This week we have been very busy.

In maths we are learning about 2D shapes and had lots of activities to do based on 2D shapes. We are also learning to add numbers mentally.

As part of our topic on weather, we have been looking at seasons. We learned how to write an acrostic poem about Autumn. It was quite tricky as we had to write AUTUMN down the page and then write something about autumn beginning with the first letter on each line! Confused? Ask us, we’ll tell you how!

We also learned about high pressure and low pressure for LAC and then did different experiments to investigate air pressure. Our favourite was the Cartesian Diver experiment. First, Mrs. Ghafoor couldn’t get it to work. She tried lots of times. Then we watched a video together and worked out what was going wrong. It finally worked! So we all got turns at making the Cartesian Divers. Other experiments involved trying to blow a ball of paper into a bottle – we couldn’t do it even though it looked so easy. Then we created wind by forcing air from a pressure area to a lower pressure area.

We got a visit from |The Scottish Theatre and had an interactive story about Hairy McLairy. We also got book bags from Read, Write & Count. In assembly, we learned about Remembrance Day and held a one-minute silence to commemorate our soldiers who fought for us and still fight to protect our country.

Hairy McClary came to P1

We had a great week in Primary 1a.  A lovely lady came in and did a drama workshop with us all about Hairy McClary from Donaldson’s Dairy.  We had great fun!






We took part in a Drama workshop all about Hairy McClary. Alex

I liked be Scarface Claw’s guard. Amber

I liked adding numbers to 20. Holly


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I liked being a guard and going to sleep during the Hairy McClary workshop. Justin

I enjoyed number work. Mac

We learned the tricky words some and come. Emily

I liked learning the sound ‘v’ for van. Ada

I learned the words some and come. Carley and Mia

I learned about push and pull in Science. Oliver

I like Golden Time. Aaron, Jude, Olivia, Jack, Shannon, Ellis and Aileigh


Have a lovely weekend.


Supermoon excitement!

In writing this week, we have been learning to improve our work. We had to think about making sure our punctuation was accurate, using wow words including amazing adjectives and most importantly using our checklists to help us.
We have also learnt about Remembrance Day and why it is a day of importance in the U.K. We did a reading comprehension activity, enjoyed a lovely assembly, with an emotional song, and made poppy pictures with Mrs Little.
In Science we have been learning about the movement of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth. We went outside and re-enacted these movements. The moon children found it hard to ensure that they didn’t spin but we know that this means that there is a side of the moon that we never see – the dark side of the moon.
We enjoyed finding out about the supermoon, which will occur on Monday and are looking forward to filling in our moon diaries for the next month!








We enjoyed playing this game and thought others might too!


Pupil of the week – Skye for putting great effort into her story about Emerald our visiting alien.
Table of the week – with 710 points
Congratulations Katie for achieving her silver turbo tables award and to Elliot and Lucy for getting their bronze turbo tables awards.

We need plastic bottle lids please…..
Article 28 – the right to an education

P2A’s week

This week we have had a very thoughtful week and we have been thinking about the soldiers in all the wars.  We made poppies as a reminder to remember those soldiers on Armistace Day.  We remembered those soldiers in our school assembly today at our one minutes silence. We made Sergeant Stubby masks as part of our topic.  Sergeant Stubby was a very brave dog who helped the soldiers in WW1 by alerting the soldiers to poisonous gas and would wag his tail and bark when he discovered hurt soldiers in the battlefields.  We are looking forward to finding out more about what he did.

In French this week we have been practising how to say our ages and we had fun practising in our teams.

We wrote about our favourite day ever! as part of our writing this week and we paired up with our elbow partners to discuss our favourites activities.

