P3Cs highlights of the week.


Lily: I liked doing tally marks by watching the cars on the smart board

Sophie S: I enjoyed having to focus and take our time to watch the cars and get the tally marks correct

Sophie M: I liked doing the tally marks and seeing the cars go by

Jess: I liked doing partitioning

Nina: I liked doing the partitioning

Brandon: I like counting a number of tally marks we had

Grace: I had fun watching the marble video about Mrs Dawson

Archie: I enjoyed playing maths tig

Keegan: I liked maths

Marley: I liked the maths this week

Emily: I enjoyed doing partitioning



Eden: I liked writing about the Candy Unicorn

Sophie M: I liked writing about the unicorn

Sophie A: I liked writing about the Cotton Candy Unicorn

Emily: I enjoyed writing about the Rainbow Unicorn

Isla: My unicorn fact is that the Candy Unicorn has a rainbow phone

Sophie S: I enjoyed writing about my Rainbow Demon Unicorn

Kayden: I liked writing about unicorns

Jess: I enjoyed writing about the Mystical Unicorn

Grace: I liked listening to Nina and Harris the unicorn experts we interviewed

Harris: I enjoyed the Chrome Candy Unicorn

Marley: I writing about the unicorns mine was the Sam Unicorn



Luis, Kayden, Sophie M, Nina, Emily, Sophie S, Sophie A, Isla, Jess, Marley & Max: I liked the weather videos

Lily: I enjoyed watching the hurricane video and the tornado video


Tables Champions – Intelligent Table


Star Writer – Sophie Smith – The Princess Rainbow Demon Unicorn


Thank you for your hard work


Mr C


P3a are looking forward to learning lots of new things this term. Here are some of the things we are looking forward to:

Luke – I am looking forward to learning about new strategies in Maths. I am also looking forward to writing more stories.
Archie – I am looking forward to learning about hurricanes.
Artjom – I like using charcoal in Art with Mrs Thompson. I liked writing about “Lost in the maze” and I can’t wait to write more.
Elena – I am looking forward to seeing what we will be doing in PE next week. I am also looking forward to the Halloween Dress Down Day on Halloween.
Sarah – I am looking forward to learning more about the storms because it’s really interesting.
Daniel – I am really looking forward to learning about how hurricanes are made.
Teigan – I am looking forward to learning about more Maths.
Kyle – I am looking forward to Writing.
Hollie – I am looking forward to more stories in Writing and our hurricane projects.
Rheagan – I am looking forward to learning about new stories in Writing.
Akasha – I am looking forward to making my sheep in Art. It is going to be so cute.
Charlotte – I am excited to learn about all the different types of weathers in different places.
Rowan – I am excited to make a weather satellite.
Eva – I am excited to make our cakes for the Children in Need day on Monday and see who wins.


Another great week!


In our VCOP lesson this week we have been learning about different types of sentences. We learned about questions and statements and the difference between them. We have been discussing why we use VCOP and we all understand that it gives us the skills necessary to do our writing.

Tamsyn- V stands for vocabulary

Luke- C stands for connectives

Brooke- O is for openers

Cameron- P is for punctuation


This week we continue to develop our mental agility. We have been learning about the link between addition and subtraction. Here is an example 5+4=9 and this is the same as 9-4=5. We can add this to the strategies that we have for doing calculations.

We have been having lots of fun using money. We used coins – 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p and £1. We had to make a given amount using a certain amount of coins. It was quite tricky at first but was good fun when we got the hang of it! Here are some pictures…


This week with Mrs McKenzie we were learning about medicines. We learned about storing medicines safely at home, how they can help us and how they can be dangerous.


In P.E. this week we were learning about the different ways we can ‘travel’ when doing different sports. It’s important that we learn to travel safely especially when playing fast games that involve running or playing with a ball.

Have a great weekend!

Class Sun

Class Sun enjoyed their October Break and enh=joyed telling everying in class about the exting things they did.
We have been focussing on singing a variety of songs in different ways. We have been singing fast, slow, loud and quiet!

