Introducing Dorothy

This week Miss Anderson was very excited to act like Andrew Lloyd-Webber and say

“Lauren, you ARE Dorothy!” not once, but twice. That’s because both Lauren K and Lauren C have both won the role of Dorothy in our P6 production of The Wizard of Oz. Lots go us auditioned and half the class have speaking roles. Don’t worry about the rest of us- we want to take on backstage roles (and there is always lots of singing!).

Antonia interviewed both Dorothys. If you like this video let us know by leaving a comment… We might make it a regular feature!

Meet Dorothy and Dorothy

Best comment last week goes to Lauren C, who will get her prize next week. There will be another prize for best comment this week (open to everyone – pupils, parents and school staff).

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Anderson and P6a 🙂

7 thoughts on “Introducing Dorothy”

  1. Hi Primary 6,

    Well done to the two Laurens. I know you will both be fab in the role and I’m so looking forward to seeing the final performance.

    Miss Henderson

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