Another great week!


We have been doing lots of short activities to help us identify nouns/pro nouns and verbs. Each time we practice we are getting better and better!

We continue to develop our ability to use a writing planner to help us structure our writing. This week we had to make notes in our letter writing planner then we used them to write a letter from Mary Queen of Scots to her mother. We are finding the planners really helpful.


Once again there’s been lots of hard work this week. We have been consolidating our knowledge of time and learning how to tell the time using 5 minute increments eg. 5 minutes past/to. We are beginning to get the hang of it. This week we have also been doing lots of activities to help develop our mental agility. Here are some pictures ……


This week we were focussing on friendship. We had a whole class discussion about what makes a good friend then we worked in groups to make a poster about what a good friend looks like.


In P.E. this week we were learning about the importance of playing safe. We played some games that helped us to identify when we are not being safe and then we worked together to make sure that when we are running at speed or changing direction quickly we do it in a controlled way.

Class Sun

Class Sun have been busy bees this week exploring letters and numbers. They have enjoyed using a variety of different sources to help them do this. We have been looking at letter and sound shapes and names as well as number shapes and names.
We also made playdough for our choose trays. It was great fun. We loved making lots of shapes with the cutters after we made it.
Adam our P7 buddy visited us this week and played games with us.

Here are our highlights from the week:

Hamish enjoyed making words with the a sound.

Katie made patterns with the chalk.

Zoe made lots of bead necklaces at the threading table.

Shea loved chalking words and writing on the whitboard.

Kai enjoyed playing games with Adam.

Erin has enjoyed making lots of books to share her stories with us.

Busy Week In Class Moon!

That is week 2 now finished and Class Moon has been working very hard.


In maths we have been learning about numbers and have been doing addition and subtraction. We were all very good at the peg addition activity.  We have also been having fun playing addition and subtraction games on Education city.


In Literacy we are started a story writing activity.  It is all about dragons! We all made our own dragon and they look fantastic.  Miss Garland is very excited to learn more about our dragons.


We have started our LAC activities and our focus is friendship and emotions.  Our emotion we have focussed on this week is happy and we have been looking at things which make us happy.  We have also been caring, playing and sharing with friends.


We are continuing to enjoy art with Mrs Thomson and PE with Mr Jeffries.  We have all been using our new behaviour system and we love collecting points.


School has started and we have been so busy. We have been doing all sorts of learning.
In Maths we are learning about number place value and also 2D shapes.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about our rights and the rights of all children. We looked at our right to clean water and learned how to make a water filter to clean water. We have also looked at our right to an education and will be using our new Behaviour System ‘School Champions’ to help us learn.

In Literacy, We are learning to write a letter to ask that all children, all over the world can get access to an education.

In science, we were learning about the properties of different things. Our favourite thing was ‘Oobleck’. It was sticky, smooth, hard and soft all at the same time!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 2/1 Blog

Hi everyone,


We have had an amazing week in Primary 2/1 having lots of fun and, most importantly, learning lots of new things!

In phonic P1 have been learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘c’.  We have been practising writing these sounds, listening to the sounds and had lots of fun making a mouth and a caterpillar.  We even got to hear the story of Clever Cat, we all really liked listening to the story.  The P2s have been completing active spelling jobs and have focused on the sounds ‘ng’ and ‘wh’. Our tricky words for P1 are I and the.  P2 tricky words are every and water.

In maths P1 have been working at numbers to 10, and some have even been challenging themselves to work with numbers to 20.  We are starting to work on number bonds to 10, using ten frames to help.  P2s have been looking at how numbers are formed (some even managed to complete tricky Hundred, ten and ones questions – well done P2).

We are really excited about all the new challenges next week!



(A note from Mrs Mansfield – please note that Indoor PE is on a Monday with Mr Jeffries, Outdoor PE is on  Friday with Mrs Mansfield)

What a quick week!

We have had a lovely week in Class Star.  We went back to our integration classes and started School Champions.


David – I enjoyed playing with the Primary 7’s at lunch time.  I liked playing dodge ball.

