
Literacy and English

This week in literacy we have been learning about how to tell fact from opinion. We had a fun lesson where we had a jumble of facts and opinions and we had to sort them into the right categories. We have also been learning about report writing. We will use what we have been doing in our LATC as a focus for this. We have identified the conventions of writing a report and now have to gather information over the next few weeks for our final report on the lifecycle of a plant.

 Numeracy and Maths

In maths we have been focussing on a range of things this week. We are continuing to develop our recall skills using the four operations and always remembering to use the inverse strategy where we can. We have been consolidating our learning of simplifying fractions and finding fractions of a quantity. We had great fun learning about probability and chance. Miss Brown asked us lots of questions that really helped us to understand this concept.

LATC and Science

We have been enjoying learning about our topic, ‘What a Wonderful World.’ Carrying on from last week’s lessons about religious creation stories we have been learning about the scientific theory of the Big Bang.

We have also been learning about lifecycles. this week we each  planted a runner bean. we will give our seeds water and sunlight, we are also experimenting by giving one seed water but no sunlight, one seed sunlight but no water and one seed no water or sunlight. we have made predictions about what we think will happen and we will be recording and changes to the seeds over the coming weeks.


Lennox – now that I am learning more I think the big bang theory happened

Lucy M – We did a fun thing to help us understand the big bang. We put glitter into a balloon and then we burst it and the glitter went everywhere.

Jennie – Our group burst our balloon and we measured how far away the glitter spread. Some of the glitter was 10 metres away from where the balloon burst.

Expressive Arts

We have been practising lots for our world record attempt. Parents, carers, guardians, family and friends are all welcome at the Livingston football stadium on Thursday 2nd June to watch as we attempt to set a new world record for the biggest Djembe ensemble. There will be around 900 children from West Lothian schools taking part!


Have a great holiday weekend!!!!


One thought on “P5a”

  1. Hi,Lucie’s class seem to be having fun as they learn good luck for the 2nd of June I am sure you can beat the world record.

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