
This week we have been continuing with weight and volume in Maths.  We worked around stations which included; reading scales, balancing scales, task cards, and mild, spicy, hot worksheets to challenge our knowledge.


We wrote our own diary entry about our first day in space as an astronaut.  We included information such as; the day/date, thoughts and feelings, and also main events that happened.

LAC- Space

We have been researching different space missions to help us create an information poster to share with other pupils of Balbardie Primary School.


Polina won a silver medal at Grades Gymnastic competition in Wigan- well done!

Callum scored his first goal for Bathgate Thistle Reds football team.

Ryrie won a bronze medal at the Bonsai Judo competition.

Aidan won Man of the Match last weekend!

Healthy Eating in Class M

This week in class we have been learning about the fruit and vegetable section of the eatwell plate. Over one quarter of our diet should be fruit and veg.

Everyone tasted fruits and gave their opinion. Aiden, Adam and Dylan loved the pomegranate. It was a new fruit for a lot of us to taste.

Adam – I made pomegranate juice. I picked out all the seeds then Mrs Mallin took them home to blend them. It was a nice drink.

Dylan – I liked the taste of pomegranate. It was delicious. It tasted juicy and it popped in my mouth.

Then we made lentil soup using lots of fresh ingredients.

Cary – I’m not looking forward to tasting the soup.

Joe – The soup was great. It was smooth. It had carrrots,onion, potato, lentils and ham stock cube. It smells like smoky bacon crisps. The onions made my eyes water.

We all agreed that we are going to try and eat more fruit and vegetables each day.

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P1a are looking forward to learning about…

We have been learning about being Nature Detectives! So far, we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and last week we labelled a picture of a plant to show our understanding. This week we have been learning about minibeasts and insects that you can find in nature. We got to create our own minibeasts with paper and glue and created some fantastic creatures!
We have also been learning about the water cycle and how rain is created. We learned some really big words such as:

Isla – Evaporation is when the sun heats the water and it rises into the sky
Lois – Condensation is when lots of tiny raindrops come together and it gets too heavy
Ehan – Precipitation is when the clouds get too heavy and rain falls down

We created a model that showed the water cycle. Miss Wilson was very impressed with how well we worked independently.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Pr 6A

Sarah – On Wednesday Miss Elliot told me that I had won the float competition along with Cameron Newall in Primary 7.
Louisa – We worked with our primary 1 buddies on Wednesday afternoon, we were helping them learn about tally marks.
Louise – In maths we have all working on co-ordinates, we found it quite easy.
Lexis – We have been continuing our space propaganda posters.
Jessie – In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about how babies are born.
Cameron B – I made a biology poster about how the immune system works.

Today we are recording our song for Celebrating Success and will be working on our dance routine too.

Force Investigation in Class O

Yolie and Liam enjoyed using the Rainbow Room to investigate push, pull and twist forces. Yolie enjoyed twisting in the rocker. Liam enjoyed pushing the trampoline by jumping.

Callum, Cameron and Cody enjoyed investigating upthrust by tryting to push a balloon down in water. They were all very surprised that they were not able to push it into the water.

This Week in P3

Maths: We have been learning from each other in maths by sharing our strategies for division with each other.

Guy: I have liked doing division because division by 3 is a new thing and when I had a mistake I knew I could fix it.

Hope: I liked doing the three times tables because it was a little bit hard.

Nathan: I liked doing division because it is fun.

Luke: I liked playing division top trumps because it is fun but educational.

Jason: I liked doing divide by 3.

Skye: I liked using the textbooks because it helps me to do maths.

Emma: I liked doing dividing by 3 because it challenges me.

LAC: We have continued to prepare for unveiling our homemade jam Balberry Jam. We have been working in different groups to copy different parts of a business. Our advertisers have been making posters and creating slogans, our film crew have been planning a video advert and we have had a group on accountants doing costings and market research on the netbooks.

Holidays: P3 are very excited to share what they got up to in the May holiday with you all.

Charlotte: I went swimming at the time capsule.

Emily: I went to the fun fair.

Jack: I went to the circus and I went to the cinema to see Captain America: Civil War.

Rose: I went to the cinema to see the Jungle Book.

Jaime-Lee: I went to the time capsule.

Jacob: I got a new game that I am good at. It is on my Wii U I already have lots of similar games that use lots of vehicles.

Ben: My dad finally figured out how to charge my computer.

Katie: I went ice skating and swimming at the time capsule and I saw my cousins and I went to the cinema.

