2B’s Blether

We have been learning how to write in Scots. We have been using ‘Room on the Broom’ to help us.  We are working on a series of three lessons.  Here are some Scots words for you to guess their meaning – bizzum, dug, puddock.

There is a castle in our classroom at the role play area. This is for our learning across the curriculum. We are thinking about designing a flag for it. Whoever makes the best one, we’re going to display it on the castle.

Butterfly Sparkle is one of our songs from our P2 show called Caterpillar Boogie. It’s a happy song and the first song in the show. Mrs Innes is keeping us guessing about who the special person is during our drama lessons. Maybe we can tell you next week!

Congratulations to Grace M and Alex for being class winners in the Scots poetry competition.

Orlaith, Grace M & Ryan


We have had a very busy week preparing for our pantomime. We had the dress rehearsal for Jack and the Beanstalk on Thursday and it went really well. We are looking forward to our family and friends coming to watch us perform next Thursday.

We had a PATPAL session on Wednesday. We enjoyed sharing our learning with parents and carers. We were sharing the different strategies we use to help us solve multiplication, division, addition and subtraction problems.

In numeracy the Decahedrons have been looking at fractions and how we can find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions to their simplest form. The hexagons and pentagons have been learning different multiplication strategies including factoring and adjusting.

Next week we are looking forward to our Burns’ supper and performing our Scottish country dancing!



Viking Invasion!

This week we have been practicing for our assembly which is on the 3rd February. We hope you will be able to join us as we are really enjoying preparing it for you!

This week we had a taster session from a street dance instructor. It was great fun.



We started learning about the Viking invasion of Britain. They arrived over 1000 years ago from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. They came in longships to get treasures such as gold and silver and to settle on the land to farm it.

Viking fact of the week – the Viking warriors didn’t have horns on their helmets. The Gods were the only ones who had horns!

Maisey discovered that she has Viking ancestors – we are checking she doesn’t have a sword and shield in her bag every morning!

We continued learning about symmetry and made some symmetrical patterns for our friends to complete. Some of them were very intricate.
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Ela and Maisey are looking forward to competing in the Scottish Poetry Competition on Monday.

Pupil of the week – Elliot for being an excellent step 5 role model.

Table of the week – with 530 points


This week we learned about Robert Burns. We learned who he is, what he did and why he is still remembered today. We made shortbread to celebrate his birthday. We learned about measuring ingredients in maths so that we could weigh out the ingredients to make the shortbread. We also designed our own tartan using Tartan Weaver. Why don’t you try? It’s great fun!

Here is a picture of our shortbread – there was lots and lots of it!

I have enjoyed:

Aaron: P.E because we are learning ways to travel.

Liam: drama because I enjoyed watching the P7 show.

Alistair: P.E because we learned different things.

Holly: Making shortbread to celebrate Robert Burns Birthday.

Alfie B: Writing facts about Robert Burns.

Lewis: Making the shortbread. I enjoyed eating it and gave a bit to my mum.

Rory: I enjoyed Golden Time because I played with my Lego men.

Brooke: making shortbread because it was fun.

Annie: Making shortbread because I cut the shapes out.

Shaun: I enjoyed P.E because we did skipping and hopping.

With Succes at home, Orla achieved her Grade 1 Certificate in playing the piano – Well done Orla!100_3633


Apologies, last weeks blog didn’t seem to post.

This weeks news…..

I like it when we go to assembly because I enjoy the music. Carley

I enjoyed assembly today. Aaron

We learned the sound s. Mac

We learned how to skip in PE. Oliver and Ada

We learned how to hop in PE. Alex

We learned skipping. James

We learned how to take away numbers in numeracy. Amber

We listened to Katie Morag Delivers the Post. Jude

We put the pictures of Katie Morag Delivers the Post in order. Olivia S

This week we wh this week. Megan

We learned the tricky words old and only. Aaron


This weeks Pupil of the Week is James for working really hard in PE and learning how to skip!

Well done James!
Well done James!

Olivia was our Pupil of the Week last week but the as the blog didn’t post we’re posting again. Well done Olivia for always working hard and being an excellent role model!

Well done Olivia!
Well done Olivia!




Great week in Class G!

