Category Archives: Whole School News

What a Wonderful Week for a School Trip

Last week was a very exciting week in P3 as we visited Mill Farm as part of our topic around Farming.  We really enjoyed it and got to see a variety of animals and have fun on some activities.

Some of the things we enjoyed were….

  • Trampolines
  • Wooden Slides
  • Flying Fox
  • Stone and Bones
  • Adventure Zone
  • Tractor ride

We really enjoyed seeing the animals- here is a list of some we saw…

  • Sheep
  • Smokey the pig
  • Ferrets
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Fluffy Rabbits
  • Lambs
  • Horses
  • Donkeys

A lot of us really liked the rabbits because they were so fluffy and cute!

Here are some pictures from our trip!


This week we also finished our time topic in maths and will begin to revise all the concepts learned over the year.

We made our own fruit kebabs as part the healthy living topic we have been covering as well.  We tried pineapple, mango, banana, and strawberries.  Its safe to say the mango was a popular choice!

Reminder for parents-  Review jotters will be sent home at the end of this week with an activity to be completed at home.  Please return these back to school by the end of term.




In maths we have been continuing our multiplication work and some groups have been using this to help them divide and share.

We started our new topic this week. It is all about Africa. We looked at a world map and found Africa on it. Africa is a continent made up of lots of different countries. We then looked at African animals and made animal fact-files. Orlaith brought in some African money, the note were called South African Rand. She also showed us her African drum and few people got to try to play it. We really enjoyed seeing this.

In art we designed African sunset pictures. We painted a red, yellow and orange sunset background using water-colour paint. Once it was dry we painted on the shadows of African animals using black paint. We had to be very careful and used very thin paintbrushes.

We would also like to point you in the direction of Mrs Collings ‘Our School Needs You’ post from earlier in the week. This includes a link to website where you can nominate our school to win £5000 towards our new library. Thank you!



P6a 16/6/17

Harvey: I liked learning about angles. I learned that an acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees.

Caitlin: I enjoyed learning about the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is believed in 13 religions around the world and it means we should all treat everyone as we would want to be treated.

Kate: I liked making art with angles in it. I learned how to use a protractor to draw angles.

Lennox: I enjoyed our new class quiz called ‘wrong uns’. It is a game where you have to answer with the wrong answer to get a point. The record so far is 16.

Kirsten: I enjoyed making a leaflet about Healthy Living. I included information about exercise, healthy eating and safe use of prescription drugs.

Lucy M: I liked learning about the safe use of prescription drugs.

Abbie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. We had to choose our own activity for circuits and try and beat our score from previous weeks. I know I have improved my fitness because last week I ran 7 lengths of the football pitch and this week I ran 12 lengths.

Eva: I enjoyed making a poster about the Golden Rule. I wrote on mine ‘be kind to others, even if they’re not kind to you’.

Ty: I enjoyed indoor P.E. We were practising our basketball skills.

Samantha: I liked creating our own quizzes for Wrong uns.



Ava – I had a really good time at the teddy bear picnic and we were supposed to go outside because it was raining. We had food and snacks. We read a story!
Hamish – We had a teddy bear picnic and we brung our teddies into school for the picnic.
Matthias – We were eating lots of sweets and crisps and we brung in our teddies. Some people didn’t bring in their teddies, so we shared them. We were celebrating summer!

Evie – These awards were for Sports Day and because we were racing so fast. We were trying to win!
Ava – I was 1st place in the sack race and I was 3rd in the egg and spoon race.
Matthias – Some people got 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then we got lots of pictures and awards.

Scott – We were making buckets and we could colour it in after when we were finished.
Emma – We were doing our writing in the bucket and after we did our writing we got to cut them out.
Hamish -We were writing what we wanted to do in the summer holidays.
Matthias – We said what we wanted to do, who you wanted to see and where you wanted to go. Some people accidentally cut off their bucket handles, so Miss Waddell had to tape them together again.

Article 28: We have the right to an education


This week we have finished writing our adventure story about the world coming to a pause, we participated in P5 Question Time,  learned about money, made french fortune tellers, worked out with 100,000 other pupils and the body coach in a fitness session and had a class election!

These are our highlights:

Mya: I enjoyed being star writer.

Demi-Leigh: I liked making smoothies and playing the floor is lava. I am also looking forward to Fathers day and I enjoyed Mya’s story.

Lotte: I enjoyed doing question time.

Caitlin: I liked the fitness session. I also liked the part when i threw bricks at the wall in Mya’s story.

Erin: I liked the Joe Wicks fitness session.

Annabelle: I liked column method and bus stop method because I had to make sure there was no remainders as money cannot have a remainder.

Robyn: I liked when we did the maths problem working out how many pencils we had. My favourite story was Mya’s.

