Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 13.11.17

This week has been anti-bullying week and we have been learning about strategies to help us if we are getting bullied or see someone who is being bullied.  Here are some of the things we have learned:

Cameron – “Be a buddy to people if you see someone playing by themselves”

Rio – “If someone is getting bullied you should tell a teacher or an adult you can trust”

Rory – “If someone is being bullied it is unkind to leave them on their own”

Lucy – “We watched McGruff and learned about ‘being a buddy'”

Breaghannon – “Bullying is not kind, we need to ask for help”

Aiden – “Stop! Talk! Walk!   Stop listening, talk to someone, walk away from the bully”

Brooke – “If you are being bullied tell a grown up”

Ellie – “Don’t let people bully you, talk to someone – they will help”

Poppy F – “If someone is hurt you should help them up and be a friend”

Teigan – “Be a buddy by being someone’s friend”

Aaron – “Be a nice person and say nice things”

Millie – “Don’t be mean to hurt others”

Emily – “Be a helpful buddy and care about others”

Poppy D – “If someone is being bullied you can tell them to talk to a teacher and walk away from the bully”

Mason – “Stop! Talk! Walk!”

Sarah – “If someone hurts you at school, tell the teacher”

Daniel – “It is important to share with others”

Leila – “If someone is being bullied you should never join in with the bully, you should stick up for the other person”

Leah – “Don’t be a bully!”

Griffin – “Always be nice”

Regan – “If someone is being bullied, be nice to the person because it will make them feel better”




Primary 2/1


This week’s highlights in P3C


Jess: I liked when we can go back to a strategy that we might have forgotten to help us

Sophie M: I liked learning about 3D and 2D shapes

Marley: I liked doing compensating

Grace: I liked learning that you can add one if the number ends in 9 and then take it away at the end

Eden: I liked doing compensating because it is really fun

Nina: I liked doing compensating you can compensate by 1, 8 or 9

Brandon: I liked counting on



Luis: I liked doing my report about machines

Sophie A: I liked doing our group talks about bullying

Sophie M: I enjoyed the story teller

Marley: I liked the storyteller because he was the best

Harris: I liked learning about openers connective and wow words

Emily: I liked writing our reports about machines

Kayden: I liked hearing about Mr Cunningham’s machine

Eden: I liked writing a report with connectives

Lily: I liked writing about the Christmas House Decorator

Nina: I liked spelling this week

Grace: I enjoyed coming up with my own idea for my machine. My machine was called the Clever Making Machine it makes you clever

Jess: I liked doing spelling this week because I was doing ‘sc’ words

Max: I liked writing this week



Sophie S: I liked decorating our floats with the theme Toy Story

Lily, Sophie M, Kayden, Sophie A & Marley: I liked Pudsey day so far

Eden & Keegan: I liked water painting the waves

Grace: I enjoyed getting to dress up like Pudsey or Blush because we were raising money for Children In Need

Isla: I enjoyed doing the float sheet today

Emily: I liked doing the Toy Story float because I liked Toy Story

Brandon: I enjoyed Star Writer this week

Luis: I liked decorating the float


Thank you for all your hard work.

Mr C


Marbles Champions – Intelligent Table

Star Writer – Nina for her report on the Cake Making Machine


Class Sun

Class Sun enjoyed telling stories to each other this week following the storyteller visit.
Kai and Hamish enjoyed sharing the Bear Hunt, while Zoe enjoyed the Hungry Caterpillar.

Katie and Erin were enthusiastic about sharing the Gruffalo with us and describing him to us all.
Shea laughed at the aliens who loves underpants.

Aliens was our writing focus this week. We used salt dough to make our oen aliens and then told our friends all about them.
Thus was fun!


This week has been another busy week in P2b, here is what we have been learning about…

Marcus- I enjoyed adding facts to 15.

Reiss- We learned what to do if someone was bullying us.

Evie- I enjoyed instruction writing this week and writing how to build a snowman.

Maksim- I have enjoyed learning money in maths.