Yolie – I sat with the Primary 7’s at Assembly we learnt about the new Forth Road Bridge, it was fun.  I played a fun game at lunchtime with the Primary 6 and 7 boys and girls.

Cody – Going back to Windyknowe is the definition of fun, I think I might see Charlotte’s web with my Windyknowe P7 Class.

Cameron – going back to integration has been amazing.  So you’re all thinking have I been to two P.E slots true or false the answer is ………. It’s true :O I thought you were going to say false.

Jayden – I enjoyed doing aerodynamics in my integration class.  I have got 9 dojo points this week I feel happy.

In P7a we have been learning…

It was a busy week.We even had time for Cosmic Yoga on Monday.

We prepared the classroom for Meet the teacher on Wednesday. It was a great success.

We learned lots this week in all subjects. Here are out comments:-

We have been writing an imaginative story.The Title was ” The Key” and there were adventures with it!-Paul,Ross,Eva,Caitlin,Sam,Cole

We have been working on Problem Solving with Mrs Rodger

We were finishing our butterfly wings in Art this morning-Kate,Scott,Ty,Zoe,Samantha,Holly

We were working in teams today in PE. It was team dodge ball-Alanna,Lennox,Jack

We were using the Maths workbook this week.It was on subtraction. It was easy! -Naomi,Rhia, Dyllan

We worked on Maths sheets this week too-Abbie

We had a Spelling test this week.We liked doing that-Ciaran,Kirsten,Brooklyn,Sophie

We liked buddy time this week.We spent time in their P1 classrooms playing games-Tom,Liam

In French we were making posters about classroom items eg la gomme, la regle, le crayon-Rowan,Lucy

We had Cosmic Yoga on Monday instead of Outdoor PE as it was raining-Lucie, Jennie, Yasmin, Harvey


Have a super weekend,P7a

Look out for me on the news when I walk over the new bridge on Sunday afternoon!



What a busy week!

This week we’ve been very busy learning about all the class routines and when everything happens in our busy week!
In literacy we wrote birth announcements for Mary Queen of Scots. We did fancy writing to make it look special because she was very important.
We were learning numbers up to 1000 and how to count backwards in ones from different 3-digit numbers.
In Health and Wellbeing we thought about our individual talents and why they make us special.
Aaron – I am kind
Brooke – I am funny
Ellie-Rose –I am helpful
Jamie – I am friendly
Rory – I play with my friend and make them laugh all the time
Kyle – I make lots of different animal noises
Jay – I am nice to other people
Dylan – I am helpful
In maths with Mrs Collings we started learning about time and we played a game called Fling the teacher. We had to answer some questions about time – we enjoyed making the teacher fly from the trebuchet!

In Science we started learning about how things move and the forces that we use – pull and push.
Table of the week – Red with 420 points!
Pupil of the week – Shaun for focusing fully on all his tasks

Article 28 – the right to an education.

P1B news

Welcome to Primary 1B!

The class has had an amazing start to P1 and we have been very busy this week :-).  We have started learning our phonics and we have been practising the sounds m and ck.  We made super funky monkeys and cool cars this week.  Next week we will make slithering snakes and fantastic Pikachu’s for our s and p sounds.

We had P.E this week with Mr Jeffries and we learned how to make friends during our teamwork games.  On Thursday we had outdoor P.E and we had fun throwing and catching balls, skipping through hoops and balancing with the quoits.

We will be practising timing ourselves on our activity stations next week and we are looking forward to learning about 2D shapes and making our shape monsters during maths time.

Meet the Teacher

What a fantastic turnout for Meet the Teacher on Wednesday night! We can’t thank you enough for taking part and the interest shown in your child’s education. It was lovely to see so many parents and we hope you enjoyed it and found it to be a very worthwhile experience.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Balbardie PS event! Have a lovely weekend!

Clas Sun

This week Class Sun have enjoyed expolring a variety of Art materials. Mrs Thomson the Art teacheer also visited us for the first time. We have enjoyed using a variety of materials and our hands and fingers to paint.
We have started a beautiful outdoor scene as our first learning display with our our art work.

