Class 3 at M&D’s

On Wednesday classes 1, 2 and 3 had their trip to M&D’s. It was awesome! We tried lots of different rides and activities.

Josh – I like the bumper cars because I liked to bump into people. I bumped into everyone on the ride.

Geordie – The White Water ride was awesome and cool. I got wet and I enjoyed that!

Cary – The Big Apple was quite fun. You start slow, then you go up a chain bit, then you go over a few bumps, then you go through a turn (it’s a bit scary!), then you go down so fast! Then you go slow for the chain bit then fast again and that’s the end of the ride. If you are lucky the man gives you an extra go.

Geordie brought waterproof trousers as well as his jacket. This was a very good idea as it was very rainy at the start of our visit. That didn’t stop us from having lots of fun!

Classes 1, 2 and 3  all had lunch together. A clown visited our table and did some magic tricks with some food!

We all had a fantastic day and we would like to say a huge thank you to M&Ds and the Variety Club.

8 thoughts on “Class 3 at M&D’s”

  1. M&D’s was GREAT. The Big Apple sounds so good but the queue was so long I did not have time to have a go. Cary, thanks for describing the ride so clearly. I almost feel as if I was there.

  2. When I went to M&D’s my favourite ride was the dodgems, just like Josh :). What is the man with the rainbow hair doing? I didn’t see him on my visit.

  3. Your photos are fabulous Class 3. Mrs Stewart was so impressed with you all on your visit. She even asked if you can go again!
    Well done!

  4. I agree, it was a fantastic day 🙂
    I thought you were all very brave and I was so proud of how well you behaved. It was great to see you have so much fun even though it was wet.

  5. Hi Class 3,

    WOW! It looks like you had an amazing time at M & D’s. I knew that you would all have fun. Remember to take me with you the next time you go as I would have loved to have been on all of the rides with you:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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