All posts by Miss Holwill

Our favourite things about term 3…

Here are our reflections on what we liked….

  • PE because we got to be the teacher (MH & BD)
  • PE…I’ve enjoyed the different travelling (EF)
  • Learning about pirates, especially the food (AL)
  • PE….moving object and the bubble game (JM)
  • Collecting our fireballs in PE (KB)
  • I like running in PE and skipping (ND)
  • Golden Time as I get to bring in my toy (NM)
  • I am proud of my reading (SC)
  • Playing games with Mr Jefferies (EB)
  • Floating and sinking (RB)
  • Phonics because I work with different people(BD)
  • Being a scientist and doing floating and sinking (RG)
  • I am very proud of my reading (JW)
  • In drama I like following the leader (OHT)
  • Golden time (OR)
  • Number work, take away especially (BC)
  • I like all the different activities in phonics (BES)
  • Dance has been fun with the ribbons (KB)
  • Floating and sinking (EF)
  • Dancing the ribbons (AD)

The photos are from drama




Data handling with our buddies

In maths we have been learning about data handling.  We have learned how to record results using tally marks and how to draw a graph to show our results.  We can also read our graphs to answer questions.  But we wanted to carry out a survey, so we ask our buddies for help.

On Thursday we paired up with our buddies and learned lots.  Firstly, with our buddies we came up with a question and thought carfeully about what choices we were going to give (we remembered to have an ‘other’ option).  Then we all went to a class to carry out our survey and recorded our results.  When we got back to our class we had to make a graph and answer questions.  We found working out the differnce between the answer with the greatest and fewest votes tricky but our buddies were great teachers.  Everyone was very impressed espically our buddies who thought we should be in P2 🙂

We had a great time and a big thank you to our buddies and the classes we visited.

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Group work in P1h

This term we have been learning how to make group work successful.  These are the skills we have practiced:

Get into our groups quickly and quietly (we played a game of ‘Peas in the pod’ to learn this skill)

Remember to get everything you need (we made biscuits to learn this skill)

Organised (we all help to make the ship but we all have a n individual job too)

Use whispering voices (we played hunt the thimble and Chinese Whispers to learn this skill)

People’s name (we learned that people will help you better if you say their name first)

Stay with your group until you are finished (One time Miss Holwill sent our timekeepers away so we did not finish our job in time)

This week we used our group working skills to share our learning of pirate ships.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with our group working skills and thought our ships were very special too. Here are the photos…108_2154108_2162108_2157108_2155108_2163108_2158108_2161108_2159article 13

Sinking and floating…

This week we have been scientists.  Like real scientists we did some research, made predictions, carried out an experiment and recorded our findings.

We learned about why some objects float and some sink.  It has all to do with density.  Everything is made of molecules. Molecules are tiny particles that can only be seen with a microscope (we thought of them as Lego bricks).  Some objects have molecules that are packed closely together. Others have molecules that are packed more loosely. This is density. Objects with tightly packed molecules are denser than the water and sink.  Objects with more loosely packed molecules are less dense and float.

We used this knowledge to make predications.  We then did experiments to check our predicitions and finally recorded our results.

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Did you know that pirates took dried food as well as animals onto their ship?  They would eat the eggs and milk when the animals still had food, when they ran out of food for the animals they would be butchered.

Pirates used to salt, dry and pickle a lot of their food as they did not have fridges, freezers or cans like we do.  During the journey their food would rot but they still needed to eat it.  However, when they were near land they would land and take on fresh supplies.

We pretended to be pirates this week on a long journey.  At first, our rations were hard tack biscuits, dried fruit and pickled cabbage (so we would not die of scurvy).  Luckily our food was not rotten.  We all really enjoyed the hard tack.  Olivia would have soon been the captain as she was the only one who liked the pickled cabbage and would not have got scurvy.

Then the captain said that land was near so we got a map to find fresh supplies.  We collected pineapple, corn bread and pawpaw.  We also managed to catch fish but not sea turtles.  We all much preferred these rations although we missed the hard tack!








What did pirates do for fun?

We have been comparing what we do for fun and what pirates would have done after all their chores on board.  We thought we would not do anything the same, especially after we realised they did not have TV or computers, but…..

We both enjoy listening to music and lots of us can or we have family/friends who can play an instrument.  

