Category Archives: Whole School News

Roadtrip USA in class star

We have enjoying learning all about America! We have learned about different states and landmarks within them. We even built the Empire State building using Lego and the Golden Gate Bridge using art straws and string and tried to build them to scale. We were learning about the job as president and all feel it must be a pretty stressful job! If we were president, we would like to provide healthcare like our NHS and decrease the number of people who are homeless. We are now going to be learning about world war 2 and looking forward to it!


We were excited to be back swimming again with Kyle and Ross our instructors. Jayden recieved swimmer of the week for improving his forward stroke so well and following all instructions! Week done Jayden!

We also have been working hard on our class tasks. We had to choose a famous American celebrity, past or present, and research information about them. We then peer assessed each other during the talks and gave feedback. We were looking for for appropriate pace, volume, clarity, eye contact and content.


Here are some of our highlights:

Joe – I really enjoyed learning about the president’s job

Cody – I enjoyed the Burn’s supper as I liked the Irn Bru

Yolie – I liked the Burn’s Supper as the haggis was nice

David – I liked building the Golden Gate Bridge

Cameron – I enjoyed doing my class talk as I got really good feedback


Have a nice weekend!

Class star 🌟


P1 Bookbug Family Survey

Thank you so much for all your help with the P1 bags this year!
We have compiled a survey for Parents/Carers – if you have time it would be great if you could complete this. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes of your time. There are prizes on offer: a reading tent and a bundle of books for a lucky parent and child.
The links for the survey is as follows:
The deadline for both surveys is Wednesday 31st January. If you have any questions or problems please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Murdoch

P4s busy week!

This week we have been really busy learning our lines for our assembly and thinking about costumes. Please can these be in school at the beginning of next week. Please help the children to go over their lines for the songs and the acting parts.

We wrote a newspaper report about the Viking attack on Lindisfarne. We learnt that newspaper reports have a catchy headline, punchy short sentences, not too much detail in the picture, an opening paragraph which summarises and then paragraphs with more detail in afterwards.

We enjoyed another futsal session, learning how to dribble the ball.

With Mrs Gray, our NYCoS teacher, we learnt about speaking the pulse, clapping the pulse and walking the pulse.

Mrs Mackenzie taught us about multiplication. We were learning how to show a multiplication story so that 2 x 10 is the same as 10 x 2 and how to make things simpler if we don’t understand the first question.

We also put forward 3 children for the Burns’ poetry recital competition and we were really pleased when Eva won a prize for her recital ‘Fireworks aff castle’.

Learning partners of the week – Olivia and Orla.
Table of the week – Orange


P2 have had a busy week rehearsing for our show, we’re getting better and better at singing some of the songs and we’ve done an excellent job learning our lines in such a short time. Well done P2A!

This week we went for a walk in the playground and worked with our talk partners to write down the things we could see, hear, touch and smell. After lunch, we added the things we had tasted in the lunchroom.

Here are some other highlights:

Holly and Amber: I enjoyed listening to stories.

Jude and Emily: I enjoyed maths.

Olivia and Ada: I enjoyed subtracting.

Mia and Ellis: I enjoyed handwriting.

Max, Aaron and Aileigh: I enjoyed reading.

Megan: I enjoyed assembly.

River: I enjoyed watching the video about the a lifecycle of a frog.

Jack: I enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a frog.

Carley: I enjoyed phonics.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.




This week’s highlights:


Nearly whole class: liked measurement (they were trying to read different scales).

Sophie A: I liked doing the 2 times table

Eden: I liked the times tables

Keegan: I liked doing the measuring booklet



Grace: I enjoyed writing a Scots poem

Emily: I liked doing newspapers about Johnny Scramble

Sophie M: I liked doing Johnny Scramble Newspapers

Isla: I liked getting my new reading book called The Dangerous Trainers

Sophie S: I liked doing poems about Johnny Scramble

Luis: I liked writing Scots poems

Jess: I liked writing my Scots newspaper about Johnny Scramble



Sophie A: I liked colouring the mouse in art

Brandon: I liked colouring my mouse

Eden: I liked drawing and colouring my mouse in art

Harris: I liked doing Multi-Sports

A huge well done for working so hard this week I am VERY impressed with what you have produced this week.


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Jess Ireland

Poem Champion – Isla Speedie





We have had another busy week of learning new things in P2b…

Caitlin- I enjoyed making our lanterns for Chinese New Year.

