Back to normal after our joint post with P4b last week

This week we have been learning about using the apostrophe to show posessives –

Euan – the cat had a toy….it was the cat’s toy

Ranna – the boy had a jumper ….it was the boy’s jumper

Writing has been fun this week as we got to make a book of our own. We were given a booklet made up of a blank front cover and two A4 lined sheets and we were able to choose the theme for our own story and design a front cover. We had to discuss what things we would need to have in our writing that would impress Mrs Little. Here are some of the things we thought of –

Ranna – capital letters and full stops

Lucas – punctuation like question marks, exclamation marks, speech marks and brackets

Euan – time connectives

Mia – sentence stretchers

Miles – wow words

Alex – adverbs

Amy – adjectives

Maths was also fun this week as we were earning about tiling 2D shapes. Maths was also fun this week as we were learning about tiling 2D shapes. We had to choose four colours and use squared paper to create our tile patterns. All the shapes have to be touching with no gaps.



Apologies for the lack of photos but the programme won’t let us upload more than one today.

Not long to go now. Have a great weekend!

Class G are Feeling Festive

Class G have had a very festive week.  We started off the week with a special Christmas lunch.  We had this in our own class.   We had a Christmas table cover, Christmas music and even Christmas crackers.  It was lovely to have everyone sitting round the table eating together.


Gabriel – Christmas lunch was very good.  I tasted turkey and it was nice.  We pulled crackers.  I won a toy plane.  I wore my Christmas jumper and it had a reindeer on it with lights.

Shea and Erin had a very important task this week.  They starred in the primary 1 Christmas show.  They were both fantastic on stage, as were all of their primary 1 friends.  Well done everyone.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had our class Christmas party.  David from Class M joined us too.  Some of us wore Christmas party clothes and we played lots of party games including musical chairs and pass the parcel.  There were prizes for everyone and we all tried very hard to be pleased for our friends when we didn’t win.


Jake – I liked the party.  I won musical chairs.  I got a pencil, a rubber and a note.  I was the winner.


We have also been busy creating Christmas crafts and decorations.   What a busy festive week.  We are looking forward to some more festive fun next week.

Class M pizzeria

This term we have been working hard on our fractions in maths. As a reward for working so well Mrs Spence brought in ingredients to make pizzas. We all enjoyed it very much, especially the tasting afterwards. In another tasting activity, we cracked open a coconut and had a taste of the milk and coconut. Dylan loved the milk most everyone else was not so keen.

Adam – I liked making pizza and I hated having coconut and the coconut milk. It looked like water.

David – I’ve made pizza. I liked the red and yellow and green pepper. I like putting cheese and pepperoni on and tomato sauce.

Yolie – I decorated a pizza. I put pepperoni and put cheese in it and yellow and red pepper. It tastes yummy!

Dylan – The coconut milk was very tasty. I would like to drink it all because nobody else really liked it.

Joe – I liked making pizza. It was really good. First I did mushrooms and peppers, yellow and green. Then I put cheese on. And last I did pepperoni. The pepperoni was too spicy.

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Mrs – I was very proud of everyone’s work in topic this week. Each pupil researched a tropical fish, write a factfile on it and created a 3D version for our wall display. Everyone worked hard and there was lots of good team work going on when making the fish 3D. Next time you are in school have a look at the display. It’s very colourful.

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Learning in P5B this week

This is the last full week of school before the man with the sleigh and reindeers comes to visit us. We have had a very busy week with our party, Christmas lunch and Breakfast with Santa for some of us.

Despite all this though we have still managed to work incredibly hard. In maths we completed our work on Data Handling by looking at how to read information from different types of charts. In English we have looked at parenthesis using brackets and written fantastic stories about ‘Sprout Boy’ and in our context for learning ‘The Caribbean Island’ we completed our model islands and investigated how Christmas is celebrated throughout the Caribbean. It was interesting to see how something were the same as us and others were different.

As well as this Mr Cunningham set us a challenges using infinity tiles to test our growth mindset and ability to get out of the ‘Dip’. It was good to see how some pupils have improved their growth mindset and how others still need to take some time and effort to grow their mind when they are faced with a challenge.


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Senior Choir

There is NO Senior Choir after school on Thursday, as I have an emergency dental appointment!
Choir members should come to the hall at lunch time instead.

Please check if your child has the letter about singing in Morrisons. If not, ask them to speak to me in order to get one.. I only have a few returns for this so far.