Hamish, Katie and Kai enjoyed making butterflies with paint handprints.

Zoe enjoyed making clouds with cotton woool.

Shea enjoyed making a rainbow fish with couloured tissue paper.

Erin enjoyed fingerpainting flowers.

We have learned lots about texture and colour this week and are looking forward to exploring these more!


This has been a busy second week in P3C. This is what we have been up to.



This week in math and numeracy we have been investigated Place Value.

Grace: I liked putting numbers into the right place.

Nina: I liked doing place value, especially the number talk outside.

Jess: I enjoyed outdoor number talk.

Isla: I liked the place value song.

Harris: I liked the units, tens, hundreds and thousands.

Eden: I liked the maths games.

Keegan: I liked the place value song.

Sophie S: I liked going outside for the place value challenge.



This week we have written about how Mrs Twit became so ugly, through her ugly thoughts. So we have written anti Twit poems with only good thoughts.

Harris: I liked doing the Anti Twit poem.

Isla: I liked the Anti Twit poem.

Eden: I liked writing the poem because we learned more.

Nina: I liked writing about Mrs Twit and Mr Twit.

Grace: I liked the unicorn part of my poem.

Sophie S: I liked the Unikitty and kittens part of my poem.



Grace: We have learned about our new behaviour system and famous Bathgate Bairns.

Isla: I enjoyed drawing the other half Sir James Young Simpson’s face.

Eden: I liked talking about the Catherine Hogg Blair in my home learning.

Archie: At PE when we were doing sports.

Sophie M: I liked doing the catching in outdoor PE.


Thank you all for working so hard this week.

Star Writer – Eden

Marble Champs – Rainbow Table


Mr C


This week in P5b we have been learning…..

We’ve been learning our times tables.  Callum & Lucy

We have been learning about Freedom! Nathan & Rose

We have been learning about Place Value up to thousands of millions! Maisey

We have been introduced to the new behaviour system School Champion.  Ela

We have been including capital letters and full stops in our writing.  Ben

We have learning how to multiply 4 digit number by 1.  Hope

We have been learning about a Growth Mindset.  Rayen

We have been finding out about our teachers.  Dani

We have been learning to include who, what, when and where in our sentences.  Ela

We have been learning how to draw portraits.  Ela

We have been learning to include punctuation in our writing.  Guy

We have been learning how to draw a face and put all the features on, the eyes go half way down the face.  Jaime-Lee.


Other news……

I went to NYC, Washington DC, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee during the summer.  Maisey

Emily had a wonderful time at Shambala and shared it with the class.  It sounded really fun and interesting.  Thank you for telling us about it.


Have a great weekend.




What a great week!

Pupil of the week – Nathan

Table of the week – Sharpeners

We have all really settled well into P4a and we are ready for a great first term. We have been discussing how a positive mindset influences how we learn and we will all try to keep a positive attitude towards our learning.


We have been learning about the life of Mary Queen of Scots and have used this as a focus for our writing this week. We used a writing planner to record the facts that we needed. We then used the planner to help structure a newspaper birth announcement.


We have been learning how to use loop cards to help with our recall of the times tables. We will record how long it takes us to complete the loop each time and gradually get quicker. We have all made a times table helper and are looking forward to some exciting games and activities in the coming weeks that will develop our understanding and recall of the times tables.


We are very lucky to have Mrs McKenzie to teach us in Health and Wellbeing. This week we were discussing what strengths we have and here are some of our comments ….

Ellis – I am friendly to others

Donna- I am an honest person

Brooke – I am a happy person

Ross- I am kind to others


In P.E. this week we were learning about teamwork. This is important in almost everything we do in school. We played the castles game and had to work together to stop people from knocking our castle down. We are also very excited that we now get to use the changing rooms and we are learning how to behave when we use them.

Thankyou to everyone who managed to come along to meet the teacher on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!!


