Category Archives: Whole School News


This week we finished our topic on Our Community. We worked as a team and made a town. The town had different types of shops and businesses, office blocks, a hospital, school, cinema and different types of houses. We discussed what was needed to make a town and then we designed a building for it. It looked really good – what do you think?

Orlaith: We built a town using cardboard boxes and paint. It was fun!
Fearne: We were learning about different buildings.
Grace M: Today we went to church and sang Harvest songs.
Sara: We’ve been learning how to design and paint different buildings.
Eilidh: We’ve been learning about giving instructions using forward, backwards, clockwise, anticlockwise, half turns, quarter turns and full turns.
Tiana: Golden time is fun.
Ava: My favourite thing was seeing the teacher smile!
Keira: My favourite part was when we got to draw a map of a town on paper.
Esther: My favourite thing was shared start because I got to show mum the floor grid.
Grace Q: I liked it when we went on our trip to spot houses.

2A highlights from the week

Carley: We are learning about castles and we are writing our assembly.


Ellis: I enjoyed Maths this week.


James: I enjoyed our singing assembly.


Ethan: I liked being at the church.


Amber: I enjoyed going to the church and singing songs. I also enjoyed PE.


Shannon: I enjoyed learning our song about castles.


Ada: I enjoyed learning my words for the assembly.


Aileigh: I enjoyed singing in church.


River: I enjoyed saying my lines for the assembly.


Jude: I enjoyed learning my lines.


Aaron: I enjoyed getting my new book; ‘Mamba and the Crocodile Bird.’


Max and Jack: I enjoyed play time and lunch time.


Many of us enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes.


Have a lovely holiday everyone.

Miss McKinnon

P7a’s first term thoughts…

What a busy first term in Primary 7. We have worked regularly with our buddies. We have had 2 visits from the Maths dept at Bathgate Academy. We have loved learning about Amazonia and enjoyed Cool Creatures visiting our class and allowing us to see and hold the animals up very close- Amazing !

We have worked extremely hard in Literacy especially Creative Writing recognising a plan is a necessity and neat writing is always a must. We have written about A view from a window, A key , A rainforest experience and a letter of thanks to Callum from Cool Creatures.

Ty,Kirsten- We enjoyed The Maths Dept coming to teach us

Tom,Liam,Lucie,Harvey,Jennie,Zoe,Samantha- We enjoyed Bathgate Academy open evening

Sam- I ‘ve liked Creative Writing

Rowan- I’ve enjoyed Writing and being Star Writer

Abbie- I enjoyed being Pupil of the Week

Caitlin- I enjoyed meeting my P1 buddy and working with them

Lennox-I’ve enjoyed having the responsibility of being a House Captain and taking on lots of jobs

Brooklyn,Rhia- We are enjoying the responsibilities of P7

Dyllan,Kate- We enjoyed Cool Creatures being in our class.We loved handling them and watching them up close. It was great.

Holly,Alanna- We are  enjoying Art with Mrs Thomson from Bathgate Academy

Eva,Cole,Naomi-We are enjoying learning about Amazonia

Paul- I am enjoying having a P1 buddy

Jack-I like Problem Solving

Yasmin-I liked Amazonia the best


Good luck Yasmin in your new school


Harvey, Ciaran and Naomi

Pupil of the week


Secret Student



High 5 tigers

well done everyone

French phrase is bonne vacances(happy holidays)

happy holidays everyone-see you On Tuesday 24th October








Our Term 1 Highlights

Jess: I liked singing in church this morning

Eden: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies this term

Harris: I cannot wait until next term

Luis: I enjoyed PE with Mr Jefferies

Archie: I enjoyed being star writer

Kayden: I enjoyed learning about verbs

Max: I enjoyed doing golden time

Isla: I enjoyed doing place value

Liam: I enjoyed maths

Sophie M: I enjoyed writing this term

Brandon: I enjoyed feeling the materials to see what they were made of in science

Sophie A: I liked doing writing in my first week

Emily: I enjoyed learning how to do counting on

Sophie S: I enjoyed making Non-Newtonian liquid

Marley: I liked the songs in the church


You have all worked incredibly hard this term and I am very pleased with how well you have all done!

Marbles Champion – Intelligent Table

Star Writer –  Sophie M


Mr C


Term 1 has come to an end and what a term it has been!

All of P2b have worked so hard and definitely deserve a well earned break.  Here are some of our highlights from this term.

We really enjoyed the story teller Daniel Allison who visited us this week.

We loved learning all about Castles and Dungeons as part of our Learning Across the Curriculum.

We had lots of fun making dragons, dragon blowers and castles with Mrs Thompson.

We enjoyed all the different activities in P.E with Mr Jeffries and enjoyed Yoga and outdoor games with Mrs Palmer.

We assessed our learning in maths yesterday on all the different concepts we learnt this term and we did really well and remembered lots!

In literacy we enjoyed reading more challenging books, learning about characters and settings and comparing stories.