Caitlin- I have enjoyed learning the blend ‘lm’ in phonics.

Hamish- I enjoyed working on coin recognition and learning about anti-bullying week.

Zara- I enjoyed the assembly about Children in Need.

Other news

Dojo winner- Emma.

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles.

Star writers- Kaiden, Maksim, Evie, Ava, Josh, Gracie and Caitlin.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Football Festival

The school football team took part in the second cluster festival on Wednesday evening at Creamery Park and continued their good form of festival 1.

In what were slippery and wet conditions the team played some very good football. With Murray and Charlie defending excellently and Jack and Callum showing good touches in midfield. Balbardie managed two victories and two narrow losses which leaves them near the top of the table going into festival 3 in March. Again a big thank you to all the players for their continued dedication to training and in games which is starting to show, and to Mr Drysdale who has been a massive help to having school football at Balbardie.

Balbardie vs Boghall: W – 2-0

Balbardie vs St Mary’s: L 0-1

Simpson vs Balbardie: W 3-1

Windyknowe vs Balbardie: L 1-0

Balbardie Shoots and Scores – first interschool netball tournament!

The P7 children took to the court for the first time this season against tough opposition from Boghall, Simpsons and St Mary’s. Despite their relative inexperience, the children all played really well with Rowan and Naomi finding the net with ease and Lewis and Jennie providing excellent feeding into the circle. Katie, Emma and Lucie defended valiantly against (often) enormous opposition and fought hard for every ball, especially rebounds. We came third overall but will be back for more in February, with increased awareness of the rules and how the game is played.
Any additional players are welcome to attend training on a Wednesday evening from 3.30 – 4.30. Please see Mr Cunnigham for a letter if Mrs Collings isn’t in school.

Children in Need

You can help raise awareness and funds for Children in Need this week by wearing something spotty or dressing down this Friday 17th November and making a donation. Some Pudsey and Blush ears have already been spotted in school and P3a and Mrs Harrison are very busy rehearsing for their class assembly on Thursday to tell us more.

Primary 1a – News and Views

Hello there! Or we could say ‘Ola’, ‘Bonjour’ or even ‘Konnichiwa’. We have been trying out these different  greetings in class and enjoy using them.

We have been busy building models in our construction area.


If you’re feeling peckish, you can phone us with a food order for our chef to rustle up something tasty.


We are practising blending and sliding our sounds together to spell words. It helps us to learn by using actions and our whole bodies in phonics lessons.


Lastly, in maths we have begun estimating and measuring using non-standard units – paperclips! Some of our estimates were spot on!


We are extremely sorry we forgot to post our blog from last week so here are some of the things we got up to…

We were very lucky and got to try out Judo with a real Judo instructor.  We got to wear the Judo jackets and played lots of different games! Here are some pictures…

In writing this week we have been learning how to write instructions, we will be doing this for the next couple of weeks and will even write instructions how to make our Christmas Fayre product!

In maths we have been continuing with addition and we are all getting better and quicker at adding.  We have spotted patterns and realise that even if we switch numbers we can still add them and get to the same answer!

The triangles and rectangles have been adding using the strategy of partitioning.


We really enjoyed the BBB and enjoyed talking about how we feel safe in school.

Dojo winner- Emma

Star writers- Emma, Kyle, Taylor and Lily.

Star table- Clever Crocodiles


Blether, blether!

This week in science we looked at different rock samples. We found out that rocks are used for different purposes so hard rocks such as marble are used for statues and work surfaces and softer rocks such as sandstone are used for buildings because they can be carved and are easily quarried. Hannah and Jackie enjoyed looking at the marble because it had crystals in it. We also looked at the layers in the slate which reminds us a bit of the twirl we examined in our chocolate geology last week!

In language with Mrs Mackenzie, we looked at comic strips and how they can be used to tell a story. We found that they often have a lead-in sentence, speech bubbles to show us what is being said, thought bubbles so we know what characters are thinking, kapow stars to show sound effects and pictures showing the action! We enjoyed telling our story through comic strips.

