Class O

Class O have been learning about money and using money to buy from the shops. The sensory room had been transformed into a Halloween theme and we had lots of fun playing pin the boo on the ghost and enjoyed playing with the green goo fishing out the spiders and skeletons.

The children thoughts for the week:

Dylan – The electric eel is dangerous and it could kill you. The real name for an electric eel is the knifefish. The electric eel sends 500 volts.



Jayden – On Monday sensory room was spooky for Halloween. There were glow in the dark spiders. Spookyslime was there to touch it felt smooth. We’ve been using coins, counting in pence and pounds for maths. I have also been delivering the children in need orders to all the classes.

Cameron – I enjoyed the handball festival. I scored my first ever goal. The festival was in Bathgate Sports Centre. I went with P5a. We played castles in PE with Mr Jeffries.


Cody – I enjoyed going into the sensory with Jamie we had fun playing peek a ghost and playing with the skeletons.


In P3/2 we have

we have been learning our times tables-Ross,Katie,Harris,Lily,Max,Sophie M., Grace,Dylan, Zara

we have been learning hard Maths- Mental Maths-Eva

we have been singing at Music with Mrs Innes-Rory,Niamh,Sophie S.

we have been learning to play different instruments-Eden,Archie,Isla

we have been story writing about Bonfire night-Noah

we have been enjoying Golden Time-Jess,Nina

Congratulations to :-

Secret Students-Jess and Katie

our new step 3 boys and girls

our new step 4-Ross

Pupil of the week-Nina

Talent show representative-Eva

Thank you for coming to Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday this week

ps It is not Dress down day this Friday, it is 18th November instead

Diary date

Christmas Fayre Saturday 26th November


Class M

We got straight to work after the October break as we have a busy time ahead organising Children In Need and our assembly. This is going to form our main topic this term. We are looking forward to advertising the various Children In Need activities, collecting donations, selling charity items and organising a dress down day. This week we did a stock take of all the items we have to sell and wrote letters to let everyone know prices.

Dylan – I was helping to type a letter for the Children In Need letting everyone know what they can buy.

Yolie- You can buy a keyring or a headband.

Joe – I liked looking at the Pudsey things. I want to buy one.

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Senior Choir

The members of the senior choir were issued with a letter on Thursday re our showcase on Thursday 10th November at 3.45 – 4.15p.m. Those pupils who were absent will be given their letters when I’m in school on Tuesday.
We have begun to look at our – can we say the word in October? – Christmas selection too!
The plans for Christmas have to be confirmed, but we are looking at singing at the Partnership Centre on the last Wednesday of term – 1.30 – 2.15p.m. and at Tesco on the first day of the holidays (we did this last year and it was very successful). Hopefully we can secure an 11.00 – 11.30 slot for this.
A fabulous start to the new term….. well done to all!

Mrs Innes


So this week we went to the poppy factory in Edinburgh. We learned lots about the First and Second world war. When we were learning about the Second world war we learned about gas masks, Anderson shelters and rationing. They also told us about the types of guns and uniforms soldiers wore. Gemma needed to wear what men wore to war and Geo had to wear the commando’s outfit they wore. Geo had to scream as loud as he could at the teacher. we also learn the drills if gas was coming and they were both very loud. We then got split into 3 groups to go round the factory and most of the machines where over 140 years old. They showed us each station and what they did. Just before we left they gave us a task to see who could make the most poppies. In one of the groups Jessie made 30 and Gemma B made 29 in the race. We all got to take at least 3 poppies home that we made. We had a great time at the poppy factory. Thank you for letting us come! Remember you can buy a poppy in school to show your support for the charity and to show that you are remembering those who have fallen during conflicts around the world.

by Gemma B and Ella




This week has been short but action packed!

We finished our towns, which we made as part of Our Community project, then painted them. We then got to take them home. Not everyone wanted to take their building home so some of us took more than one building home! We have started our new topic which is all about the weather.

In maths we learned about the four compass points and did different activities to make sure we understood directions.

We have also started to look at bible stories and this week we learned about ‘How God Made Everything’ and on which days he made the things.

Enjoy your weekend.

Let the rehearsals begin!

