Class 3 Go Out and About

On Tuesday we went on an out and about trip to the library.  Before we left our class we each set ourselves 1 target.  We had to think carefully because the target had to be challenging but achievable.  When we returned we thought about whether we had achieved our targets.  Mrs Stewart and Miss Robertson said we all did very well.

Josh – My target was to ask the librarian how long I could keep my book for but I did something even better.  I asked her ‘Is there a book about dragons?’.  She found me a book about dragons and that made me happy.

Cary – My target was to pick a book myself.  I did great.  I chose two books by myself.  Then I got my own library card and borrowed the books using the machine. 

Callum – My target was to pick a book by myself.  I was good at the library.  I now have my own library cards, one to keep at school and one to take home.  It is good to have books to read.  Out and About this Tuesday is going to be great.  We are going to the theatre to see the pantomime stage.  I hope this is going to be the greatest day ever.

Nathan – I wrote my own target. It was to be better behaved than the last time I was at out and about.  I was very well behaved and I was very kind.  I chose 2 ‘Diary of a Wimpey Kid’ books and borrowed them with no help.


6 thoughts on “Class 3 Go Out and About”

  1. Class 3, your Out and About trip sounds brilliant! I would love to take class 1 to the library. Do you have any tips or suggestions for a class 1 trip to the library? Miss Barrie

  2. Well done Class 3 on your very successful visit to the library. I am so pleased to read that you all achieved your target – and better!

  3. Class 3 your visit to the library looks and sounds very enjoyable. Do you think It would be a good idea for Class 2 to visit? Why?

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