Thoughts on the term….what we enjoyed….

What we enjoyed most this term….


Learning about Florence Nightingale. Olivia, Gemma M

Doing our assembly and going to New Lanark. Ella, Scott

Going to New Lanark. Ellie

Doing the assembly. Andrew

Assembly, New Lanark, class talks and designing home team signs. Annie

Learning about the Victorians. Zoe D, Kiera H

Learning Mathachins on my violin. Isla

Learning how to read musical notes. Louise

Preparing for my class talk. Cameron B

Doing the African Ki Yo Wah Ji Neh dance! Kiera B

Doing our Victorian school day, getting into the Golden Club, going to New Lanark, our assembly and class talks. Roan

Doing the Problem Playground. Gemma B

Victorian school day and class talk. Sarah

Working in our home teams and learning Mathachins on my violin. Lucy

Doing the PowerPoint at the assembly. Declan

All the class talks and learning Mathachins on my double base. Lexis

Drumming with Mrs Drummond, learning Mathachins on my violin, getting into the Golden Club and the Victorian school day. Jessie

Doing the assembly. Ben

I enjoyed New Lanark and Victorian school day. Connor

New Lanark, learning about Florence Nightingale and the Victorian school day. Ramsay

Writing about the lives of Victorian children and New Lanark. Casey

I enjoyed making the shop. Louisa

My class talk and assembly. Freya

The drumming showcase for the opening of the new gym and dinner hall. Cameron M, Geo

The drumming and our assembly. Madeleine

The Victorian school day, our assembly and New Lanark. Clara

Enjoyed doing the music for the assembly even though I only got to see the side of everyone’s heads! Jane


What? Nobody enjoyed maths?!

Have a great weekend!

P6s Science

In Science, we have been learning about electricity: where it comes from, what pylons are, how to keep safe when using electricity, batteries or mains as sources of power, and circuits. This week, our learning culminated into group activities where we had to construct a pylon using only newspaper and sellotape. We had to work together to overcome quite a few issues, but managed to build 5 brilliant pylons of our own! We voted on the best tower, and the winners were…Emma, Katie, Lisa and Kerry. Well done to everyone for making such a great effort!
The other task was to create a circuit using special kits provided. We learned that fuses play an important part and also that without a working fuse, the circuit can’t function. One of the groups managed to complete their circuit and watched as the fan started to turn. This was shortly before the fuse blew…lots of great discussions took place.
Here are some pictures of us having fun:
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And the winners were….


Our Learning Highlights.

This week in Maths we have been learning about the mean, median, mode and range.

Sam – it was fun!

Nadia – it was quite hard.

Lewis – I liked all of them because they are all different.

Ava – I liked it because from one set of numbers you can get different answers.


We have also been working on our Reading and Comprehension.

Taylor – it was fun exploring the different meanings of words

Emma – some of it was easy and some of it wasn’t! But it was fun!


Our mini – topic this term has been about Electricity.

Rachel – I learned ways I could be electrocuted!

Lucy – I liked learning about how circuits worked.

Sophie – I liked learning about all the symbols.

Lewis – I learned that putting a fork in a toaster was an electrical hazard! Don’t worry I would never actually do it!

Shared Start was fun in Primary 3/2

Thank you everyone for making our Shared Start a success this morning. We loved singing the song  Just like a Roman …. We loved being dressed up in our Roman costumes too. The food was interesting…olives, soft cheese, tomatoes, dates and crusty bread with honey as well as brown bread…a fun feast ! Orange juice was the drink on offer…

Activities to choose from were:_

Margana-the phrase was” Vesuvius has erupted ”

Use chalks to make  a volcano picture


Design a menu for a Roman feast on a scroll


You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.


Reminder:- Honey Performances Friday 27th March for Primary 2s- 9.45am or 11.00am

Next week:-  Parents Evening Tuesday  6-8.30pm and Wednesday 4-6.30pm

Trip to Callendar House Wednesday

Church service Thursday am -wear blue for Autism

Class M Blog

Lewis – We were making a mummified apple. We had to make a face like a Mummy and roll it in salt. It was good fun.


Yolie – Apple, Egypt, make a Mummy. I making eyes, a nose and mouth.


Dylan – I’ve just seen the solar eclipse in the front playground. It was cloudy but I saw it. The next time there is one is 2090. It was dark outside.


Joe – We have been doing some different learning this week. We were writing letters in the shaving foam. It was lots of fun and made a mess of the table.


Gabriel – On Thursday I did swimming learning and even kicked my legs up to the ceiling. I went on my back and my head was facing the ceiling.


David – I went under the water with my goggles on in the little pool.