Class G have had a fun week practicing a new song and learning the actions for our assembly.  We have also enjoyed art with Mrs Spence.  For Milk and Story we started reading a really funny book called Gangster Granny by David Walliams and have also enjoyed reading some of our Big Books in class.

Here is what Class G have said about their week:

Gabriel – I liked everything.  I have been doing white board maths, that was the best thing.

Logan – I am looking forward to the Wii at Golden Time.

Jake – I have been doing some happy stuff.  I liked learning our song.

Erin – I liked using the dotty paint.  I loved my bunting.

Shea – I was drawing Thomas and Percy.




A visitor arrives………

This week saw the arrival of Emerald, a visitor from Space. We thought about how we might have got here and where he might have come from.


Charlotte – He came from an emerald egg
Callum – He had a transforming spaceship which transformed into all our drawings which were all very different.
Rose – He came from Mars.
Louie – He came from Planet Zin.
Guy – He flew in a big flying saucer.
Maisey – He came from Planet Disco.
Nathan – He came from Planet Emerald.

We do not why he came but we are looking forward to finding out!

This week we started rehearsals for the School Talent Show. We are looking forward to choosing the P4B act next week.

We have also started learning about calendars and how long things can take. We know how to use a calendar to find a date and day and will be finishing off our time work learning how to work out the lengths of journeys and television times.

Table of the week – green with 410 points. Congratulations!

Term 2 in P1a

This week in P1a….

I enjoyed outdoor PE playing the bean game.  Alex

We learned a new sound, ‘e’.  Emily

We learned a new sound, ‘h’.  Holly

Listening to the story Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam on the smartboard and being taught how to draw a picture by an Illustrator.  Ellis

We learned the tricky word, ‘are’.  Carley

I enjoyed learning the ‘e’ sound.  Ada

We learned the ‘f’ sound.  Justin

We learned ‘h’.  Mia

I like when it’s buddy time.  This week we collected leaves and stuck them on a tree…..but they fell off!  Aaron

I enjoyed buddy time when we went outside and collected leaves.  Jude

I enjoyed buddy time going outside to get leaves.  Olivia S

I liked watching the story on the smartboard.  Jack

I enjoyed learning the sound, ‘c’. Megan

I enjoyed learning the sound, ‘e’.  Amber

I learned the tricky word, ‘all’.  Oliver

I liked learning the letter, ‘e’.  Aileigh

I liked playing with my buddy.  Mac


Pupil of the Week:  Well done Jack for finding tricky words in a storybook.

Great work Jack!
Great work Jack!


Happy Halloween!

P2A’s week

Thank you to our visitors for coming to our class assembly about Friendship.  We had a lot of fun practising with the microphone! We hope you enjoyed it too 🙂

We are looking forward to Halloween next week and doing some Halloween activities…wooooo!

For our writing this week we have been making Scary Halloween Stew potions and using our describing words to create them!

Achievements this week

Well done to new step 3 and 4 people!

Elena has learned how to swim without arm bands

Akasha has been practising her peddling in swimming

Hollie has been learning new swimming strokes

Archie has been a wonderful helper at home

Emma is on level 5 in dancing

Rowan has been practising tidying her room

Kyle got the Rainbow Stripe at Tae Kwon Do

Artjom has got a trophy for gymnastics

Emily can do her gymnastics in the water

Charlotte has been practising on her Princess bike




We have had a busy first week back after the October holidays.  On Wednesday morning, we were lucky to participate in a judo taster session by Destination Judo.  We learned how to do the Ogoshi hip throw.  This is when you put one hand on the sleeve of your opponent and the other round their back.  You then turn your hip into them and throw them over your back.  We also learned the newaza. This is a move on your knees where you aim to get your opponent on their back.

For writing this week we wrote a story where we attempted to describe the setting and character as best as we could.  To do this, we used figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia & alliteration), adjectives, adverbs and the five senses.

