We’ve had a short but busy week in P3A. Here are some of our highlights:

Amber: I enjoyed topic because it was about farming and I like learning about farming.

Ada: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about the farm and I learned a lot of new things.

Breaghannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it was really funny.

Ellis: I enjoyed the assembly because it was about Africa.

Ellie: I enjoyed the assembly because I really liked the dancing at the end.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because we were learning subtraction facts to 20.

Millie: I enjoyed the assembly because I learned a lot of new things.

Carley: I enjoyed the P2’s assembly because their last song was my favourite song and I was dancing to it.

Mac: I enjoyed assembly because there were lots of animals.

River: I enjoyed the assembly. I thought Willow did a very good job with her line.

Jude: I enjoyed learning about our new topic because I learned a new fact. The fact was that milk is heated to clean it.

TJ: I enjoyed assembly.

Holly: I enjoyed the assembly because the last song was my favourite and I was singing and dancing.

Shannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it had my favourite song in it.

Scott B: I enjoyed assembly because I learned a new fact.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the assembly because my cousin was dressed up as a monkey.

Aaron: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about farming.

Megan: I enjoyed assembly.

Leila: I enjoyed P2’s assembly because my best friend that lives next door to me was dressed as an alligator.

James: I liked it when we played ‘Around the world’.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


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