Code breaking in P4b!

This week has been a busy and fun week. We’ve enjoyed the good weather and had a lot of out door playtimes which is great.

In language, we wrote coded letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, who was imprisoned, to her allies. First we looked at the code that Mary used when writing to her friends. Then we typed up a different code to write messages. We gave each other words and messages to decode using our new code. We discovered that you have to be really careful when using a code otherwise it doesn’t work!

In maths we are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and also to the nearest 100.

We are also learning to match digital and analogue times. We are finding this a bit tricky and need more practice!

In french we learnt the months of the year and made wheels to show what happens in each month.

In science we started planning a game using our understanding of circuits. We are looking forward to making them next week!

In P.E. we have been learning hockey skills. We have been playing lots of small sided games learning about controlling the ball and working in a small space. We enjoy playing truck and trailer.

Ben is very proud that he has learnt to ride his bike without stabilisers.

Our table of the week is green

Pupil of the week is Charlotte for doing excellent roleplay in health and wellbeing.

Golden Steps – Step 3 Katie Armstrong

Article 28 – the right to an education

P6a 7.10.16

Lucy M : I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning to add two multiples of 10 and I used the doubling strategy to help me add.

Kirsten: I enjoyed writing this week. We were writing scientific reports about making parachutes to test air resistance.

Zoe: I enjoyed our P6 show auditions; I found it scary but it was still fun.

Ciaran: I enjoyed experimenting with parachutes in science. We learned that the bigger the parachute is the slower it will fall to the ground.

Abbie: I enjoyed maths this week. I found it challenging at the beginning but I kept trying and got there in the end.


Special person: Yasmin

Primary 6b

Primary 6b
Fiona – I enjoyed baking in golden time this week. We baked truffles. We got crushed digestive biscuits in a bowl, we added condensed milk and mixed it together. Then we added cocoa powder and mixed it all together. Then we scooped it up with our hands and rolled it into a ball.
Aidan – I enjoyed the auditions on Wednesday and found out our parts today. I was happy because I got the part I auditioned for.
Robyn – I also enjoyed the auditions because me and Skye got the parts we wanted.
Harry – I wanted a part in the play so I’m happy. My character is called Bunghole.
Lewis – This week we were learning to count to twenty in French
Katie – In maths I learned to write numbers in words.

Our week in P7b

What a busy week in P7…

Here are some of our comments…


Christopher- I enjoyed writing about the lungs and the heart

Lucy- I liked using shading and tone in the drawing of the heart

Aaron- I liked drawing the lungs and the heart

Iona- I liked writing the explanation about the workings of the heart and lungs


Callum- I enjoyed measuring angles on my name

Brooke- I enjoyed counting up and down in Maths and doubling numbers


Jamie- I liked auditioning for the role of Jack in the P7 pantomime


William- I liked  learning about God in RE

Congratulations to mystery students for this week-well done !


the Drama award for P7-Jamie

and Pupil of the week- Brooke


Have a great weekend everyone !



P2A’s week

Important Assembly Date Change

Please note our class assembly date is now on Friday 28th of October and not on 11th of November as previously stated.

In maths this week we learned a bit more about 3D shapes and we split into groups to find out the properties of 3D shapes and we made some wonderful alien and animal 3D shapes to help us.  We were very lucky as Mrs Spence joined us for our maths lesson.

We continued to focus on our imaginative writing and wrote a wonderful story about a very helpful dog/cat.  We are trying to make our stories more detailed by adding lots of describing words.

We had a very special visitors to P2 as we had Digger the Guide dog, Lisa and Rosie’s Dad visiting us. Digger is a 8 year old black retriever and has been helping Lisa for 7 years.

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Achievements this week

Pupil of the week Artjom

Drama award of the month-Archie

Kyle has got a rainbow stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Emily has moved to level 4 in swimming

Luke managed to swim 2 lengths in swimming

Hollie is getting better at dancing

Akasha is on level 1 in swimming

Elena has been practising her cartwheels

Learning lots in P1b this week!