‘I enjoyed writing the story because I would say writing is one of my strong points.’- David

‘I liked writing a Halloween themed story.’- Aaron

‘I’m excited to put my story on didbook so Mrs Dunbar and parents can see it.’- Meadow

‘I liked listening to other peoples’ stories.’ -Valerija

For art we made a diorama.  This showed the setting for our writing stories.  We used our descriptions to bring our settings to life!  They look fab in our classroom. 🙂




Our week in Primary 1b

Here are our favourite parts of the week:

Noah – I like playing
Max – I liked learning Tricky Words
Caitlin – I liked making the bats in Art
Ava – We were learning more about pointillism in Art
Hamish – We have been learning new sounds “h” and “e”
Kyle – We have been learning 3D shapes and adding and taking away
Reiss – We have been learning about ordering numbers. We had to cut out the numbers on the caterpillar and put them in the right order. We will next be learning about money


In P5a this week w e have been learning our times tables. We have been playing lots of different games and singing lots of songs to try and remember them.

We also started off our virtual trip to the Caribbean!  We have learned where the islands are, what their climate is like and started our research for our leaflets – did you know the Bahamas national creature is the Flamingo? Cuba has Tarantulas? That Jamaica’s national anthem is called ‘Land We Love?  Or that Jamaica uses Dollars as their currency? Yip we have been busy!!

We have been learning about Handball as we have a Handball Tournament next Tuesday – this is our first time and we are all excited about it!

I think in P3/2…

We all think lots and learn when we are thinking. We have been thinking about our learning. We enjoyedthe Assembly this morning.

In drama we have been using instruments with Mrs Innes.

We realise that when we take part in PE we are helping ourselves stay healthy and we learn better this way.

Here are some comments about thinking:-

We think the Assembly was good this morning-Katie, Zara,Max,Dylan

I think Maths is really good because I like when it is hard-Eva

We think Maths is very good because it is very challenging for us-Ross,Niamh

I think electricity was fun this week when I made a do and don’t poster-Rory

We think we will be good at PE because Mr Jeffries will be teaching us-Jess,Sophie S., Eden,Nina

I think it is healthy to take part in PE every week-Luis

I think being on step 3 is good-Sophie M.

I think I should try to win a Golden Ticket at Drama this week-Grace

We think being secret student is nice because you can sit in another seat-Isla,Lily

I think it is good to make things in art-Harris

I think it is good to use instruments in drama-Archie


All our step 3 children so far !

Secret Students Isla and Eden



Parents evenings are on Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm onwards. Please make sure you have recieved your slip with the day and time on it.

Home Learning is due on a Monday

Reading days are Monday/Thursday for The Dogs and Guinea Pigs

Tuesday/Friday for The Mice and Hamsters

Please make sure PE kit has been returned after the holidays

Have a super weekend 🙂




Hello from P4a…


We have been learning about verbs.

Alex – a verb is something you do

Suvi – jump is a verb

Kiara – run is a verb

Connor – sit is a verb

Mia – skip is a verb

Next week we will be learning about adverbs.

We wrote an imaginative story this week. The focus was to try to apply what we have learned about sentence structure and using adjectives with nouns. Miss Drummond is very pleased with our progress.


This week we have been focussing on numeracy and in particular vertical subtraction up to numbers with four digits.

Megan – if you can’t do the subtraction you ‘go next door’ and exchange from the next column

Euan – always start at the unit column

Suvi – if there is a zero in the next column (next door) you have to go to the next again column

Expressive Arts

We had good fun listening to Halloween music then we had to use our voices to create sound effects to go along with the words and music.


We are going to be learning about the things we can do to protect the earth. Our main focus will be recycling. This week we have begun by learning some key words we use when talking about protecting the earth and we have had a great discussion about the different things we can all do to help the environment we live in.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 24.10.16

Hi everyone!

What a week we have had…after the holiday week we came back to class and were surprised to find footprints leading towards our cosy corner!  We weren’t sure what had left the footprints or what clues we could find to help us work it out.  Here were some of our thoughts about who had left the things and the footprints:

Brandon – “It could have been a secret map in the scroll that a polar bear had left.  It would take us to a secret, invisible castle”

Ellie – “I thought it might have been a cheetah that left the footprints!”

Poppy – “I thought it was a tiger”

Teigan – “It was something very big that left the footprints!”

Liam – “It might be a big dinosaur, Mrs Mansfield would be scared a dinosaur would come to class”

Millie – “I thought it was a scary, scary, scary bad animal”

Leila – “The scroll smelled like fire!”

Max – “The scroll was like it had been in lava.  I thought it was a massive animal that breathed fire!”

Marley – “I felt sad because I didn’t want the dragon to make a mess with his footprints!”