Achievements this week

Daniel and Kyle gained their blue stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Luke has been practising his diving, sitting and gliding in swimming lessons

Emma is on step 10 in dancing

Artjom is on level 8 in gymnastics

Akasha is trying hard in swimming to get onto level 2

Pupil of the week-Lois




Learning in P1b

Here are some of our favourite parts of our week in school…

Hamish – We’ve been learning about adding and taking away and about static electricity
Kyle – We were learning if some things float or sink
Ava – I liked learning about static electricity
Caitlin – We made mosaic pictures in Art using tiny little square paper
Zara – We were sticking balloons to our hair with static electricity
Emma – We were making a charge with rubbing the balloons on our tummies
Noah – We were learning more about 3D shapes
Kyle – We have been learning pointillism

On Wednesday we were very lucky to have somebody visit our school and tell us the story of “Hairy MacLairy”. We had fun at the storybook workshop! Here is what we did…
Rose – Some people were characters in the story and we had to look for scotch broth soup
Jacob – We had to pretend to be sleeping
Matthias – Everyone else had to sneak up and try and get the ingredients
Kyle – I found a cup and put it to my ear and it was a telephone
Reiss – We flew to Shetland! We found haggis and potatoes around the big fire
This was lots of fun and the boys and girls really enjoyed themselves.






Article 28: We have the right to an education

Volcanoes in P3/2

Our new Context for Learning is Violent Volcanoes.

We have started learning all about volcanoes. We have just found out that Vulcan was the God of fire. He became so angry with Neptune that he turned into a volcano.

We have been watching small films about volcanoes.

Our story writing this week is about Volcanologists.

Our comments:-

Katie,Ross- We liked hearing about Vulcan, the God of Fire.

Jess,Nina- Story planning this week about being a volcanologist was good

Niamh- I liked painting with Eva the volcano

Eden- I liked watching volcano clips on the smartboard

Sophie M- I liked looking for volcano words in the dictionary. I was partners with Lily

Sophie S-I liked learning about the hot and cold colours

Zara- I liked decorating the letters for our wall display on Violent Volcanoes

Eva- I liked learning about the clothes you need to wear when close to a volcano

Isla- I liked learning about volcanoes erupting

Rory-I liked painting the volcano with Lily

Grace-I know volcanoes erupt

Max,Archie- We liked painting hot and cold colours with Mrs Spence

Lily- I helped do the volcano letters for the wall

Luis-I liked learning facts about volcanoes

Dylan- I liked painting the volcano and labelling it with Archie

Noah- I liked painting my volcano


Pupil of the week-Harris

Secret Student-Sophie M

Step 4 Grace

Step 3 Nina,Max

Have a super weekend everyone

Remember it is Dress Down day on Friday 18th November





Primary 1 show lyrics

A few parents have requested lyrics for the P1 show so they can be practised at home (thank you!)   Please find below the lyrics for the songs we have been learning so far. 


Primary 1 team

(Mrs Mansfield, Miss Wilson, Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Laidlaw)


Song 1 – Tapping Away

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day .

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy tapping away.

  1. Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.



Song 2 – Sniff, Snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!

  1. Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

Poor old Rudolph has had enough,

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!


Song 3 – Odd job Reindeer

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer, saving the day

And he’ll be happy to guide the sleigh

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. Instrumental
  2. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.


Song 4 – What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. Everyone was feeling grim.

They were all fed up with him,,

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 7.11.16

Hello everyone!

We’ve had another fabulous week in P2/1!!

The best bits have been:

Poppy – “our new reading challenge about the Balloon that went to the forest”

Liam – “turning role play into a castle”

Keegan – “I liked making a castle, I made the crown for role play”

Cameron – “I liked using scrunched up paper towels to paint with.  It looked really cool.