Zoe liked singing Five Little Ducks.
Hamish liked singing Wind the Bobbin uo loud.
Kai liked singin The Wheels on the Bus fast.

We have also been proactsing our listening skills and focussing on the words stop and go. Mrs McGonigal came in to help us with this and taught us some new tunnel and ball games.

Erin was very good at listening for the word o so she could crawl through the tunnel.
Shea focussed well and listened for his name during the ball games.

Another Literacy focus has been on ‘who’. We played the ‘Who’s in the Story Bag game’. This week there were lots of animals. Our favourite was the spiders. We made our own spiders and talked about ‘who’ they were.

Katie enjoyed making a spider called Spidy and then singing Incy Wincy with him.

We are looking forward to lots more exciting learning this term!


This week we finished our topic on Our Community. We worked as a team and made a town. The town had different types of shops and businesses, office blocks, a hospital, school, cinema and different types of houses. We discussed what was needed to make a town and then we designed a building for it. It looked really good – what do you think?

Orlaith: We built a town using cardboard boxes and paint. It was fun!
Fearne: We were learning about different buildings.
Grace M: Today we went to church and sang Harvest songs.
Sara: We’ve been learning how to design and paint different buildings.
Eilidh: We’ve been learning about giving instructions using forward, backwards, clockwise, anticlockwise, half turns, quarter turns and full turns.
Tiana: Golden time is fun.
Ava: My favourite thing was seeing the teacher smile!
Keira: My favourite part was when we got to draw a map of a town on paper.
Esther: My favourite thing was shared start because I got to show mum the floor grid.
Grace Q: I liked it when we went on our trip to spot houses.

Term 1 Reflection

Wow! What a quick and terrific term.  We have learned lots about the rainforest and taken on additional responsibilities throughout the school.  Here are some of our highlights from term 1:

‘I learned about rounding in numeracy.’- Steven

‘Meeting our P1 buddies.’ – Emma

‘I enjoyed going to care class in the mornings and during wet breaks and lunches.’ – Luca

‘I really enjoyed making the silhouette of Hogwarts to display in our new library.’ – Fiona

‘I enjoyed the storyteller (Daniel Alison).  He was awesome.’ – Archie

‘Getting a buddy and spending time with them.’ – Tobin

‘Meeting Callum from Cool Creatures.’ – Noah

‘Making a bird with Mrs Thompson with chalk pastels.’ – Harry

‘I enjoyed holding an armadillo.’ – Skye

‘I enjoyed petting the palm civet called Mango.’ – Stacey

‘I liked the chameleon in Cool Creatures.’ – Casey

‘I liked playing with my friends at Golden Time.’ – Gabriel

‘I enjoyed Mrs Knowle’s party.’ – Robyn

‘I enjoyed speaking at Church.’ – Gary

‘I liked going out at break time with buddies.’- Katie

‘I enjoyed inspirational maths week.’- Fiona

‘I enjoyed the coffee morning.’ –Aidan

‘In maths I enjoyed the counting on strategy to solve subtraction sums.’ – Harry

‘I enjoyed Mrs Little’s assembly. I liked the drums.’- Jack

Have a lovely October break everyone!

Miss Bollen and P7b



Have a Great Holiday!!!!

It has been a busy week this week in Class Moon.  We are really excited about our October holidays.  This week we have been finishing off our emotions book and they look fantastic.  Miss Garland is so happy with all the work and effort we have put in.  We have been counting in 2’s and 5’s in numeracy and have great fun playing the counting games and songs.  In literacy we have been learning our digraphs.  We all really enjoy the group work we do for this.  We have also been continuing with our following instructions through recipes and have had great fun making our different cakes.

Logan – I like cooking.  My favourite thing was the marshmallow m&m cakes.

Jake – I liked making top hats.

Elliot – I really enjoyed playing with K-9 and the Dalek.