This week we had our first BBB of the year on feeling safe. It was really interesting to see what children from across the school thought about where they feel safe and who helps them to feel safe.

Table of the week – blue with 610 points


This week we have been busy with learning about data frequency tables. We learned how to collate information using tally marks and then how to answer questions about the information.

In literacy, we have been learning how to write a shape poem. We wrote one about tornadoes.

In topic, we were learning about extreme weather. We learned how to take notes about different things.

In art, we have been making poppies with Mrs. Thomson and in class, we have been learning how to create an effect using two types of media.

On Thursday, we had a special remembrance assembly. Remember to hold a minutes silence on the 11th hour, of the 11th, day of the 11th month. (Saturday)

Enjoy your weekend!

This week in P5b….

We had a Remembrance Assembly.  Isaac

We were learning how to create fireworks in art using radial symmetry.  Emily

We practised our 4 times tables.  Rayen

We were learning at the 4 times tables.   Camaron

We were learning how to make raisins dance in Science.  Rose

We have been learning words with the spelling patter ‘igh’.  Jason

We have been learning long multiplication.  Nathan & Hope

We have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science.  Guy

We learned that gas rises.  Katie

We learned that gas bubbles  would carry the raisins to the top and then burst and the raisins would sink.  Maisey

We have learned a lot about the 4 times tables.  Callum

We learned how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.  Aryan

We learned about bullying.  Hayley

We learned about feeling safe in the BBB.  Ela

We were learning how to add doing chimney sums.  Jaime-Lee

We learned about atoms and particles in solids, liquids and gases. Ben

We were writing a Halloween report.  Elliot

We’ve learned about our 3 times tables.  Skye

We learned how to multiply 4 digits by 1 digit.  Jacob

We learned how to multiply using our times table knowledge.  Luke

We learned about solids, liquids and gases.  Emma

We learned a song called As One in music.  Dani

We were creating radial patterns with our fireworks.  Owen

We heard the Rookie Rockstars in BBB.  Jack

Dancing Raisins!
Dancing Raisins!
Dancing Raisins!




This week in class we have been looking at creating light and shadow pictures inspired by our Harry Potter topic; building on our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages and beginning to join them together; continuing to develop our newspaper writing skills and looking towards the Star Writer activities for our “Winter” themed piece of writing. As part of the school we also took part in a very interesting session for Remembrance Day and the Big Balbardie Blether on being Safe.

Primary 4a

We have had a good week this week and have been lucky to have different teachers while Mrs Little is off.  We have learned lots of new things and have enjoyed getting to know the teachers in our school a bit better.

Here are our best bits:

  • Maths – We played Invisible Man with Mrs Mansfield to practise our mental maths and played games to extend our learning.  It was a lot of fun.
  • Music – We were learning about music notation this week with Mrs Mansfield.  She taught us about rhythm and melody and we created our own alien songs using the rhythms we had learned.   To learn about rhythm we learned new songs and used our ears to listen carefully and repeat patterns back.
  • Literacy – We learned about the story of Mr Potter’s Pigeon with Ms Davidson.  We wrote a description about the story and created picture boxes to show what happened.    We also wrote a remembrance day story.  We stepped into a picture and used our imaginations to write about being a soldier in the war.  It was tricky but we enjoyed adding lots of description to our writing.


We hope that Mrs Little gets better soon.


Primary 4a


This week’s highlights from P3C


Emily: I enjoyed writing about the teacher pleaser

Grace: I liked reading Little Fred Riding hood with the twist of a boy instead of Little Red Riding hood

