
This weeks highlights.

Leia: I was at my Dads wedding on Monday.

Evie: I liked writing this week and having a day off school.

Caitlin: Lotte and I went to Craigie’s farm and got to see all the baby animals. I also did time trials at swimming doing the butterfly stroke.

Robyn: I liked writing and staying at my Aunties this week.

Olivia: I liked being star writer for the first time.

Kaitlin: this week Grace and I got to go in a hot tub (Mr Cunningham would like to add this was not at school!)

Sophie: I liked being happy

Erin: I liked playing on my new computer that I got for my Birthday on Monday.

Evan: I liked playing with my kitten.

We need to go shopping!!!!


This week we have started our new maths topic which is learning all about money.  During out and about we went to the local shop to learn about why we use and need money.  We all had a small amount of money and we had to be responsible for this.  We had to keep it safe in our pockets during the walk and we all managed this.  We then had to choose and pay for an item independently.  Miss Garland was very proud of all of us as we all did so well and behaved very well.  We have also been looking at information handling and have been learning about tally marks and graphs.  We really enjoyed doing our car colour survey outside in the sun.  We also did another outdoor learning activity for information handling and made tables and graphs on the ground with chalk and used items in the playground to make these.  Here is what Class G had to say this week:

Logan – I liked out and about to the shop.

Jake – My favourite activity was going to the shops.

Erin – We seen some colours.  I seen Miss Garland’s car and Miss Fisher’s car.

Shea – We had money at the shop.

Class O


A short week at school this week. We continue to look at fraction and have focused on thirds. We had great fun playing a fraction game. We also enjoyed finding facts about our favourite comic character and creating a power point.



Caitlin – This week I have been learning about fractions and me, Cameron, Cody and Mrs Mallin played a fraction game. I also had my P7 photographs taken.


Cody – This week I , Caitlin and Cameron played fraction formula and no-one won. Monday and Thursday have been pretty good!

Cameron – I have loved PE. I have been doing stuff on the dictionary. I managed to find a hard word with no help from the adults. Stay toned for more!!





This week has been a very busy week in P2.  We had an inservice day and a holiday on Monday.  However we did a lot of important learning this week.  We have been busy learning our Celebrating Success song and we are looking forward to performing this with our class and showing to parents and carers.  Reminder to bring in a white teeshirt for our performance on the 16th of May at 1.30pm.  Gym teeshirts are fine to wear.  If this is not possible please let Miss McDougall know ASAP, thanks 🙂

We have been continuing to practise our division sums and we have been setting the scene in our writing for ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’.

Achievements this week:

Kyle has been practising his golf and is getting much better

Jude is now on level 1 in swimming

Jack is on level 10 in swimming

Teigan has been busy practising her reading

Archie has learned new tricks in swimming lessons

Sarah has been busy practising her gymnastics

Hollie and Akasha are getting better at tying their laces



Emma – We have one cup with no water in a cupboard, one with lots of water and one that has everything
Matthias – One cup has enough of everything. It needs the right temperature of heat, the right amount of water and the right amount of light
Josh – One cup is in a cupboard with no sun and no water. It is very hot and it has dried up
Caitlin – One cup has too much water and there’s only a few green leaves

Gracie – We had to write the labels
Hamish – We had to write what the parts were and then we coloured it in
Noah – There is the stem, the leaves, the petals and the roots

Josh – We were learning maths outside with our buddies
Kyle – Our buddies made us a trail adventure and we had to find stuff
Hamish – We had to find rocks and sticks
Ava – I had to make squares using sticks

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 1.5.17

This has been a very different week where we have had a Monday holiday AND a Thursday in-service day!  Despite this we have been doing lots of busy learning.

This week’s theme of our blog is: ‘How I have shown School Values’


Brandon – “I help others with their learning”

Teigan – “I do my best at everything”

Griffin – “I tidied up a lot, I made sure everything was nice and tidy”

Max – “I help people, the boys and girls and the teachers”

Breaghannon – “I didn’t give up at writing.  I am good at writing and reading now”

Keegan – “I believe in myself.  I didn’t give up when reading was hard”

Regan –  “I listen really hard in class to make sure I am learning”

Liam – “I am kind to my friends”

Cameron – “I try to make sure I behave in school and at home.  I tidy up too”

Marley – “I use gentle hands in school”

Rio – “I practise my learning at home.  I like doing reading”

Rory – “I try really hard at my work.  I work really hard and try my best with my homework too”

Leila – “I have a good attitude to learning and with other people”

Poppy – “I try my best when I am doing something tricky”

Emily – “I clean up after myself and make sure my station is ready for the next person”


From Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – apologies for the delay in homework this week, I was unable to print the homework so wasn’t able to stick it into jotters.  This has now been issued to your child and can be returned on TUESDAY 9th May.  Please note that there is one sheet in the homework that has the due date of the 5th May.  Due to my delay these will be accepted on MONDAY 8th May at the latest)



A short but busy week in P3a!