We have are celebrating success next week at Balbardie and we would like you to attend. The assembly takes place on Thursday 12th May at 1:30.

P5b – Did You Know?

As part of our Home Learning, we are creating personal projects on subjects of our choice. We are currently at the research stage, gathering resources such as books and websites.

While examining a variety of non-fiction books we noticed that many of them used ‘Did You Know?’ boxes to catch the reader’s attention and share interesting snippets of information.

Here are a few ‘Did You Know?’ facts that we may use in our projects:

Capture 1

P3/2 The P2 Show Tadpole Rag

Well done p2 what a fantastic Show. We loved the dress rehearsal and think the show was even better. We were so impressed with our classmates dressed in their costumes singing, dancing and speaking their lines clearly. I hope we were a quality audience.
“We were nervous,” said Katie “but we loved it.” “The best bit was giving the flower at the end,” said Rory “but it was all good”
In maths this week we began to learn about area. We linked it to the grass in a field and the carpet on a floor and this made it easy to understand what area is.
For a challenge we all choose to draw our 3 times table and colour in the rectangles. It was important to colour the rectangles because the edges are not the area the coloured part is. However the edges help us to measure the area. Knowing our 3 times table made counting the squares a quick job.
Remember you are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday. Have a fantastic time.

P4b 25.4.16

Finn: I enjoyed circle time and free play this week.

Ava: I enjoyed art this week. We we learning how to shade still life fruit.

Freya: I enjoyed watching the P2 show- Tadpole Rag.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about the journey of a banana and about Fairtrade.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Cameron: I enjoyed P.E this week. We were learning how to do different passes in rugby.

Lucy R: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Rachael: I enjoyed learning about people that Fairtrade helps.

Demi: I enjoyed choir this week. We were learning the song busy bodies.

James: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Robbie: I enjoyed art this week and practising our assembly.

Lucy M: I enjoyed art this week. We were learning how to shade still life fruit.

Liam: I enjoyed yoga this week.

Grace: I enjoyed art this week.

Eva: I enjoyed circle time and learning how to divide by 2 with remainders.

Emma: I enjoyed reading this week.

Isla: I enjoyed art and writing shape poems.

Brodie: I enjoyed art and reading.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed art and choosing activities.

Keira: I enjoyed art this week.

Kelsey: I enjoyed P.E. this week.

Arran: I enjoyed P.E this week too.


Nature Detectives

We have started our new learning context of Nature Detectives.  We know that plants and animals need water to survive.  We learned about the water cycle.  Some of the new words we have learned are precipitation, condensation and evaporation.  We learnt these words when listening for information, watch an experiment and making a model.  We have also become weather forecasters and are making daily observations.  We are looking forward to learning about the lifecycles of some insects.  We are getting some butterfly eggs and frogspawn to help us learn…watch this space for our updates.   New in our classroom – we have a tent with lots of ‘minibeasts’, binoculars and magnifying glasses.

Class M have a Ramadan supper

This week in RME we learned about Sawm which is one of the Pillars of Islam. Muslims must fast for one month which means they can not eat during the day time. They get up very early to eat (sometimes 4am!) and then can’t eat again until after sunset. This month is called Ramadan. Children under 12 do not need to fast as they are too young. In our class Cary would have to fast this year as he is now 12.

We closed the blinds and switched off the lights in class to pretend it was night time, then we had a supper  of chicken curry, rice, nan bread and poppadums. Everyone enjoyed the feast!


Here are our highlights form the week:



Dylan – I Liked looking at the x-rays on the ribs and the elbows to see if the bones were broken. The indian food I tasted for ramadan was so good, my favourite was poppadoms, chicken curry and nan bread.


Adam – I liked when I went outside and played with the hailstones. It was really fun using chalk and doing my spelling words outside on the ground. I liked being outside at movement time with Cary we played football and Mrs Mallin was really really slow!!


Joe – I enjoyed making a map with Mrs Spence. I dipped tea bags into coffee and used the tea bags to put on the paper to make it look old. I tasted rice and it was great. I also had poppadoms and chicken curry this is some of the foods that muslims have at ramadan.


Fun in Four-Three

Mrs Aitken went on the P7 camp this week to Oban and we had fun being taught by Mrs Hay, Mrs Haddifon and Mrs Innes – Mrs Drummond also popped in and taught us a funny banana song.

We continued our Context for Learning – Health and Fitness, and wrote fantastic fact files about being healthy during writing. We practised our times tables using targets boards, challenging our mental agility.

