easter holidays.

English: We have worked on spelling, reading routes and advert making looking at persuasive writing.

Maisey: using spelling strategies to write neater.

Guy: I liked answering the questions during reading routes.

Skye: I enjoyed writing my advert, because it was fun.


Maths: This week we have started to learn about division.

Isaac: I liked division because it was challenging.

Callum: I found division hard and when I made mistakes I learned from them.

Elliot: The bottom of the textbook page was hard because I had to figure out the missing number.

Maisey: I liked division because it helps me be quicker at taking away.

Guy: I liked doing division and when I make a mistake I think alright I can fix it.


LAC: We have taken advantage of the lovely sunshine at did some athletics outside. We are going to do this for a few weeks because this is an Olympic year. We have started our enterprise in making jam. We gave our company a name and started to advertise and brand and product. We look forward to unveiling it soon to the world!

Lucy: I liked doing outdoor PE.

Louie: I liked PE because it was athletics.

Rose: I liked outdoor PE because it was fun.

Emma: I enjoyed outdoor because we did lots of outdoor stuff.

Jaime-Lee: I liked outdoor PE because it was fun doing athletics.

Skye: I liked outdoor PE because it was really fun and good.

Aryan: I enjoyed making the jam adverts because it was fun colouring in and thinking of the slogan.


Trip: Last week as part of our focus of Welly To Belly we visited Craigie Farm. We learned lots about growing vegetables and rearing animals. We even got to see the inside of the famous jam kitchen and got a lesson in jam making.

Katie: I liked it when we got to see the piglets and when they ran.

Hope: I liked the piglet because they were cute.

Hayley: I liked the piglets.

Skye: I liked it when we got to see the kitchen and the animals.

Callum: I liked going on the tractor and learning about the plants.

Here are some photos of our trip.103_2676 103_2685 103_2694 103_2712 103_2716 103_2729 103_2740 106_2019 106_2021

Lots of Learning in P5b

This week, in Maths and Numeracy, we have been learning more about fractions. We played a game where we had to find a partner with an equivalent fraction. It was quite tricky but lots of fun. We also put our division skills into practice when we learned to simplify fractions.IMG_0932[1]IMG_0933[1]


In Health and Wellbeing we learned about the importance of having a good breakfast to set you up for the day. Many of us were able to come up with ways to upgrade our breakfasts. Mrs Mackenzie is going to add a piece of fruit to help her with her Aim for 5 target.


In ‘What a Wonderful World’ we examined the lifecycle of a frog. We worked in groups, each member taking responsibility for describing a particular part of the cycle. At the end of the lesson we joined all our groups together to demonstrate how the lifecycle continues.



From the Blog Post Box:

This week I learned…

…that a Komodo dragon’s spit contains more than 50 types of bacteria.                                Casey

…that a Brachiosaurus would eat the weight of 2 cars a day.                       Harry

…that frogs lay 3000 eggs but only around 5 survive and grow into adult frogs – that fraction is 5/3000.                 Gabriel

(Well done Gabriel for linking your learning. Could you simplify that fraction?)

…to simplify fractions, to dive properly and to try new foods.      Noah

…that jellyfish have no brains or hearts – only a nervous system.                              Fiona


Pupil of the Week: Jordan




P4b 11.4.16

Isla: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and making a magnet game this week.

Finn: I enjoyed learning about magnetic forces.

James: I enjoyed learning about numbers to 1000.

Keira: I enjoyed learning about estimating and rounding in maths.

Emma: I enjoyed learning new words in reading.

Karys: I enjoyed learning French numbers to 20 and playing French bingo.

Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week. Especially making a magnetic game.

Demi: I enjoyed learning about forces and magnets.

Rachael: I enjoyed reading about pushes and pulls.

Grace: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and creating art inspired by his sunflowers.

Aidan: I enjoyed learning to subtract 3 digit numbers.

Daniel: I enjoyed learning about estimating and rounding.

Sophie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.  and outdoor spelling. We were writing our words on the ground and searching for and building words.

Brodie: I enjoyed subtraction in maths and making a magnetic game.

Olivia: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Ava: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh’s art and making magnetic games.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Eva: I enjoyed spelling this week.  We were learning different homophones.

Freya: I enjoyed learning about the body in our reading book.

Breanna: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and making a sunflower picture.

Liam: I enjoyed writing about our Easter holidays.

Millie: I enjoyed learning French.

Daniel D: I enjoyed Jumping Jims with Mrs Cameron.

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