Happy Easter from P4a

It’s been a busy week at the end of a long term.

At the beginning of the week, the home teams in P4a created fantastic stop motion animations for Mrs Mackenzie. They were really pleased with the results and Mrs Mackenzie was really impressed with the team work demonstrated by the groups as they set to the various tasks.

In RME we looked at the spread of the 5 major religions and from this considered the countries in the world where Easter is celebrated as an easter festival. Lots of countries around the world do different things including in Germany where these amazing Osterbaum are created

and Australia where the Easter Bilby brings the eggs rather than the bunny!

We enjoyed the Easter service and sharing our One World song from Eddie and the Penguin one final time with the school and community.

Wishing you all a fantastic holiday and happy Easter!

Table of the week – with 550


We have had  a great last week of term and are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday! Here are some of our favourite bits of our week.

Arran – I enjoyed writing the recount of Lowport.

Luke – I enjoyed the movie.

Lucas – I liked the handwriting during the Victorian Day.

Rory – I enjoyed watching the movie.

Gabriel – I liked the Victorian day because it was funny.

Ross – I liked castles in P.E.

Kai – Castles in P.E.

Cameron – Watching the movie!

Farrah – I enjoyed the Victorian Day because of the dunce hat.

Donna – I enjoyed the recount.

Brooke – I enjoyed drawing the portrait of Miss Carrera for the Victorian Day.

Katie – I really enjoyed the Church Service.

Maisie – I enjoyed playing the viola at Church Service.

Zara – I liked drawing the portrait of Miss Carrera.

Murray – Wearing the Dunce hat was funny during the Victorian day.

Blaire – Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Lily – I liked the Victorian Day portraits

Ellis – The movie was good.

Jodie – I liked the Victorian Day, especially the geography bit.

Mia – The Victorian Day was so funny, especially when I had to balance the book on my head.

Niamh – I liked fractions this week!

Ammie-Leigh – The Victorian Day handwriting was good.

Callum – I liked the Lowport recount.

Tamsyn – The Victorian Day was the best – the dunce hat was funny.

Lucas H – Castles in P.E. was good.

Evan – I enjoyed the movie for the Balbardie Champions.



Thank you parents/family for all of your help and support this term. I hope you all have a fantastic Easter break!

Miss Carrera

Happy Easter from P3A

Here are some of our highlights this week:

Ellis: I enjoyed the church service because I saw my mum there.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths because I’m doing very well at it.

Amber: I enjoyed the church service because we got to sing ‘One World’.

Alex and Aaron: We enjoyed making our Easter baskets because it was very kind to give it to our parents.

Jude: I enjoyed making the Easter baskets because I think mine looks very good.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because I finally finished my book. My book is called ‘Back in Time’.

Teigan: I enjoyed maths because I got to play a game on the iPad.

Carley: I enjoyed the church service because we were singing ‘One World’.

James: I enjoyed the church service because we chose a partner and my partner was Ethan.

Holly: I enjoyed the church service because each house showed us an egg. The one I liked was the little chick.

TJ and Megan: I enjoyed the church service because I got to sing my favourite song.

Ellie: I enjoyed the church service because we got to sing ‘Spring Chicken’ and I really liked it.

Max: I enjoyed going to the church because I really liked the songs.

Have a lovely Easter holiday everyone!



We are so excited for the Easter holidays but we wanted to share some of our highlights from this week before we break off…


Ranna- This week I enjoyed maths because I like assessments because it puts me under a good kind of pressure which makes me work harder. I also enjoyed the church service because Jason and Suvi were really good at playing their instruments.

Connor- I enjoyed going to church this week because it was really fun.

Kiara- I enjoyed Parent’s night because I saw Lauren and Connor.

Lauren- I enjoyed Maths because Ranna and I played one of the games from the booklet.

Denholm- I enjoyed P.E. because it was fun.

William- I enjoyed the second last day because the Easter Bunny came and visited us.


Have a lovely Easter break and we will see you all in a couple of week 🙂


Class Moon – last week before the holidays!

It has been a great last week in Class Moon.  We have been celebrating two big birthdays!  We had a birthday part with Mrs Wilson and Mr Reid.  Everyone in the Autism Resource attended and we all had great fun.  We have also been learning about Easter and Easter traditions.  We had great fun rolling our decorated eggs at the park.  We have also been making Easter soft toys and practicing our sewing skills.  We all enjoyed making chocolate Easter baskets. We also enjoyed the cola experiment during science. This week was also Autism Awareness week.  Class Sun, Moon and Star made an Autism Awareness video for the whole school to watch and learn about Autism.  It was a huge success.  Well Done Everyone!!!!!