Marcus- I enjoyed writing a recount about my visit to McDonald’s.

Emma- I enjoyed learning about all of my senses.

Hamish- I enjoyed reading the story of The Chinese New Year.

Ava- I enjoyed art with Mrs Thompson and making our lanterns with Mrs Palmer.

Josh- I enjoyed making the lizard eyes in art.

Evie- I enjoyed making our Chinese lanterns and making our hand print pigs at Golden Time.

Matthias- I enjoyed using Numicon in maths.

Lewis- I enjoyed subtracting hard sums in maths.


Table of the week- Marvellous Monkeys

Star of the week- Lewis

Dojo Winner- Ava

Star writers- Lily, Kaiden, Gracie, Zara,  and Evie.



We have had a very busy week and had lots of things to do and enjoy.
We learned about all things Scottish; the history of Tartan, Scottish foods, bagpipes and Robert Burns. We had a special visit from Mr Mackinnon who showed us the bagpipes. He showed us how they are played and what all the different parts are called. We also learned how to make shortbread. Then we ate it!
Here are our thoughts:
Orlaith: I enjoyed it when Graces’ dad came with the bagpipes.
Tiana: I enjoyed the music he played.
Grace: I enjoyed it when dad came in and showed us the different things.
Evie: I enjoyed making shortbread.
Eilidh: I enjoyed assembly practice and learning about Scots.
Grace Q: I enjoyed learning the dance.
Fearne: I enjoyed making the shortbread.
Ava: I enjoyed eating it!
Dionne: I liked learning the colours in French.
Sara: I enjoyed making shortbread.
Lilyrose: I liked making and eating the shortbread.


This has been a busy week at Balbardie with lots of exciting experiences and new learning. We have played in the snow, learned multiplication, written animal poems and even had a visit from Mr. McKinnon. Check out our photos for yourself!


Star Writer – Isla Speedie


P2b’s Snowy Week!

This week has been such a fun week watching the snow fall.  We have also learnt lots of new things, here are some of our favourites.


Josh- We made lizard eyes in art!

Emma- I enjoyed playing out in the snow with everyone in our class.

Lewis- I enjoyed throwing snowballs outside.

Hamish- I enjoyed making the biggest snowball in the world!

Ava- I enjoyed doing our listening exercise and doing number gym for home learning.

Maksim- I enjoyed playing with snowballs and building a tower with Jacob.

Caitlin- I enjoyed making a snow volcano which had a giant ice-cream on top with Emma.

Matthias- I enjoyed being the Dojo winner.

Kyle- I enjoyed watching the Lego Movie during Golden Time.

Gracie- I enjoyed making a giant snow volcano and throwing snowballs at Mrs Palmer.

Zara- I enjoyed playing Temple Run during Golden Time.


We have all been learning our songs and words for our P2 show which we are very excited about too. We have also started subtraction in maths.


Dojo winner- Matthias

Table of the week- Eager Elephants

Star of the week- Ava


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

2A Highlights

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Aaron: I enjoyed getting my book called ‘The elephant that forgot.’

Jude: I enjoyed getting into a circle and counting back from 40.

Mac: I enjoyed doing P.E. outside.

Ada and Aileigh: I enjoyed learning about the five senses.

Ellis: I enjoyed learning to take away.

Carley and Olivia: I enjoyed getting my new talk partner.

Jack: I enjoyed listening to the Scots poems.

Ethan: I enjoyed P.E.

Alex, Amber and Holly: I enjoyed reading my poem.

Max: I liked reading my poem.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Our first week in P2b after Christmas was filled with lots of hard working children! Here are some of the things we enjoyed…


Hamish- I liked making my new years resolution.

Josh- I enjoyed doing my monsters with Mrs Thompson.

Emma- I enjoyed reading and golden time.

Caitlin- I enjoyed learning about recounts in writing.

Zara- I enjoyed learning about giving change in maths.

Gracie- I enjoyed learning how to take away to work out the change in money.

Maksim- I enjoyed playing literacy games on the Ipad.


Other news-


Dojo winner- Emma

Star of the week- Ava

Star writers- Lewis, Caitlin, Reiss, Josh, Kaiden and Jacob.



Table of the week- Monkeys


Happy New Year and Welcome back!

