Wild Things Outdoor Learning

This week we had our first session of Outdoor Learning with Claire from Wild Things. The pupils made nature mobiles and were very proud of their work. A big thank you to Claire for bringing lots of interesting resources for us to use.

NSPCC, Speak out, Stay safe

On Monday 18th January P1-3 and P4-7 each watched an assembly by NSPCC introduced by Ant and Dec with the help of the mascot Buddy.

Both assemblies had very strong messages for the children presented in an exciting way. The children enjoyed them and P4-7 made posters with the important messages and displayed them around the school.

Celebration of the Work of Rabbie Burns

As we approach 25th January, the birthday of Robert Burns, all pupils are learning a Scots poem. All pupils  from P1 to P7 have been given a poem to try and learn and what a great effort they are all putting into it. On Rabbie’s birthday every pupil will be given the opportunity to recite the poem they have been learning to the rest of the school. Good luck everyone!

Happy New Year

A very Happy New Year to all our readers.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

All pupils and staff returned to school eager to start work in 2022.

A big warm welcome was given to Mrs Macpherson, our new headteacher. The pupils are enjoying getting to know her and they look forward to sharing lots of new experiences with her as Headteacher of the school.

We hope you will love your time at Crawford Primary, Mrs Macpherson!

Happy Retirement Mrs Orr

We were all sad to see Mrs Orr leave us on the last day, heading for her retirement.

We held a final assembly with here where she received Star of the Week and a Bingo Ball Blether sheet to take home.

The children sang a song they had written for her and she was very pleased with that.

Mrs Orr was presented with a lovely picture from the children of both schools and a book of best wishes and a scrapbook of memories.

We all wish Mrs Orr a very happy retirement and we know she will keep in touch.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

A very Merry Christmas to all our readers.

We have had a lovely run up to the holidays with a very successful Carol Service, a great fun filled party and lots of Christmas activities.

Happy New Year to everyone

Buddy the Elf

Buddy the Elf arrived back in school on 1st December. All pupils were pleased to see him, the staff not so much!!!

He has set up home in the house corner……but is never there in the mornings when we arrive in school!!!

Christmas Crafts

All pupils and staff are hard at work creating Christmas crafts for selling at the Carol Service in the village on Friday 17th December.

The children have created Christmas wrapping paper and gift tags, gift boxes and Christmas decorations. They have also been learning Christmas carols to sing on the night.

Youth Music Initiative

It was wonderful to welcome Mr Johnstone back into school this week. We had a great time singing around the piano…..just like old times!

We have begun rehearsals for our Carol Service around the village Christmas tree on Friday 17th December.

Author in Residence

We are very lucky to have our very own author working here in Crawford Primary!

Ms Cassels writes her own books for children and agreed to read us the first chapter of her new book.

As you can see everyone was hooked from the beginning. We all loved the story and can’t wait to hear the next chapter!

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