Short but busy!


It’s been another very short but busy week.

On Thursday we went for our swimming assessment at Bathgate xcite. We had to swim two lengths of the teaching pool using front crawl and back crawl. Lexi and Luke had to do butterfly and breaststroke too!

In science we are learning about how much water plants need and have set up an experiment to test this. We have 8 basil plants in the classroom which are receiving different amounts of water. We are observing the plants to see what happens to them with their different watering. We have one plant which is not receiving any water. This is the control plant. We need to see what will happen if we don’t water the plant at all.

With Mrs Mackenzie we made a map of Scotland to learn about the climate. We have a temperate climate in Scotland which means that we have cold and wet weather in the winter and we (sometimes) have nice sunny, hot days in the summer.

In PE we learnt close catching and then used these skills to play caterpillar cricket where everyone in the team runs to score points when the batsman hits the ball.

In Maths we have been learning about Area. When we measure the area, we measure in cm². The area of something is how much flat space it takes up. We found counting whole squares for area quite easy so our next challenge will be to look at shapes with half squares and even rounded shapes.

Table of the week: with 450


We’ve had a short but busy week in P3A. Here are some of our highlights:

Amber: I enjoyed topic because it was about farming and I like learning about farming.

Ada: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about the farm and I learned a lot of new things.

Breaghannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it was really funny.

Ellis: I enjoyed the assembly because it was about Africa.

Ellie: I enjoyed the assembly because I really liked the dancing at the end.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because we were learning subtraction facts to 20.

Millie: I enjoyed the assembly because I learned a lot of new things.

Carley: I enjoyed the P2’s assembly because their last song was my favourite song and I was dancing to it.

Mac: I enjoyed assembly because there were lots of animals.

River: I enjoyed the assembly. I thought Willow did a very good job with her line.

Jude: I enjoyed learning about our new topic because I learned a new fact. The fact was that milk is heated to clean it.

TJ: I enjoyed assembly.

Holly: I enjoyed the assembly because the last song was my favourite and I was singing and dancing.

Shannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it had my favourite song in it.

Scott B: I enjoyed assembly because I learned a new fact.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the assembly because my cousin was dressed up as a monkey.

Aaron: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about farming.

Megan: I enjoyed assembly.

Leila: I enjoyed P2’s assembly because my best friend that lives next door to me was dressed as an alligator.

James: I liked it when we played ‘Around the world’.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.



Literacy – We have been learning about similes. We used these to create poems about the ocean to link with our topic, Friends of the Planet.

Numeracy – We are finishing off our fractions work, and this week we started learning about 2D shapes and parallel lines. We have also worked on our mental maths skills.

LAC – We are learning about the plastic problem in our oceans. We looked at different pictures from WWF and discussed how the plastic problem made us feel and what questions we had about it. We also worked with our learning partner to create an invention that would help keep our playgrounds free of litter. We came up with lots of amazing ideas!

Here are our favourite parts:

Donna – I enjoyed the invention challenge.

Erin – I liked creating my invention with Mia.

Ellis – I enjoyed P.E.

Evan – P.E. was fun.

Katie – The invention task was really good.

Murray – P.E. was good.

Blaire – I enjoyed the invention task.

Ammie-Leigh – I liked finishing fractions and moving on to 2D shapes.

Gabriel – I enjoyed castles in P.E.

Ross – Castles was fun.

Samuel – I liked creating an invention with Gabriel.

Brooke – My favourite bit was designing our invention for cleaning our playground.

Maisie – I really liked learning about similes and making the poem.

Alexander – Castles was fun.


We had an amazing time this week, here are some of our highlights.

Robert: I enjoyed show practice this week because I am doing props.

Alfie: I liked support for learning.

Murray: I liked my maths assessment.

Sophia:I liked square and triangular numbers in maths.

Denholm: I really enjoyed P.E this week because it was really fun!

Teighan: I really enjoyed Spanish with Mrs Lawson.

Catriona: I enjoyed cross  country.

Ranna: I thoroughly enjoyed practicing for the show with Mr Erskine

Suvi: I liked doing our assessment.

Euan: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because it was wet and very rainy!

Connor: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because it was raining.

Mia: I liked hanging out with the nursery kids because it was fun!

Have a great weekend from P6A!


P2A have had a busy week! We have been practising really hard for our assembly and we thought it was great! We all worked very hard and all the teachers were super proud of our hard work-well done everyone in P2A, P2B and 2/1.

