Balbardie Factor

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

We are pleased to inform you that we have organised a talent show for all pupils to enter.  The auditions will be held in class during the week beginning 31st October 2016.

If pupils would like to enter, they will have the chance to practise for the auditions during the October holidays and be ready for that week. Entries should be 3 minutes long and the pupils in each class will pick one act from each class to go into the final.  Acts could be done individually or in groups.

The final will take place during school time on Monday 28th November 2016 and invitations for parents of finalists will go out after auditions. An overall winner will be chosen from P1-3 and P4-7.

Presenters at the final will be Scott Aitchison and Aaron McNicol.  Our judges will be Clara McCallum, Louise Kirk, Polina Derugina and Rebecca Notman.

We look forward to seeing the talent in our school.

Yours sincerely,

Balbardie Head Boy, Head Girl and House Captain Team

P6a 14.10.16

We have been busy in P6a this week.

We have enjoyed reading our class novel, Maltilda.

We also have been working hard to get our Space projects finished.

In maths we learned about measuring in cm and mm with a partner.

We enjoyed typing fact cards to demonstrate our learning of a new planet that has discovered- Proxima b.

Special person: Sophie

Last week of term!

This has been a great last week of term for Class G. We have been learning all about 3D shapes and had great fun making 3D models. Pupils also enjoyed learning about rolling and sliding using our chute. We have also been continuing out sound topic and have been writing stories titled ‘What’s That Noise’.   We had great fun during Fun Time Friday making cakes.  We made lots of mess but the cakes taste fantastic.  Have a fantastic holiday everyone!


Gabriel – Me and Jake were making water sounds. We were making paint sounds and when we put the cars all over the paper it was all painted.


Cameron – We were rolling down shapes. We were learning about shapes.  We were learning if shapes could roll or build.


Shea – I helped clean the table.


Erin – I wrote about an elephant.


Logan – I went to the church. I liked it.


This week there was an open evening at Bathgate Academy. Some people went to the academy to find out more about the school.

Gemma M – On Wednesday I went to the academy. We went to the maths department and I went on the computer to play some maths games.

Ben- At the academy I went to the CDT department and looked at all the tools. It was fun. I think I will like CDT when I go to high school.

Annie and Olivia  – We went to the P.E hall and met the gymnastics team and the P.E teacher. you can go a trip to Italy to watch a football game and play football.

Sarah-I went to the art department and watched some people do press printing.

Ramsay- I went to the science lab and put powder into the  burner to see how it would react. I’m looking forward to science when I go to high school.

We will be visiting the Academy throughout the year and we are all excited about our transitioning to secondary school.

by Zoe and Ellie



We have had a busy first term in Primary Seven.  Here are some of our highlights:

‘I liked recapping 2D and 3D shapes.’- Lucy

‘I liked writing the ending to the crime story.’- Callum D

‘I liked doing all the CSI activities.’- Valerija

‘I liked learning the days of the week in French.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed all the writing.  I liked the CSI writing most of all because you can write what you want.’- Christopher

‘I enjoyed doing the pop art.’ Polina

‘I liked drawing the suspects using tone and shade.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed using shade and tone to draw images of the lungs and heart.’- Lucy

‘I liked creating the perspective art.’- Jamie

‘I liked writing the newspaper article on the crime about the stolen laptop.’- Kari

‘I liked doing the auditions in drama for our P7 panto.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed writing the explanation text on how the lungs work.’- Millie

‘I was exciting finding out our roles for the panto.’- Kari

Class dojo- Christopher

Pupil of the Week- Lucy

Table of the Week- MI6

Lots of wonderful news in P3a

Primary 3a have had a fantastic term and have worked really hard.  Here are some of the things we have been learning this week.



In our learning across the curriculum we created a collage picture of different landscapes.  We also used the ‘birds eye view’ technique to show how our school would look from above.


In spelling we have been learning the u-e, cl, and sp sounds this week.

We made our very own postcards in writing all about a special holiday we have been on.

In reading the Lions have been reading all about Nesta and Ned the dragons.



We played a turtle game with Mr Jeffries- it was really good fun!