Jayden – We were throwing bean bags at PE and we mummified apples with Mrs. McLean.IMG_0052

Data handling with our buddies

In maths we have been learning about data handling.  We have learned how to record results using tally marks and how to draw a graph to show our results.  We can also read our graphs to answer questions.  But we wanted to carry out a survey, so we ask our buddies for help.

On Thursday we paired up with our buddies and learned lots.  Firstly, with our buddies we came up with a question and thought carfeully about what choices we were going to give (we remembered to have an ‘other’ option).  Then we all went to a class to carry out our survey and recorded our results.  When we got back to our class we had to make a graph and answer questions.  We found working out the differnce between the answer with the greatest and fewest votes tricky but our buddies were great teachers.  Everyone was very impressed espically our buddies who thought we should be in P2 🙂

We had a great time and a big thank you to our buddies and the classes we visited.

article 19

P3b Assembly

It has been a very exciting day today as it was our class assembly. Our assembly showcased our learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We had had great fun performing! It was a little bit tricky learning our lines but we worked really hard and managed to perform in front of the whole school and our families.

Here are our highlights:
“I really liked saying my line ‘you’re fired.” Aidan
“I liked that the parents came. I had so much fun.” Daniel
“I liked learning the new the songs.” Millie
“I liked when we got to share what we would take to the afterlife.” Kaitlin
“I liked being a mummy.” Findlay
“My favourite part of the assembly was singing the mummy song.” Sophie

Group 1

Group 2

Article 28- Right to an Education
Article 29- Right to Develop your Talents and Abilities

P1L Pirate Ship Challenge

In teams, P1L had to create their own pirate ship using the resources given. The children were very creative, using either wooden blocks, lego and collage materials. They did well working together and had fun whilst they were learning!

Please find some photos below:








This week we have been writing newspaper reports about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. A newspaper article needs to have a headline, the name of the newspaper, the date, a picture and a caption. We also had to include what happened and who was there, when it was and where it happened.

In topic we have been learning about pyramids. There are different pyramids in Egypt and the biggest pyramid is ‘Khufu’ also known as the ‘Great Pyramid’. Pyramids were big tombs for important pharaohs in Egypt. In the pyramids they put their sarcophagus and their treasures. We had a challenge to make pyramids. We could use lego, marshmallows and cocktail sticks, net pyramids and pipe cleaners.


This week we continued to learn about pointilism. We used paint and cotton buds to create a landscape picture. We had to choose one of our favourite places in Scotland and we entered these into the Highland Art Competition.


Article 28: Right to an education


Pupil of the Week: Ava for an excellent newspaper report.

Class Dojo: Robyn





What I would like to know more about…….

This week we learned that Victorian children had NO rights. We have also been learning about some of the Victorian people that helped improve the lives of children.

We feel very lucky that we have the rights that we have today.

Article 1 Everyone under the age of 18 has these rights.


As we are only 2 weeks away from the end of term, the blog is ‘What I would like to learn more about..’..


Article 17- Access to information

I would like to know more about algebra. Kiera H & Isla

I would like to know more about algebra and if you don’t know what algebra is here is an example….star + star = 21!! Louise

I would like to learn more of my 3,4,6,7 times tables. Sarah

I would like to learn more of the 6,7,8 times tables. Scott

I would like to know more about what the Victorians wore. Ramsay

I would like to learn more French. Madeleine

I would like to learn more in my maths. Louisa

I would like to know more about Ramadan. Jessie

I would like to know more about the Victorians and how much homework did Victorian children get! Roan

I would like to know more about Islam. Gemma M


Have a lovely weekend!


A Very Busy Week in Class B

At maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. To celebrate how well we have done with our learning, we decided to make robot models using everyday objects. We worked really hard on these. We planned our designs, gathered the resources we needed and got to work building our robots. Once they were painted we labelled the body parts to show what shapes had been used.

‘My robot was based on a famous character from a company named Aardmen. I used cuboids, spheres and cylinders.’ Callum

blog 2

We demonstrated safe and hygienic food preparation when we made oat cakes. We followed the Viking Oatcake recipe carefully and enjoyed tasting them once they were cooked. We chose healthy toppings such as sugar free jam and blueberries. We got the thumbs up from our special guest judges! We also made Viking Vegetable Stew!

‘Making the oat cakes was enjoyable. They tasted great, a bit like bread. I had syrup and blueberries on top.’ Jamie

blog 1

We tried hard to use interesting describing words when writing character descriptions this week. We invented our own Viking Gods and described their appearance and special powers.

‘I like my Viking God because he looks like a Lego dude, he can read your mind!’ Cody

blog 3

We also had great fun at messy play in the Sensory Room this week!