Our highlights of the week have been…

Kieran-I enjoyed practising the dance at the assembly

Ethan-I liked WACA WACA Dance

Daniel-I liked the whole assembly

Willow-I liked reading my reading book

Mason-I liked dancing

Grace-Learning Waca Waca dance was great fun!

Michaela-Assembly practise was great fun!

Tommy-Tue Tue was good to learn

Brooke-The whole assembly was super

William-I liked my Mum and Dad seeing me at the assembly

Aiden-I liked the assembly

Robyn-I liked everything about the assembly

Logan-I loved getting a biscuit and juice

Ellie-I liked being a musician

Devyn-I liked practising my speaking part

Amelia-All the assembly was my highlight

Lucy-Speaking first was good fun

Bailey-Being a musician was great

Georgia-I like having snack after break



We have had a busy but short week in P4B.  Here are our best bits:

Sophie M and Lacey enjoyed doing the spelling test.

We went for a swimming assessment at Xcite.  Freya, Archie, Brandon, Luis, Eilidh, Tiana, Sophie A, Ava, Lily, Keira, Esther, Fearne, Joseph, Max and Evie all think this was the best part of the week!

Liam: I liked maths.

Grace Marshall and Marley both agreed that the wonderful assembly by P2 and P2/1 was the highlight of their week.

Dionne enjoyed playing maths bingo because she was really close to winning.

Grace Mackinnon just loves being in school and can’t pick a favourite part!

Have a lovely weekend.

Multisports and more!

This week we learnt a new strategy to combine remainders and the bus stop strategy. This helps us work out division with remainders left over.  This is really helpful for us to work out our calculations.

In writing, we wrote our own magic box poems, using Kit Wright’s poem as a framework.

We were able to let our imaginations run wild! We are making a book of them to show our P5 teacher. Mrs Collings was very impressed with how we could make things interesting and exciting. In our poetry we also focused on creating modern similes. Mrs Collings’ favourite was busy as a teacher!

On Tuesday we went to Bathgate xcite for a fabulous day of sports run by Sky. We had a great time playing against other local schools and experiencing loads of new sports. We hope you saw our tweets about the day on the Balbardie Twitter feed. It was a fabulous day!

In French we are learning the numbers to 50, using our favourite French singer – Alain de Lait – and his reggae worms. Check them out here…..

We are very proud of Artjom who competed in a Scottish Gymnastics competition at the weekend in vault and floor. Are the Olympics in 2028 beckoning……??

Table of the week – with 510 points

Primary 5b took part in The Multi Sports Festival

Tuesday was an exciting day for Primary 5b. They were going straight away to the sports Centre to take part in a multi sports festival with Primary 5a, Primary 4a and Primary 4b.

Everyone was dressed sporty and had their packed lunch as the festival did not finish till 2.30pm.

There were 6 different activities ranging from Basketball skills to Dance.

Every group had a leader from SKY and a staff member from Balbardie.

It was a noisy hall that Primary 5b and the other classes joined at 9.30am. The excitement was definitely building.

The team names were- Blues Baboons, Red Cheetahs and Black Panthers.

they had to have a little chant aswell-that was funny !

It was a super day…

Comments ranged from ok, fine, excellent, awesome, magic, amazing, fun, tiring, good, the best and even brilliant…

The best part of the day was one of  the Primary 4 teams won the biggest cup for their TEAM SPIRIT.

They were so excited to win it. Everyone gave them a loud cheer and applause.


Good luck, Brooke in your new school.We’ll miss you.

See you all Wednesday 🙂


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Shannon: I enjoyed assembly because we were talking about the Bathgate castle.

Ellis: I enjoyed guided reading.

Ada: I enjoyed assembly because one of my friends Devon was dressed up.

Holly: I’m enjoying my birthday because everyone’s saying happy birthday and I got a new bracelet with an H on it.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because it was fun.

Ellie and TJ: I enjoyed assembly because we were learning about the Bathgate castle.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths.

Jude: I enjoyed doing Science because we were learning more about materials.

Amber: I enjoyed Science.

Jack: I enjoyed maths because I got all my work done.

Aaron: I enjoyed Science because it was very interesting.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the assembly about our procession because I learned a bit more about the castle in Bathgate.

Have a lovely holiday everyone!



We had a great week and were very lucky to get to go to the Sky Sports Festival in Bathgate! We had a fantastic time and got the opportunity to play lots of different sports. Here are some of our other highlights this week:

Erin – I really enjoyed the Sports Festival.