Here are some highlights of our week:
Jack – I have had some nice days. Me and my mum made the same slime at home that we made at school
Sarah – We made goopy stuff in Science!
Elena – I have enjoyed our Spelling books
Luke – I want to work my hardest to get 3 points
Akasha – I like my Dojo monster. It is black and orange
Daniel – I liked making the goopy stuff at school
Hollie – I liked that I was STAR OF THE WEEK because I did excellent writing
Rheagan – I liked making the slime

Article 28: We have the right to an education


We have been learning about different animals and leaves in the rainforest. It was fun.  Demi

We were learning numbers in Spanish.  I think it’s fun to write down the different numbers and say them out loud.  Karys

I liked watching Brave Wilderness, learning all about Rainforest animals.  Olivia & Baillie

I enjoyed learning about money and making our board games.  Isla & James T

I liked outdoor P.E. because we played fun games.  Grace

I liked writing about the Snow Penguin because I used my imagination.  Ava

I liked learning about the four layers of the rainforest, I learned something new! Aidan.

I enjoyed Comprehension because I found out new things.  Eva

Thanks to everyone who came along to Meet the Teacher, and have a nice weekend!



Welcome Back Everyone!

Welcome Back Everyone! Class Moon has had a great first week back and we have all been getting to know each other. We had 2 birthdays this week and had a birthday party for them.  We enjoyed PE with Mr Jeffries and we had our first art lesson with Mrs Thompson which was great fun.  We made different characters.  Here is what Class Moon enjoyed this week:


Logan – I enjoyed playing in rainbow room.

Elliot – I enjoyed building our Minecraft Lego set.

Jake – I enjoyed my birthday party.

Gabriel – I enjoyed my drumming lesson with my integration class.

Charlie – I enjoyed my rainbow room birthday party.

Class Sun

Well it’s been a VERY busy week for Class Sun. We welcomed our new P1s to Balbardie and together we have had lots of fun getting to know them, each other, our new classroom and exporing the wider school.

Shea enjoyed digging in the sand and making sandcastles. He made super animal noises at storytime to help us with our animal story about the farm animals who got all mixed up.

Erin loved helping the new boys and girls learn songs and was great at showing them the actions. Thanks for helping us Erin.

Hamish explored the cars on the road mat. He had different sizes and types of cars and enjoyed telling the adults the different numbers and colours they were.

Kai took us all on an adventure with the trains. He was making the trains go up and down the track and bridge. We all knew the train was coming as Kai made the different train noises to tell us.

Zoe was busy rolling and cutting with the playdough. She enjoyed discovering all the shapes she could make and finding out how far she could roll it along the table.

Katie was intrigued by different places and ways she could measure herself around the school. Her favourite measuring place was the giraffe on the way to the office.

We are all looking forward to more exciting learning next week and look forward to sharing it with you!

First week back

In our first week back P7b has been working hard and has some news we would like to share with you.

In P7 we have additional responsibilities throughout the school.  For example, we are buddies to the new P1 pupils.  This is a big responsibility as we have to look after them and show them school procedures.  We have been collecting them before break each day and playing with them in the playground.

We have been given a care class to attend each morning and to assist in during wet breaks and lunches.  Some care class jobs include; helping the teacher set up for the day by cleaning the board, setting up paints, sharpening pencils, handing out jotters and supervising younger pupils. In addition, some people are Office P.As, tuckshop monitors and whiteboard monitors.

‘I really enjoyed meeting our new art teacher.  I enjoyed art because you don’t need to be good at art to do the task well.’- Jack

‘I have enjoyed this week so far and I am excited to see what the new school year brings.’- Fiona

‘I’m looking forward to Oban and the sleepover.’ -Luca

‘I really enjoyed the maths assessment because it’s getting back into the swing of things.’- Archie

I learned how to tie a tie in P.E.’- Noah

‘I enjoyed writing our short stories about a day in the summer holiday.’- Luca

Have a lovely weekend everyone 😉


Article 28- Right to an education

Class dojo winners- Luca and Noah 🙂

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