We really enjoyed writing this term and have really worked hard on remembering finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.  Above this we have learned how to write a description, learned and wrote about different openers and learned how to write a menu for a banquet.

We cannot wait for what next term will bring and we hope everyone has a great holiday!

Football Festival

Football Festival

Pupils from primary 6 and 7 took part in the first  Bathgate Academy cluster football festival this week. All of the players gave their all and worked excellently as a team with Archie Strachan scoring some fantastic goals and Charlie Davidson keeping our defence secure. They ended up winning two out of their four games and narrowly losing the other two.  A big well done to all the players who played from Mr Cunningham and Mr Drysdale who were impressed with your commitment and team ethic throughout the festival.


Results: 1-0 Loss vs Windyknowe/ 2-0Win vs Boghall/ 2-1Win vs St Mary’s /2-1 Loss vs Simpsons



Harvest Celebration

We hope you can come to our Harvest Celebration on Friday, 13th October 2017.  We would love it if you could come as the House Captain Team have put a lot of work into this and so have the rest of the school, so it would be very nice if you could come.

It would be very much appreciated if you would donate some food (tins and packets of dried food) for charity.  Please note all food handed in will be donated to those less fortunate in Bathgate.

The service will start at 9.30am and lasts about 30 minutes, and will be held in Bathgate High Church.

Many regards

The House Captain Team

P2b are always learning!

Last week we were learning lots in class.  Here are some of the things we would like to share with you…

In maths we were learning to count up in two’s and three’s.  We also started symmetry and looked at how we used reflectors to see the other side of the shape and worked out how to complete a symmetrical pattern.

In literacy, we learned about functional writing and wrote our very own menu for a banquet which links to our learning across the curriculum topic about castles.

Next week we will be learning about openers to make the start of our writing more interesting.

We have been learning lots of new sounds in phonics and everyone is trying hard to transfer this into our writing too.

With Mrs Thompson we finished off our castles that are made out of tissue paper-these look really cool!

In R.M.E. we have been learning about Sukkot and learning about Harvesting through the story of Ruth and Naomi.  We made a storyboard retelling the story of this.

In science we have been learning about the changing of seasons and we went on an investigation into the playground to find leaves of all different colours.  We worked out that leaves only stay green if they are getting enough food from water and sunlight.  If they don’t, this is when they start to change colour and fall off the trees.

Review jotters have now went home, please fill out the highlights page and any successes from home and return by Friday 13th October.


Table of the week- Monkeys

Dojo winner- Evie


Have a lovely week everyone!

P1b’s week

This week in P1b we have been busy practising our sounds and making words to add to our word wall.  We are very excited to be getting weekly reading books and learning to read on our own 🙂

In maths this week we have been learning about positional language and we are hoping to use the Bee bots next week to help us with our turns.

We are looking forward to going to the library next Thursday and we hope to see you at the Church Service next Friday 🙂

Have a lovely weekend from p1b  Continue reading P1b’s week


This week we were learning how to write sentences remembering to use capital letters and full stops.
In maths, we have started to learn about co-ordinates and why they are used.
In topic, we learned about the history, what there is to do and see as well as about some famous people from Bathgate. We went on a trip around Bathgate town centre to see the different types of buildings, their uses and where

they were situated. We learned about the different types of people living in the houses.
Wednesday was our shared start and we shared our learning with our parents and grandparents. We had different stations with games and activities showcasing our learning about giving and following directions.

Evie: This week we were learning about less and more in numbers.
Keira: we have been learning about numbers before and after.
Sara: we have been counting in 10’s to 100.
Orlaith: We went on a walkabout around Bathgate to learn about all the different houses.
Evie: This week we started writing about our trip.
Alysheeya: We looked at different types of houses.
Ava: Bathgate used to be a mining community.
Alfie: John Newlands built the old Academy with money he earned abroad.
Joseph: We were learning about houses and how they connect – they are called semi-detached or terraced houses.
Alfie: I was at a Tae Kwon Do competition and I came in second place for doing the ‘Scissor Kick’ and I got a Silver medal. Well done Alfie!
Enjoy your weekend!

Class Sun

Class Sun have been busy practising our listening skills this week. We have been learning to do this in different ways and in different places.
The adults are very proud of us are we are really trying hard.
Here are some of the ways we can remember where and how we have been listening well:

Kai – when sitting in our group
Hamish – playing traffic lights at PE
Katie – when playing games
Erin – sining and dancing to songs like If you’re Happy and You Know it
Shea – baking cakes
Zoe – listening to stories

We are going to keep on working hard on these. Hopefully our mums and dad’s will think we are using our listening skills well at home too!


It is the penultimate week of term 1 and here is the learning in P3C.


Sophie M: We have been learning to count on

Luis: We have been drawing it

Jess: We have been doing count on and drawing number lines in maths

Harris: We had shared start and parents came in and did maths with us


Archie: We have done a spelling test and I got 10/10

Isla: We created posters in writing this week

Grace: We learned about slogans

Sophie S: We have been doing posters and making up our own slogan


Grace: we learned our name, age and where we live in French

Eden: I have been learning how to add

Kayden: We went a walk on Monday down the street

Emily: I was glad it didn’t rain on our walk.