Leia: I am looking forward to fathers day. I liked it when Mr Cunningham read Erin’s story and flapped your arms just like Erin does.

Ellis: I was voted as Scotland’s new first minister after question time.

Dadirayi: I liked my story.

Emma: I liked doing the maths exam.

Isla: I liked listening to Mya’s story. I liked doing fitness with Joe Wicks.

David: I liked Mya’s story.

Jessica: I liked Erin’s story.

Evie: I liked the maths exam.

Kayleigh: I liked Evie acting out Erin’s story and Lexi getting a mention.

Sophie: I liked the maths exam.

Kaitlin: I liked listening to Erin’s story and writing my own story.

Grace: I liked listening to Mya and Erin’s story.

Evan: I liked listening to Erin and Mya’s story.

Aaron: I liked  learning about money.


Today was our trip to Mill Farm.

Brandon: I thought it was good and I saw an escaped duck.
Orla: I liked the trip because I had fun on the moving camera. I enjoyed spending time with my friends.
Aaron: I loved the whole park but wished I could have gone on the Jelly Belly as we ran out of time.
Alistair: On the Jelly Belly there were lots of people on it and I liked sliding down the sides.
Brooke: I loved the zip wire and I stood up on it. It was 100% fun!
Charlotte: I loved it because there was lots to do including seeing the animals. The zip wire was my favourite part!
Olivia: My favourite part was the zip wire and running around it in the house!
Jay: I liked the Go Karts because I got to bash into everyone.
Alfie L: I liked the ducks because the ducks were doing handstands and jumping on each other.
Rory: I liked the hook a cow.
Owen: I liked the adventure zone because you got to run around and have fun!
Jamie: I liked the adventure zone too and my favourite part was going down the rope.
Bryce: I liked the Jelly Belly and I did some back flips.
The weather was really nice and warm and that added to our enjoyment of the day!

P6a- New experiences and responsibilities!

Eva: I enjoyed meeting my new P1 buddy because she was confident and she liked running outside. I also like helping her to make a ladybird craft.

Lucy M: I liked spending time with my buddy and playing with him.

Zoe: I liked meeting my new teacher for P7. I liked being taught in a different way. We pretended we were on a flight called CA airlines.

Abbie: I liked being a carer this week. I liked having the responsibility of a P7.

Cole: I enjoyed leading potted sports this week with P3. I liked having the responsibility of a teacher.

Yasmin: I liked creating getting to know you games for our P1 buddies.


What an exciting week…

Last week was filled with lots of different exciting activities, here are some of them…

Moving on day

We met our primary 4 teacher, Mrs Little on moving on day and we did lots of fun activities including; Bingo, name labels, drumming, and we did some handwriting. We also lrevised the 2 and 5 times tables. We are really looking forward to going into Primary 4!

In science we were learning about dissolving solids into liquids. We also made our own food chain which also links with our topic all about farming.

In maths we have continued with time and we have been working on changing analogue time into digital time.  We also learned that there is 5 minute intervals between each number.

In R.E. we were learning about the synagogue and the different areas and what they represented.

In grammar we were learning about similes and we learned that we use this when we are comparing something to something else using like or as for example; Mia is as fast as a cheetah!

Reminder- Parents evening is Monday and Tuesday this week and also P3 have their trip to Almond Valley this Wednesday 14th June.  If you have not returned payment or forms please return this asap.




Moving on…..

It was a short week after the Monday holiday but filled to the brim as ever!

On Wednesday the children all visited their new classes.
Emily – it was really enjoyable to visit our new class
Emma – Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Laidlaw are really joyful.
Elliot – I liked the size of the class and it’s my kind of layout.
Maisey – On the procession day, I got to do my staff spins and I got to be the first person in the line at Kuk Sool Won.
Emma – I really enjoyed seeing my auntie and my cousins on the procession day.
Elliot – I enjoyed watching my sister on the float as a flower girl.
Luke – My sister was a rainbow girl on the float.
Rose – On the procession day, Katie and I both walked as Belle.
Ela – I walked as Belle in the yellow dress.
Nathan – At the procession day, my gran and I were squirted with water by Windyknowe!
Charlotte – My family came up for the gala day and I got soaked with water!
During STEM the children completed the spaghetti tower challenge. They had 6 marshmallows, 30 spaghetti strands and a jelly baby. The challenge was to make the tallest tower which could support the jelly baby.
These are our efforts.

Table of the week – with 70 points

P3/2 ‘s news

We have been so busy this week ..we met our new teachers in P3 or P4. We had a great day.

We have worked so hard in Maths, Literacy,Drama, PE ,Technology, LAC(healthy bodies) and preparing for our Class Assembly.