These are our highlights…

Robyn-I liked the celebration assembly

Bailey-I liked this week’s reading

Lucy- Practising our times tables in our jotters was fun

Logan-Challenging myself with tricky fractions

Daniel-Outdoor PE was my highlight and getting a values certificate

William-Outdoor PE

Skye-Assembly was fun

Georgia- My highlight was the celebration assembly

Mason-Practising my writing was good fun

Tommy-My highlight was  writing about the Easter Bunny

Aiden-I liked watching fractions breakdancing rap

Devyn-I liked the assembly

Grace-I liked my new reading book

Michaela-I liked maths this week

Amelia-I liked assembly

Willow-I liked my reading book

Ethan-I liked the celebration assembly

Kieran-I liked Daniel getting a certificate at assembly





Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Holly: I enjoyed the assembly because my best friend got a certificate.

Ada: I enjoyed assembly because Ethan got a certificate.

Jack: I enjoyed doing the review jotters because I thought that it was fun. I also enjoyed maths because we were doing lots of fun activities. I am on page 9 of the textbook.

Ellis: I enjoyed maths because I enjoying doing operations.

Breaghannon: I enjoyed the assembly.

Carley: I enjoyed the assembly because my best friend Hamish from Class Star got a certificate.

Jude: I enjoyed maths because Scott Baillie joined my group.

Leila: I enjoyed the assembly because my little cousin got a certificate.

Amber and Aaron: I enjoyed the assembly because my friend Ethan got a certificate.

Alex and Megan: I enjoyed the assembly because Mr McCabe told us that next week it is the church service.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the assembly because my friend Ethan got a certificate.

Teigan: I enjoyed maths because Breaghannon played with me.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths because I moved into the Pentagons group.

Max: I enjoyed having Scott Baillie work with us because it’s really fun when we’re playing games.

Millie: I enjoyed maths because Scott Baillie joined our group.

River and TJ: I enjoyed the assembly because my very best friend got a certificate.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!



Another busy week in P6A with outings,visitors and great learning.  Here are some of our highlights…


Denholm- I liked Maths this week because it was fun.

Ranna- I also liked Maths this week because it was challenging enough in a way that it was fun.

Dhivya- I liked Spanish with Mrs Lawson because we got to make a food of Spain.

Euan- I enjoyed the handball and basketball tournament because it was fun.

Suvi- I enjoyed the Spanish lesson with Mrs Lawson as well because I learned a lot more about Spain than I knew already. I also enjoyed learning more about bees.

Connor- I enjoyed the handball and basketball festival because we got to meet a lot of new people.

Mia- I enjoyed writing this week because I liked making my own creative story and I also enjoyed Maths because I like learning about different charts.

Campbell- I liked enjoyed the handball and basketball festival because I met some of my friends from different schools and had a chat with them.

Jess- I enjoyed Maths because it was challenging.

Murray- I enjoyed Spanish because I got to make a Tapas dish.

Sophia- I enjoyed Sex and Relationship education because we learned how a baby grows.

Alex- I enjoyed the handball and basketball festival because I scored a goal!

Islay- I enjoyed the handball and basketball festival because it was fun.

Jason- I am looking forward to playing at the Church service next week because I have been practicing really hard to play the flute.

Amy- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because I enjoyed doing the relays.

Skye- I enjoyed RME because it was about Easter.


Reminder- Wear it Blue for Autism Awareness Day, Tuesday 2nd April.


Have a great weekend!



REMINDER: Tuesday 2nd April wear blue for autism awareness. No donation required.

Primary 2 have been doing a great job learning about mirror-image symmetry this week working with patterns. The class are also enjoying learning the songs for the upcoming Easter service.

This week’s Big Star was Anna, well done Anna, keep up the hard work.

Our Best Bits:

Sofia – Singing practice, I like all the songs.

Sophie – My one was when we did colour by adding.

Lois – Colouring competition

Hope – Singing practice and I like every song

Daisy – Colouring competition because I was a winner and singing practice

Jack C – Singing practice and symmetry

Anna – My favourite bit was doing Easter colouring in and watching the start of Hop

Isla – Being Little Star and colouring competition

Mikolaj – Designing shields

Ruby – I liked singing practice, my favourite song is the end one (If I were a butterfly) and the colouring competition because I was a winner.