Here are some of our thoughts on this week:

‘I liked learning that germs spread everywhere’ – Ben

‘I liked estimating pages, lines and words in a book when we did problem solving’ – Megan

‘I really enjoyed going to the drama hall and practising our Celebrating Success song’ – Mia

I liked it when Mrs Haddifon came to our class and read ‘My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat’ that Emma brought in for us to read’ – Teighan and Ava

‘I enjoyed doing construction during Golden Time’ – Alfie G

I enjoyed doing problem solving and being challenged when doing the 8x table’ – Suvi

‘I liked being the special person on Friday’ – Oliver

‘I enjoyed making a poster about washing our hands when we were learning about Hygiene in School’ – Gemma

‘I enjoyed Mrs Haddifon – she was very funny!’ – Jason

‘I liked doing planning and writing, it was really fun.  We did fact files’ – Connor


P4a Blog

Annabelle – This week we have learning about the Eat Well Plate. There are five different sections.
Caitlin – The Eat Well Plate is split in to Carbohydrates, Fruit and Vegetables, Dairy, Protein and Fats and Oils.
Cameron – Most of our diet should be vegetables and fruit and carbohydrates with some protein and dairy and a little fat and oil.
Evie – Sugary and high fat foods should be eaten as a little treat. If you eat too much you will rot your teeth and put on weight. Examples are chocolate, doughnuts, fizzy juice and sweeties.
Kayleigh – If you don’t eat enough carbohydrates you wouldn’t have a lot of energy or strength. Carbohydrates are cereal, pasta and bread.
Demi Leigh – Protein is good for your muscles and if you don’t eat it you would be weak. You get protein by eating fish, meat, eggs and nuts and beans.
Leia – You need dairy in your diet to grow healthy bones and teeth. If you didn’t eat dairy you wouldn’t grow and might get rickets. Examples of dairy are yoghurts, milk and cheese.
Lotte – We learned about the Eat Well Plate by looking at the smart board and listening to the teacher.
Robyn – Then we worked with our talking partner to design and make a poster telling others about eating a balanced diet.

P1a meets Badger the mystical mutt!

On Tuesday, P1a went to visit the local library. We were extremely lucky to meet the author, Laura Jackson, of the book series “Badger the mystical mutt”.
Eva – Some children ordered some books and the author signed them! I liked when Badger had the big maracas.
Akasha – I liked the story.
Orlaith – At the start of our visit, Badger patted all the adults heads.
Eden – I liked when Badger got the maracas!
Lily – I liked when Badger shook his tail at everybody and some people were trying to catch it.
Isla – I liked when Badger got the big maracas.
Elena – Badger showed us some magic tricks.

We have been reading some of the stories in class and love hearing about Badger’s love for toast!!



Article 28: We have the right to an education


In maths this week we have been learning about weight. We have learned how to convert grammes into kilogrammes and vice versa, and how to solve problems.  We also designed a Lunar theme Park using our measuring and budgeting skills.

Our LAC this week has been on our Space topic and we have been learning a lot about the planets.

Aidan – I enjoyed the co-operative learning poster activity.

Aaron – We did marble paintings, it was fun and messy!

Lucy – I liked at the cool effect at the end of the marble painting.

Callum D – I liked doing the space dictionary.  it was fun and interesting learning about the planets and stars.

Literacy showed us mnemonics this week and we all enjoyed making up our own to remember the planets.

In Health we learned how babies are made.

A wee reminder that our trip money should be in by 7th May. Also don’t forget your EE2 form!

Have a good week!


Literacy and English

This week in literacy we have been learning about how to tell fact from opinion. We had a fun lesson where we had a jumble of facts and opinions and we had to sort them into the right categories. We have also been learning about report writing. We will use what we have been doing in our LATC as a focus for this. We have identified the conventions of writing a report and now have to gather information over the next few weeks for our final report on the lifecycle of a plant.

 Numeracy and Maths

In maths we have been focussing on a range of things this week. We are continuing to develop our recall skills using the four operations and always remembering to use the inverse strategy where we can. We have been consolidating our learning of simplifying fractions and finding fractions of a quantity. We had great fun learning about probability and chance. Miss Brown asked us lots of questions that really helped us to understand this concept.

LATC and Science

We have been enjoying learning about our topic, ‘What a Wonderful World.’ Carrying on from last week’s lessons about religious creation stories we have been learning about the scientific theory of the Big Bang.