This week in P3a we have been designing a coat of arms for our float competition in school!  We really enjoyed this and there are some good designs.


We learned about the Eat Well Plate and we made our own where we had to match foods into the correct food group such as; fruit and vegetables, bread, rice, and cereals, meat, sugary foods, and dairy.

We also learned about food farming and how we get food from animals.



In maths we have been continuing with division and have been relating multiplication to division.

We have also been learning about remainders.


In spelling we did a spelling challenge where we did  dot to dot of all our spelling words and wrote over them to help us learn our words.  We also did a book review of Mr Stink describing what we liked about it and our favourite part.

In grammar we learned the rule of ‘s’ and ‘ies’ when we change words from singular to plural.


We have also been learning our celebrating success song. We can’t wait to perform it!


Achievments and other news!

Charlie has been learning new moves in Karate

Table of the week- Nathan, Kai and Samuel.

Murray won his blue belt in Karate!

Maisie won another medal in golf and has qualified for the European Championships later this month!

Lucas has reached level 4 in swimming.

Kai got his red belt in Tae Kwon Do!

Ellis is going to a piano concert tomorrow!

Senior Choir

What a fantastic group of pupils – we had great fun yesterday afternoon!

Tuesday lunch time rehearsals will involve those in Scene 5 – Eva, Rebecca, Iona, Rowan, Evie, Casey and Emma. Thursday lunch time – Eva, Rebecca, Jennie, Rowan, Noah, Zoe, Meadow, Lennox and Scott.
Thursday after school we will continue with the acting and dancing in scene 7.

We will have two Friday afternoon rehearsals – Friday 2nd and 9th of June until 3.00p.m. – children should bring a packed lunch.

Dress rehearsal – Thursday 22nd June until 6.00p.m.
Performance – Friday 23rd June 1.00p.m.

Another diary date – the after show party will take place on Tuesday 27th June 3.30 – 5.00p.m.!
A huge thank you to parents and pupils for supporting ‘The Jungle Book’.

Mrs Innes

Our Bodies!

I hope you all enjoyed our holiday weekend! After a very busy week of learning in P6B, we were very glad to have an extra day to relax!

The new ‘Our Bodies’ topic is well underway and we are enjoying learning all about our amazing bodies and how they work. We began last week by exploring the Skeletal System. We learned to identify and name some of the main parts of our skeleton and created and labelled our own using art straws. We played a new version of ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ using the names of skeletal parts instead. It was fun!

Here we are creating our own skeletal systems –


We labelled some key parts –


Some comments from class this week were –

Fiona – I found it interesting that we have two lower leg bones called the Fibula and the Tibia. 

Luca – Phalanges is a very fun word to say and I think I’ll always remember it. 

Archie – I didn’t realise that Thyroids were a part of our body before! 


Keep watching the blog to find out what else we have been doing and learning about in P6!


Outdoor Learning in P6a 31.3.17

We took our learning in maths outside just before the Easter holidays. To demonstrate our knowledge of using a stopwatch we completed a range of activities and recorded the time it took to complete each one. The activities involved using a range of skills: writing, making, saying and doing. We really enjoyed using the outdoors to enhance our learning in maths to develop our skills in time-keeping.

Doing 10 star jumps:

Saying ‘Easter eggs’ 10 times and spelling ‘Easter bunny’:

Writing and recording player 1’s time and player 2’s time:

Making pictures of Easter eggs and writing ‘Easter bunny’:

Spring Fun in P3/2

We have enjoyed having Mrs Gray and Mrs Spence and being back for a whole week this week! We have been learning about Spring time, here are some facts we have learned:

  • Frogs come out of hibernation in spring time
  • New life begins for some animals like lambs and chicks
  • Bees begin to make honey
  • Different types of flowers included tulips, daffodils and crocuses

We used various art materials to create a Spring diorama which was great fun! We also having been learning that horses have foals, cows have calves and rabbits have kittens believe it or not! We have learned how to write acrostic and shape poems all about Spring. We added some similes to our writing including ‘the rabbit’s  fur is as soft as marshmallows’ and ‘the chick is as yellow as the sun’.

