We made it!


We wrote a recount of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots with Mrs Aitken this week. This time we worked without a writing planner which is tricky but we did very well! We had to write using time connectives to sequence the recount and make sure it was in chronological order.


We were learning to time an event using a stopwatch. It was good fun. We had to see what we could manage in 60 seconds. We had to estimate first then time the activity to see if our estimation was correct. Some of the activities were- hopping, writing our name, taking our jumper off and putting it back on, standing on one leg, try to build a tower of 30 cubes. We also did a fun activity to consolidate what we had learned about telling the time, we had to make the time on a paper clock and write the digital time then match it to times on the board.

Expressive Arts

We enjoyed making ‘autumn windows’ this week with Mrs Spence and Mrs Aitken. We folded our paper in half then cut a window in one half and painted an autumn picture on the other. When the paper was folded over it looked like a window. we really enjoyed this! Here is some of our work – oops we will load pictures another time as we are having difficulty uploading images..



We have been working hard to support each other in class. This week we did a really tricky activity to help us learn more about working together and supporting each other. We worked in pairs and had to use only one hand each to tie a shoelace, it was very good fun. Apologies again as we can’t upload pictures at this time.

Have a great October break everyone!

2 thoughts on “We made it!”

    1. I agree! The term flew by and now we are about to start mentioning the ‘C’ word and with the children being a little bit younger I am looking forward to a whole new level of excitement 🙂

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