Jack B – Mine was when I won an Easter egg from the competition

Oliver – When we did singing practice

Murray – Watching Hop and singing

Ethan – Singing practice and winning and Easter egg

Kai – When we made our own shields and Hop

Thomas – I think designing our own shields and the singing, I liked the last song.

Hannah – Being with all my friends in assembly

Hollie – Getting a certificate and doing pattern symmetry


Miss Cowan

Lowport day 2 (P5b)

Today was very busy at Beecraigs all morning with the instructors. In the afternoon we went to Linlithgow Palace to meet the guides from Linlithgow Primary. They took us around telling us lots of interesting facts about life in the palace under King James.

After that we walked to Mac’s the ice cream shop where we all, even Mrs Johns, Mrs Aitken and Miss Carerra had a delicious ice cream. The weather was quite sunny and we walked along the side of the loch to the park for a long play before hurrying back to the centre for tea.

Mr McCabe joined us for tea.

After tea it was the Big Quiz…Charlotte and Florence won with 31/40. Their team was called “Canoe”

We were all sooooo excited about the disco and danced and played games till after 9pm before we ate a light supper and then bed for the last time at Lowport.

Here are our comments:-

Olivia- So far the best bit has been the Forest hunt and ice cream. I got a berry blast one

Kaycee- So far the chips after swimming were great and ice cream…I had cookies and cream in my cone

Liam- There are so many good parts-swimming has been great

Brandon- I really liked The Adventure walk at Beecraigs but looking forward to the disco

Rory- I really enjoyed getting muddy at Beecraigs

Jamie- I loved Orienteering because we were running about looking for the flags and being timed on each course

Jay- My best part was going through the tunnel at Beecraigs

Shaun- My best part was getting my room at Lowport

Holly-  I loved going to Beecraigs with my friends and putting mud on my face

Eva-Visiting Linlithgow Palace was good because I liked learning more about Mary Queen of Scots

Brooke- I enjoyed putting mud on my face at Beecraigs and  swimming with my friends

Florence- My best bit was the disco because we had sweets and dancing. Charlotte and I won the quiz just before the disco. Our group was called “Canoe”

Charlotte- My best part was laughing so much with Florence at all the activities we shared

Owen- It was getting mud all over my face and camouflaging at Beecraigs

Kyle- It was building a den at Beecraigs

Dylan- The best part for me was swimming on Wednesday evening

Alistair- I enjoyed the disco. I won 3 games

Alfie- The best bit was going to Beecraigs, meeting the tutors at Lowport and sharing a room with Dylan and Alistair

Aaron- The best week and a half !

Max- Great fun during the day…Orienteering was great. I liked running about and being timed on each course

Aaran- The best part was going into the adventure part at Beecraigs

Annie- I liked walking through the river at Beecraigs

Ruby- I liked the Orienteering –it was fun. We were first back. I was partner’s with Ellie Rose

Ellie Rose- The best bit was walking in the river at Beecraigs

Orla- I enjoyed the Forest Adventure and going through the tunnels

Breakfast today was cereal, fruit, yogurt, boiled egg and toast

Dinner today was chips, salad and fish fingers followed by ice cream and mixed fruit

We have had so much fun with our friends, teachers and instructors

Thank you to everyone who came along to share in our activities Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs Mansfield, Mrs Leamy, Mr McCabe, Mrs Jamieson and Mrs McClafferty

Thanks Mrs Johns and Miss Carerra too

Good night !

Back to Balbardie Primary tomorrow after a loch walk, games and an early lunch

Lowport day 3(P5a) and Lowport day 1 (P5b)

Well as one group has their last day here another group arrives to have their exciting days and nights!

This morning both groups took part in Environmental Art at the Peel..you should head over next week and see if their masterpieces are still around the grounds of the Peel…a few Van Gogh’s in the making.

Lunch was back at Lowport centre P5b ate their own packed lunch and P5a enjoyed a sandwich or roll made by the kitchen staff here at Lowport along with a piece of fruit, a chocolate biscuit and a packet of crisps. All washed down with water, juice or milk.

After that Mr Blair, Mrs Cameron, Mrs Macfarlane all headed back to Balbardie with P5a to meet family and share all their experiences.