Last week next week lets make it a good one! Check out our shared start photos.



Mr C

Marbles Champions – Rainbows

Star Writer – Archie G




We’ve had a busy week in P2A. Here are some of the things we’ve learned and enjoyed:

Olivia – “We have been learning about symmetry and making symmetrical pictures.”

Mia, Emily, Aileigh and Ellis – “I enjoyed making a crown.”

Shannon – “I enjoyed reading.”

James – “This week we have been singing.”

Jack – “I have enjoyed decorating the crowns.”

Oliver – “I enjoyed learning about castles.”

Carley – “I enjoyed making our castles with tissue paper. Once it had dried, we peeled it off and it made colours.”

Ethan – “I liked making knights.”

Aaron  and Amber – “I enjoyed looking at how the leaves change colour.”

Max – “I liked doing Maths.”

Jude – “I enjoyed it when we were trying to see how many lines of symmetry each shape had.”

River – “I enjoyed learning about medieval times.”

Holly – “I enjoyed it when we got to collect leaves.”




P7a’s week of learning

This week has been exciting -we waited with trepidation for Cool Creatures to visit on Wednesday afternoon.

Here are our comments:-

Harvey,Yasmin,Ty- We liked the snake because it was so smooth to touch

Sam,Zoe- We liked the armadillo because it was so cute

Kirsten,Lucie,Eva- We liked the civit because it was nice and soft and was still a young one

Caitlin- I liked the tortoise because it is one of my favourite animals

Naomi- I liked the tortoise because it seemed to give me a high 5!

Sophie,Brooklyn- We liked holding the snake because it was really soft

Kate,Ross,Ciaran,Abbie- We liked holding the snake with our group

Tom,Dyllan- We liked the albino python

Alanna- I enjoyed the armadillo. Elle was her name

Holly-  I wished I’d been there as I’d have enjoyed holding the snake

Ashleigh,Rhia-We enjoyed watching the civit climbing all over Callum the owner of Cool Creatures

Rowan,Samantha- We liked stroking Mango the civit.She was really soft

Jennie- I liked giving Amber the tortoise a high 5

Lennox,Liam- We enjoyed holding the armadillo

Lucy- I liked the chameleon

Literacy-Creative writing this week was all about An unusual Pet- We had to choose between a capybara or armadillo

On Friday we invited parents in to see our Learning.It was all about VCOP.We played Punctuation games, wrote on a graffiti wall of VCOP, made ambitious vocabulary cubes, played a connective game and used interesting openers to hook the reader in.

Table of last week was-Tropical Parrots

Pupil of the week- Abbie

Star writers -Sam, Rowan and Yasmin-well done all of you for your super work !

Modern Languages word /phrase of the week is la foret de tropicaux( the rainforest)

Happy weekend everyone !

PS Remember Outdoor PE for Monday 🙂






Some of our favourite moments from this week are…

Archie – I really liked when we were writing stories about dragons and when we sang our Harvest songs.

Artjom – I enjoyed making the little houses with the Art teacher.

Kyle – I liked when we went on our community walk.

Luke – I liked being the star writer!

Rowan – I liked when it was Shared Start because parents got to come in and see what work we’ve been doing.

Akasha – I liked when my mummy came in for Shared Start. I also liked making my Pokemon Center with the Art teacher.

Sarah – I liked how we do our work because we get to learn stuff. When we are older we will get to go to high school and college. It’s just great.

Hollie – I liked when my mum came into Shared Start. I also liked my new reading book.

Elena – I liked when we went into the new library to read our new reading book. I like our new reading book “Into Space”.


Here is a selection of things we have been learning and enjoying this week.

Fearne: We have been learning about maths facts and how to do them fast.
Evie: In maths, we have been learning about numbers more or less
Orlaith: We learnt about the different shade of colour. I did two pictures in art.
Sara: I enjoyed maths because I learn new things.
Tiana:: I enjoyed Golden Time.
Keira: I liked coffee morning because I got to see my Daddy.
Alfie: I enjoy school because we have a class charter that shows us how we behave.
Grace Q: I enjoy school because I like doing art and P.E.

P.E fun in P4b!

This week we enjoyed the Macmillan Coffee morning, raising money to support people with cancer and their families. We enjoyed cakes and treats and were able to buy some fabulous toys!
In PE we played castles with Mr Jeffries. We have a set of hoops made into a castle shape. We then have to throw balls at the enemy’s castle to knock it down. The winner is the team who manage to knock down the enemies two castles.
In outdoor PE we have been learning to play hockey. First of all, we played truck and trailer. The player at the front is the truck and the one at the back is the trailer. The ‘truck’ has the ball and has to run carefully around the playground controlling the ball. The trailer at the back has to stay with the truck. At ‘all change’ the truck and trailer change places!
Table of the week – orange with 380 points.