Mrs Innes


Another busy week!

This week we have been learning about Global Warming and what causes it. Global Warming is slowly heating up our planet, melting the polar caps and endangering our plants and animals.

We can now find and draw lines of symmetry using special pieces of plastic. It was fun and quite easy to do! We also drew symmetrical houses – adding in extra details but symmetrically. Our butterflies were quite tricky to cut and we found it trickier than we thought to keep the pattern symmetrical. We had to remember that if we were writing our name that would make the butterfly unsymmetrical!

We have started recording data from our weather station and have recorded weather conditions all week. It hasn’t rained much but one day it was -1’C and two days later it was 14’C! What a difference in temperature!

Why don’t you check out some of these Christmas songs?!

Only one week to go! Bonne weekend!

Junior Choir


This is just a note to remind parents/carers that the Junior Choir rehearsal is ON after school on Tuesday. Apologies for this date being missed from the original information letter, your children will be reminded again at school on Monday.

Please let me know if there are any problems with this.




Mrs Mansfield

P4s kick off the party season of 2016!

On Wednesday, the p4s started the Balbardie Party Season! The party was exciting because we had fun games to play. We played Christmas limbo, best girl dancer, best boy dancer, musical statues and pass the parcel.
It was really fun and in the end we had a dance competition – Skye Morris & Sophia Anderson were the 2 winners of the dance off.

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Table of the week p4b……. blue with 410 points
Table of the week p4a….. Pugs
Pupil of the week p4a Lauren Park
Pupil off the week p4b – Jaime-Lee for making good use of her feed-forward information to produces a fantastic piece of imaginative writing.

Thank you to our guest editors – Sophia, Suvi and Callum.

From Mrs Collings and Mrs Little – we hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children bright and cheerful next week!

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture)
Every child has the right to relax, play and
take part in a wide range of cultural and
artistic activities.

Super Class G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been a great week in Class G. For Super Fun Time Friday we had a super hero party.  It was great fun and we all loved dressing up as super heroes.  Erin was Super Girl, Jake was Super Man, Gabriel was Iron Man and Logan was Batman.  We have also been learning about electricity this week and had great fun doing experiments in the sensory room.  We made circuits which turned on a light and a fan.  We have also been learning to write letters and we wrote a letter to Santa.  In Numeracy we have been measuring using our hands and feet.  Here is what class G have to say this week:


Logan – I turned the fan on.


Jake – I was doing Science. We made the fan spin.


Gabriel – I liked the electricity light.


Erin – I liked measuring.

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Healthy Living

We have just finished a very informative 8 week block with Robyn and Theresa.  We learned about the importance of a balance between what we eat and how much we exercise.

We learned about the different food groups – why they are important, how often we should eat them and how much we should eat of each of one.  We are real experts now!

Our new favorite game is castles!  Miss Holwill liked watching us playing Pacman.



A huge thank you!


We have been busy all week rehearsing for our assembly which by now we hope you all enjoyed! Here are our favourite bits:

Millie – My best bit was when Daniel Dillon took his bow.

Isla – I liked everyones costumes.

Grace – I liked saying my part.

Daniel – When I said my lines.

Robbie – Seeing my parents

Lucy – I liked Robbies costume.

Baillie – Getting to say my part

Brodie – Every bit!

Freya – Rachael singing.

Emma – All singing together

Eva – Saying my part.

Next week is a very busy week with our Christmas Party on Monday, our Christmas lunch on Tuesday, Breakfast with Santa on Thursday and our Golden Club event on Friday!


A week nearer to Christmas…

Congratulations to :-

Katie- Breakfast Club winner

Rory- Pupil of the Week for super story writing

Florence, Noah, Niamh, Grace, Katie, Jess, Dylan and Nina-Advent calendar window openers

We have been busy eating in Maths.We used wraps and thins to work out fractions. What fun !

We have been singing the Christmas songs as often as we can …we love them, especially ” Happy Christmas ! ”

In Literacy we planned then wrote a story about Santa and his workshop and a tired little elf…

In RME we made lotus flowers for Buddhism with Mrs Spence.


Grace,Dylan- We liked opening the Advent calendar this week

Harris- I enjoyed writing this week about Santa’s workshop

Nina,Ross-We enjoy being in the Christmas library corner

Lily,Sophie M-We are enjoying learning about Australia at Christmas

Zara-Outdoor PE was fun this week. We had to join up hoops and move about in a small group. Fun !