Blaire – I enjoyed Art with Mr Bennett.

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed the reading comprehension about the Amazon River.

Gabriel: My favourite was Dodgeball at the Sports Festival.

Murray: I liked the football at the Sports Festival.

Ruby: I enjoyed fractions work.

Ellis: Mental maths was really good this week.

Evan: Football at sports festival was my favourite.

Niamh: I enjoyed the fractions work this week.

Donna: P.E was fun as we got to play castles.

Mia: I liked all of the fractions work.

Zara: I enjoyed designing my float poster.

Jodie: I enjoyed playing football at the sports festival.

Katie: I liked everything except fractions!

Ross: I enjoyed mental maths.

Luke: Football at the sports festival was my favourite bit.

Brooke: I really enjoyed the football at the sports festival.

Tamsyn: I really liked fractions this week because I like doing times table work.

Have a great long weekend!



We have been busy practising our P2 Assembly on Africa and are looking forward to showing our parents/carers on the 10th of May.

We have been learning about some African animals and are very excited for our class assembly.

Our highlights are…

Willow-practising my reading

Devyn-I liked writing my review jotter targets this week

Daniel-I liked learning my speaking part

Tommy-I liked practising my mental maths

Grace-I liked practising my assembly

Aiden-I enjoyed assembly practise this week

Bailey-I enjoyed practising the Djembe drums

Brooke-I liked learning my words

Ethan-Practising our dance was fun

Lucy-I enjoyed setting my targets

Georgia-Getting better at PE

Mason-Adding my sums

Robyn-Maths was my highlight

Have a lovely holiday weekend!



A short but busy week in P6A, here are some of our highlights…

Denholm- I liked Spanish this week because we learned how to count to 20.

Hannah- I liked drawing the posters for the float.

Kiara- I enjoyed rehearsing my lines for the school show.

Connor- I enjoyed playing rounders in outdoor P.E.

Skye- I enjoyed practicing for the show.

Dhivya- I enjoyed the practice for the show  and I’m going to miss everyone because I’m leaving today.

Joshua- I enjoyed rounders.

Ranna- I thoroughly enjoyed Maths this week because it was really challenging.

Mia- I enjoyed Maths and spelling this week because it was fun.

Suvi- I enjoyed handball with Mr Jeffries this week.

We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!


Good luck to Dhivya on her move to India with her family 🙂



Primary 2’s assembly practise is going well and the children are enjoying their rehearsal times as you can see from our “best bits”. We are looking forward to the performance on May 10th.

We have been working hard on learning more about Africa this week and the class designed beautiful Ndebele tribal huts which are displayed on the classroom wall.

We have also been following the progress of a baby hippo named Fiona who lives in Cincinnati Zoo, the children were very excited to see Fiona starting to walk and learning to swim.


Here are our best bits of this week:

Hope – Fiona and being Big Star

Kai – Fiona

Daisy – Fiona and our assembly practise

Hollie – Fiona and assembly practise

Jack B – Assembly practise

Ethan – Fiona and assembly practise

Oliver – Fiona

Mikolaj – Fiona and assembly

Thomas – Fiona and our Ndebele Houses and designs

Murray – Fiona

Jack C – Fiona and assembly practise

Sofia – Assembly practise, Ndebele huts, Africa tribal art and Fiona the hippo and being Little Star.

Hannah – I liked Fiona the hippo because she was so small and cute and in episode 3 she actually swam and I liked it.

Anna – My favourite is when we did the Ndebele house and African colouring.

Sophie – I liked when Fiona swims and being Little Star.

Ruby – I liked Fiona and being Little Star and our assembly practise.

Ben – My favourite thing is when I got all my green stickers and when we watched Fiona and she was learning to walk.

Lois – Fiona

Wonderful weather!

We came back to school with wonderful weather and we have enjoyed being outside for PE and science this week.

With Mrs Mackenzie, we have been finishing our cool in school work, making cool cards so that we can recognise when someone has made the right choices about their behaviour.

In Numeracy, we learnt the ‘bus stop’ strategy for dividing bigger numbers when we have run out of fingers and toes! It is quite tricky but we are all getting the hang of it.

In Writing we wrote poems to celebrate ‘Earth Day’ which is on the 22nd April every year. We started learning about how poets and authors use similes to describe things comparing them to other objects. We wrote our own similes and then started describing a tree using similes too.

In PE we have started learning some basic cricket skills. We practised catching and throwing and bowling at a target.