We have been learning so much this week and would like to share our learning with you.

On Tuesday was Shared Start! Parents were invited into school and we were able to share our learning with them! Here are some pictures of what we were sharing…

Noah – We had to organise the shapes and put them in the right place

Caitlin – We did dot-to-dots to 20

Ava – We played snakes and ladders which helped us count to 20

Hamish – We played dominoes by matching the 2D shapes

Maksim – We were colouring in the 2D shape picture and following the key to help us

Rose – I made a train out of 2D shapes




Kyle – In Maths this week we had to look in books and cut out the shapes and put them in the right place


On Thursday we walked to the library!

Lewis – We were reading books
Matthias – We voted for which books we liked. There was “Bear on the chair”, “Hair and the tortoise” and “Shark in the park”
Lily – I liked “Hair and the tortoise” best


PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Scott Reid for developing his knowledge of 2D shapes!


Article 28: We have the right to an education

An exciting week in Primary 1a

This week we have had a really busy week.  We learned the sounds ‘n’ and ‘o’ and tricky words ‘to’ and ‘do’.   On Tuesday morning we had our first shared start and that was great fun.  On Thursday morning we went to the Library and a lady called a Librarian, read us 3 stories.  We then had to decide which was our favourite story.  We kept ourselves safe walking to the library by listening to adults, holding hands with a partner and wearing high visibility vests.  When we were crossing the roads, we waited for the green man and checked for traffic before crossing.

I enjoyed learning our sounds ‘o’.  Amber

Megan learned the sound ‘n’ and remembered her aeroplane wings!

We have learned 1-10.  Carley (We are learning 1-20 already!)

I like coming to school every day.  Justin & Emily

James liked going to the library.  James

I liked going to the library and reading the stories.  Olivia S

I loved going to the library and reading the stories.  Mac

I liked doing the letter ‘o’.  Holly & Aileigh

I like playing at golden time.  Aaron

I like when it’s golden time.  Jude

We’ve been learning that people that look after us, our mummies, daddies, grannies and granddads. Carley

We’re learned that the teachers look after us in school.  Ada

A fireman also helps us.  Olivia S

The police help us. Mac

A paramedic also helps us! Jude

The lollipop man helps us cross the road.  Jack

I enjoy playing the in the playground before school.  River

I enjoyed iPad time.  Ed

I like playtime. Ellis

Have a lovely weekend.




Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 3.10.16

Hello everyone,


What a week we have had in P2/1!!!   It has been a week full of adventures and surprises for us – here are our best bits from this week!

Regan – “Writing about the coffee morning in our jotters”

Keegan – “Dress down day is always good fun!”

Rory – “I liked assembly where they sang the songs”

Marley – “Mrs Dunbar giving me my certificate and getting all my stickers!”

Breghannon – “Singing songs”

Ellie – “I liked going to the library because we got to read nice books”

Millie – “My favourite part of this week has been learning about o.  I liked making the octopus”

Brandon – “Learning about phonics and how to use sounds to write words, I made a phonic flower with Mrs Mansfield”

Poppy – “When we were talking about the ladybirds we made and put them on the wall”

Leah – “When we were practising the church songs”

Max – “I liked doing the rockets when we learned about ck. It was a bit messy”

Rio – “I liked phonics this week.  My duck got put on the Wow Wall”

Emily – “Doing shapes, I liked learning about how many sides there are in shapes”

Leila – “I liked writing station this week because I got to practise writing in fun ways”

Jonah – “I liked maths, I made a shape pizza”

Liam – “Learning about squares.  I liked making and drawing the shapes”

Rocco – “Making a duck in phonics, the feathers tickled me”

Romeo – “I liked assembly because the class sang a good song”

Teigan – “When we went to the library”

Cameron – “I liked shared start because mum got to come to our class”

What a week!  Only one more Friday until our October holidays, we are looking forward to lots of busy learning before we break up from school”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you so much to all the parents/carers/family members that managed to make it along to our shared start on Tuesday.  I hope you found it beneficial to seeing how your child learns in our class – if you have any questions please feel free to catch me at the end of the school day! I hope you all have a lovely weekend!)