Pupil of the week – Shelbi

Step 2- Arran, Ellis, Mia, Samuel, Shelbi, Kai, Brooke, Donna, Lucas, Farrah, Lucas, Murray, Cameron, Ammie-Leigh, Lily, Jodie, Ruby and Blaire.

Ellis has started a new song in Piano!

Lucas won a football medal!


We hope you have a great October break 🙂


P1a have really enjoyed their first term being in P1a.

We have learned lots of sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, b, f, o, m, c, k, ck and

Tricky words: she, he, I, do, to, the, he, me, we, be


Here are some of our favourite things at school….

Jude & Olivia’s  favourite thing in school is Golden Time and playing with his toys.

We have learned the sound, ‘b’ and I love Golden Time. Holly

I like when we go outside and play with each other.  Ellis

I enjoy playing with my buddy, Jamie.  Mac

I like buddy time because we can play games in my buddies classroom and do the dot-to-dot.  Carley

I liked going to the church with my buddy Aaron.  Justin

I like playing with my buddy and having Golden Time. Amber

Playing at Golden Time with my Shopkins.  Aileigh

Playing with the iPad at Golden Time.  Jack

Playing at Golden Time and playing with the iPads.  James


This week we learned or enjoyed…

The sound, ‘f”.  Aaron

The sound, ‘b’.  Justin

Jude’s daddy came in. Shannon

Olivia’s daddy came in to talk about his job.  Ada

Jude’s daddy teaches football. Oliver

Mrs Dunbar came in to read us a story.  Mia

Alex enjoyed going to the church for the Harvest service.  Alex

Hope you all have a lovely holiday!









We have begun learning the songs for our Christmas show, “Ralph the reindeer”
Noah – On Monday we practised “Ralph the reindeer” on the stage
Caitlin – I am a narrator
Hamish – We have been practising the whole show

Maksim – The parents came into school to tell us about their work
Caitlin – Matthias’ mum was a scientist and she made the egg float
Matthias – She made the egg float in the water after she put lots of salt in it
Lily – The egg would sink when it was just water and no salt
Matthias – The last egg had a little salt in the water and floated, then we added more water and it hovered in the middle!
Lewis – My daddy came in and he is a police officer
Ava – He showed us his handcuffs!
Kyle – He also showed us his baton
Hamish – Olivia’s dad was a security guard
Maksim – Jude’s dad came in and he was a footballer
Kyle – He played for Hibs!
Maksim – He also played for Hearts
Matthias – He brought in a football medal to show us
Hamish – He also brought in two footballs

Josh – We made Autumn trees in Art
Kaiden – The technique was ripping the paper
Kyle – We also teared it up
Noah – We had to rip the paper to make an Autumn picture and glue them on to the paper

We made it!


We wrote a recount of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots with Mrs Aitken this week. This time we worked without a writing planner which is tricky but we did very well! We had to write using time connectives to sequence the recount and make sure it was in chronological order.


We were learning to time an event using a stopwatch. It was good fun. We had to see what we could manage in 60 seconds. We had to estimate first then time the activity to see if our estimation was correct. Some of the activities were- hopping, writing our name, taking our jumper off and putting it back on, standing on one leg, try to build a tower of 30 cubes. We also did a fun activity to consolidate what we had learned about telling the time, we had to make the time on a paper clock and write the digital time then match it to times on the board.

Expressive Arts

We enjoyed making ‘autumn windows’ this week with Mrs Spence and Mrs Aitken. We folded our paper in half then cut a window in one half and painted an autumn picture on the other. When the paper was folded over it looked like a window. we really enjoyed this! Here is some of our work – oops we will load pictures another time as we are having difficulty uploading images..



We have been working hard to support each other in class. This week we did a really tricky activity to help us learn more about working together and supporting each other. We worked in pairs and had to use only one hand each to tie a shoelace, it was very good fun. Apologies again as we can’t upload pictures at this time.

Have a great October break everyone!

Reflection in P3/2

It is the end of term one and we have achieved so much in all areas of the curriculum.

