Catch up from P3h

We really enjoyed health and fitness fortnight…here are some of our highlights:

  • we did gymnastics and it was amazing!
  • we did lots of faces at sports day.
  • we had a close competition during curling.
  • bowling was tricky as the bowls went too far but it was fun.
  • funky fitness was street dancing, we managed to learn a whole routine
  • and lots and lots of skipping.

In class we are now learning about healthy eating and are looking forward to doing some cooking.

In other news…

In art we have been creating work inspired by Andy Warhol.  We had to trace an image so we could repeat it.  Then we were colour mixing primary colours to make secondary colours.  If we then added a primary colour again we made tertiary colours.  We turned everyday products into art.

One thought on “Catch up from P3h”

  1. Hi Primary 3h,

    WOW! You have had a very busy few weeks in school. I’m pleased that you all enjoyed Commonwealth Health and Fitness Fortnight with all of the fun activities taking place. I’m looking forward to hearing all about your cooking next week. The Andy Warhol work sounds very interesting. Ill come in and see your work next week.

    Miss Henderson

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