Florence,Niamh,Sophie S, Eva,Max,Rory-We liked painting our lotus flowers with Mrs Spence

Archie-I liked eating in Maths. We used wraps and thins for fractions

Luis- I liked Maths when we were using pizza pictures for fractions

Katie- I liked winning the Breakfast Club prize- a  playdoh set.It was from the film “Frozen”

Jess- I hope Golden Time is fun again this week

Isla- I like PE every week with Mr Jeffries and Mrs Aitken

Noah- I liked PE with Mrs Aitken this week

Gabriel-I liked the Assembly this morning about Christmas


Christmas lunch in school- 14th December

P3 Christmas Party in the afternoon -14th December

P2 Christmas Party in the afternoon- 20th December

Christmas Church Service – 21st December in the morning







We started our new topic ‘Christmas around the world’ and we learned about the different customs people in Mexico follow at Christmas.  We learned that Poinsietta’s are a Mexican Christmas flower and we had a lot of fun making our handprint poinsietta paintings.

We have been busy practising our French words and we now know how to say pen (stylo), pencil (crayon), rubber (gomme), ruler (regle) and scissors (des ciseaux).

In drama this week we have been busy practising the songs for the Church Service on Wednesday 21st, we hope to see you there 🙂

Achievements this week

Well done to Hollie and Luke who raised £12.50 each 🙂

Well done Akasha who raised £42 🙂

Pupil of the week-Maddison

Kyle has attained his red stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Daniel has attained his white stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Archie has been practising his swimming skills and can now do a handstand under water

Emily has been practising her gymnastics

Rosie has been practising her swimming skills

Isla is trying to learn how to swim with her arm bands





Our learning in Primary 1b

Lewis: “We made posters”
Lily: “We made a Christmas Show poster”
Matthias: “We had to put the title, the time and the date”
Max: “We also had to draw a picture of the reindeer”
Lily: “It was a picture of Ralph the reindeer”




You can find our class posters around the Primary 1 area!

Caitlin: “On Wednesday we made soap pictures with our buddies and we were not to drink it”
Emma: “You need water and paint”
Kyle: “You also need cups”
Noah: “And a straw”
Caitlin: “And some washing up liquid. You blow the bubbles and then press your paper into the bubbles and it prints them on the paper!”






Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 5.12.16



Another fabulous week in Primary 2/1 full of exciting new challenges.  We have been talking a lot about having a growth mindset and have been thinking of sayings to help us send good messages to our brains.  These messages help us to challenge ourselves.  Here are some of the ways we have challenged ourselves this week:

Max – “I challenged myself by doing counting activities and practising every day”

Millie – “The way I challenged myself this week was stations and at home.  I tried to make a tricky word game and learn new tricky words”

Cameron – “I was getting better at numbers, I set challenges for myself”

Griffin – “I was challenging myself to learn new adding strategies like doubling”

Rory – “I challenged myself in phonics.  I read the word on the board then I turned around and tried to write it, it will make me better”

Brandon – “Phonics was tricky this week but I tried my best.  I wrote sentences with a phonic word and a tricky word”

Leila – “In maths we have been doing challenges, I like to challenge myself”

Liam – “I made new friends this week, it was hard at the start”

Emily – “When I’m doing maths I like to do dominoes and when I do the dominoes I count the number and try to find the number pot.  I challenge myself by covering and counting on”

Poppy – “I tried the red challenge for the first time in maths.  We had number fans and we were doing sums and adding by counting on, it was easier than I thought”

Leah – “I did adding sums with the dice, I did good”

Rio – “I was flashing my numbers.  I didn’t count them, that was good”

Keegan – “I flashed numbers to 5.  Next time I will try numbers to 10”

Regan – “I am getting faster at flashing numbers too”

Marley – “I did the red challenge and flipped numbers so the big number was in my head.  It was tricky but good”

Ellie – “I got better at adding by adding new numbers”

Teigan – “I have tried my best with talking to other teachers”

Breaghannon – “I learned new numbers this week.  I am clever”

Jonah – “I tried to think of words with ‘oa’ and ‘oo’.  ‘oo’ is tricky!”


Something to remember!

The P1 Christmas Show takes place on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.   We are still waiting for a few costumes to come in before our dress rehearsal on Monday – please can these be brought in on Monday please.  We don’t have extra costumes to provide.   Thank you.


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