Max – “When the dragon surprised us with a D-mail during lunch time, he left lots of nice dress up clothes”

Rory – “I liked making the flags for the castle”

Regan – “I liked making the flag”


We were very lucky that Mrs Mansfield applied for us to enter a reading challenge. We read ‘The Great Hot Balloon Adventure’ by Stephen Holmes and then had to select our favourite part of the story.  The challenge is to draw a picture of our favourite bit and then these will be posted online and a winner will be selected!  We really hope that we win.  We spoke about our best bits of the story:

Leila – “I liked when they jumped off the air-balloon and jumped on the cloud”

Leah – “When the bunny hopped out of the air-balloon to see them”

Ellie – “When they gave the hot chocolate to the owl”

Teigan – “I liked the characters, the children looked nice”

Jonah – “I liked the bit when the rabbit landed and got the children”

Rio – “When the hot air-balloon moved into the sky”

Brandon – “I liked the part when they were going to the forest”

Marley – “I liked when the girl and the boy finished school and went home to play”

Millie – “When they were at the enchanted forest, I want to go”

Breaghannon – “I liked the hot chocolate bit”

Emily – “When the rabbit jumped out of the hot air-balloon”


We have had a week full of adventures, we can’t wait to see what else happens.


Primary 2/1


(A note from Mrs Mansfield – I have had a few parents ask me about lyrics for the Primary 1 show.  These will be posted on another blog so that all P1 parents can access it.  If there are any problems please let me, or another P1 teacher, know and we will do our best to help!)


Children in Need in Class O

Class O have been very busy collecting, sorting and delivering Children in Need orders. We are enjoying helping otheres.
We are deveopling our money skills. We have enjoyed making posters, leaflets and flyers to advertise goods and dress down day.
Thanks you for your kind donations so far and remember to dress down or wear your spots on Friday 18th November.

Money in Class M

We have been busy learning about money in class. Joe has enjoyed playing the game when he had to count the correct money into the purse. David is becoming an expert in drawing his money.  Dylan is proud of his counting.

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Money has also come in useful for Children in Need.  We have been going spotty for it.img_1039img_1067

P7b’s Visit to the Poppy Factory

Last Wednesday we visited The Lady Haig Poppy Factory in Edinburgh.  When we got to the factory we had a talk from ex- servicemen and learned about significant events in WW1 and WW2.  We learned about what the men, women and children lived through and the impact it had on their lives.  We got to see gas masks, guns, helmets and uniforms etc from the war.

We went downstairs and had a tour of the factory. We saw lots of men working hard to make lots of different types of poppies.  One man had designed his own.

We also got to go into the board room and see all the medals issued to soldiers in various wars.

We learned that different countries have different poppy designs.  Lady Haig designed the Scottish poppy that we wear today.

Lastly, we were lucky enough to have time to make some of our own poppies by hand.  We had a brilliant day and learned lots of interesting information.







This week we have been learning about the different seasons and how they affect us. We also learned about air pressure.

In maths we learned about 2D shapes and had fun with trying to make them on an online site, we were also sorting them according to their properties.

We learned about Adam and Eve and how the Bible story tells us they came to be sent away from Eden.

This week we also held auditions for the Balbardie Factor. We voted secretly to choose one final act that would go forward to the finals. Congratulations to Charlotte and Brooke who will be performing a dance.

Bye for now.

P4b’s got Talent!

This week we have had our final auditions for the talent show. It was a very tight competition with talents ranging from dancers, to singing, gymnastics, comedy football, Kuk Sool Won and a puppet show. We are very much looking forward to seeing the talent across the school with Katie and Charlotte representing our class.







This week in writing we wrote stories about how Emerald came to earth. We had to think about where we were, how he arrived and how we felt when he arrived. It was a great opportunity for us to write an imaginative story. We are looking forward to making our stories really exciting and descriptive.

Charlotte – I was on my trampoline and suddenly a spaceship came spitfiring down.
Guy – Like a ball of fire, coming down to earth, Emerald arrived.
Maisey – I was at a disco. The music got louder and a spaceship came hurtling down.
Callum – I liked writing about when Emerald came to earth as I liked describing him and using my imagination.

We have been working really hard with Mrs Mackenzie on our number talks. We have a calculation to work out and then we share our strategies to complete it. We are finding this a really useful way to develop our mental maths.

In Science we made hopping creatures using plastic cups and elastic bands. The elastic bands store potential energy inside them and when they are stretched and release they allow the animal cup to jump using kinetic energy.
Here is Isaac’s ninja bunny!