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Mad Science in Class M

Continuing our learning about materials, we moved on to solids, liquids and gases this week. We learned that some materials can change state. In solids the molecules are tightly packed together and have a definite shape. We started with a bar of chocolate. When we heated it up in the microwave the chocolate melted. We discovered that heat energy makes the molecules vibrate and move freely which means it becomes a liquid. We used our melted chocolate to make crispie cakes.

In music we experimented with different instruments. We took turns hiding behind a screen and playing instruments for our partner to guess. We had to guess the name of the instrument and what it was made from.

Here are our highlights from the week:

Adam – I liked making the chocolate crispies. It was fun. When chocolates cold it’s solid. When it’s hot it’s a liquid. When it’s really, really hot the chocolate will evaporate to a gas.

Dylan – We made a lava lamp we put oil , water, food colouring and a fizzy tablet in .

Joe – I was doing English reading in Armadale Primary , it was about French painters. It was good.

Yolie – Yesterday I made a lava lamp. It was vegetable oil and water, put it in a water bottle. It was orange and sparkly. I put a fizzy tablet it, it made bubbles.

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P3/2 are learning lots

We have been working hard this week.

On Monday we tasted foods from France in celebration of the European Day of Languages. We tasted apples and cheese and crusty bread.

The words in French are les pommes,  le fromage and le pain…

We had our first Shared Start of the year and some of our fsmily and friends came to see us working on Maths with Mrs Spence.

Here are our comments:-

Max- I liked being Pupil of the Week

Jess- I liked Outdoor PE today. The fire alarm practise happened during our PE

Lily-I liked Outdoor PE. Sophie was my partner

Eva- I enjoyed making the washing line at Maths

Niamh,Eden, Isla,Rory,Katie,Nina, Zara- We enjoyed tasting French foods on Monday to celebrate European Day of Languages

Archie,Grace- We liked shared start on Maths with Mrs Spence

Dylan,Luis,Noah-We liked Maths today- we were doing mental maths and  using whiteboards and pens

Sophie S., Sophie M – We enjoyed Drama with Mrs Innes. We were making houses

Ross-  I liked being  drama star for Primary 3

Harris- I loved writing about Autumn this week



Jess, Katie and Ross our first Step 3 pupils

Max -Pupil of the week

Niamh and Luis -Star writers for the week Mrs Laidlaw had  the class

Sophie S., Noah and Harris -Secret Students


Thank you if you managed to our Shared Start, if not we have another one later in the session 🙂

Review Jotters home today.Please read with your child and fill in the highlights and return to school. Thank you 🙂





Class O

Class O have enjoyed being scientists this week. We have had fun experimenting with water and recording our results. We have also taken advantage of the great weather by doing outdoor maths, we have been looking at our 7 times table.



Liam – I liked to create a kiddie ride on the I book. It was called ‘The red story machine kiddie ride’. I also had fun being a scientist in the sensory room.



Jayden – I was doing outdoor maths with Cody. We learned the seven times table it was fun. I was being a scientist. Being a scientist was fun with Dylan and Liam. I made a paper boat go by using water. We were using balloons  for friction. We were testing the sugar cubes. We added sugar cubes to cold water and warm water the warm water melts the sugar cubes quicker.


Cody – I was doing outdoor maths with Jayden I had learned the 7 times table it was fun. in integration I learned dance drama it was lots o fun.


I enjoyed making the Notman model. It was a rollercoaster it was good fun. In P5 I enjoyed practising playing handball for the tournament.

P1-3 Shared Start

Thank you to all who made it along to our Shared Starts this week – the pupils truly enjoy sharing their learning and we hope you found the session valuable.

Please click on the link for more information on how to learn through play with your child at home:


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P6a 3.10.16

Noah: Last week in writing we were learning to write a news paper article about Apollo 11.

Brooklyn: I enjoyed researching facts about Apollo 11.

Lennox: I really enjoyed learning the strategy of doubling in maths.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning about estimating in maths.