In Science, we started learning about what plants need and found areas in the playground where plants are growing well and where they are struggling to grow. We took photos and will be thinking more about their conditions and why they grow the way they do.

Rowan read us the first chapter of her new book – A Hidden Cove, a witch’s tale. We are all looking forward to chapter 2!

Sarah has learnt to ride her bike without stabilisers.

Archie got a clear round in horseriding and won a rosette.

Kyle won a gold medal at Taekwando.

Elena and Teigan are looking forward to their next dance show.

Teigan was awarded a medal at ballet.

Artjom is competing in a gymnastics competition on Sunday. Good luck!

Table of the week – with 470


This week P2 began practising for their ‘Africa’ assembly; lines have been sent home to be practised. Songs include: Down In The Jungle, Tuwe Tuwe and Waka Waka. The children seem to be enjoying the assembly already!

Also as part of the new Africa topic, P2B made beautiful sunset safari silhouettes, which resulted in some messy hands and faces but lovely artwork for the wall.

In numeracy we have began a probability unit which the students are quickly picking up. We will continue to work on this next week.


Here are our best bits from the first week back:

Oliver – Practising for the assembly, I say a line.

Jack B – Getting to do the sunsets.

Ethan – Sunsets

Hollie – Assembly. I’m a flamingo with Georgia.

Hannah – Practising the assembly, I’m an archaeologist.

Thomas – Doing the last song for the assembly, the fast one.

Jack C – Assembly practise and the sunset

Daisy – Practising the assembly

Anna – Doing our pictures and the assembly.

Lois – Practising our assembly

Ruby – The sunsets

Mikolaj – The practise and the sunsets

Kai – The assembly

Sophie – Assembly because I get to speak and the chalk pictures.

Sofia – Practising the assembly and the sunset safaris.

Ben – Doing the dances from Africa. I’m a musician.

Hope – Mine is doing the pictures for art and assembly.


Our highlights from the week:

Shannon: I enjoyed Art because we were making a cartouche.

Ellie: I enjoyed Art because we were making our very own cartouches.

Alex: I enjoyed Art because we were making our own cartouches with our names on it by using pictures.

Amber: I enjoyed Art because we got to make cartouches and I think that they look nice.

Jude: I enjoyed doing our textbook work today because I am on page 14.

Megan: I enjoyed Art.

Ada: I enjoyed Art because it was a new challenge.

Leila: I enjoyed Art because we were making our own cartouches. It was challenging for me because I needed to draw two lions.

Jack: I enjoyed Art because we were making our own cartouches. I also enjoyed maths because we are working on our textbooks and I am nearly on page 14.

Ellis: I enjoyed Art because we were making cartouches for our Ancient Egyptian topic.

Holly: I enjoyed Art because it was really fun and we got to make our cartouches. I got to colour mine pink and purple, my favourite colours.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths because I am finished page 16. I also enjoyed making cartouches.

River: I enjoyed Art because we were making cartouches. I thought it was challenging.

Carley: I enjoyed Art because we were making cartouches. I wrote my name on it.

Max: I enjoyed Art because I thought cartouches were very interesting to learn about. I liked the way that Ancient Egyptians used to write.

James: I enjoyed going outside and picking up all the litter.

Millie: I enjoyed Art because we got to make cartouches and we wrote our names in hieroglyphs.

Scott R: I enjoyed it when we went outside to pick up litter.

Aaron: I enjoyed Art because we were making cartouches and we got to write our names in hieroglyphs.

Teigan: I enjoyed maths.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


P5b- The Victorians

We learned lots during our Victorian Learning across the Curriculum. We heard many interesting talks and looked at super models. We had a fantastic excursion to New Lanark where we saw so much about Robert Owen and life in a very modern factory because of his outlook on life for his workers. We ended our Victorian Learning by taking part in a Victorian day. It was fun but scary at the same time:

Here are our comments:

Holly- The best part was my talk on The Telephone

Brandon- The best part was being dressed up on our Victorian morning

Aaron- The best part was my talk on the prison

Brooke- My best part was the Victorian day when Mrs Aitken called us by our second names.I was Smith

Lewis,Kyle,Alfie,Jamie,Eva-Our best part was going to New Lanark

Max- I did my talk on the sewage system

Dylan,Jay- We liked all of it

Alistair,Shaun,Ellie Rose,Rory,Ruby- The best part for us was the Victorian day

Charlotte-My talk was about Victorian children

Kaycee-I liked the Victorian day when I was moved up the back of the room

Aaran- I liked the Victorian day when Mrs Aitken called our second names- that was really funny!

