Category Archives: P1a

A very special delivery to P1a

This week we received a very special delivery from the North Pole.

Santa had heard about our enterprise project.  He has a little word with the Elves and Mrs Claus.  They sent us reindeer oats and a special secret ingredient, candy canes and magic keys.  We have been very busy making these into Reindeer Dust, Candy Cane Mice and Magic Keys to sell on our stall on Saturday.

We are going to be looking at cost, mark up and profit next so we can decide on what we are going to spend our profit on.

We look forward to seeing you at our stall!

Fantastic fun at Planet Soccer (P1a)

This week we had a taster session from Planet Soccer.

First we played a game like tig,  we had to dribble the ball to red cones.

Then the tig-ers were released.  If they covered our balls we had to hold our ball above our head.

But we could be freed.

After the warm up we played a mini match.


I liked scoring goals – Rory

I liked passing the ball to my team – Jacob & Riley

I loved my stamp – Olivia, Laycee & Chloe

I liked doing the match, I was a guard.  I also got a stamp – Nate & Lewis

The football match was brill – Kayden

I liked scoring lots of goals – Emma, Alfie & Poppy

I think we won – Libby

I liked kicking the ball – Mia

I liked playing football – Finn


We had so much fun thank you the the Team at Planet Soccer especially Coach Danny.


P1a visit to the library

This week we were lucky enough to visit the library as part of the Book Bug experience.  We will all get a pack to take home with three books; I am Bat, Eric Makes a Splash and One Button Benny.

Here are some of our thoughts…

We read a story and got a sticker…it was smelly – Hannah

We saw around the library – Poppy

We saw how to return books – Mia

We will get the stories to take home soon – Oliwier

I had fun at the library –Riley

We were reading lots of stories – Alfie

We met the Librarian – Lewis

The bat liked cherries and pears – Emma

We got to choose a story to read too – Eoin

I liked hear the story and getting a sticker – Finn

I had fun…thank you!  – Olivia

I would like to also give a big thank you to the parents that were able to come with us.

Buddy fun in P1a

So we were still enjoying Maths Week in P1 this week.  Our P7 buddies had been busy making us fantastic 2d shape jigsaw and 3d models.

I loved making my robot – Jacob

I liked it Isla – Olivia

I can’t wait to show mum – Oliwier

I liked working with my buddy – Florence

I made a nice robot – Mia

Thank you Caitlin – Ellen

I liked reminding the P7s of some of the shape’s names – Chloe

Thanks for helping me…I can’t wait to finish it – Rory

I really liked my robot – Dylan

I really liked my robot, thank ou for making it – Riley

I have two buddies so I got two robots J – Alfie

My robot was wobbly – Eoin

I would like to thank you very for the 3d and 2d shapes- Libby

Thank you for helping me to learn – Poppy

Thanks for all of you help – Hannah, Kayden and Laycee

I liked making my robot with Kayleigh – Emma

I made a robot and a robot picture – Finn




Maths Week in P1a

So the biscuits were yummy!

We continued the week exploring shape with the help of the Mr Men.  We have been exploring the properties of 2d shapes and went on a shape hunt around school to see real life examples.  We were even spotting shapes in the books that the maths’ fairy kept sending us, through the week we learned about money and days of the week.

This is what we thought:

I enjoyed making squares and rectangles on the peg boards – Libby

I loved having the MR Men help us – Hannah

I made Mr Strong, he is a square.  He has 4 sides. – Laycee

I made a triangular biscuit – Mia

I had fun spotting shapes in our classroom – Isla

We got a square book – Jacob (It was about money)

We saw lots of rectangles – Dylan

Mr Rush is a triangle – Rory

We read the Hungry Caterpillar, it was about days too – Kayden


Well done to Libby who won the Maths certificate this week and to Iris who won the School’s Values certificate, and is getting to have hot chocolate with Mrs Johns 🙂


Lastly, thank you for everyone who made meet the teacher this week….if you have any other questions please just ask at the end of the day.

School is Cool in P1a

This week we have been thinking about our Class Charter.  In school we want to be happy, safe and learn lots.  We are all going to try our best to be:


friends with everyone, we are very friendly

try our best at our jobs


happy, be polite and smile at people

listen to everyone

celebrate our successes

to keep people safe we are going to help each other and tidy up

You can see our Class Charter beside our board

We have really enjoyed making our new friends.

This weeks extra special stars for following the Charter are Poppy and Oliwier!



Welcome to Balbardie P1a

We can’t believe that we have been at school for a week already.  We have had lots of fun meeting our buddies, playing counting games and we are already beginning to learn to read and write.

This is what a few of us think….

School is good…I like the messy area! – Riley

I love playing the games – Ellen

I like spending time with my buddy – Nate

I love it!  I like my buddy – Rory

I love it…it is fun – Lewis

Eoin gave it a big thumbs up

I love writing – Laycee

We like the toys! – Florence and Mia

I liked meeting my new teacher – Olivia

We have lots planned for next week; we are going to learn about c and k, counting and more about our senses!

1a’s Week


We are enjoying saying the days of the week in French. Today is Jeudi.

In maths we are screening our addition sums. This is tricky but we are having a go and counting our red and yellow counters to help us find the total.


For outdoor PE we tried some parachute games but it was extremely blowy!


We watched a video called ‘Amazing Things Can Happen’ about Autism for Wear It Blue Day. We talked about how each of us is different and unique, then we each made a puzzle piece to show a bit about ourselves and how we are all different but part of our class team. Here is our work in progress.

1a’s Week

Hello again!

We welcomed parents and family to class to have a look at our VCOP work and try out some Kung-Fu punctuation. Thank you for coming to visit us. Keep looking out for this while reading this week. We’ve noticed quite a few ! and ? in our non-fiction texts we are reading at the moment.