Circle time was fun with Mrs Spence playing killer 12 and we started Special person which was really exciting! We had to put our names in a balloon and when we popped it a name was chosen. This person became the special and they can choose their class job for the week, their seat in class and have a comfy cushion to sit on!

We are looking forward to Mrs Aitken coming back next week!


Have a lovely long weekend!



P6a 28.4.17

Lennox: I liked learning about tiling in maths.

Lucy M: I liked taking part in different maths stations this week.

Kate: I liked learning about symmetry this week.

Noah: I enjoyed writing an imaginative story entitled ‘The Cottage’.

Ty: I liked taking part in circuits for outdoor P.E. as part of our Healthy Living topic.

Naomi: I liked learning through independent study. I was practising my spelling words.

Pupil of the week: Zoe

Special person: Naomi

Class Trip to Stirling Castle

This week we enjoyed our class trip to Stirling castle.

When we arrived we met a knight who lived in the 1500s. He was our guide for the morning and he took us on a tour of the castle. We looked at the gate where the portcullis used to be and we also spotted the arrow loops in the walls. We found out how the soldiers defended the castle, they would fire arrows at you, close the drawbridge, they would drop boulders on your head and pour hot sand down your armour to burn your skin. Very gruesome!


Luckily we survived and got into the castle where we saw the Chapel and the Great Hall. The Great Hall was where the King and Queen would entertain people at wonderful banquets.


We learned about some of the jobs people did at the castle. The worst one was the Gong Farmer who had to clean the toilets! They weren’t like our toilets, they were just a hole in the ground with a bit of wood over it. It was a very smelly job!

We then got to hold some of the knight’s Chain Mail armour. It was very heavy! Ehan, Ava, Alysheeya and Joseph all got dressed up in royal clothes. We found out that purple is a royal colour and if you wore it and you weren’t a member of the Royal family you were sent to the dungeons!

Our guide brought out the different weapons that were used, some of these were bows and arrows, swords and shields and axes.

Then it was time for some lunch, we sat in the beautiful gardens as it was such a nice day.

In the afternoon we had some free time to explore the vaults where we dressed up, played instruments and enjoyed the jester’s room. We also got to see the Queen’s bedchambers and her throne room. This is where you would go to see the Queen if you had a complaint and wanted her to fix it.

Soon it was time for the bus! We had a busy and exciting day and some of us even fell asleep on the bus home!

Some interesting facts we learned:

Keira: They only ate with spoons and knives – no forks.

Sara – The spoon was made from animals horns and horns are made from hair.

Grace Q – Not all moats have water – the ones that don’t have water are called dry moats.

Evie – Golf and football was banned in the 1500’s.

Well done to this week’s Dojo winers – Alex, Dionne, Ehan, Fearne and Tiana.

What’s the weather?

In Maths with Mrs Mackenzie we are learning about Fractions. We have looked at wholes, halves, thirds, quarters, fifth, sixths, sevenths, eighths, ninths and tenths. We played a game where we had to fill a wall with different fractions of bricks.
I found out that the number on the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator. This is how many pieces you need to make a whole with that fraction. So if it is ¼ we need 4 pieces to make a whole – Aryan.
In indoor PE we were doing hockey and we did races with the ball concentrating on keeping control of the ball. In outdoor PE we started learning some cricket skills.
In learning across the curriculum we are looking at climate change and different types of weather. We wrote similes about the weather which we then wrote into a poem. Here are some of our favourites
Jaime-Lee – the storm is like Thor striking his hammer
Elliot – the storm is like a dragon’s winging soaring in the sky
Luke – The hail is like me having snowball fight with God
Ela – The mist is like a dragon’s breath
Hope – the fog is like a ghost coming to get you
Louie – the clouds were like paintings in the sky
Rose – the storm is like my Dad shouting
Isaac – the wind is like a strong man lifting weights
Jason – the rain is like clouds crying
Ben –the rain is like a waterfall in the sky
Dani – the fog is like the steam from a fire, covering the land.
Guy – the storm was like God in anger
In STEM at Golden time, the group made helicopters. We investigated what happens when you make them bigger or smaller, what happens when the wings are made shorter or folded a different way. It was great fun testing them in the stairwell!

Pupil of the week – Maisey for sharing and comparing strategies so well during our number talks.

Table of the week – with 960 points

Outside achievements – Jaime-Lee gained a distinction in her Jazz exam.
Elliot passed his accreditation 3 at the velodrome and he is now on the last level of development.