2A highlights from the week

Carley: We are learning about castles and we are writing our assembly.


Ellis: I enjoyed Maths this week.


James: I enjoyed our singing assembly.


Ethan: I liked being at the church.


Amber: I enjoyed going to the church and singing songs. I also enjoyed PE.


Shannon: I enjoyed learning our song about castles.


Ada: I enjoyed learning my words for the assembly.


Aileigh: I enjoyed singing in church.


River: I enjoyed saying my lines for the assembly.


Jude: I enjoyed learning my lines.


Aaron: I enjoyed getting my new book; ‘Mamba and the Crocodile Bird.’


Max and Jack: I enjoyed play time and lunch time.


Many of us enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes.


Have a lovely holiday everyone.

Miss McKinnon


This has been our final week in Term 1. It has gone by super fast and we have had lots of fun learning tasks!

Our favourite moments of this week are:
Daniel – I liked when we wrote about a fire and I also liked when we were at Church today.
Kyle – My favourite moment was in P.E when we got the mats out and the cones to try and get across to the “Disneyland”.
Maddison – In P.E we had mats out and if you went onto the floor you had to start all over. We were trying to get to imaginary “Disneyland”.
Archie – I really liked when we did our harvest healthy snack packets. I also really liked when did the story about the fire and I liked going to the church.
Artjom – I liked how we made the houses with the Art teacher.
Elena – I liked when we went to the church and I saw my dad. I also really liked the songs that we did.
Sarah – I like P.E. We were playing “chaos tig” when everyone is it and whoever gets tigged, they have to sit and watch the person who tigged them. Once they sit down they are free.
Rowan – If you tig each other at the same time in “chaos tig” you have to play rock, paper, scissors to see who will sit down.
Luke – I liked P.E this week because we played a lot of teamwork games and I was partners with Akasha, Sam, Teigan and Rowan.
Akasha – I liked when I wrote my story and I also like Golden Time.
Hollie – I liked the story called “Fire!” and I am really glad today is Friday because it is a good day!

Our favourite moments in P3 so far are:
Elena – Everything!
Charlotte – I liked when we made clean water out of dirty water.
Daniel – I liked when we learned about what dissolves and what doesn’t dissolve.
Luke – I liked learning different strategies in Maths and all of our Maths. I also liked the Xcite workshop with Marie and Robyn.
Archie – I liked when do our spelling words.
Kyle – I liked when we did our spelling tests.
Artjom – I liked when we made our landscape pictures of our community. I also liked when we drew pictures with crayons and painted over it in black paint. Then we scratched the paint off to make new pictures.
Akasha – I liked when we did our houses in Art with the Art teacher. I also liked when we made our names when we were learning about our right to a name.
Lexi – I liked making the houses with Mrs Thomson.
Rosie – I liked when we our Harvest pictures.


We have had a busy first term and are looking forward to a well-deserved rest.

I have had an amazing first term in P5 – Teighan 

I really enjoyed all of the fun work we’ve done – Kiara 

I have really enjoyed Maths this term – William 

I really liked working on the Scottish Wars of Inpependence project – Alex 

I have enjoyed drama this term – Suvi 

I had fun in Art with Mrs Thomson – Ranna

I have really enjoyed P.E so far – James 

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the Freedom projects. They were all fantastic.

Enjoy the holiday!

P7a’s first term thoughts…

What a busy first term in Primary 7. We have worked regularly with our buddies. We have had 2 visits from the Maths dept at Bathgate Academy. We have loved learning about Amazonia and enjoyed Cool Creatures visiting our class and allowing us to see and hold the animals up very close- Amazing !

We have worked extremely hard in Literacy especially Creative Writing recognising a plan is a necessity and neat writing is always a must. We have written about A view from a window, A key , A rainforest experience and a letter of thanks to Callum from Cool Creatures.