Lowport was a great success for P5a

Thank you to the staff who helped make all activities during the day or at night a success.

Mrs Laidlaw, Mrs Knowles, Miss Garland, Mr Reid, Mr McCabe, Mrs Leamy, Mrs Spence and Mrs Palmer

And thanks Mr Blair. You were a great asset to the team.

P5b  then put their stuff in their rooms-

Mrs Aitken has her group on the ground floor, Miss Carrera has her group on the first floor and Mrs Johns has her group on the second floor.

After getting changed and having such fun making beds and putting clothes away in cupboards and drawers it was time to meet the instructors, Dave, Ian and Mike to go to the Peel for a busy afternoon of Orienteering.

The children all worked very hard to try and complete all the colour of courses but time ran out and it was tea time… homemade soup and bread followed by mince, potatoes and sweetcorn.

Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Mansfield came for tea and to go to swimming. Mrs Leamy met us at the pool.

A quick return to rooms to collect swimming stuff and a warm jacket. It was a long walk from Lowport centre to the pool at Xcite. All the group had great fun swimming and playing for an hour then it was a quick walk to The Golden Chip for a box of chips…Some had salt, some chose tomato sauce and some had brown sauce…The chips were a great success after the big swim and walk.

Then it was the short walk back to Lowport centre for a quick drink then bed..

Chat from the children:

this is fun

Can’t wait to get to my bed

I like sharing with my friends

The chips were amazing

Looking forward to the Palace tomorrow

Can’t wait to go to Beecraigs in the morning..you get really muddy!

All sleeping and so looking forward to tomorrow’s busy schedule.

Good night everyone !


Today we were at Beecraigs enjoying scrambling about and getting muddier by the minute !

Lunch was back at the centre and then in the afternoon we split into our 3 groups

Mrs Aitken’s group set off for ice cream and then a walk around the loch

Miss Carrera’s group started at the centre playing Stop the bus then a walk and ice cream

Finally Mr Blair’s group started with their walk then an ice cream finishing with a game back at the centre

Dinner was:-

Baked potatoes followed by chocolate pudding

A quiz was held just before we got our disco clothes on…

Supper was toast, jam scones and water or juice …we were so hot after all our dancing


It is such fun at Lowport

I’m not ready to go home

Can’t wait to go to bed !

It’s great being with friends

I love getting fruit when I waken up !

Nearly home day 

Day 1 at Lowport with Primary 5a

It’s arrived –Lowport P5a’s week

We arrived at the Lowport centre yesterday. We dropped our bags and then walked to the palace to get a guided walk by school children from Linlithgow Primary…we learned so much.

Afterwards we ate our own lunch outside at The Peel. Weather dry and nice

We then took part in Orienteering with the instructors from Lowport centre. We stayed in our 3 groups..Mrs Aitken, Miss Carerra and Mr Blair… We had lots of fun all around the Peel with our partner finding little flags with different letters on them depending on the colour.

Dinner was early as we were going swimming. Mr Reid, Miss Garland, Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Knowles joined us for dinner.

We had soup and bread then sausages, potatoes and mixed vegetables. The plates were full !

After that we had a long walk along the canal to the swimming pool


Zara- Orienteering with Ammie Leigh was really good fun

Ammie Leigh-Getting a chippie was really nice and it warmed me up after the swimming

Donna- Swimming is great fun and being with all my friends

Luke- Orienteering was really good fun. I was partners with Ross. Mrs Aitken said we were really fast at finding the flags

Ross- I liked Orienteering and I liked learning how to use the map beforehand

Arran- Swimming was really good fun as I was with my friends in the pool

Lucas- Swimming was great as we were all playing on the rafts

Blaire- Swimming was great as I was playing with my friends. We were in the water for ages

Jodie- I really liked searching for the flags on the Orienteering.My partner was Blaire

Erin- I really enjoyed the Orienteering as we were running about looking for the flags. I was partner with Donna. Mrs Aitken said we were quite fast

Gabriel- The best bit was swimming. Everyone was splashing each other

Rory-  I enjoyed Orienteering. My partner was Gabriel. I liked finding the flags. We were good at it!

Niamh- I liked Orienteering. It was fun. I was with Mia

Mia- I really enjoyed the visit to Linlithgow Palace. I liked one of the games that we played. Girls from Linlithgow Primary took us around and shared facts with us

Tamsyn- Orienteering was great I liked searching for the flags around the Peel. My partner was Katie

Katie- Swimming was great. We had fun in the water playing on the float. It sunk as so many of us tried to climb on !

