Primary 2/1 Blog – WB 20.2.17

What a quiet week it has been towards the end of this week…lots of nasty bugs and snow going round.  We really hope to have everyone back, fighting fit, next week!

This week has been lots of fun.  Here are our best bits from this week:

Cameron – “I have liked the twister mat at the writing table because I like to stretch out”

Teigan – “I liked painting the animal for Katie Morag”

Rio – “I liked twister too –  I practised s, b, p and oo on the mat”

Jonah – “I liked doing the painting. I learned about backgrounds and using paint”

Leila – “The best bit was when I was pupil of the week”

Rory – “I liked doing twister, it was fun to learn sounds”

Max – “I liked learning about a red squirrel and making a fact file”

Emily – “I liked doing my otter information.  The video was good”

Brandon – “I liked learning about Scottish wildlife. I challenged myself by writing information about an otter”

Marley – “I liked making my seal”

Regan – “The construction challenges were fun this week”

Leah – “Construction has been the best station this week”

Keegan – “I like doing my seal and adding detail”

Breaghannon – “I liked the fact file with information”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – a note just to remind parents/carers that trip letters and money are due asap.  If there are any problems with this please let me, or the office staff, know)

Class M

Class M are enjoying a block of swimming at the moment. We have to walk to and from the sports centre which is very good exercise and helping us stay healthy. We are now all spending some time in the big playground at playtimes during the week. It’s great fun and it means we can play with some of our integration friends.

David- I had my face under water at swimming, we walked to swimming I liked it.

Joe – I liked having fun in the big playground, me and Jayden were playing.

Adam – I liked swimming, it was very fun. I was diving.

Yolie – Ross and Jamie is at the swimming pool for teachers. I was swimming fast.

Aiden – I liked swimming on Tuesday. It is a long time since we’ve been. I liked diving in the big pool.

Dylan – The big playground was good. I was playing with Mr Jeffries at tig.

Class O

In class we have been looking at tion/sion words and also silent l words. We designed our own video game character using all different materials it was alot of fun and we used lots of adjectives to describe our character.


Cody – I was making a monster from scrap and played monoplay with Cameron and Mrs Mallin. There was also alot of snow about a foot. In maths I had cards and they had number 1 to 100, I made sums with the numbers.


Jayden – I was making a suitcase robot and it can fly. I made it using Cardboard boxes and they were doors and the doors open and close. I was playing dominoes with Mrs Gray. Mrs Gray comes to our class on a Thursday.



Liam – I liked making a robot from junk I called him Mango. I liked to do maths with peppa pig, mario and clifford the dog.


Cameron – I enjoyed making a video game character it was good fun. I also liked to play family fortunes and be the host. In maths I have been doing subtracting chimney sums with exchanging 10s and 100s.

3/2 Time to Get Out(doors)

This week we have enjoyed taking some of our learning outdoors in maths. We have been learning about telling time and this week have been looking at using am or pm correctly. We played a game where we had to decide if an activity could be happening at an am time, a pm time or could be both. Some of us took turns to hold up the signs for am pm or both and the rest had to listen to the sentence, think and then run to what we thought was the correct answer. Here are a few examples for you to try:

‘You are listening to a class assembly’ AM, PM or both?

‘You are brushing your teeth’ AM PM or both?

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It was great fun and got our brains working, as well as our legs!


We also laughed lots joining in a game of ‘What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?’


Red Nose Day – Friday 24th March

Here at Balbardie our P4 stage are leading our learning about Red Nose Day, which this year takes place on Friday 24th March. On that day you can wear something red for our Dress Down Day and donate £1.00 to this great cause. The money raised helps to fund projects, in the UK and Africa, that have found effective ways to tackle poverty and injustice.

Order forms have been sent out for you to buy your very own Red Nose. Please complete the order form and return this along with your  £1.00 if you’d like to buy one. Pupils who have ordered so far have enjoyed opening the shiny wrapper to reveal which of the different designs is inside.


Our P4 pupils are awaiting the arrival of their fundraising pack and will update us soon with how we can get involved in supporting Red Nose Day. Check here for more details soon!


P1A Outdoor Learning

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Now that the weather is getting warmer we went out to the playground to play some Maths and Numeracy games.  As a warm up activity, we had to organise ourselves in to a line from 1-20 by looking at our classmates tunics.  We also created addition and subtraction sums using the numbers on our tunics.  That took a bit more thinking and organising.  Being able to find the person with the number before or after the one on our tunic was good fun and we managed to do it quickly and accurately.