This week we have been looking at the days of the week. We read The Hungry Caterpillar and sequenced the story for each day.  We have also been listening to songs and playing games on the computer.  We are getting really good at sequencing the days of the week.  We have also been working on our circus stories and have designed the circus that our story will take place.  Erin’s tried so hard and her circus was fantastic.  She received the Get Together certificate for this.  Well Done Erin!  We have also had great fun in the sensory room.  This week it was set up as a home and we were developing independent and safety skills.  We also had great imaginative fun.  We have also been taking part in different competitions.  We made logos, pictures and posters for this.  We have also been having great fun at PE with all the equipment.

Here is what Class G enjoyed this week:


Gabriel – I liked showing the teacher what I was doing in the rainbow room.


Logan – I liked the sensory room. It was a house.


Shea – I liked my McDonalds picture.


Erin – I liked days of the week.



Great week!

We are very happy to have Mrs Caddell in class working alongside Mrs Little until Easter.


This week we have been developing our use of similies in our writing. Here are some examples of similies –

Megan – as flat as a pancake

Alex – as slow as a snail

Joshua – as warm as the sun

Murray – as fierce as a tiger

Hannah – as quick as lightening


This week we have been developing our ability to find the coordinates of an object on a grid. We have also been learning to find the position of a point using grid lines which was a little tricky to begin with. We have a little saying that helps us to remember how to use a grid –

Mia – along the corridor and up the stairs


We had great fun with Mr Jeffries this week! We were learning a Scottish dance called the Gay Gordons.

Kiara – I was a bit uncomfortable at first then I really liked it

Suvi – I enjoyed the part when we had to swing our partner round

Amy – it was a bit tricky at first but I got the hang of it


This week we have been learning about Viking longboats. Here are some of the facts we found out and some pictures of us making our boats –

Mia – the other name for a longboat is a dragon ship

Megan – they have shield on the side to protect the men and women on the boat

Campbell – at the back of the boat they used a big oar to steer the boat

Alex – 50 or 60 people can fit on a longboat

Alfie – they carve a figurehead on the front of the boat to scare off their enemies in battle


 Fun Stuff

 On Wednesday we were lucky to have a dance taster session. here are some pictures-

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Have a great weekend!!!!


As part of our Scottish topic we have been making Dioramas of Merida’s family.  We have included lots of background detail and made super characters.

We watched the story of ‘Brave’ and we really liked when the bear turned back into Eleanor!

In French this week, we have been practising how to say ‘Bon Appetit’ and learning about how to say the names of some fruit and vegetables and practising them in class.

We have also been busy designing a poster for recycling waste at The Centre and we are hoping that we will be successful 🙂

In drama we have been practising for our P2 show ‘Caterpillar Boogie’-more details to follow for our show.

In P.E we are very excited as we now have 4 Fireballs! We only need one more in order to be the P.E. teachers!!

Pupil of the week-Isla for writing a wonderful story about Merida and her brothers.


Starwriters this week-Luke, Hollie and Charlotte



Measuring in Primary 1B

This week we have been learning about what measuring is. We have been given different units of measurement to explore the classroom and see what we can measure! We were all given different units of measurement:
Caitlin – “Max and I had blocks to measure with. We shared them”
Hamish – “Gracie and I measured lots of things in the classroom. We had rubbers”
Kyle – “Evie and I measured with counters and we did lots of measuring”
Matthias – “Lily and I had sticky notes”
Maksim – “Yesterday we explored rulers and measured things in the classroom”
Lily – “When using a ruler it is called centimeters – we write it as cm”
Caitlin – “We measured things like an iPad, a paperclip and a rubber and then we wrote down the number and cm of what it measured as”



With our buddies we were telling them what we have been learning about Scotland.
Ava – “We made tartans”
Josh – “We made a frame with strips of paper and then added more paper”
Kaiden – “We used glue and scissors”
Evie – “We used lots of paper strips
Maksim – “We glued the corners with the paper strips and then weaved through the others to make our tartan”




PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Taylor Rankin for writing a fantastic imaginative story about her weekend! Well done 🙂

My favourite part of this week-P3/2

We have been busy learning in The Learning Pit this week. We have been learning about Time in Practical Maths. We were also trying to do Mental Maths and do it speedy ! That was tricky .

We have been reciting our Scots poems and singing some Scots songs especially The rid yo yo.