Here are our comments:

LAC- Magnets

Rory- When we were working with magnets I liked testing items in the classroom to see if they were attracted to a magnet


Nina- In Drama it was good because we were learning about the great oak tree

Jess- In Drama we were playing fun games


Isla-I loved PE with Mr Jeffries

Eden-I like PE as Mr Jeffries is a kind teacher

Sophie S. I liked playing banana tig with Xcite staff when we had the 6 week programme with them on a Friday

Archie- I like having indoor and outdoor PE with Mr Jeffries and Mrs Aitken


Max- I liked putting sums onto leaves this week.It was called “autumn maths”


Eva- I liked story writing when we described apples


Harris- I liked Assemblies because you enjoy class’s different things

Luis- The church service about Harvest was very good. I sang all the songs. I loved “Big Red Combine Harvester”


Niamh,Ross- We liked Golden Time when we chose ipads

Zara,Katie- We liked Golden Time when we were on Art

Sophie M- I enjoyed Golden Time when I brought something from home

Noah- When I am playing I like Golden Time


STEP 3-Zara, Archie, Eden, Isla, Niamh


P3 Katie


Have a super October holiday…enjoy the lovely autumn weather 🙂





We have been working very hard learning Handball for our upcoming tournament.

Demi – I think Handball is really good because you have to work in a team.

Sam – It’s good because it gets your muscles stronger.

Ava – It’s really fun practicing.

Aidan – It’s very challenging because you are against your friends.


In Maths we finished Time – yes it was time for it to go!! We can now all use an analogue clock and five minute intervals, not to mention calculating periods of time.

In writing we were learning about comic strips and ran a competition to find the best one.  Congratulations to Rachael Muir and Cameron Notman.

And finally we are just back from a lovely church service to celebrate Harvest, and we can’t stop singing Big Red Combine  Harvester!!


Happy Holidays everyone!


Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 10.10.16

We have really enjoyed this week in P2/1.  There have been lots of good bits but these have been our favourite:

Millie – “making the owl by cutting out shapes and sticking them onto black card”

Rio – “I liked going to church”

Breghannon – “I liked church too!”

Cameron – “I liked singing songs at th echurch”

Poppy – “Making a jigsaw with our P7 buddy”

Ellie – “Reading a story with Mrs Dunbar and telling her about our apple experiment”

Marley – “Mummy coming to the church.  I waved to Mrs Aitchison and my mummy and I loved maths this week.  I’ve had a good week!”

Emily – “I liked church because I liked the singing”

Rocco – “The best bit was making a jigsaw”

Romeo – “I liked making and cutting a jigsaw too”

Regan – “Coming out of the church and giving my papa a cuddle”

Teigan – “I liked church with Marley”

Jonah – “I loved going to church”

Keegan – “I liked the church”

Leah – “I liked making a puzzle”

Rory – “Church was really good fun”

Max – “My favourite bit was learning sign language, we learned the colours”

Liam – “Singing the rainbow song in our sign language lesson with P2s”

Leila – “I liked going to church, it was exciting!”


We started work on our P1 show this week, we learned the song Tapping Away and we even got the chance to be on the stage.  We were excited to hear what parts we are in the show.

Narrators  – Rory, Cameron, Poppy, Rocco, Millie, Romeo, Leah

Santa – Regan

Reindeer – Emily, Leila, Rio, Breghannon, Teigan

Ralph the Reindeer – Ellie



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – could all pink review jotters please be returned asap after the holidays.  These were due to be returned on Thursday, please let me know if there are any problems.  I hope you all have a lovely holiday and can’t wait to hear all of your child’s adventures from the October week!)


P5b Reflections of term 1

This week we reflected on what our favourite things we have done and learned this term have been. Although we all agreed that Lowport was  a particular highlight.

Mya: creating comic strips was really fun, I enjoyed looking at other peoples too.

Evie: comic strips.

Demi – Leigh: I liked the holiday home learning.

Dadirayi: I liked rounding because I found it easy.

Grace: Mr Cunningham doing the funny voice when reading the Awful Auntie.

Erin: I liked the comic strips.

Kayleigh: I enjoyed learning all about the Scottish wars of independence.

Sophie: when Mr Cunningham came back from being off.

Evan: I enjoyed doing our instagram selfie art.

Robyn: I liked our superhero writing.

Leia: inventing our superheroes and learning about growth mindset was my favourite thing.

Annabelle: creating my comic strip was good because I like reading comics.