Using numbered cones, we practised ordering numbers to 20 and for adding and taking away within 20.

We used fancy shape bean bags to practise throwing into the number net.  Carley got a high score of 21!

Aaron was able to read the number on the tile without counting the dots, which is fabulous!

We continued to learn through play in the classroom as 15-20 minutes outside with a little wind was long enough for Mrs Laidlaw!


Last week was such a short week, but we got lots of topic work done!
We learned about Hieroglyphs – Ancient Egyptian writing. We found out that the Rosetta Stone helped to decipher the Hieroglyphs and with that knowledge, we were able to write our names, different fruits and even secret messages using Hieroglyphs. Ancient Egyptians did not use pens or pencils like we do, so we also practised writing using Bamboo pens and ink. It was great fun!
Here are some pictures.















We also learned that Ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens wrote their names in a cartouche to show their importance. And, because we are all important, we made our own cartouches! They are not quite ready yet – pictures to follow when they are ready!

P1a become palentologists!

We have started our new Context for Learning…. dinosaurs!  We are very excited about becoming palentologists.  We’ve already hatched our own dinosaurs!  We got ice eggs and hatched our dinosaurs using lots of different strategies….

  • we used tools to smash them open
  • our hands to warm the eggs
  • hot water
  • we dropped them from a height
  • we kicked them off the wall

Here are some photos..

Egg hatching!
Egg hatching!

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Here is some of our learning this week………………………

We were learning about dinosaurs. James

I was learning the sound p. Mac

We have been smashing dinosaur eggs. River

We learned the words eight and always. Oliver

We learned p in phonics.   Ellis

We wrote dinosaur stories. Max

We did dinosaur dot to dot in numeracy. Holly

We played dinosaur roll a dice. Jude

We used hot water to get our eggs to melt. Aaron

We learned the sound or. Ada

We used tools to crack the eggs open. Jack

We warmed the eggs up in our hands. Mac

We learned taking away to get a smaller number. Amber

We learned ‘counting on’ in numeracy. Olivia

We’ve been adding numbers to make a bigger number. Alex

We’ve been learning to tell the time. River




We have had a short but busy week at school. We have started our new topic “World War 2”. We are really excited about learning about different aspects of the war. We would like to learn about Adolf Hitler, women’s role during the War, the Blitz and much more. We also wanted to learn some German so this week we learned some basic German phrases such as ‘Guten Tag’ which mean good day and ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ which means good bye. We are researching some other German phrases related to the war such as ‘Blitzkreig’.

This week we have started reading ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas’. It has about a boy called Bruno who has to move house with his family. At the moment he does not know why he has had to move house but we know it is something to do with his father’s job.

In maths the Decahedrons have been finishing work on fractions and began to explore some third level concepts such as dividing fractions. The Hexagons have begun to learn about long division and the pentagons are beginning to use a standard written method for division.


Have a good weekend!

Before the February holiday, we learned about the Chinese New Year and the traditions.  They spend plenty of time with family. Here are some more traditions:

On the 13th day they have a vegetarian day after all the food they’ve eaten.  (Most nights they have special meals with their family.)

On the 15th day to end the celebrations, they let lanterns up in the air which are believed to go to the Chinese gods.

To celebrate the 15 day we made Chinese lanterns. We drew different Chinese symbols and messages on our lanterns and also added a little bit of glitter to make them sparkle. We showed our primary 1 buddies how to make these lanterns and they loved it!

Ryan: ‘I liked how I got to make them with my buddy.’

Valerija: ‘I liked how they were creative.’

We also worked as a team to create and find out facts about a chosen Chinese new year animal.  The ones chosen animals were; dragon, dog, rabbit, pig, tiger and a monkey.

In maths we learned how to find the formula e.g. c=L+5

We also learned about rotational symmetry e.g  how many times a shape fits  into itself.  For example, a rectangle has the order of rotation 2.

Class dojo-Evie

Table of the week- MI6

Completed by Evie and Kari

This week has been a short week.  However, we commenced our WW2 context for learning.  We learned about key events in WW2 and completed a sequencing activity.  We also read the first chapter of ‘Boy in Striped Pyjamas.’  So far we have learned that Bruno and his family and their staff are moving away from Berlin because of Bruno’s father’s job.  We know it has something to do with the fury.