Pupil of the week – Aryan for enjoying maths challenges.

Table of the week – with 540 points is……..

Article 31 – Article 29 (goals of education)
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.

p6a 4.11.16

Blue table: Our favourite part of this week was watching auditions for the Talent Show.

Yellow table : We enjoyed practising dances for the P6 show.

Green table: We like rehearsing for the P6 show.

Red table : We enjoyed maths this week. We were learning about addition and sharing mental math strategies.

White table : We enjoyed maths this week. We like adding using the standard written method.

Purple table: We like the BBB today. We were discussing our learning in Maths and Numeracy.


This week in P1 we learned

The sound ‘d’.  Holly

I liked doing the sound ‘u’ and d is for dinosaur.  Alex

I liked learning the letter ‘k’.  Carley

I liked learning the sound ‘d’ because it’s in my name.  Ada

d is for dance.  Megan

e is for egg. Amber

I like the sound ‘e’.  Jude

Our tricky words this week were you and your.  Jack

We learned the sound ‘u’.  Mia

I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether learning about Maths.  Olivia S

I like the sound ‘e’ because it’s in my name. Aileigh

We learned about Guy Fawkes wanting to kill the king and we celebrating by setting off fireworks.  Mac

Guy Fawkes put gunpowder under the king’s chair.  Max

The king killed Guy Fawkes.  Amber


If you are going to a bonfire or to see fireworks stay safe and keep your pets inside as they get scared.

Have a great weekend.



We are having great fun learning about the Caribbean Islands and this week we learned about the different climates and landscapes.  We are also progressing with our leaflets and are looking forward to bringing them home and sharing them with everyone.

We played very well and won lots of games at our Handball Festival – we really enjoyed it and would like to say a big thanks to Active Schools for inviting us.  we learned lots of new skills and developed our team work.

A big well done to everyone who receive golden club stickers this week – we are all aiming to get into the golden club event at Christmas.

P2A’s week

In our maths work we have been busy learning about money and we are looking forward to counting our pennies in our class shop!

We have been learning about Firework Safety and how to follow the Firework Code, we had fun making Firework rockets in our art work this week.

In our writing we wrote super firework stories and watched Firework displays from Australia, London and Dubai.  We loved the colours and the shapes they made.

In drama this week we learned how to use our facial expressions and making Funnybones skeletons and we learned about body language.

We have been busy practising for our School talent show and our winning act for P2A is Hollie.  Well done to everyone who took part and also our finalists-Luke, Lois and Hollie.


Pupil of the week-Wwell done to P2A for a fantastic assembly!

Lexi got to Level 7 in skiing

Daniel got a green stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Rowan has been practising swimming on her back under water

Luke has been learning backstroke and floating

Akasha has been practising starfish floating

Elena has been practising doing up her buttons

Archie has completed starfish floating on his front

Lois has been swimming a length in swimming


Our week in P1b

Noah – We were making poppies
Caitlin – We were painting with our fingers
Ava – This was a little bit of pointillism
Gracie – It was also printing
Maksim – We made the poppies because were remembering some people died fighting in the wars





We were scientists this week! We did two experiments…

Experiment 1:
Ava – We rubbed balloons on our jumpers and it made it stick to the wall
Kyle – This was static electricity
Maksim – Rubbing it against your jumper charged the electricity and made it static
Caitlin – We had a competition to see who got pick up the most tissue paper in their group with the static balloon
Matthias and Ava – We won by getting 3 tissues in 10 seconds!
Noah – We also tried to stick it on our hair. It made it rise up off our head!

Experiment 2:
Gracie – We wanted to see what would float or sink
Caitlin – We cut out pictures of objects and stuck them into either “float” or “sink” columns. Then we put the objects in the water
Evie – We ticked our pictures if we got it right! Or we put a dot if we didn’t know the answer YET

Article 18: We have the right to an education

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