We have also been learning about lifecycles. this week we each  planted a runner bean. we will give our seeds water and sunlight, we are also experimenting by giving one seed water but no sunlight, one seed sunlight but no water and one seed no water or sunlight. we have made predictions about what we think will happen and we will be recording and changes to the seeds over the coming weeks.


Lennox – now that I am learning more I think the big bang theory happened

Lucy M – We did a fun thing to help us understand the big bang. We put glitter into a balloon and then we burst it and the glitter went everywhere.

Jennie – Our group burst our balloon and we measured how far away the glitter spread. Some of the glitter was 10 metres away from where the balloon burst.

Expressive Arts

We have been practising lots for our world record attempt. Parents, carers, guardians, family and friends are all welcome at the Livingston football stadium on Thursday 2nd June to watch as we attempt to set a new world record for the biggest Djembe ensemble. There will be around 900 children from West Lothian schools taking part!


Have a great holiday weekend!!!!


Class O

This week Class O have been using a variety of materials and technologies to investigate forces and spring.

Yolie: I enjoyed playing Twister with two friends from P5. I used salt dough to make a flower and a gingerbread man too.

Liam: I made a gingerbread girl. I made a paper one and one to eat. She tasted yummy.

Jamie: I enjoyed researching the heart in Rainbow Room using the iPad.

Cody: Making a hot air balloon was a little tricky. I enjoyed making an illusion to make it look like I was in the balloon basket.

Cameron: I was learning about forces by making a hot air balloon. It was quite tricky but really fun.

Callum: Wow! I made a hot air balloon. It was amazing. It really worked. It would be fun travelling in one.

Oban -the day of adventure

Last night we went swimming to the pool in the town . It was great fun because we had all the equipment out and the pool to ourselves. On  the way back to the hostel we all had tasty chips.

Today we woke up and had breakfast. Then groups 1 and 2 went coasteering and abseiling/climbing and groups 3 and 4 did gorge walking. It was snowing and very cold but exciting.

Then lunch back at the hostel.

After that group 1 went abseiling and climbing group 2 went coasteering and groups 3 and 4 had archery .

Tonight we are having a beach bonfire if the rain stops- fingers crossed !

and tomorrow we are coming home .

written by Erin h and Adam e.




Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog is about the differences at primary school and high school.


1. At primary school you only get one main teacher in high school you get more than one  a day.

2. At high school you can leave for lunch at primary you cant.

3.  At high school you get exams primary school you get tests.

4. At high school you get classes with loads of different people at primary you get one class with the same people.

5. At primary school you get one class room and at high school you get lots. 

Freya’s Blog Party

 Nothing from me this week but I’ll be back next week hopefully.

Jamie’s Football Facts

I am doing my blog on Robben.


1. His full name is Arjen Robben.

2. He was born on 23rd January 1984 age is 32. 

3. The place of birth was in Bedum Netherlands.

4. The height he is 1.80m (5 ft 11 in 2)

5. He is one of the fastest in his team.


Jay’s Dino Facts

Jays Dino Facts…Apatosaurus
All facts from this section are accurate as of 2016


1. The Apatosaurus is also well known as the Brontosaurus. Confusion was caused when bones of the giant dinosaur were first discovered back in 1877 by Othniel Charles Marsh. After naming the new dinosaur Apatosaurus he later found a larger set of bones and incorrectly thought they were a new species which he then named Brontosaurus It turns out that the second set of bones were just the adult version of the Apatosaurus.
2. Apatosaurus lived in the Jurassic Period, around 150 million years ago.
3. The name Apatosaurus means deceptive lizard.
4. The Apatosaurus is one of the largest animals to have ever walked on Earth, averaging around 23m in length and a weight of over 23 metric tons.
5. Apatosaurus was represented in the Transformers toy line and animated series as Sludge.

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

Nothing from me this week but I’ll be back next week hopefully.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

My blog this  week  is about  Lamborghini.


1.Lamborghinis are made in Italy.

2. They are named after the founder Ferrucio  Lamborghini.

3.They have a top speed of 370 kmh.

4.The most expensive one ever was bought for $1,600,000,

5.The founder actually drove a Ferrari!


James’ Radical Blog

This week my blog is about limos!

1. Limos are long the biggest one is 20 meters. 

2.Limos can carry lots of people in them. 

3. It costs £ 100 to hire a limo.

4.A limo can take party guests to the party.

5. Limos are made in Sweden.


Greig’s Amazing Info

 Nothing from me this week but I’ll be back next week hopefully.


Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


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