P5b- The Victorians

We learned lots during our Victorian Learning across the Curriculum. We heard many interesting talks and looked at super models. We had a fantastic excursion to New Lanark where we saw so much about Robert Owen and life in a very modern factory because of his outlook on life for his workers. We ended our Victorian Learning by taking part in a Victorian day. It was fun but scary at the same time:

Here are our comments:

Holly- The best part was my talk on The Telephone

Brandon- The best part was being dressed up on our Victorian morning

Aaron- The best part was my talk on the prison

Brooke- My best part was the Victorian day when Mrs Aitken called us by our second names.I was Smith

Lewis,Kyle,Alfie,Jamie,Eva-Our best part was going to New Lanark

Max- I did my talk on the sewage system

Dylan,Jay- We liked all of it

Alistair,Shaun,Ellie Rose,Rory,Ruby- The best part for us was the Victorian day

Charlotte-My talk was about Victorian children

Kaycee-I liked the Victorian day when I was moved up the back of the room

Aaran- I liked the Victorian day when Mrs Aitken called our second names- that was really funny!

Olivia- I liked my talk on The Forth Rail Bridge

Jackie-My talk was the Victorian era of Transportation

Annie- I liked listening to everyone’s talks

Owen- I enjoyed my talk on Victorian steam trains

Florence- I liked my talk on Sir James Young Simpson

Alfie L. – I liked my talk on the Victorian era




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