Another week gone!

It’s been another fast week in P5d. We have been learning how to multiply by 20!!! We know there is a sneaky quick way to do this now…..after we spent ages trying to actually multiply whole numbers. For example if we wanted to multiply 12 by 20 we would double 12 and add a zero ….. Mrs Drummond waited patiently for the penny to drop !

This week we have been developing our punctuation and grammar skills. We were focussing on identifying words and phrases to do with settings and atmosphere. This task turned into a real brain buster as sometimes some phrases could be used to describe both the setting and the atmosphere at the same time. We have worked out that setting is more to do with physical things and that atmosphere is related to the senses. We had no idea how important our senses are in all areas of our learning and in life in general.

We have learned the dance moves to Uptown Funk and we got together with P5m to practice the moves then we practiced an American Indian tribal chant to which we added instruments and the P5m girls added some choreography. It was amazing. We really love getting together with P5m on a Friday morning. We spend 45 minutes not even realising that we are learning until Mrs D or Mrs McClafferty point it out!

Today (Friday) we have been extremely lucky to witness the eclipse. The last one was in 1999 and it will be many many years before there is another one. Mrs Drummond thought that sharing such a special event with all of us in the class was particularly special.

Two weeks to go ……….hang on in there!



Lots of different learning activities in Primary 3/2

This week we have learned lots …

I was Pupil of the week and I was given my certificate at the Assembly- Isla

I liked learning about money- Liam

We learned lots at Primary 3b’s Assembly-Sophie, Erin and  Demi Leigh

Outdoor PE this week was great- Ava, Oliver, Robert, Aaron and Ben

We liked learning about Pompeii and how the town got destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius- Suvi,Charlie, Sophia, Mia, Alfie, Sam, Lauren and Charlie

Indoor PE was excellent- Connor, Jason and Megan

Our Shared start is on Wednesday morning…we are having a Roman feast…Come and join us !

Monster Writing in Class O!

Geordie 1Josh 1Caitlin 1AdamGeordie 2Josh 2Caitlin 2

Caitlin: This week everyone has been writing about their monster. We made our monsters out of clay. My monster is blue and it has red and pink ears. It has dark blue shoes. We have been learning to use describing words in our writing.

Josh: I enjoyed making a monster with clay. I was good at putting details in my monster. I used my monster to write a story about a monster blowing up Balbardie primary school by over heating it.

Cary: I drew a monster to be the character in my story. I listed all his special features to help me learn about descriptive words.

Geordie: For writing this week I created a dangerous German scientist monster using clay. He was the character in my story. He wanted to destroy Balbardie Primary school. I used him to help me develop the use of descriptive words in my writing. I managed to use 14 destriptive words in my story!

Adam: I made a monster that was going to be the character in my story this week. I haven’t deceided on a name for him yet. I have been learning to use descritive words. My character is big, deadly and fast. He is also cool.

Our week in p7b


This week we spent some time helping our p1h buddies:

Chloe: “We went round the classes and helped them to do some surveys.”

Lauren U: “First we helped our buddy to decide what topic they wanted to do the survey on. Then we made up six options.”

Declan: “Next we went to a class and asked the class to vote. Some examples were favourite superhero and favourite pet.”

Isla: “When we got back to class we helped the p1 buddy colour in a bar chart using the information that they had collected. We helped our buddy write the tally mark and the number.”

Paul: “Next we helped our buddies to answer questions about the chart such as which is the least and which is the greatest. I was impressed with my buddy Jay because he said he wanted to read out the options and he did it really well.”

This week we have also been learning how to keep ourselves safe:

Harry: “This week we learned about how to make a sharp exit. This is when you are in a bad situation and you make up an excuse so you can get away quickly.”

Jack: “We learned that the difference between an appropriate touch and an inappropriate touch is because of the way it makes you feel inside.”

Kai: “Your body tells you a situation isn’t safe because it starts to produce adrenaline. “

This makes your body do things like get sweaty, get hot, butterflies in your stomach, start to shake and your mind races so you can’t concentrate.

Lauren U: “We also learned that if something happens that makes us feel unsafe we should tell a trusted adult like a parent, other family member, teacher, neighbour, police or even phone Childline on 0800 1111.”

Who has impressed?

Paul: “My mum has impressed me because she has saved up lots of money to make sure I have a great birthday party. It makes me feel precious to her.”

Adam: “My buddy Rory impressed me because he got pupil of the week for writing a detailed story.”

Kendal: “My care class (3b) impressed me because they stood up in front of everyone for their assembly and they learned their lines very well.”

Taylor: “I’m impressed with my care class (p6h) because they did their production of Olivia and I’ve heard they did really well.”