Olivia- I liked my talk on The Forth Rail Bridge

Jackie-My talk was the Victorian era of Transportation

Annie- I liked listening to everyone’s talks

Owen- I enjoyed my talk on Victorian steam trains

Florence- I liked my talk on Sir James Young Simpson

Alfie L. – I liked my talk on the Victorian era





We have had a great first week back at school! For literacy this week we have been focusing on writing a recount of our Easter Holidays. We did a lot of tasks focusing on time connectives and writing in the past tense. We enjoyed sharing all of the fun things we did during the holiday. For maths we are continuing to look at fractions and mental maths. We have also started our new topic, Friends of the Planet. We talked about Earth Day, which was on Monday, and we each made three commitments to helping our planet. We committed to things like recycling more, building bug hotels in our back gardens and helping to pick up litter more often. The whole school is now helping to pick up litter after break and lunch time and our playground is looking much tidier! Here are some of our highlights:

Donna: I enjoyed learning new tennis skills.

Zara: I liked outdoor P.E.

Brooke: I enjoyed creating the poster.

Ellis: I liked the fractions work.

Lucas K: Maths was good this week.

Luke: I enjoyed P.E.

Gabriel: Football was really good.

Katie: The team spirit lesson was great.

Niamh: I enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Mia: I enjoyed writing my recount.

Shelbi: I enjoyed going to the farm yesterday

Samuel: I liked the Easter recount.

Murray: I really enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Jodie: The team spirit lesson was fun.

Evan: I liked the topic lessons.

Maisie: I enjoyed maths this week.

Lily: I really liked writing my Easter holiday recount.

Ross: I enjoyed football in P.E.

Erin: I enjoyed creating a poster for the procession.

Tamsyn: I really like the team spirit lesson.

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed being back at school!

Note: Bathgate Sports Festival on Tuesday – remember to wear outdoor P.E. kit and bring snack, water and lunch.


Have a lovely weekend.

Class Star’s Challenge

We are glad to be back to school to see everyone this week. We hope the holidays gave everyone the chance to relax and recharge ready for our last term this school session. Class Star were very excited for our STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) challenge to build the tallest tower possible from spaghetti and marshmallows. We watched some video clips for inspiration and then set about building our own designs. We thought about the shapes we could use and how to improve the strength of our structures. Finally, we tested our creative designs by balancing an item on our towers. We wondered…Did the quick cook spaghetti make a difference? Did the colour of the marshmallows make a difference? Would bigger marshmallows have built taller towers?  Do cold or warm hands change how well you can build?

What do you think of our results? Could you give this a go at home?

Primary 5b wish everyone a Happy Easter !

Here are their comments:

Eva-I am looking forward to chocolate for Breakfast on Easter Sunday

Brandon- I am looking forward to getting my puppy

Rory, Lewis, Olivia and Aaran- We are all looking forward to going on holiday to Portugal !!

Holly-I am looking forward to visiting my granny and granda in England

Brooke- I am looking forward to playing with my friends

Shaun- I am looking forward to Easter

Ellie Rose- I am looking forward to going to my caravan in St Andrews

Max- I am looking forward to staying in Elie( near Anstruther)’s alot of fun

Aaron- I am looking forward to eating chocolate

Dylan- I am looking forward to my birthday on 20th April

Kyle- I am looking forward to visiting the zoo

Owen – I am looking forward to Kyle visiting me

Bryce- I am looking forward to being off school

Jamie- I am looking forward to going to this inflatable place in Livingston

Ellie- I am looking forward to visiting my dad

Alistair- I am looking forward to long lies in bed

Alfie L.- I am looking forward to going to my dad’s

Annie- I am looking forward to Easter

Florence- I am going to Dumfries and Galloway-that will be fun

Liam-I am looking forward to long lies..Mrs Aitken agreed !

Jackie-I am looking forward to my holiday in Turkey

Jay- I am looking forward to seeing my mum

Orla-I am looking forward to going to Harry Potter world with my mum

Happy Easter everyone

See you in two weeks

Well done to all our Balbardie Champions this term who received their certificate today 🙂

Well done also to the Easter egg design winners-Brandon, Alfie B., Brooke, Florence and Ruby

And finally the winning table for this week were- Lewis, Rory, Shaun, Holly, Ellie Rose and Max

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