Cameron – “I thought it might have been a crocodile because there were teeth marks in the paper”

Breghannon – “I thought it was a bit dirty, the paper looked a funny colour.”

Rory – “I thought it was a magic dinosaur because we could pick up the magic footprints!”

Emily – “I thought it might be an alligator.  I know what sound alligator starts with”

Regan – “I was happy because when I walked in I never knew it would be there”

Leah – “It was a cheetah and his tooth fell out when he ate the letter”

Jonah – “I thought it was from the flintstones time.”

Rio – “It was a tiger, the footprints were big”

It actually turned out to be a dragon that had left the footprints!!!  He had left us a scroll explaining that his home had been destroyed.  The Friendly Dragon needed help bringing Fairyland back to life, to do this we have to believe in our fairytales, read fairytales and complete jobs.  The first Fairy-tale we read was Jack and the Beanstalk – we practised sequencing the story, acting out as the characters and were able to talk and answer questions about the story.  It was all very exciting!  We are really looking forward to getting more ‘D-mails’ to help build Fairyland back up again.

Other Successes of the Week

  • Rory – Pupil of the Week
  • Cameron – Star Writer


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Just a reminder that auditions for the School talent show will take place next Thursday – please encourage your children to practise their acts (songs, dancing, jokes…the list goes on) before then.  Children do not need to take part if they don’t want to but I look forward to seeing what our future stars have prepared.  Have a nice weekend!)

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Class O

This week Class O have been busy learning about Children in Need. We are learning about this for our topic and are looking to sharing our learning with you at our assembly. We have been deveoping our money skills to support this.
We all enjoyed learning a song all about helping others. We will be looking at different ways to raise money and will be organising the sale of Pudsey merchandice in school.

Cody: Children in Need raises lots of money to help others. I found out lots of ways that people raise money and found some of them hilarious, like sitting in baths of beans!

Jayden: Pudsey Bear is the mascot for Children in Need. He is very popular and funny.

Jamie: I researched the different products available to buy and looked at how we could use them to raise as much money as possible.

Caitlin: I was practising adding and subtracting values of money like a shop keeper.

Cameron: I like how the song has instruments in it. I really liked the drums.

Liam: The song is great for dancing to. I am good at the actions.


Hi I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos of our visitors on p2a’s blog page. I think the special dog was the favourite.

Once again we have learned lots in a short week.
We started learning “Being Cool in School” we learned that nobody can help having feelings – they are part of everyone. We feel different things all day long as different things happen to us. It is important not to be ashamed of having feelings. Everyone has them – good and bad. What counts is what we do about our feelings – we can all learn to show our feelings in ways that are helpful to us and to others, not ways that are hurtful.

We thought about what we already know about money and will use this knowledge as we learn more this term.

Did you know that some trees loose their leaves in Autumn to help the tree conserve energy during winter?
We looked at some drawings to see how artists use line to draw trees. We compared drawings and identified what we thought made some drawings better than others. We think that using pairs of lines to make branches and twigs worked well. Lots of short branches worked well too. Not colouring in but using lots of lines also made the tree drawings good. We applied these ideas and made drawings we are proud of.

Our class novel this term is called The big blackout. The front cover told us the title, the author and the illustrator. We liked the illustrators use of colour and his use of line.


This week in P5b

Evie: We learned about the Day of the dead we had to read  apassage and answer questions about the passage. The Spanish name for this is Dia Los Muetros (Reece). In Mexico they make a bread of the dead called Pan de Muertos (Kayleigh). The festival starts at Halloween and they believe that the dead children and adults return to visit them during the festival (Reece).

We wrote a plan and a report about unicorns that we made (Leia).

Isla: My unicorn was called the Kelpie Unicorn, it eats gold.

Emma: my unicorn was called the Snowfluff unicorn.

Leia: my unicorn was called forest unicorn.

Ava: my unicorn is called the candyfloss unicorn, it pukes up puke flavoured candyfloss.

Maths: This week we have learned about time (Caitlin) we had to complete a worksheet on different ways to write the time. We have also practised the 8 times tables and we investigated other times table patterns and made posters about them (Ellis).

We learned a new strategy for multiplication called an array (Reece). We learned that the opposite of multiplication is dividing (Robyn).


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