Ty: I enjoyed learning to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000.

Special person: Brooklyn


In Maths we have been learning about making turns. We looked at quarter, half, three-quarter turns and moving forward a number of steps. We pretended we were robots and had to reach a place in the playground when our partners gave us directions. Some ‘Robots’ got stuck against walls when we got our instructions wrong! it was still fun though.

As part of ‘Our Community’ topic, we have looked at problems in our community. We decided to clean our playground and were absolutely shocked at the amount of rubbish we picked up. We know and understand that it is our responsibility to throw our rubbish in the bin. We then made posters which we will put up around the school to remind everyone that we need to keep our school community clean. One of the problems is the wasps around bins. This means that some of us are too scared to throw the rubbish in the bins as that is where the wasps are, but with cooler weather coming soon, this won’t be a problem. (A picture will follow to show how much rubbish we collected.)

In Literacy we have been learning how to write letters. This is not as easy as it sounds. We have to remember to put key information in our letter and write it so that the format is correct. We will need practice to get it right!

Enjoy your weekend.

Our learning in Class M

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We were learning about the BFG. We had to build a house and pretend to be a giant. – Joe

The boat was floating and the fan was making it move. – Yolie

Playing with Erin. I was kicking and throwing the ball it was good fun. – David

I liked making the boat it was fun. My boat stayed a float. – Adam

I made my boat out of 3 straws and 2 sponges . – Dylan


P7a and P7b MacMillan Coffee Morning

The whole school was invited to the MacMillan coffee morning this morning. At the MacMillan coffee morning the P7 children had jobs. Some of the jobs were helping at the toy stall, collecting tickets, giving all the pupils their food and tidying up all the plates. It was exhausting but we enjoyed having the responsibility of our jobs. We also got to enjoy our own coffee morning. We got to enjoy lovely cakes, sweets and drinks. All the classes in the school attended the coffee morning and everyone enjoyed a juice and a cake. Thank you to everyone who handed in cakes there were AMAZING.

written by Louise Kirk

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Road Safety Week in Class G!

Class G have been doing lots of work this week on road safety. We have been playing road safety games on the computer, watching videos and making road safety posters.  We carried out a traffic survey and discovered that the road beside the school is a very busy road.  We have also been having fun in the sensory room.  We made the sensory room look like a busy road and we were learning how to cross the road safely.  We have also been learning about different types of transport and we created our own transport tickets.  We also have great fun playing with road and traffic based toys. Here is what we liked about our road safety week:


Gabriel – I liked doing the road safety activities in the sensory room.


Cameron – I liked being in the sensory room and pretending to cross the road.


Erin – I liked counting the cars, vans and lorries.


Shea – I liked the train track.

Jake – I liked playing with the new cars and road.


Logan – I was doing road safety. I was counting cars and buses with Jayden.



Important Assembly Date Change

Please note our class assembly date is now on Friday 28th of October and not on 11th of November as previously stated.

This week we have been practising our Being Cool in School activities.  We learned about Tom, Kit and Jen and how Tom dealt with his anger. He made good choices by taking some breaths and having some time out.  We think this is a great COOL strategy to use and we are looking forward to seeing what happens  next.

We have been busy learning our big numbers and counting up to 100.

In writing we wrote brilliant stories about a Magic Leaf using Emma’s fantastic colourful leaf that she found in our Autumn Walk.  We are fabulous explorers in P2A!

We had a fun visit from Angela and Sandra from the RNIB and Sandra has been blind from birth and she showed us how to read Braille and Angela showed us some talking books and we listened to some stories.  We had a fantastic time!  We are really looking forward to the Guide Dog visit next week too 🙂

Achievements this week

Archie has been busy practising his reading

Hollie has been practising her new dances

Eva has been busy in her cheerleading classes practising her moves

Luke has been showing the class how to do the splits!

Kyle has been working hard in Tae Kwon Do

Emma has been learning lots of fun things in her dancing

Pupil of the week-Hollie

Starwriters-Akasha, Archie and Elena

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