Article 28 – the right to an education


This week we started our new topic about farming. We learnt about different types of farms and what was grown/raised on them. There are two main types of farms: Arable and Livestock and we had to sort out the farms into categories based on what was on them.

We also learnt how plants grow from a seed and next week we will be planting our own seeds to grow. We will have to look after them so that they don’t die!

In literacy, we were learning about speech marks and also how to write a recount. We wrote about our Easter holidays. Some of us wrote about a day and some of us wrote about all the holidays, but, we all had to write it in order using sequence words like first, next then and finally. We also had to write a letter to the council because we did not want our holidays cancelled. We used sequence words in this as well giving reasons why we should have the holidays.

In maths, we are learning our timetables. We started with revising the 2, 5 & 10 times tables and have played lots of games to remember the facts. We are also learning how to tell the time.

Enjoy your long weekend!


We have had a great week of learning in P3a from introducing our Celebrating Success song to working out division sums outside for maths…



This week we have been revising our division and moving onto trickier calculations.  We had time to really put our strategies into practice by participating in an game where Mrs Palmer shouted out an answer and we had to work out what is was divided from and run to the correct side of the playground.  We then followed this up by making our own sums up and drawing them out on the playground using chalk!

We have also been using a range of measuring instruments to measure length and height.  We found this quite hard as we had to revisit what we learned in estimation and use the same skills to estimate and then check our answer by using our measuring instrument.


We have also started our new topic all about Farming and have already identified the difference between Arable and Livestock farming.  We used our knowledge of rhyming to also create a poem about farming!



Pupil of the week – Sophie!

Table of the week- Lucas H, Lucas K, Sophie and Ammie-Leigh!


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your Monday off! 🙂

Welcome to Class G’s Pizza Shop!

Class G have had great fun this week.  As part of our symmetry topic we have been making symmetrical pizza.  We had lots of topping to taste and choose from.  We really enjoyed making these and then getting to eat them.  They were yummy!  We have also been learning about healthy eating and we were tasting different vegetables and talking about their looks, smell, taste and texture.  Some were popular but some were not so popular, like peppers.  Here is what Class G have to say this week:


Logan – We made pizza.  I liked eating it.

Shea – I liked making pizza.

Erin – I liked making pizza.  I tasted lots of different toppings.

Gabriel – I liked tasting vegetables.

Jake – I liked making pizza.  I put pepperoni and salami on mine.


Have a great, long weekend!


We are busy learning our song for our Celebrating Success Assembly to which we hope you can all come along to.  Some of us will also be receiving prizes so we are very excited.

In maths we have been learning about length and measuring lots of items with  different measuring instruments.

We are also getting the measure of the Scottish Parliament as that is our topic this term.  We are looking forward to the parliament education outreach team visiting us to tell us more about what happens there.

Remember we are off on Monday and Thursday !


This week in maths we have been practising our division using our number line and jumping back strategies. We have also been practising more of skip counting to get us faster at our mental maths.

We started our new topic of The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and we are looking forward to making our electrical circuits to see if the lighthouse keepers bulb works well!

We had a very exciting trip to Stirling Castle on Thursday and we loved dressing up as Kings, Jesters, princesses and servants.  We were told all about the weapons and armour in Medieval times and we enjoyed exploring the castle rooms and vaults.

Hollie- ‘I liked smelling the boxes in the Vaults and dressing up’

Elena-‘I enjoyed the music room’

Kyle-‘I liked dressing up as the King’

Daniel’I liked learning where the dungeons are’

Archie-‘I thought it was funny when Luke dressed as a Jester!’

Akasha-‘I liked playing the organ with Rosie’






Spring is in the air…

We have been very busy in P1a this week….

We planted beans. Holly

We planted our sunflowers. Carley

We learned about the Lifecycle of a bean. River

We learned about flowers and how they grow. Ada

We did pointillism in art. Jude

We learned about long and short in measure. Aaron

We watched a speeded clip show a bean plant growing. Alex

We started our ‘My Diary of a Bean Plant’. Jack

We learned about the lifecycle of a sunflower. Amber

We learned about area and found the area of shapes by counting squares. Olivia S

We learned that the biggest is at the top and the smallest is at the bottom. Max

We learned ‘y’ in phonics. James and Oliver

We were learning the sound, ‘wh’ in phonics. Carley

We learned what photosynthesis is. Ada


We are enjoying watching are plants beginning to grow!

Here we are planting our beans.

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