There were some activities that were similar.  Pirates played dice game, this is sort of the same as we use die to play board games.  Pirates liked to do craft activities.  We love to do this.  Pirates would have used bone and rope and we use paint and paper.

One thing we have never done is tied ropes.

We pretended we were pirates for the afternoon and learned to tie a knot and play a game using only dice.  We were very busy and had lots of fun!  Thanks to Jamie for taking our photos:) 


The postie came to P1h

This week we had a parcel delivered to our classroom.  The Little Red Hen sent it to us.  We thought lots and lots about what could be in it.  Was it a loaf of bread or maybe a chicken!?!  No…it was a bag of flour, some yeast and a recipe to make bread.  We were not like the dog, cat and duck as we all worked together to stir and knead the dough.  We loved watching the dough prove in the class room, it grow so much it nearly spilled over the bowl.  At the end of the day we had a story and ate the yummiest bread and butter.

Have a good weekend!

Hola from P1h

We have had a busy week again.  These are our highlights…..

We made Three Bear Porridge in class this week.  Like Mummy Bear we used a special stick called a spurtle to make the porridge.  We know Mummy Bear makes Daddy Bear’s porridge salty, Baby Bear’s plain and adds honey to her bowl, so we did too. We were like Goldilocks and tried all three bowls, but we liked Mummy Bear’s porridge the best.  We have also been making our own porridge bowls out of paper mache, we are looking forward to decorating them.

We have been enjoying making lots of friends as it is fun playing with them.  Some of our favourite things are dressing up, cars, building dinosaurs, jigsaws and making up our own stories in the library.  This is the first week we brought in toys from home on a Friday we were all very careful and looked after our own toys and our friends.  We had fun sharing.  Well done P1!

Bye for now!

P.S. Mums, dads, aunties etc please leave us a comment too!

Welcome to P1h!

Although some of us are missing nursery we all think school is good and fun!

We have learned so much already and Miss Holwill is so impressed with us.  We are beginning to learn our sounds.  We can all say ‘m’ and ‘c’ and read I, the, he and she.  When we are learning our sounds we all practice writing them and do lots of fun activities like colouring, painting and sticking.  In maths we have started to write numbers and count.  Our favourite game is when we pretend to be green bottles accidently falling of the wall.

We have been meeting lots of new people and learning about how they help us in school.  We have made pictures of some of these people to remind us.  Some really important people in school are our buddies.  They have been playing with us at play time and helping us at lunch.  We also have a lesson with them each week.  This week we made peg people of ourselves.

We haven’t even started to tell you about drama, PE or Spanish.

Miss Holwill thinks we better have a long lie tomorrow 🙂

Talk to you soon!

Catch up from P3h

We really enjoyed health and fitness fortnight…here are some of our highlights:

  • we did gymnastics and it was amazing!
  • we did lots of faces at sports day.
  • we had a close competition during curling.
  • bowling was tricky as the bowls went too far but it was fun.
  • funky fitness was street dancing, we managed to learn a whole routine
  • and lots and lots of skipping.

In class we are now learning about healthy eating and are looking forward to doing some cooking.

In other news…

In art we have been creating work inspired by Andy Warhol.  We had to trace an image so we could repeat it.  Then we were colour mixing primary colours to make secondary colours.  If we then added a primary colour again we made tertiary colours.  We turned everyday products into art.

Our trip to Leyden Farm

Today we went on our school trip to a real life working farm.  The farm was a mixed farm with beef cattle and lambs.  We got to see the different animals and learn how Stuart and Lesley and their children look after the animals.  We also got to see some of the machinery.  After we had looked around the farm we walked down to a wood that is on the edge of the farm.  Here Jim told us all about the plants, trees and animals we could find there.  Here are some of our thoughts!
  • Katya thought it was good fun seeing the animals.
  • Cameron R thought the chickens were very loud.
  • Colin thought it was fun seeing the different crops.
  • Jamie liked learning about how to help cows have their calves and seeing them.
  • Paige liked seeing the horse because he was furry.
  • Harry liked helping Stuart to feed the animals.
  • Lauryn thought it was weird seeing the cows going to the toilet.
  • Kamron liked the animals and the tractors.  He also thinks Stuart was a very good farmer because he puts in a lot of effort.
  • Aidan liked playing in the wood.
  • Gary liked going into the woods and learning about all the trees and plants.
  • Emma thought there were loads of cows and sheep.  This year the farm had the same number of new lambs as there are boys and girls at Balbardie.
  • Lewis likes shooting reeds.
  • Katie liked seeing all the different animals.
  • Amber thought the trip was good as we got to see what we are learning about in class.
  • Robyn thought it was really good looking at the animals.
  • Tobin liked seeing Poppy the pig.
  • Fiona thought it was good to see a Beef farm.
  • Luca thought the trip was really fun and education.  We learned about machinery and animals.
  • Archie really liked being in the wood and learning how to shoot a reed.
  • Steven thought the farmer was nice and he liked all of the animals.
  • Noah it was because we got to see the animals and clap the lambs.
  • Stacey thinks it was really cool learning about all the things that happen on a farm.
  • Michelle liked learning about the countryside around farms.