Here are our comments:

Eden – I have really enjoyed maths this week because I have been learning about money.  Tomorrow I am looking forward to spending some of my money on sweeties.

Ross – I enjoyed the ‘show me now’ game in maths because it was fun.  I am looking forward to my summer holidays because I am going to Ibiza.

Zara – I enjoyed visiting my new teacher this week for moving on day because she is fun.  I am looking forward to my friends coming over to my house today after school.

Grace – I enjoyed meeting my teacher this week who was the old P5 teacher,Mr Cunngnham.  I am looking forward to Volcano Bay for my summer holidays in Florida.

Lily – I enjoyed meeting my new teacher this week at Moving on day because we tried some really cool maths games.  Today I am going to Crieff Hydro.

Harris – I enjoyed having Mr Cunningham this week because my friend used to be in his class last year.  I am looking forward to my summer holiday in Turkey this year.  BUCK! BUCK!

Kaycee – I liked meeting my new class this week where I was downstairs and upstairs too in the Hub.  I am looking forward to seeing what my new classroom looks like after the summer.

Jess – I also enjoyed meeting my teacher this week because he was fun and I am also excited to get some sweets at Kelly’s sweet shop tomorrow.

Rory – I enjoyed having Mrs Little for moving on day.  I am also really excited to go on holiday to Bulgaria on the last day of school.

Katie – I enjoyed going to Mrs Little because I am still with Zara and Mrs Little plays the drums.  I am also looking forward to Spain this year for my holiday.

Sophie M – I enjoyed meeting my teacher because some of my old friends from P3/2 are still there like Archie.  I am also looking forward to going on holiday on the last day of school.

Eva – I was lucky to meet two new class teachers this week.   I am excited to go and see Zara today with Florence after school.

Archie – I enjoyed meeting my teacher because my sister used to have him.  I am looking forward to be in a whole P3 class after summer.

Max – I liked seeing my new classroom on moving on day and I am looking forward to going to my caravan in summer.

Dylan – I have enjoyed having Lucas coming over to my house this week.  We are all going swimming this weekend which should be fun.

Nina – I am looking forward to visiting America this summer.   I will try and bring back some sweets for the class.  I have also enjoyed maths this week because I like working with coins.

Ellie – I am looking forward to our class Assembly next Friday.  This week I enjoyed doing maths because I like learning about money and coins.

Isla – I am excited for our class Assembly and my holiday in Belgium with my Mum.  This week I have enjoyed maths because I have been doing really well this week as it was money.

Florence – I am excited to go in my new class after summer because it will be somewhere new and different.  I enjoyed maths this week because I like learning about money.

Luis – I enjoyed maths this week because I have been learning about money which was super fun trying to add up all the coins.  I am looking forward to our class Assembly next Friday.


Review jotters home Friday 23rd June

Our Class Assembly is Friday 23rd June and we will be dressed for a party that day as our Assembly is a Celebration of our year’s learning! Please come and share it with us at 9.20am

Church Service Friday 30th June at The High Church 9.3oam-all welcome

Happy weekend !


Primary 6B

Last weekend was our annual John Newland’s Day Celebration. Our school won first place. Jack watched the procession from the roundabout near the school. He thought it was good, but not as good as last year. Jack met class members at the shows.
On Monday we had a holiday, which most of us enjoyed.
Miss McCail is on work experience with us this week. She is a sixth year pupil at St. Kentigern’s. She has enjoyed working with us.
On Wednesday we met our next year’s teacher, Miss Bollen. We completed art tasks, made tray labels, completed personality swirls and met our new buddies. Almost all of our primary one pupils settled well.
Our potted sports groups have been fun – primary 2B, 1B and 2/1 have been ‘taught’ by our groups this week.
Mrs Murdoch has been absent on Thursday and Friday and we have been taught by Mrs Aitken, Miss Bollen, Miss Holwill and Mrs Innes. This is a bit like being at secondary school and we have enjoyed this.
We are looking forward to Mrs Murdoch being back on Monday, though!


Reiss – We were learning how rain is made.

Caitlin – This was the water cycle.

Matthias – How rain happens is that the sun is so hot and tiny pieces of rain goes up to the sky and it turns into clouds. Sometimes it makes snow.

Emma – The rain was pouring down the clouds and we did an experiment and we took photos.

Ava – We had water, blue food colouring and shaving cream. When you add the food colouring you could see the cloud was getting heavy and it started to rain.

Hamish – When the tiny bits of water go up it’s called evaporation.

Lily – When the tiny bits of water go together and make clouds it’s called condensation.

Caitlin – When it falls down it is called precipitation.

Hamish – Everyone was looking at the experiment and we liked it.

On Wednesday it was Move on Day!

Caitlin – We were doing Rainbow Writing in Primary 2.