Isla: I liked doing the comic strips. I liked looking at others comics because of the colours, I loved them.

Aaron: I liked everything I have learned in maths.


Have a good October break class and remember to do all that holiday home learning!!!

Class O

Class O enjoyed learning about harvest in the sensory room. The children enjoyed making scarecrows and talked about how their scarecrows would scare the birds away. We cut up carrots, potatoes and turnip to make soup and looking forward to tasting this at snack on Friday.

Comments from the children:

Jayden – I enjoyed making a scarecrow by using coloured sticks. I gave the scarecrow a black uniform. I made soup using carrots, potato and turnip which I cut up.

Liam – I had fun in the sensory room making scarecrows and listening to the dingle dangle scarecrow song.

Cameron – I am very excited about the handball competition and looking forward to practicing.

Cody – I enjoyed outdoor maths with Jayden. We were practising our 6 and 7 times table.

Junior Choir

This was another fabulous week for the Junior Choir as we continue to learn about singing in a round – this will help when we start singing in 2 part harmony after the holidays!

This week we were practising:

-See the Poppies

-Belle Mamma

-I like the Mountains


Keep up the fab work!!


Mrs Mansfield

Senior Choir

A reminder that there is no Senior Choir this Thursday 13th October.
A letter will be issued inviting you to attend a showcase of this term’s work on Thursday 10th November at 3.45 – 4.15p.m.

This term’s choir work has been brilliant! The enthusiasm that the pupils show is fantastic. They make my week!

Edi Innes

P3A News

Last week was very busy for Primary 3A and we can’t believe it is our last week before the holidays!


Here are some of the things we have been learning this week…



In writing we made our very own postcards all about a Highland Cow.

We also learned how to summarise a text.  We did this for our class novel The BFG and for our very own reading books.


Maths & Numeracy

We have been revising 10 less and 10 more in maths with numbers up to 100 and 1000.

We also played a game where we had to guess which 3d shape we were had by sticking it on our back and asking for clues.

We are looking forward to learning about directions in class this week.



We played with the parachute last week and played a game of fruit salad where we had to use our listening and movement skills to swap with another pupil under the parachute.  We were also working on our throwing and catching technique with Mr Jeffries.


Achievements and extra news! 

Shelbi received Pupil of the week today for a continuous great effort in her home learning!

Charlie is just back from sunny Corfu and he had a great time!

Ellis’ teacher at Tae Kwon Do was really proud of him last week- well done!

Mia can now ride her bike without her stabilisers!


Make Some Noise!

It has been a very busy week in Class G. We have been learning all about sounds.  We made lots of different sounds both loud and quiet.  We got to play with musical instruments and even made our own instruments.  We have also been doing more road safety work and we are very good at it.  We have been doing lots of number work and learning how to identify numbers in words and work with ordinal numbers.


Logan – I was pretending to be a car and was driving on the pretend road. When I cross the road I stop and look and listen.


Shea – I was playing the triangle. I was playing symbols.


Erin – I liked the symbols. I was crossing the road.


This week we had our shared start. Some parents were able to come and see what we do in maths. We had a game for finding coordinates and Co-ordinate Battleships. We also had a direction game on our floor grid and finding treasure on a grid. It was great fun.

We have been learning about buildings and people who help us. We also looked at a Bird’s Eye View. We went around the school and then inside the school to see if we could map the school. We came back and did a Bird’s Eye View of the whole school’s layout.

We went out into the playgrounds again and were disappointed to see so much rubbish was thrown on the ground and not in the bin. Next week we will go to all the classes and stress the importance of not littering and keeping our community clean.

Please help us keep our school clean!


This week some of the things we did are:

We auditioned for our p7 panto (Jack and the Beanstalk)

In art we used our knowledge of shape and perspective to create 3D pictures.

In P.E we played extreme tunnel tig, we did an obstacle course, elimination tig and body part balances.

In maths the Decahedrons were practicing adding and taking away mentally. The Pentagons and Hexagons also worked on adding mentally.

With Mrs Waddell we shared our paintings of heaven and hell and measured angles.

In writing we wrote an explanation text about the lungs and how we breathe.


Blog by Casey and Roan

Have a good weekend!



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