Isla,Eden,Dylan,Eva,Ross- We loved dancing to “Donald where’s your troosers?”

Harris,Lily,Archie- We liked reciting our Scots poem” The wee rid motor”

Florence,Jess,Nina,Max,Niamh,Rory,Noah- We liked the P7 pantomime”Jack and the beanstalk”

Grace,Luis- We loved P2/1’s Assembly today

Katie- I hope I am going into the final for the poems. My poem is “The wee rid motor”

Zara- I liked writing the story about Scottish animals this week. I wrote about the otter

Sophie S. – I loved the pirate party during Big Start on Wednesday


Pupil of the week for being a great member of P3/2 was Katie

Completing an excellent Learning Pit poster Jess

Have a super weekend.

Remember your Home Learning challenge is due in on Monday 23rd January 2017




Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 16.1.17

This has been an awfy braw week in P2/1.

We have continued to learn about Scotland and had lots of fun performing our Scots assembly to everyone!

Brandon: “I liked doing the songs”

Cameron: “It was tricky to say my words but I did it!”

Teigan: “I liked seeing the grown ups at the end”

Poppy: “I like saying my part, I did a good job!”

Rory: “I liked learning my words off by heart”

Regan: “I liked the song at the end.  It had nice words”

Rio: “I liked saying my words”

Emily: “I liked the Troll song telling us to get back up”

Jonah: “The three craws song was the best bit”

Keegan: “I liked both the songs, I sang really loud”

Marley: “My cool dancing was lots of fun and learning about Scotland was fun”

Breaghannon: “I like doing the songs in assembly”

Leah: “I liked saying my part”

Leila: “I like all of the songs and wearing a dress to school”

Millie: “I liked all of it!”

Griffin: “I liked the whole thing!”

Max: “I liked singing the songs”

Liam: “I liked the songs the best”


As well as learning about Scotland we thought about what the spider taught us.  Here are some of the things we have found tricky this week but that we aren’t giving up on!

Poppy: “I found learning coins a wee bit tricky”

Cameron: “Adding coins together to get an answer”

Leila: “I keep counting but I can’t always remember what comes next but I never give up”

Regan: “Learning my assembly line was hard work.  I did do it!”

Rio: “Knowing what the coins are when Mrs Mansfield hides the numbers on them”

Emily: “I found using describing words in my writing a bit tricky, I need to practise it”

Rory: “Learning the songs was tricky, they were very fast”

Griffin “My handwriting is getting better but it is tricky”

Teigan: “I can’t remember my coins yet”

Marley: “Knowing my coins and counting them together”

Millie: “At home I had to practise my ballerina dancing to get better”

Keegan: “The troll song because it has lots of words”

Brandon: “I need to remember finger spaces in my writing, I use my hand to help me”

Leah: “The colour of the coins is hard on my brain but it is getting better”

Jonah: “Remembering coins can be tricky”

Max: “Finding the Pokemon in the class before we did our writing but we found them all!”

Breaghannon: “Finding Pokemon in the classroom was tricky because they were hiding”

Liam:  “Blending in phonics.  I wrote ‘sat’ and ‘tap’



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Thank you to all the parents/friends/family that were able to attend our assembly this week!  The children did a super job and I am so, so proud of them!!  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and can’t wait to see the Scotland Homework Projects that the children have been working on (these are due on Monday 23rd January)

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Reading Challenge in Class M

This week some of us went Out and About to the library. We are trying to challenge ourselves to read more. We all chose a book to bring back to school so we can enjoy our independent reading time.

Joe – We were at the library and I was reading Hank Zipzer book it’s a CBBC book , it’s a good book.

Adam – I liked going to the library. I got the Simpsons comics madness.

Yolie – I like the library. You have to be quiet.


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Continuing with our Scottish theme we learned about tartan this week. Some of us use our computer skills to design a tartan. Others learned how to weave.

David – I was making a mat, the paper was blue, green and orange it was a big mat.

Dylan – I was making a tartan on a website. It was white, red and blue. I also helped the adults wash the dishes this week.

Adam – I made a tartan with Mrs Spence on the laptop.

Aiden – I started at Bankton this week. I have enjoyed my first few days. I am making lots of new friends.

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Class O

Class O have been busy looking at Scottish landmarks. We researched different landmarks and created a poster. In spelling we have been looking at silent g words and soft g and c words.