Evie – We made our names for our new trays.

Ava – We played a game where we had to roll the dice and say our names and something about us.

Emma – We also got to play with the play-doh and making stuff with it.

Evie – We were writing invitations to our teddies for our teddy bear picnic!

Ava – Our teddy bear picnic is on Monday in the tellytubby garden and if it is nice weather then we will have a real life picnic in school. If the weather is not nice then we will stay in the classroom.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Class O & M joined this week for some work. This week in RME we were learning about The Prodigal Son, we watched a short film made from Lego figures. In writing we had a debate about Fidget Spinners and we will be writing our opinions about them next week.

Cameron. I enjoyed making a weird biscuit and it was a pig and i enjoyed P.E. because we did it with class m i enjoyed making fidget spinners out of kinex and i learned about fidget spinners and i enjoyed about the bible story stay tuned for more.

Dylan-  We did Lego Bible story it was all animated with Lego figures and I would like to know how they made it.

Cody -We done a fidget spinner debate to increase fidget spinners in school and everybody in the class was for fidget spinners.  we are going to be writing about it and we will be designing our own fidget spinners.

David – I made icing and I made a pig on the biscuit. I made this father with his arm open for his son to come home. He was happy he was home.


This week we had our first day in Primary 6! How exciting!!! This is what we are looking forward to next year.

Dadirayi: I am looking forward to meeting my new teacher and doing new things.

Kayleigh: I am excited to look for challenges in P6.

Erin: I am looking forward to doing the P6 show.

Caitlin: I am looking forward to the P6 show.

Robyn: I am looking forward to having Mrs Gallagher next year.

Evie: I am looking forward to the P6 show as well.

Evan: I am looking forward to seeing my old teacher again.

Demi – Leigh: I am looking forward to seeing my old teacher and the P6 show.

Mya: I am looking forward to doing the P6 show.

Leia: I am looking forward to meeting my new teacher and talking to her.

Isla: I am excited for P6.

Kaitlin: I can’t wait for the show!

A reminder that all parents consultations arranged are to discuss any concerns about reports, but please keep any appointments that have now been issued as Mr Cunningham will be expecting you.

P2b’s Assembly

We loved our Assembly this morning. We loved sharing our learning with all the school and friends and family.We had all our light houses on display. We made them as a Home Learning Challenge. Some of us even had lights inside them!

After the Assembly we enjoyed juice and a biscuit and time with adults who had been in the audience watching us. We liked that bit too !

Thank  you for coming to see us !

Dates to note :

Saturday 3rd June- The Procession. Please join us if you can to walk with the school from 11.50am at The Old Academy.

Holiday Monday 5th June

Moving on Day Wednesday 7th June

Report Evening is either Tuesday13th or Wednesday14th  June 4-6pm. We can only discuss the report with you at this time.

Summer Church service -The High church 9.30am Friday 30th June- all welcome

Have a super weekend and holiday on Monday 😀



Sports galore!

On Wednesday we really enjoyed Sports Day down at Balbardie Park. We were really lucky with the weather which is always a bonus!
Jason –I enjoyed the long distance race
Suvi – I enjoyed cheering my house team Strachan on the relay race
Guy – I enjoyed the sprint race
Joshua – I enjoyed taking part in the potato and spoon race
Ben – I enjoyed the sack race
Denholm – I liked hearing people cheer me on in the race
Katie – I enjoyed the egg and spoon race because I was second
Mia – I enjoyed the whole afternoon with my class
Isaac – I like the sack race
Teighan – The relay race was fun!
Maisey – I liked the long distance race because I came second
Rose – I enjoyed the long distance because I won.
Louie – I enjoyed the sprint because I came second. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who came along to support us and especially to those who took part in the adult races.

Pupil of the week for 4b – Aryan for his mature and sensible attitude to sharing his experiences in RME.
Table of the week – with 850 point

Pupil of the week for 4a – Joshua
Table of the week –Dynamic Dangerous Dinosaurs


This week has been very busy!

In topic, we have been learning about food chains and food webs. This is so we understand where our food comes from and how it is all linked. We learnt about producers, primary and secondary consumers. We were able to complete food chains and talk about food webs.

In maths, we have been practising our times tables and linking them to division.

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to take part in the Bathgate Multisports Festival. We had great fun and were able to have taster sessions of Badminton, Rugby, Athletics, Tae Kwon Do and Football.

On Wednesday, it was Sports Day. We had a great time taking part in the races and watching them. The weather was beautiful and it was just a great day!

Today we have coaches from Xcite to teach us about keeping healthy.

As you can see, we have had an exciting week!

We hope the weather is as good for the procession as it was on Sports Day! Enjoy the long weekend!

Could you also complete our behaviour policy survey via the link below:
Thank you.