Emily: “Isla has impressed me by getting her green belt in judo.”

Lauren U: “The Cool Capybaras impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Antonia: “Lauren C impressed me by passing her bronze music medal.”

Lauren C: “Antonia and Kendal have impressed me with their friendship and how loyal they are.”

Finlay: “My buddy was off so I worked with Gabriel at buddy time and I thought he did really well reading out the options for superheroes.”

Flyn: “I’m impressed with Nathan for doing a very good entry for the Highland Games competition which has the theme ‘My Scotland Now’.”

Mr Berginis: “I have been very impressed with the concentration and effort the whole class put into their CEM testing this week. I can’t wait to see the results. “




We have had a great week because…

-I liked playing with the drums (Archie)
-I enjoyed playing the triangle (Katie)
-I liked playing the jingle bells (Lucas)
-I liked playing with the drums (Eva)
-I liked Golden Time (Erin)
-I won Pupil of the week for working really well as part of a team! (Donna)
-I liked going to The Hub (Shaun)
-I liked play time (Arran)
-I liked Art this week making our fruit collage pictures (Jodie)



Lots of us enjoyed watching Primary 3b’s assembly on Ancient Egypt. Something we enjoyed about their assembly was:
-I liked the singing (Eva)
-I liked seeing my friends (Max)
-I enjoyed hearing everyone talking (Jodie)
-I liked when they were speaking really funny (Katie)
-It was funny when they were making the boy into a mummy (Lewis)
-Someone was dressed as Tutankhamun (Hannah)

P1 parents are invited to Shared Start Tuesday morning to come and share in our learning! We hope you can make it and look forward to welcoming you to our classroom 🙂

Article 29: Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full. It should encourage children to respect their parents, and their own and other cultures


Olivia! Olivia! Is there anyone as smart…? Yip us! We had an amazing time this week with our show. Here are our comments:

Joe – Scary when I went on stage! But I liked it.

Charlie – I enjoyed being on stage.

Jamie – Awesome

Cameron – It was epic!

Ava – Phenomenal!

Craig – I was proud of myself.

Sophie W – It was really fun!

Eve – It was fantastic going on the stage and seeing all those people looking at me!

Sam – Scary at first, but then it made me feel alive – I felt like I was on fire!

Abigale – it was amazeballs!

Lily – It was nerve-wracking at first but then I loved it!

Rachel – Loved the solo’s!

Josh – Awesome, phenomenal, amazing and epic!

Lucy – Scary in a good way!

Nadia – Delightful!

Adam – Thrilling!

Mrs Haddifon – I was extremely proud of each and everyone of the class – they were amazing!

P2 visit to Stirling Castle

On Thursday both p2 classes visited Stirling Castle. We really enjoyed our day. We were all able to look around the castle and identify the parts of the castle we have learned about like the portcullis, the battlements and the curtain wall. We enjoyed exploring the castle vaults where we got to play some medieval musical instruments, dress up in medieval clothing, learn how dyes for clothing were made and see a court jester. It was also great to see the Stirling Heads in real life too, we thought they looked great!
After lunch we had a special workshop with a lady called Kirsten. We visited the palace bedrooms and the kitchens and we had a chance to play around with some knight’s armour and weapons.
We talked about what we enjoyed the most:
Teighan, Spencer, Tanatswa, Alfie and Kiara all liked dressing up.
Campbell, Jess, Kay, Joshua, Euan and Miles all liked being able to play with the weapons.
Denholm enjoyed everything because it was the first time he had visited a castle.
Alex liked meeting the Queen’s lady in waiting.
Amy liked visiting the kitchens and seeing what they ate in medieval times.
Sofiye liked seeing the real Stirling Heads.
Gemma liked going into the vaults and being able to touch things from the past.
Stirling Castle 061

Stirling Castle 077

Stirling Castle 092

Stirling Castle 067

A reminder that p2 shared start is on Wednesday 25th March at 8.55am.

Have a good weekend!

P4M- WB 16.3.15

Aidan: “My favourite thing was learning about commutative law for dividing in maths”.

Michelle: “I liked outdoor P.E because we were working on our team work skills”.

Gabriel: “I liked learning how to divide with remainders in maths”.

Callum: “I enjoyed practicing my words in 3D using play dough because it was fun”.

Casey: “I liked making our Viking shields for our assembly because we got to create our own designs”.

Harry: “I enjoyed learning our new Viking song for our assembly and have become much better at it now after practicing it”.

Miss Mowat and Mrs Clark are so impressed with our home learning Viking projects! They are all absolutely amazing and it is clear how much effort has been put into them. Well done! 🙂

Article 13- the right to freedom of expression.

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