Ty,Kirsten- We enjoyed The Maths Dept coming to teach us

Tom,Liam,Lucie,Harvey,Jennie,Zoe,Samantha- We enjoyed Bathgate Academy open evening

Sam- I ‘ve liked Creative Writing

Rowan- I’ve enjoyed Writing and being Star Writer

Abbie- I enjoyed being Pupil of the Week

Caitlin- I enjoyed meeting my P1 buddy and working with them

Lennox-I’ve enjoyed having the responsibility of being a House Captain and taking on lots of jobs

Brooklyn,Rhia- We are enjoying the responsibilities of P7

Dyllan,Kate- We enjoyed Cool Creatures being in our class.We loved handling them and watching them up close. It was great.

Holly,Alanna- We are  enjoying Art with Mrs Thomson from Bathgate Academy

Eva,Cole,Naomi-We are enjoying learning about Amazonia

Paul- I am enjoying having a P1 buddy

Jack-I like Problem Solving

Yasmin-I liked Amazonia the best


Good luck Yasmin in your new school


Harvey, Ciaran and Naomi

Pupil of the week


Secret Student



High 5 tigers

well done everyone

French phrase is bonne vacances(happy holidays)

happy holidays everyone-see you On Tuesday 24th October








Our Term 1 Highlights

Jess: I liked singing in church this morning

Eden: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies this term

Harris: I cannot wait until next term

Luis: I enjoyed PE with Mr Jefferies

Archie: I enjoyed being star writer

Kayden: I enjoyed learning about verbs

Max: I enjoyed doing golden time

Isla: I enjoyed doing place value

Liam: I enjoyed maths

Sophie M: I enjoyed writing this term

Brandon: I enjoyed feeling the materials to see what they were made of in science

Sophie A: I liked doing writing in my first week

Emily: I enjoyed learning how to do counting on

Sophie S: I enjoyed making Non-Newtonian liquid

Marley: I liked the songs in the church


You have all worked incredibly hard this term and I am very pleased with how well you have all done!

Marbles Champion – Intelligent Table

Star Writer –  Sophie M


Mr C

Our Highlights this term – Primary 2/1

What a wonderful first term we have had with lots of busy learning.  Here are our highlights:

Teigan – “I really like dance club in the morning”

Griffin – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE with Mrs Mansfield.  We played dragon tig and looked for spaces”

Regan – “I liked doing the minecraft yoga when it was rainy”

Rory – “I liked Church Service, the songs were good”

Cameron – “I have liked maths because I have been learning lots of new information about shapes”

Jayden – “I have challenged myself in maths learning about 2D and 3D shapes”

Millie – “I have enjoyed learning about Julia Donaldson”

Breaghannon – “I have liked PE.  The best bit is the ice cream race”

Emily – “I have enjoyed being a role model for the new P1s”

Lucy – “I like the church service.  I sang the songs and got to sit with my friends”

Leila – “I have really enjoyed doing yoga when it was too rainy for outdoor PE”

Poppy D – “I have liked when we have been describing.  I have added it to my writing”

Leah – “I liked going to the church.  I liked the music we were singing”

Sarah – “I like lots.  I liked the church”

Daniel – “I enjoy singing in music time”

Rio – “I have liked doing phonics because we get to create phonic crafts”

Brooke – “I like PE, the games are fun”

Aiden – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE – I liked learning new games”

Aaron – “I enjoy indoor PE.  My favourite is the racing games”

Mason – “I really like the ice cream cone race.  I give ice cream to everyone”


We are looking forward to our holiday week!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you for all your support this term.  I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing break, whatever you get up to!  Happy Holidays!)


Term 1 has come to an end and what a term it has been!

All of P2b have worked so hard and definitely deserve a well earned break.  Here are some of our highlights from this term.

We really enjoyed the story teller Daniel Allison who visited us this week.

We loved learning all about Castles and Dungeons as part of our Learning Across the Curriculum.

We had lots of fun making dragons, dragon blowers and castles with Mrs Thompson.