We started our new mini topic this week on Scots. We learned about Robert Burns and why he is famous and important to Scotland. We have started making our tartan bagpipes and they should be finished by next week. We wrote a poem in Scots Dialect about an animal – they are very interesting! Read them on the wall outside the classroom! We also chose our poem for the Robert Burns competition – 3 people will be chosen to go forward so we should practice learning them at home too.

In maths we finished off learning about Data Handling – we made bar graphs using frequency tables created from our class circle time about our favourite present received. We have started learning about subtraction as well.

In Health and Wellbeing, we are learning how to keep ourselves safe online. We had to choose a quality that makes us special.

Budgeting can be fun! By Class Star

Welcome back everyone to school. It is good being back! We hope you all had a nice Christmas and New Year and that Santa was good to you.

This week we were learning to budget money by organising a Burn’s Supper. We are very excited to have our own Burn’s Supper and looking forward to eating Haggis, Neeps and tatties, Irn Bru and shortbread!!! We had £45 to spend on a main course, sides, drinks, desserts and extras including table decorations and we had to make sure we stayed within our budget which was a little tricky.

We had fun learning about M.C. Escher’s Impossible Pictures and drew our patterns in the same styles as the artist.

We also learned about famous American landmarks and which states they can be found and constructed them using our chosen media.

Next week we will be applying our budgeting skills when ordering and buying food for our class snack during Out and About.

If you have any questions about our learning please just ask us below.


Have a lovely weekend!

Class Star


Happy New Year from everyone in P3c.


Here are our highlights of week 1:


Archie: I liked writing about animals

Grace: I liked writing animal poems

Jess: I liked my poem as well

Eden: I liked describing my animal



Marley: I liked doing measuring, which is heaviest and lightest

Isla: I liked practising my two times table and singing a song

Brandon: I liked learning about mass

Lily: I liked playing measure bingo

Emily: I liked practising my two times table using a song



Sophie M: I liked learning about the Egyptians

Nina: I liked learning about the Egyptians

Kayden: I liked doing the Egyptians

Luis: I liked the Egyptians


Table Champions – Watermelons

Happy New Year from 2A

2A would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

This week we have been learning about New Year’s Celebrations in China and New Year’s resolutions. We made New Year’s Wishing Wands with our own resolutions on them. Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude and Aaron: I enjoyed learning about New Year’s resolutions.

Emily and James: I enjoyed P.E.

Amber and Aileigh: I enjoyed making New Year’s wishing wands.

Ellis: I enjoyed making the puppets for the Chinese New Year story.

Holly and Mia: I enjoyed doing the puppet show.

Jack: I enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.

Ada: I enjoyed learning to subtract.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading.

Alex: I enjoyed watching the video about Chinese New year.

Carley: I enjoyed watching the dragon dance.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.









Christmas fun! By class star

We had such a fun time at our Christmas parties this week! Look at some of our photos! We also loved the panto, oh yes we did! It was about Cinderella and was really funny especially when they got the teachers up to dance. I don’t think the teachers found it as much as we did! We had fun making gingerbread men and melted snowman cakes too!

Have a lovely Christmas and New year

Class 🌟


Last week of the term/year is over!

We had lots of fun this week. We watched the panto – Cinderella and really loved it. We enjoyed singing along to the songs!
We learned how to make snowflakes and made them into Christmas cards for our family.
In maths, we played different games.

In topic, we learned how to keep safe in extreme weather. We learned about air pressure and we also learned about different climates around the world and why we have them.

In literacy, we learned how to use commas in lists – this will come in handy when asking for multiple presents and saying thank you for all the gifts we receive.

Now it’s time to relax!
Enjoy your holidays and have a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas from P5a

We have had a great last week of term and now we can’t wait till Christmas! On Monday we used shaving foam, scrabble letters, playdo and whiteboards to practice our spelling words. We also made Christmas cards and decorated Christmas baubles to hang on our trees at home. Here are some other  highlights from this week:

Campbell – I loved the Pantomine!

Teighan – I’m sad to go home but I have had a really fun week!

Hannah – I loved using the shaving foam to practice Christmas spelling words.

Lauren  – I liked watching Hook!

Amy – I enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree baubles

Miles – I liked making the Christmas cards with paint and cotton balls.

Suvi – I loved the Winter Craft Club!

Kiara – I liked giving everyone leaving hugs today 🙂

(Thank you for all of the lovely and thoughtful gifts. I hope you all have  a lovely Christmas and New Year! – Miss Carrera)