For homework we have a WW2 challenge which we are excited about.  Some of us are choosing to create a model, some are making a poster/booklet and others will create a powerpoint presentation to share with others.  Miss Bollen can’t wait to see what we come up with.

Current table of the week- MI6

Current Class dojo winner- Ryan

Have a lovely weekend,


RRS- Article 28

Short Week in Class G!

It has been a short week this week but we have still managed to get a lot done.  We have been learning about the seasons and we made a season wheel.  We also have been sorting clothes into seasons and have been writing about seasons all by ourselves.  Miss Garland was very proud of us during writing.  We have also been working hard in reading and well done Logan who moved up a reading level.  Here is what Class G has enjoyed this week:

Logan – I liked learning about seasons.  I did a wheel with Miss Fisher.

Gabriel – I liked the movie for Fun Time Friday.

Jake – I have enjoyed gaining laptop time.

Erin – I have made a new friend in my new class.

A short week!

This week has been a short week but busy!
Luke did his class talk this week on Viking weapons.
‘I thought it was great’ Elliot
‘I liked his powerpoint’ Louie
‘I like the facts he had’ Jaime-Lee
‘I liked that he had notes to help him and didn’t look back at the powerpoint’ Dani
‘I think he made a lot of effort for it’ Ela.
In language we wrote about our trip to the Museum. We had to write in chronological order – the order that events happened. We had to write in the first person as it was about our trip and write in the past tense because it had already happened. We had to use time connectives to link our paragraphs together. We tried to use adjectives to describe the things we saw and what we did. This was the hardest part for lots of us!
In outdoor P.E. we are preparing for a Benchball festival. We are learning some ball skills and how to pass and receive the ball in spaces.
In Maths, we created symmetrical patterns for our partner to copy. Some of them were quite intricate and complicated. We also enjoyed playing this game about symmetry.
In French we watched a song to learn about the French names for our family members. You might enjoy it too!

This morning Dani told us a bit about her diabetes. We watched a video about what diabetes is and what happens in the body of a diabetic. Dani explained about taking her bloods and her insulin. We hope that the class have a better understanding of her condition and why her monitoring is so important. Thanks, Dani.
Table of the week – 580 blue


A short week this week which saw us getting to grips with equivalent fractions.

Millie – it was good i liked it

Grace – once you get the hang of them they are easy!

We also learned greetings in French so that we can make a powerpoint to present to the class.  And then we got on our plane and flew to Spain to learn greetings in Spanish.  We had great fun walking around the class and greeting each other in our different languages.

Our Victorian inventions are looking good and some pupils have brought in their models already – remember they have to be for next Wednesday!

Please also remember to return the EE2 for our trip along with payment.


Aesthetic Scotland

P6B have had a short but very colourful week!

Over the last month, we have been learning about the culture and heritage of Scotland and the geography of the land. What we have been learning has helped inspire our art work this week.

Firstly, we used pencils to sketch a Scottish landscape consisting of mountains and lochs. We then used oil pastels to add detail and colour. We had to choose our colours carefully and consider the effect we wished to create. The end results were very good and an example of how much effort we gave to the activity. We have really showcased our artistic talents and should feel proud of ourselves!

Noah: I liked the detail. This is the best artwork I have ever done. 

Casey: I took my time and I’m really pleased with my drawing. It’s the best picture I’ve made using oil pastels.

Luca: I particularly liked the effect of shading my drawing to make it lighter or darker. 

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Further enhancing our attention to detail, we studied the ‘Coat of Arms’ of Scotland. We learned all about the meaning of the different parts of it and this helped draw our attention to the many different elements it contains. We also explored the purpose of a coat of arms and when it might be displayed. We were tasked with using our very finest drawing skills to recreate the Coat of Arms of Scotland in all its detail and colour. Through taking our time and focussing well, we created fantastic replicas. Take a little look!

Skye: I was impressed with mine. It actually looks really good. 

Fiona: The collar on the unicorns neck shows symbolises that Scotland is tied to the union. 

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Class Assembly Reminder

As you may be aware, our P6B assembly will take place on Friday 24th February at 9.15am in the main hall. Please, if possible, may I ask the pupils to wear an item of tartan or any other ‘Scottish’ wear that the children may have at home?