Liam – I like playing with the dominoes, I look at the numbers and add them all up. I had fun making a poster on a Scottish landmark I picked the Kelpies. There is a tour and a park at the Kelpies.


Cailtin – Enjoyed having our visitor Mrs Henderson this week. I received an award for trying hard at my panto. I am really enjoying this. Very excited when Cameron and Jayden came down from integration and showed me their street dance moves.


Cameron – Really had fun going to street dance with my P5 class. At break time I showed the other children what we had done and we all started to dance and show our moves. I have been learning silent g spelling words and have worked very hard.

Jayden – I enjoyed the street dance and I have also enjoyed playing the I pad mini. I Love integration because I have fun time and spelling. I liked playing countdown and trying to make the number.


Cody I enjoyed learning street dance with my friends in the playground. I had good fun at Windyknowe I hope I can go back there again.


Thank you to everyone who came along to our first PATPAL session. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you.

We received lots of positive feedback:

“Enjoyed the morning and coming into class. It’s great to see all the children working in different ways. ”

“Really enjoyed seeing the different strategies at work and to be able to gauge their level of understanding. Hope the sessions continue again as found it very beneficial.”

“The children showed lots of enthusiasm and explained things well.”

“Very informative – nice to see children working and enjoying it.”

“I enjoyed learning the cross method and will try to use that at work.”

Don’t worry if you did not have the opportunity to come along. The link for the powerpoint from the session has been uploaded to this blog post. There will be a second session later on this academic year. A questionnaire will be sent out nearer the time and we would appreciate your ideas. This information will help us shape the next session.

Thank you for all your support.

P5-7 Team




This has been a busy week in primary 5. We have been practising hard for our assembly; on the 27th in which we will share with you some interesting stories about the Vile Victorians; in maths we have had the pleasure of welcoming in some parents during the PATPAL where primary 5 shared our excellent strategies for the 4 operations and in language we have continued our block on righting instructions and created a ‘The Bedroom Tidier’.



Thanks for all that came along on Wednesday morning it was good to see so many happy faces and for the pupils to share their learning with you. We hope that you learned something new and that it gives you an insight into how we are learning maths in class. We have continue applying what we have learnt by working hard on our division skills the rest of the week.



As mentioned above we continued to write instructions about inventions.  Last week we created teacher pleaser machines and this week we have created bedroom tidiers (this must be useful for most of the class). The writing produced has been fantastic and star writers this week are Ellis, Lotte, Leia and Annabelle.



Our journey back in time to the Victorian era has led us to learning about the differences between poor and rich children this week. We learned how hard life was for poor Victorian children and how they did not have many toys. Most of us thought that working for a living sounded like a bad idea.  As well as this we have continued to work hard on our assembly and it is starting to sound really good! All pupils who need one have been given a costume and the girls thought they looked a little silly. All pupils should wear dark shoes and sensible clothing to wear under their costume (t shirt and tights for girls, white shirt,polo or t-shirt for boys with dark trousers, hat optional).


Primary 5 got the opertuntity to take part in street dance on Wednesday morning below are some pictures of us busting a move!img_1467 img_1468 img_1469 img_1471 img_1472 img_1473 img_1474 img_1475 img_1476 img_1477 img_1478 img_1479 img_1480 img_1481 img_1482

Junior Choir

Just another reminder that choir permission letters need to be returned by this Friday to either Miss Owens or myself.

We are really looking forward to another term of fun with P4 and P5!    If you have any suggestions for choir songs, please let us know and we will try to make them work (even if just for a bit of fun one week!)


Mrs Mansfield

Circus Fun!

It has been a busy and fun week in Class G.  We have been looking at the Scottish Poem – The Circus.  We have also been looking at the circus theme in writing.  We made circus based characters for our stories using balloons and having been writing adjectives to describe them.  We have also been watching videos of the circus and got to make popcorn.  It was great fun.  We have also been learning about the body during Health and Wellbeing and Logan made a life sized picture of himself to label.  In numeracy we have been looking at number bonds and addition to 20.  Class G has said what they enjoyed about this week:

Jake – Telling you all my ideas (BBB).

Logan – I liked the balloons.

Erin – I liked playing with toys from home.

Shea – I liked the circus on the smartboard.


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