For happiness month we shared a joke today:

When does an astronaut like to eat?    At launch time!         Ha, ha, ha! Can you think of another?

In maths, we have finished looking at symmetry for now and move on to volume. This game on Topmarks was fun!


We’ve been busy in PE and thinking about being healthy and active. We’ve spotted changes in how our bodies feel after being active like faster pulse, being out of puff, needing a drink and red cheeks too. Not to mention enjoying the fun of a game or sport with friends.

1a Begin Thinking Happiness

A s a whole school we are looking at ways to be and share happiness in the month of March. We have begun our calendar to record our ideas for things which make us happy. Please share your ideas with us and look out for a ‘Happiness is…’ task in home learning next week.

Here are a few ideas from this week:

Luke M – My mummy taking me to Granny and Grandad’s house.

Lois – Going to gymnastics and getting a prize.

Luke B – I like sharing with other people.

Congratulations to Ruaridh who is this week’s star and who had some lovely compliments paid about him being kind, caring, sharing and a good friend to others. Well done!

Lastly, here are a few photos of us busy this week in phonics, maths and with Cosmic Yoga.


We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it at our P1&2 Shared Start on Tuesday 13th March where we’ll share our VCOP literacy learning with you. Get ready for some Kung Fu!

What have we been up to? by 1a

Hello! Ola! Bonjour! Konnichiwa!

We have been learning about area this week. Luke B gave a great description of what area is: It’s the space a shape takes up, a 2D shape. We have calculated area by counting squares or using cubes to fit exactly on top of a shape.


We have been learning ‘igh’ and ‘oi’ this week in phonics lessons. Can you see what we used to make some shiny ‘oi’ words?

In our review jotters this week we have written about something we are feeling more confident in. Lots of us said reading, a few said writing and some said maths tasks.  At Circle Time we are developing our listening and talking skills. We are sharing our hobbies and favourite games or activities for keeping fit and active. Well done to Luke B, Sofia, Daisy, Jess, Devyn and Ruaridh for sharing with us this week. We have started to choose a ‘Star of the Week’ too. Congratulations to Michelle who is our first star. We all enjoyed thinking of a compliment to share with you.

Short Week Round Up

Hello again!

We thought we’d share some photos from our short week at school this week. We hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend.

Here are a few favourite things we have been using our smartboard for:


We are becoming confident in skip counting in multiples of 10 and sequencing these numbers – we aren’t caught out by a sneaky 5!

Mrs Spence has been talking to us about teamwork. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More. Team work makes the dream work. There’s no I in team. We are thinking about how we can work as a class team to help one another out more. When do you work as a team outside of school?

We have a new castle area to make Cozy Corner a great space to cozy quietly, read a book and relax. Here’s how it looks.

1a’s Week

We have been making ‘oo’ words this week. It’s a spook in Vowel House who makes this sound. We decided to make our words look interesting. Can you see how we tried to do this?

On Thursday last week, we braved the cold and went outside for some PE games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf. It was great, but chilly, fun!


In maths and number work we’ve been using number fans, cubes and bone self-check sums. We are doing some great counting and adding at the moment. We can show you our bunny ears.


1a’s News

Hello there!

We have been snapping some of our favourite or proudest pieces of work recently. A few photos of these to share:

Terrific tartan was created and we learned about our listening lugs and a few other words in Scots too.


We have started to look and listen for the ‘oo’ sound and read ‘Room on the Broom’.


Lastly, we had a go at Move & Freeze – great fun before heading home after a busy day.


Also, we have begun our ‘Farm to Fork’ context for learning. That’s why you’ll see a giant shiny fork on our classroom wall if you visit 1a.  We have been learning that all food comes from plants or animals.

Primary 1 – Nativity lyrics

Song 1: Woolly Sheep


  1. One woolly sheep won’t stand still,

Running around on the hill

Keeping all the shepherds busy,

Working till they feel quite dizzy

Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.


  1. Two woolly sheep…


  1. Three woolly sheep…


  1. Four woolly sheep…


  1. Five woolly sheep…


Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.




Song 2: Sleepy Shepherd


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody is snug,

Somebody is curled up like a bug in a rug,

And he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Instrumental


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.

What a sleepy shepherd he is.




Song 3: One Starry Night


  1. A beautiful angel came to the hill,

Came to the hill, came to the hill,

A beautiful angel came to the hill,

One starry night.


  1. He hovered above with silver wings,

Silver wings, silver wings,

He hovered above with silver wings,

One starry night.


  1. And over his head a halo bright,

Halo bright, halo bright,

And over his head a halo bright,

One starry night.


  1. He told us about a tiny child,

Tiny child, tiny child,

He told us about a tiny child,

One starry night.

Song 4: Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?




Song 5:  Under a star


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.




Song 6:  Bumpy Road


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Three kings were riding, wearing royal crowns,

Sitting on their camels, heading for the town,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Instrumental


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,



Song 7:  Wake up! Wake up!


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Up you get, don’t make a fuss,

Wipe away your sleepy dust,

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.

Come and see the new born King.



Primary 1a – News and Views

Hello there! Or we could say ‘Ola’, ‘Bonjour’ or even ‘Konnichiwa’. We have been trying out these different  greetings in class and enjoy using them.

We have been busy building models in our construction area.


If you’re feeling peckish, you can phone us with a food order for our chef to rustle up something tasty.


We are practising blending and sliding our sounds together to spell words. It helps us to learn by using actions and our whole bodies in phonics lessons.


Lastly, in maths we have begun estimating and measuring using non-standard units – paperclips! Some of our estimates were spot on!