Callum- The best part so far has been Orienteering. It was great fun working as a team. We had to stick together

Murray- I liked using the map and learned more from Dave the instructor

Ellis- I liked working with my best friend at Orienteering and using a map

Lucas- I liked Orienteering as I was running around with Evan, my partner

Evan- Swimming was fun. We played around in the water with the floats

Cameron- Orienteering was fun. We had fun running about and exploring the Peel

Kai- Swimming was good as I had lots of fun with the floats

Shelbi- I liked swimming because I was practising swimming as it wasn’t too deep

Maisie- I liked Orienteering because I got to do it with Shelbi and Lily. I had a turn holding the map. We were running around The Peel looking for the little flags

Lily- I enjoyed the Orienteering because we got lost but we always found our way back, it was tricky looking for the flags

Photos on Twitter or will be uploaded later 

Everyone having such  good time 🙂


Benchball and Authors!

This week has been back to normal. Almost!

On Tuesday we went to Bathgate Xcite to compete against other schools in a P4 benchball festival. The other schools were Boghall, St Columba’s and St Mary’s. We were split into teams and played on different courts against other teams. Balbardie did well and we think we won!

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor. Joan Lennon, author of the Leif Frond books, came to talk to us about writing and her books. She told us that the 2 books were published at the same time so it doesn’t matter which order they are read in. She is Canadian but has lived in Scotland for 41 years. She read an extract of one of the Leif Frond books which was lovely. We were able to ask her questions about being an author and what she enjoyed most about reading and writing.

On Thursday we completed a hiit workout and tried doing the triangle dance. It’s surprisingly difficult, although looks very easy here…….


Table of the week – red with 560 points.

Children need PE kit on Monday and Thursday and should have appropriate footwear as well as warm clothes for going outside.

Amazing Egyptians

Preparing for and performing in our Ancient Egyptian assembly with P3B has been a highlight for everyone this week!

Teigan: I enjoyed making bracelets.

Alex: I enjoyed making our golden bracelets for our assembly.

Leila: I enjoyed our assembly because my dad was there and he was really proud of me. I was also really proud of myself.

Aileigh: I enjoyed our assembly because it was about Ancient Egyptians and it was fun.

James: I enjoyed it when we did our assembly.

Millie: I enjoyed our assembly because my mum and dad were there and I liked showing them our dance routine.

Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Aaron: I enjoyed our assembly because I thought it was funny when Jack threw the teddy bear.

Mac: I enjoyed making our headdresses.

Jack: I enjoyed our assembly because we have been spending ages working on it and I think we were all very good at it.

Ada: I enjoyed our assembly because my friend Millie was the queen.

Oliver: I enjoyed making our neck plates.

Holly: I enjoyed our assembly because my mum and my little brother were there and I think they were proud of me.

Scott B: I enjoyed the assembly because I liked the bit when Alex was pretending to be dead.

Ellie: I enjoyed preparing and doing our assembly because it was really fun.

Carley: I enjoyed our assembly because I liked the scene with Alex, Jack and Ellie in it. I also enjoyed saying my lines and doing the dance. I will never forget this day.

Jude: I enjoyed saying my lines and singing the songs in our assembly.

Shannon: I enjoyed our assembly because we got to sing and dance.

River: I enjoyed our assembly because a teacher told me she really liked our assembly. During the assembly, I was very proud of myself.

Scott R: I enjoyed our assembly because we got to sing and we got to do the actions.

Ellis: I enjoyed making things for our assembly and doing our assembly.

TJ: I enjoyed it when I saw my mum and dad at our assembly.

Max: I enjoyed our assembly and I thought no one was coming but my dad did.

Amber: I enjoyed the assembly because we got our faces painted and we painted things for our assembly.

Mia: I enjoyed our assembly because I was one of the dancers.

Olivia: I enjoyed our assembly because I got to put my head in front of Max’s and it was funny.

Miss McKinnon enjoyed watching everyone give such an excellent performance and is very proud!

Thank you to everyone who came to see us today and help us get ready! It is much appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.





Primary 2 loved watching P3’s assembly today on the Egyptians.

This week we continued out new imaginative writing genre; mysteries. The children produced some great mystery stories.

We have began calculating area in maths which the class are finding both enjoyable and challenging.