We hope you can make it along and look forward to seeing you then!

Mrs Murdoch & P6B



This week Miss Taylor started our new topic of Dungeons and Dragons. Dan the Dragon wrote a letter to the class as he accidently breathed fire on the King’s castle and it made the King really cross and very sad.  P2A have a job to make the King happy again by learning all about life in a castle and completing their challenges.

In writing this week we wrote a letter to King Thistle to help him make his castle better again.

In maths this week we have been learning about symmetry and halves and quarters for our fraction work.

In drama this week we have been continuing to practise our Caterpillar Boogie show.  We look forward to seeing you on March 23rd at 9.30 am…tickets and letters will be handed out soon 🙂

Achievements this week

Eva is nearly on level 4 in swimming

Akasha has been practising her swimming skills

Luke and Hollie have achieved their backstroke level, now on level 5

Emily has been practising her gymnastics

Artjom and Rowan  have been practising their swimming skills

Daniel has achieved his Space stripe and a green stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Elena is getting better at roller skating

Teigan has been practising her cartwheels and is getting better at them

Lexi is getting better at playing the guitar



Short week!

Short week!


Our writing this week was a recount of our trip to the museum. We used our writing planners to help us. We are getting much better at taking notes and using them to help with our writing. Here is an example –



This week we were learning about centimetres squared and found it quite tricky! Mrs Little put a task in our home learning to see if we can remember how to work out the are of a shape in cm squared.


Last Thursday we went on our class trip to the National Museum of Scotland to learn some more about Vikings. We all had a great day. Here are some pictures and some comments –

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 Mia – I really liked it when we went to the theatre to learn about Viking life from two actors

Teighan- I really liked seeing the Viking grave

Sophia – I learned that a Viking pot was found in Bathgate 

Megan- I learned that there are three alphabets

Jason – I learned about how the Viking paid for things using ring money

Kiara- I really liked going to the room where we got to hold Viking artefacts and had to guess what they were

Have a good weekend!!



Class M

This week we have been looking at Scottish inventors.  Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. We looked at different telephones then made our own from yoghurt pots and string. In the sensory room we got out our Bubble Machine and other lights. Great fun was had by all.

David- I was on the telephone, Yolie is on the telephone I said “Hello” .  I made it in class M, I used 2 pots and string.

Dylan – We made working telephones out of cups and string it worked. It was good fun speaking to Adam and Mrs McNeill. We were learning about Alexander Graham Bell he was 29 when he invented the telephone.

Joe – We were making cup phones with Charlie. Charlie is a new Balbardie Pupil he is nice I like him. It been a short week as we had a holiday. I had a sleep over at my friends house we played on the Xbox.

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This week in 5B our highlights of the week are.

Jayden: I enjoyed doing spelling and golden time.

Leia: I enjoyed choosing at indoor PE, I chose the climbing frame and other people chose gymnastics and basketball.

Grace: I enjoyed making the imposters for our Victorian inventions, I liked writing in a Victorian style.

Robyn: I like building my invention at home.

Dadirayi: I like maths this week we have learnt about fractions.

Emma: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies.

Freddie: I enjoyed learning about the workhouse.

David: I liked PE when we did gymnastics and got to climb the climbing frame.

Kaitlin: I liked doing maths yesterday.

Aaron: I liked writing about the Victorian workhouse.

Demi Leigh: I liked doing PE with Mr Jefferies as we earned free choose.

James: I enjoyed learning fractions in maths.

Kayleigh: I enjoyed designing our six nations strips.

Sophie: I liked writing about the workhouse.

Erin: I liked outdoor PE because I like rugby.

Ava: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies because we did gymnastics, I did a backwards roll.

Evie: I liked outdoor PE because I like being outside.

Caitlin: I liked outdoor PE because I like playing rugby.

Isla: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies because I did a front flip on the mat.

Next week Leia is looking forward to brass training. Freddie is looking forward to going swimming and Cameron is excited for his Birthday.


We have been learning about adjectives!

Matthias – This is describing how people look and we had to draw around a person
Maksim – You write about the person

We drew around Noah and Emma and then we had to write words to describe them as a person!





We have also been learning about o’clock and half past time!




We came into school on Thursday and found some dinosaur eggs! We used some tools to help crack the eggs open and get the dinosaurs out.






Article 28: We have the right to an education

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