Watch this space for some photo!

We would also like to share two joke….

Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don’t work!

(Calves have medicine put on their horns when they are very young to stop them growing so they do not hurt each other)

Where do tups (young male sheep) go to get their hair cut?


Sunflower home learning challenge.

We have all planted a sunflower seed.  We each planted one of four different varieties (types).  They are Sunflower Giant, Sunflower Evening Sun, Sunflower Teddy Bear and Miniature Sunflowers Mixed.

We need to keep the compost moist but not too wet.

Keep them warm but not in direct sunlight.

TOP TIP ….. cover the pots with a clear  plastic bag until you see the seed has germinated.

When they are strong enough they can be planted into a bigger pot outside.

Keep blogging to let us know how you are getting on!

Emma’s seedling…

All about plants

We have had a busy afternoon learning all about plants….we can name the different parts of a plant and tell you the life cycle.  Some of the words we learned are:

stigma, anther, sepal, filament, style & petal.

seed dispersal, germination, pollination & fertilisation.

We have also set up an experiment to find out what seeds need to germinated.  We are looking at warmth, water, soil and light.  Watch this space to see how we get on!

Our Farm

On Monday Jamie came and visited us and told us all about his farm.  These are some of the things we learned:

  • How he planted his crops (Jamie)
  • That he grew barley and Brussel sprouts (Callum)
  • That he did not have any animals any more so he was an arable farmer (Noah)
  • That vegetables are grown in tunnels (Amber)
  • That grass is a crop…
  • He brought his tractor for us to look at, it has GPS (Archie)

We have also been learning about different types of farms.  In our groups we researched the different types of farms that are found in Scotland.   We made a model of a farm and shared some facts.

Arable is just crops.

Did you know that ¾ of Britain is farmland and a 1/3 of that is arable?

Pastoral farms have animals.

Did you know that there are 80 types of pure breed of sheep?

Horticulture farms grow flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables.

Did you know that there are bumble bees in the tunnels that pollinate the flowers?

Aquaculture is a fish farm.

Did you know that mussels grow on ropes in the sea for 2-3 years before they are ready to eat?


We have worked really hard to learn our lines, songs and actions for our Ancient Egyptian Assembly.  We really enjoyed sharing this with our family and friends too.  Here are some of our thoughts:

* Callum was proud that he was able to use the microphone and talk clearly.

*Robyn was a little nervous (but we couldn’t tell) but gave it her best shot.

*Lots of us are proud and had fun!

*We loved getting into character and dressing up.

*Miss Holwill thinks we are all stars!

Gary really enjoyed it and can’t wait to watch the next one…..

Open morning

Thank you to all the family and friends that popped in to see us.  This is what you thought:

  • This is fantastic J
  • I like to see all the hard work that Amber has been doing. J
  • This is fun J
  • I enjoyed making the canopic jars with you today.
  • Thanks for having us…enjoyed seeing the children and their projects this morning.
  • What a great experience this morning! Didn’t realise everyone wash
  • This is fun.
  • I enjoyed making my jars.
  • So artistic! Loved seeing all their Egyptian work.

Thanks to Daniel M for being our photographer

Tomb Raiders

We are busy learning about the Egyptians.  So far we have learned …

There were crocodiles in the Nile so it is best to use papyrus reed boats.
They went hippo hunting.
They were very good farmers and hunters.
We have been using our non-fiction reading skills to look up information.
We have learned to write in hieroglyphs and also count like an Egyptian.   Numbers up to 9 were single strokes.
They had to either dry their food or eat it quickly because they did not have fridges.

Next week all about the Gods!
