
This has been a challenging but fun week in P4b.

In maths we were learning about capacity; how much something can hold. We had great fun measuring out and working out if different containers held about a litre, less than a litre or more than a liitre. We did not spill any water!

We have started looking at how plays are structured and used highlighters to pick out different parts of a play.

In French we held a carousel and every body spoke French! We had to include saying hello/goodbye, our name and asking somebody else their name and also to ask someone how they were and say how we were feeling. It was great fun.

Apart from this we had a big challenge – we made pom poms for the Fayre. Mrs Ghafoor thought we would be finished in 20 minutes but it was far trickier and actually took a lot longer!  We have also made bracelets and cards but they were so good, most of us have already bought our own items. We do have a selection of fab items left so come along tomorrow to buy them!

The Fayre will be on from 10am – 12pm. See you there!

Our Rocket is called Blazing Blooms. We use it to help us understand what we are reading.

10 thoughts on “P4b”

  1. Hi Primary 4b,

    WOW! What a very challenging but fun week you’ve had in your class. The pom poms were very tricky to make, but I know they’ll be quickly sold out tomorrow at the fayre. I’m very impressed with all of the learning which has been taking place in your class. Keep up the good work.

    I hope to see you at the fayre tomorrow.

    Miss Henderson

  2. It was very challenging and the pom poms were a VERY VERY big challenge and Mrs Ghafoor thought it would take 20 minutes but it did not and it was really fun though.

  3. Hello 4b,

    Great to see your Blazing Blooms Rocket here on the blog. I know you’ll make good use of it to help you with your learning across the curriculum.
    I was pleased to see some of you selling your handmade goods at the fayre on Saturday. The pom poms did well.

    Mrs Spence

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