We enjoyed all the different activities in P.E with Mr Jeffries and enjoyed Yoga and outdoor games with Mrs Palmer.

We assessed our learning in maths yesterday on all the different concepts we learnt this term and we did really well and remembered lots!

In literacy we enjoyed reading more challenging books, learning about characters and settings and comparing stories.

We really enjoyed writing this term and have really worked hard on remembering finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.  Above this we have learned how to write a description, learned and wrote about different openers and learned how to write a menu for a banquet.

We cannot wait for what next term will bring and we hope everyone has a great holiday!

Football Festival

Football Festival

Pupils from primary 6 and 7 took part in the first  Bathgate Academy cluster football festival this week. All of the players gave their all and worked excellently as a team with Archie Strachan scoring some fantastic goals and Charlie Davidson keeping our defence secure. They ended up winning two out of their four games and narrowly losing the other two.  A big well done to all the players who played from Mr Cunningham and Mr Drysdale who were impressed with your commitment and team ethic throughout the festival.


Results: 1-0 Loss vs Windyknowe/ 2-0Win vs Boghall/ 2-1Win vs St Mary’s /2-1 Loss vs Simpsons


Our Highlights This Term

What a busy first term we’ve had! Here are some of our comments we’d like to share.

I enjoy doing stations in class. – Willow, Jess, Luke B.

Making Snuggly Snerds. – Daisy

The MacMillan Coffee Morning. – Georgia and Devyn

I like playing Shark Attack with Mr Jeffries and my friends in the gym. – Michaela, Luke M, Logan, Ruaridh, Ethan, William, Hollie, Michelle and Anna

Meeting my P7 buddy. – Bailey

Reading about Mr. Big with my group.  – Hannah

Making new friends in school. – Lois

I can say the months of the year. – Robyn

Playing tig at snack time. – Sofia


Happy holidays when they come and we look forward to more fun next term!


Harvest Celebration

We hope you can come to our Harvest Celebration on Friday, 13th October 2017.  We would love it if you could come as the House Captain Team have put a lot of work into this and so have the rest of the school, so it would be very nice if you could come.

It would be very much appreciated if you would donate some food (tins and packets of dried food) for charity.  Please note all food handed in will be donated to those less fortunate in Bathgate.

The service will start at 9.30am and lasts about 30 minutes, and will be held in Bathgate High Church.

Many regards

The House Captain Team

A close tongue keeps a safe head……

This morning we were lucky enough to enjoy two amazing stories from a Scottish storyteller, Daniel Allison.
The first story was called ‘A close tongue keeps a safe head’. It was a story from the island of Orkney about a strange visitor who had a blue cow. He met a ferryman called Tam and asked Tam to take him to an island out east, ‘east of Stronsay’. Tam took the man and when they got there, they found the fin folk. But the man wouldn’t let the mermaids take Tam and they turned on Tam, hissing at him. He was magicked back to the island of Sandy, near to Orkney where he told many people about the fin folk that he had met but noone believed him. The second time he met the man, the man realised that Tam could see him through the magic of the fin folk and blinded him so that he would never see again! He then took Tam down to the Fin world, under the sea, where he was able to see all the fin folk and enjoy living in their land.

We really enjoyed meeting Daniel and listening to his stories.

Table of the week – announced on Friday!

1a – Always Active!

How? Well, we are always learning in active, fun ways. We have been active in learning our sounds, jumping hoops to sound out and spell some words, like pat, pan, pack. We have been active in our maths, building and making patterns. We are learning how patterns can use shape, colour or both together to challenge us. We’ve kept our bodies active too with PE in the gym hall with Mr Jeffries. The bubble game and tunnel tig are favourites with many of us. Did you know we have also been active in trying Cosmic Yoga meeting Popcorn and some pirates! Do you know what kind of animal Popcorn is?

We’d like to say thank you to all the family members who managed to come along and visit us in class last week during our Shared Start session. It was lovely to be tour guides in our classroom and we look forward to welcoming you along again soon.

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