Our best bits:

Ben – Watching my brother’s assembly.

Oliver – Assembly

Kai – Assembly and when I got 2 stickers for finishing my word searches fast.

Jack B – Mine was when Ethan and me got stuck on work and we helped each other.

Hannah – Playing with Daisy

Murray – Getting a letter for my Mum and Dad

Isla – When Murray got a note home

Daisy – I liked playing with Hannah, assembly, mystery stories and area.

Ruby – Assembly and the wordsearch.

Sophie – Mine is assembly

Hollie – Assembly and playing with James

Sofia – The Egyptians when they were dancing and the funny bit and mystery stories and area.

Jack C – The Primary 3 Egyptians and playing outside.

Thomas – Writing mystery stories and assembly

Anna – Doing mystery stories and watching the assembly


Miss Cowan




Literacy: We have been learning all about the most famous Victorian nurse, Florence Nightingale, or “The lady with the lamp”. We have been learning all about biographies and we first wrote a class model biography about Michael Morpurgo. We then wrote biographies about Florence Nightingale. We also wrote a packing list for Lowport.

Maths: We have started our new fractions topic. We have learned about fraction vocabulary like numerator and denominator. We are also learning about equivalent fractions.

Victorians/LAC: We loved our Victorian lessons this week. We learned all about the toys and games Victorian children would play with. We also learned about optical illusions, which became popular in the Victorian times. We even made our own thaumatropes. We also learned about conditions in Victorian hospitals before Florence Nightingale made them cleaner and better. We learned about some very strange Victorian cures, like putting vinegar up your nose to stop a nose bleed! We also learned about Charles Dickens and role played a scene from Oliver Twist.

Our highlights:


Gabriel – I really enjoyed the Oliver Twist role play.

Lucas K – I liked learning about optical illusions.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Shelbi – The role play was really fun.

Samuel – I liked learning about Charles Dickens and doing the role play.

Murray – I liked making the thaumotropes when we learned about optical illusions.

Ellis – I liked all the fractions work we did.

Luke – P.E. was good.

Lucas He – I liked being ‘it’ in P.E.

Blaire – Oliver Twist role play was really fun.

Mia – I liked learning about optical illusions.

Jodie – I liked the Oliver Twist lesson.

Niamh – I liked making the thaumotrope.

Kai – I liked the Oliver Twist role play.

Katie – Everything was good this week!

Erin – I liked the Oliver Twist role play.

We are really looking forward to going to Lowport next week!


Note: remember to make a Parents’ Night appointment if you wish one.


Another fun filled week in P2A

Kieran-I liked playing chain tig in PE this week with Miss McDougall

Logan-Outdoor PE was my favourite, I liked cops and robbers

Tommy-I enjoyed the P3 Egyptian assembly this morning

Daniel-My favourite part of the week was the Egyptian singing and dancing

Brooke-I loved the P3 assembly

Bailey-The Egyptian dancing was fun

Grace-Learning about fractions was fun

Aiden-Playing chains and cops and robbers in Outdoor PE was my favourite

Devyn-I liked learning about fraction this week

Ellie-Jai-The P3 assembly was great!

Michaela-Maths this week was fun

Robyn-Learning about the Egyptians and the songs was my favourite

Ethan-I liked the P3 assembly

Willow-Watching my brother in the assembly was great

Georgia-The Egyptian dances were awesome!

Lucy-The songs were great in the P3 assembly

Amelia-The costumes were fantastic

Mason-Assembly was good fun

Skye-The assembly was good fun

William-I like playing cops and robbers in outdoor PE

Reminder-Please select a parents’ night appointment time from our online system, thank you 🙂



It has been another fun filled week in P6A, here are some of our  highlights…


Catriona- I enjoyed going to the library because we got to take a book home.

Suvi- I liked learning about sex education because we learned about sexual reproduction.

Ranna- I enjoyed art this week because I enjoyed using paint in my work.

Denholm- I enjoyed Maths this week because it was challenging.

Connor- I enjoyed going to the library because we got explore our community.

Mia- I enjoyed Maths this week because we were learning about line graphs and pie charts.  I also enjoyed writing because I got to create my own story.

Jess- I enjoyed the spelling stations because I enjoyed spelling my words with shaving foam.

Miles- I enjoyed going to the library because I saw my dad.

Amy- I enjoyed the spelling stations because we got to use the new handwriting jotters.


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