Lily: I liked writing about the machines

Sophie A: I liked writing about the Epic Teacher Pleaser

Marley: I liked writing about the machines

Jess: I enjoyed about the Bubble Teacher Pleaser

Isla: I enjoyed writing about the Magnificent Teacher Pleaser

Eden: I liked thinking Wow words for our machines

Sophie M: I loved writing about our machines



Isla: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning

Emily: I enjoyed writing it for partitioning

Jess: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning

Grace: I enjoyed writing it for the first time when learning partitioning

Sophie M: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning

Archie: I  enjoyed drawing it for partitioning

Nina: I enjoyed making it for partitioning



Everyone:  Liked the BBB this week

Grace: I liked helping P1s in the dinner hall

Lily: I liked the BBB but it was better in Mr Cunningham’s group last year


Marble Champion – Intelligent Table

Another fun week

It’s been another busy week in Class Star, we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and we attended a Remembrance Assembly to pay our respects.  We enjoyed sensory spelling where we practiced our tricky words.  It’s lovely to have Cameron back today after being unwell for the past four days.

Here are Class Stars highlights of the week:

Jayden – I enjoyed PE with my Integration class this week

Cody – I enjoyed the Remembrance Assembly as it has such an important message to ‘remember those who died’

Cameron – I am enjoying being back seeing my class mates again

David – I enjoyed doing problem solving by drawing a picture

Yolie – I liked writing my holiday story on my own

Joe – I loved being able to go to assembly with the ARB


Have a lovely weekend



We have had another busy week.  We have been venturing into the wizard world with Harry Potter, making potions and casting spells. We also wrote newspaper articles about Harry arriving at Hogwarts.  We also did a study on the mystery of Flannan Island, where the Lighthouse Keepers mysteriously disappeared…….

We are looking forward to doubling points next week for our Bronze Champion Behaviour Award – we are all trying hard to be champions!

We have also been showing off our maths skills when we turned decimals into fractions and percentages. Please look out for our Number Gym home learning coming out over the next week – we certainly are!!

Adventure into Space!!!!

We have had great fun in Class Moon this week.  This week we have been looking at Elliot’s idea about learning what the weather is like on different planets.  The class have been so interested in this topic and we loved watching videos about the different planets.  We have been planning our class presentations and we had to choose our own planet to talk about.  We made our chosen planet using balloons and then painted these.  We have also created our front cover for our scrapbook.  Next week we will be learning about note taking and will take notes on our chosen planet.  We have also been learning about Remembrance Day and we made some poppy artwork.  On Monday we were learning about writing instructions and we were learning about creating firework safety rules.  We also had fun making chocolate sparklers.  Here is some pictures from our week:

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 6.11.17

Wow!  What a week!  We have been really busy with our learning and have enjoyed all the new and exciting challenges.  We have had a focus on developing our listening and talking and have been sharing news to others.  Here are some things we would like to share with the grown ups too:

Rory – “I enjoyed learning about transport this week.  I can name different ways to travel”

Teigan – “I tried to get better at maths.  I practised counting.”

Breaghannon – “I was working hard to practise my numbers in maths”

Regan – “I am proud of my report from parents’ night”

Lucy – “I liked doing Judo.  I enjoyed playing games with the music on”

Sarah – “I had a really good report at parents’ night”

Poppy D – “I want the grown ups to know that I have started making a time machine in school”

Leila – “I want my parents to know that I liked BBB.  We were talking about how to be safe”

Poppy F – “I challenged myself in writing this week”

Aiden – “I really enjoyed Judo.  The best bit was playing the Starfish game”

Emily – “I would like everyone to know that my class have been doing lots of fun things in phonics.  I have enjoyed making crafts and creating flippy books with my sounds”

Aaron – “My favourite bit of the week was Judo”

Brooke – “I was really good at art this week, I finished my cat picture”

Millie – “I liked wearing the jacket at judo because I enjoyed all of the games”

Leah – “I would like the grown ups to know that I challenged myself by going to the red chilli challenge”

Rio – “I really enjoyed Judo in school, I would like to go to Judo classes”

Cameron – “I want grown ups to know that I have tried Judo.  I was a bit worried at the start but I challenged myself”

Griffin – “I enjoyed judo because I liked trying to escape from the other person”

Ellie – “I was good art this week.  I added detail to my cat picture and started my time machine”



Primary 2/1


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